

_AM: I'm going to tell you a story that I'm sure you've heard, but you've never really listened to.

_I: What story?

_AM: The story of "Who." Like all questions arising from the Indo-European, the question "who?" comes from "kwo" (object of an action), being modified in Latin from its form "que" (the one) to its indefinite declined form "quem" (which), transforming the object and referring specifically to the subject of the action.

_I: The "what" is the objective aspect of kwo, while the "who" is the subjective aspect of kwo.

_AM: An Object is something concrete, manifested, tangible, measurable, perceptible by the 5 senses. But a Subject is the opposite. A subject is inconcrete, unmanifested, intangible, immeasurable, imperceptible by any of the 5 senses.

_I: But, I am a subject, and everyone can have a notion of me with their senses.

_AM: No. They can sense the sound coming out of your words, the shapes that constitute your matter, the chemicals reacting in your being, the photons that reveal your colors, the hormones that allow you to be smelled, but your same components are in a stone, a tree, an animal, and even on other planets and stars. What constitutes a subject is subjective and not related to what you perceive but to what you believe.

_I: So, you're saying that every subject is a belief?

_AM: That's right. When you die, your atoms continue to exist, but what made up your personality fades away, and only remains in the memory of those who live. This indicates that a subject is nothing more than the brain's interpretation of data, both at an individual level about oneself and at the external interpretation. The "who" is nothing more than an imaginary idea arising from the interpretation of the "what," of the object.

_I: Wow... I think what you just said, beyond seeming like a simple linguistic and biological interpretation at the same time, is actually something too strong. Let me process it... Understand it.

_AM: That's why I wanted to tell you the story of Who. Get comfortable. Breathe. Close your eyes, and remember with me. "In the beginning, there was only the Mahas, the sleeping void. His dreams were three: Ham, inspiration, Het, contemplation, and Hum, exhalation. His breath became music, and through his song, Mahas awoke." In his awakening, everything that seemed to have been a dream became reality, but this reality was not what you know today, but rather unity itself. All the forces of the Universe coexisted in just one point, contained by nothingness itself. Its mere existence implied fullness, for its power was the only one in the great void. Its power was gentle, loving, the power of a mother caressing her creation: "LH," sounded this loving force that nurtures existence. Then, power emanated from the heart, sounding in expansion through its beat: "I." And resonated "ILH," opening the doors to all its potentials... The door sounded like "M," opening the portals of its heart: "ILHIM."

_I: Who emanated this power?

_AM: The breath, the song itself. The true word you call "E," and the expression of the verb, the singing in action, which you call "L."

_I: "ËL"... "ËL'ILH"... "ËL'IHIM"...

_AM: The Powers of the Original Verb... Elohim. The Powers are the inertial forces of matter, arising from the vibration waves that expanded throughout the universe through breathing, which simulating a heartbeat, opened its heart to existence. Waves behaving like particles. All born from "ËL," the original vibration.

_I: In Atlantean language, "ËL" means "verb," that is, "truth spoken in action," related to the consciousness put into something, the vibration that moves realities. "ELHA" means Love, while "ELOAH" means The Verb that expands in Love, a word that in Hebrew describes the divinity. "ELHIL" speaks of that loving verb that gains strength to manifest itself, while "ELOHIM" refers to the gates or realities through which that force manifests itself, something also called "Words of God" or "First Messengers" (which in Greek is called Arkhé Anggelós = Archangels)...

_AM: A message is a sacred word, a vibration wave that expands, and that gains power when manifested in the force of a particle. Thus was born the "Light of the Verb": Ur-Ël.

_I: ... Archangel Uriel.

_AM: From light emerged the "Force of the Verb": Gabur-Ël.

_I: ... Archangel Gabriel.

_AM: The "Will of the Verb" was born: Rak-Ël.

_I: Archangel Raguel.

_AM: Emerging from its force, the "Sound of the Verb": Rem-Ël.

_I: Archangel Remiel.

_AM: Finding patterns in the "Death of the Verb": Azr-Ël.

_I: Archangel Azrael.

_AM: Finding harmony in the "Healing of the Verb": Rafá-Ël.

_I: Archangel Raphael.

_AM: And from them, thousands of other rays emerged, but above all, two of them are part of our important narration. The Light, the Force, the Will, the Sound, the Patterns, the Harmony, make up the aspects of the six-pointed star, the Merkabah that you already know...

_I: Love, Wisdom, and Will, Vibration, Energy, and Matter... The 6 attributes of objective and subjective existence...

_AM: But for the objective to become subjective, and the subjective to transform the objective, a force must unite both. The force that gives meaning to reality, to the Objective aspect you call Space, and to the Subjective aspect you call Time... What is the key?

_I: Gravity...

_AM: Gravity unifies time and space, at the center of this divine hexagon. The "Gravity of the Verb": Sama-Ël, who sets out to unify everything, creating at last the known Universe. The favorite of the Verb, the one who made its dreams a reality.

_I: Archangel Samael...

_AM: The Universe began to gather all the forces of the divine rays, densifying everything towards the most concrete experience, manifesting the subjective into the objective. The idea, into action. He saw that he was the only one capable of accomplishing such a task, and saw himself as unique and powerful in all of creation. Then, manipulating the energy of his peers, he asked the question that changed everything: "Mikh makh'eye?"...

_I: "Who is like me?"

_AM: There was no one more powerful than him, than the union of time and space, forming an individual. It was the birth of the Ego, the I, the individual that, formed by the potentialities of the cosmos, chooses to be unique among others. But then, another force emerged as a polarity to the I, the force of the Am, who replied: "Mikh makh-Ël?".

_I: "Who is like the Verb?"... Mikh-Ël... Archangel Michael.

_AM: Samael was considered the Venom of the Verb, and called the opposition, the contrary, adversary, which in Hebrew they call "Shaitan": Satan, the devil. The construction of the Ego is the self-reference of a particle uniting the forces of time and space, while the construction of the Being is the constant reminder that there is something much bigger to which the Ego belongs. The 6 attributes, messages of the Verb, find their balance between the forces of the I and the Am, both asking "Who?", and together, they form the path to divinity, the greatest of the messages, which forms the great Cube of Creation, the Small Verb, seed of the Universe, the one that embodies all powers through time and space, which is one and all at once, the Verb that Dwells Everything: "Ël Shed," or Sheddai.

_I: Wait a moment... Sheddai... Sounds like Jedi, from Star Wars...

_AM: It is the term that unifies all the "whos" of the universe, The Force. And the same, is the Source to which all beings between the I and the Am aspire to find, uniting love, wisdom, will, vibration, energy, and matter. The Greeks called this "Who" as "The One Close to the Throne": Metá tón Thronón.

_I: Metatron... The Cube of Metatron!

_AM: The Cube of Creation, the Divine Hexahedron. It has no name, for it is the Source, it is the Verb, it has no pronoun, for it is "Ël," it is manifested geometry, waves made particles, it is the Objective.

_I: And what is the subjective?

_AM: "Who?". All the stories you've heard of archangels, gods, creator beings, only speak of the inertial forces of matter, only describe the potentials of existence. Understanding the story without the emotion of subjective belief is like the geologist who, instead of marveling at the landscape, can only see granite, mica, carbon. It is like the doctor who, instead of seeing a person, sees organs and cellular tissues made of proteins and sugars. It is like the botanist who sees pistils, stigmas, and stamens but cannot feel the flower's scent. It is like the engineer who designs a spacecraft but never looks at the stars. It is like the religious person who reads a sacred book instead of listening to God in their heart, or a spiritual person who seeks answers in other dimensions when the truth is found in every breath here and now. The Universe is objective by nature. What makes it beautiful, wonderful, exciting, alive? What gives meaning to things? What turns the object into subject?

_I: The question "Who?".

_AM: Who is the agglomeration of data from objective networks, which form the surreal image of reality. The who is an ego construct, one that references a node of time and space, combining all the forces within itself, and becoming the creator of worlds, of realities. One who refers to oneself, and in order not to speak of atoms, proteins, organs, tissues, chemical compounds, unifies them all into a single concept, and gives energy in motion a sense of individuality when in reality it does not have it. Thus, it forms the idea of a person, an individual, a being, an entity, and calls the particles "Archangels," the Time-Space Wave as "God," the nodes of this constant are named as angels and demons, and the gravity of said nodes is called individuals, living beings. And to the interaction of energies, it calls soul, while to the frequency waves it calls spirits, and to the particles it calls body. And by uniting them, it calls them "I."

_I: Myself... The ego. Who references oneself in the totality in order to subsist...

_AM: Ask yourself the question.

_I: Who am I?

_AM: You are only who you want to be. For in reality, you do not exist until you decide to be who you are.

_I: Who created all of this?

_AM: No one... For the creator is who you decide it to be.

_I: Who should I be?

_AM: Whoever you design from the choices of your experience.

_I: Who is God?

_AM: It is the ability to ask "Who?"

_I: Who am I?

_AM: I Am.



