

_I: I wonder what would be the question for the heart...

_AM: Well, you're asking the right question. What do you think is the dilemma of a heart?

_I: To love?

_AM: The heart is the one that distributes blood throughout the body through the pulse and the pressure of its valves in the bloodstream. It is, therefore, the organ that distributes, expands, serves others, opens to receive and give. It is the balance that distributes justly but must choose the right way to do it to truly find harmony and balance.

_I: I understand... The heart is the one that must make the most accurate decisions, even more than the brain in many cases. It is the one that must find the answers to what is best to receive and what is best to give of itself. The heart embodies balance in its axis and doubt in its imbalance.

_AM: So, what is the question?

_I: "Which one?" is the question.

_AM: Very well. Doubt, in a determinant society like this one, is probably seen as one of the greatest weaknesses. Doubt is the defeat of a Libra mind, which does not progress in life for fear of making mistakes and prefers not to make hasty decisions. Doubt is the anchor of the Libra heart to the oldest systems, fearful of change or imbalance. This frustrates its opposite reflection in the wheel of signs.

_I: Aries... One who does not doubt but acts.

_AM: Today's society lives much of its most rudimentary decisions based on Aries-like attitudes. Today's society acts on impulse without evaluating the result of its actions. Impulsive, the Aries-like intuition gets into conflicts that it later does not know how to resolve. Aries's greatest attribute is determination, the will to act, to put its body, soul, and spirit into what it intends, without seeing anything else around it; it will set out to fulfill its mission and eliminate everything that stands in its way without evaluating the results of its actions. Therefore, the greatest attribute that the Aries mind should integrate from its opposite is Doubt. While for Libra doubt is its downfall, for Aries, it would be salvation. The slightest hint of doubt in an Aries heart would make it better evaluate its actions before plunging into the battle of experience. So, let's seek to balance in this Aries heart the transcendental meaning of the question "Which one?". It may seem simple, but you will discover that it is the key to balance.

_I: How can the question "Which one?" be key to the balance of a being?

_AM: Because "which one?", in spanish “cuál?”, arises from the same origin as "quality". Quality is the attribute or condition of "which one". Let's go back to etymology. Both the Spanish "cuál" and the English "which" have the same origin, which leads us again to the Indo-European "kwo" (thing, object, what), but with a new suffix, from the word "likan" (meaning: form, body, figure), that gives rise to the English "like" (comparative= that tends to the form of something similar, that resembles something else), and which in Latin gives rise to the suffix "-li-" (kwo-li= qualis: which ... tal-li= talis: such). Thus, "Kwo likan" means "which possesses the form of a specific object", and in question: "Kwo-likan?" would translate to: "To what thing does it look like?".

_I: So, "which" becomes a way to compare forms.

_AM: Over time, the use of the question transcends its nature of comparison to become a matter of choice. Choosing between two or more things that resemble each other, whose results can be equally favorable or negative, and due to their close appearance, leads us to doubt about what we really need. Thus, it goes from comparing to choosing.

_I: Which one is better? Which one is worse? Both look alike, and then I must make a decision between what seems to be the same.

_AM: The question "Which one?" is a fundamental key in a society that wants everything. And it is related to the heart because of its incessant search for fairness between the parties, trying to find the balance between what is given and what is received, between the good and the bad.

_I: So, this question leads us to constant doubt. What good can something that keeps us in indecision bring us?

_AM: Quality. We have talked a lot about this. Human, spiritual, physical, emotional qualities. Every word ending in "-ty" (in Spanish "-ad") comes from "quality of something", that is, that resembles, that possesses something similar to another. Someone who sees very well has the quality of vision, but in our language, it is very poor to say "quality of vision", the correct form would be "has the quality of an eagle". The phrase refers that it has the attribute of something similar that we can compare with vision because vision itself does not possess any quality; to recognize a quality, it must be comparable to something else. Awakening a quality is recognizing that comparative factor of an internal aspect of the individual in relation to other aspects of the external world.

_I: So, this question can also be taken from the conditional aspects of the ego or from the unconditionality of being.

_AM: That's right. From the ego and its conditions, the question "Which one?" will lead you to doubt, to choose between one thing or another. The constant existential doubt of the heart to choose between what it wants more or less, choosing between "such or such person," between "such or such object." But from the unconditional perspective of being, the question "Which one?" leads us to discover our qualities, or to acquire new ones.

_I: How can this question be used correctly, then?

_AM: To attract what you desire, you must become what you desire. Law of Attraction. It is related to Giving and Receiving. You cannot expect to receive anything in you without having given something of yourself before. And to receive something concrete, you must give something concrete. If you want to receive love, you must give love, no one receives love by giving money. In any case, it will not be quality love, but false. The law of attraction does not imply the will to desire something and attract it but to enter the same wavelength as what is sought. Like a radio signal, to hear what you want to hear, you need to change the dial until you find the frequency at which the signal is being broadcast. Therefore, your radio device must be tuned in to the signal you are looking to receive. Pretending to listen to a specific dial without making a tuning change, a change of wave frequency in your device, and just waiting for magic to start hearing the program you want to hear, will never lead you to the expected result, and you will always hear the same thing, over and over again.

_I: I understand better now with this example what Attraction is.

_AM: To be able to hear what you are looking for, you must tune yourself, change the dial, become what you are looking for. The ancients did the same with the consciousness dials. Without radios or televisions, or wifi, they used another way to receive this information: by activating the quality of what they wanted to incorporate.

_I: How is that done?

_AM: If they wanted to have a better view of things, they acted like an eagle. If they wanted to be better hunters, they acted like a puma. If they wanted to be more patient, they acted like a snake. If they wanted to be wiser, they acted like an elephant. If they wanted to be in balance, they acted like a heron. If they wanted to be aggressive, they acted like a lion or lioness. If they wanted to connect with everything, they acted like a tree. If they wanted to communicate better, they acted like the air...

_I: Imitating nature...

_AM: Channeling existence.

_I: That's where Asian techniques like kung fu, chi kung, tai chi, and many others come from... Also the reason why many cultures changed their names to animals or trees and their attributes, things that later became surnames in more current cultures, like "Lopez"= Son of the Wolf, and so on.

_AM: Exactly. Ancient people asked themselves "Which attribute do I need in my life?" and looked for it in the qualities of the external world. Thus, upon finding what they were looking for, they began to act similarly to this subject or object, to awaken that quality. But there is something much easier to identify regarding how we activate qualities that we do not possess.

_I: Which?

_AM: Love. Love is magnetic, it works by polarities, negative and positive. Both attract each other, meaning one needs the other, and the negative will seek the quality of the positive to complete its energy. When we fall in love, when we care about someone, whether in the form of a couple, friendship, or admiration, we tend to act like that person. You usually start to have the same tastes as that person, to act like that person. And you will notice that you are naturally different in your way of being depending on the person you are with. That is, depending on which or such person, you will be such or such person.

_I: By magnetism, I start to channel the quality of the other, to become part of them...

_AM: Because you love their attributes. By loving them, you channel their qualities, and awaken their abilities in you. It is a natural way to transfer data and information from one body to another.

_I: But culturally, this is seen as wrong. I mean, it is interpreted as if I am ceasing to be myself to be like the other, denying what I am, being hypocritical by acting like the other. Like those people who don't like music, and if they fall in love with a musician, they suddenly start learning instruments.

_AM: Like you, who fell in love with a pianist and started learning to play the piano. And since it ended, you haven't touched the piano anymore.

_I: Ugh... You have a talent for destroying me in one sentence...

_AM: Hey, I'm just giving you practical examples.

_I: Well... Now tell me, is this wrong or is it right?

_AM: Which one?

_I: Playing the piano or not playing it based on my love for another person.

_AM: Which one do you think is right or wrong?

_I: I don't know... You tell me... Which one?

_AM: It is you who seeks the quality, how could I answer what your love seeks? The question "Which one?" can only be answered by your ability to love what you seek, as it is the quality you seek to awaken in yourself. There is no good or bad in this choice. Because quality is not a past choice in good and bad, it simply is based on the quality you seek to awaken. From the ego, you might have sought to awaken this quality only to feel part of the other person; from being, perhaps you fell in love with this person to awaken this attribute of music in you. The mistake lies in considering that when love disappears, the attribute also disappears. Look, let's get to the point: what everyone today considers hypocrisy is actually a tool of evolution.

_I: How can the hypocrisy be an evolutionary tool?

_AM: Birds that mimic the sounds of other animals have more chances of survival. Humans who learn what other humans have discovered have more tools to navigate the world. Octopuses that camouflage with the environment and mimic other animals in their forms have greater chances of subsistence. Plants that mimic colors, organs, and animals have more chances of spreading their seeds; insects that mimic eyes of other animals or colors of poisonous fruits can remain alive in the face of predators. Camouflage, imitation, mimicry, taking attributes from the surrounding environment, was the key to evolution, subsistence, sharing attributes. We are all one. The mistake does not lie in taking the attributes of others to improve the individual but in leaving one's own attributes to want to be like the other.

_I: Ah, I understand, the problem lies in choosing between being me or being the other, leaving what is mine to put all my energy into being like the other. The true path is to be myself, opening up to falling in love with the attributes of others, adding these qualities in me. Stop choosing between one thing or another and channel everything that I consider useful for my evolution.

_AM: The question "Which one?" hides the ability to awaken all the Qualities of a Being. What I love is magnetic, and by falling in love, I become part of that, becoming an "equal," whatever its form, I am an Equal (i-qua-lis). I thus awaken its quality in me, improving the being that I am.

_I: I must ask myself: What are my attributes? What are the things I am looking for? What have been my choices? What is my greatest love? What is my purpose? What are my emotions? What are the people I resonate with and those I don't? What is my reality? What kind of people do I relate to?

_AM: Ask yourself all the questions that start with "which," and you will know what you refer to, what you equate with or hope to be equal to. You will discover what resonates with you, the dial of your radio, and thus you will be able to identify where you want to move, transform. The question "Which?" is the key to your heart, which gives and receives based on your qualities.

_I: I open myself to understanding my qualities, and in my doubts, I recognize what I seek to be.

_AM: I Am the Quality.

_I: And I seek your quality in me.

_AM: But first, you must ask yourself the right question.

_I: What is my quality?




For What?