

_I: I know that the most existential questions of spiritual awakening are what, who, why, and for what, but perhaps for a 28-year-old Capricorn rising, the most important questions are those that arise from the Sacral chakra, starting with the most desperate of all: "How?"

_AM: The Sacral is the creative center, and therefore, the one that designs realities, creation itself. Its question leads us to seek ways to accomplish it, to manifest something. "The Way." In Indo-European, this question arises from the formation "Way or means of doing something," which you would say "kwo-medi", "Kwo" being the object, that something, and "Med" being the means, the way, the mode. In Latin, this question derived into "Quo modo" (in what way), which in Spanish was translated by abbreviating both words to "¿Cómo?". In English, the same thing happened, where Kwo was translated to "Hwo", adding the particle of motive "(w)-i" (which we saw in the question "why"), thus giving "hwo-wi", which originated "How?". Both languages have the same origin: the way in which something is carried out. The mode. The word "med" that gives rise to the idea of how to do something, is the word for "measure", that is, it speaks of taking measurements, seeing the sizes of something, both at an objective and subjective level, physical or conceptual.

_I: So, how defines the measurements of an object, and therefore, the steps in defining its shape.

_AM: A table will be defined by the measurement of its 4 sides, the height of the wooden board, the width, and the length of it. The measurements with their limits are what define a table, differentiating it from a tree or a forest. The way it is cut, joined, assembled, painted, built, gives meaning to what it is. The "how" differentiates a human from a diamond, by the simple fact of the arrangement of the carbon atoms. Without the definition of the "how", everything that exists would simply be atoms in disorder.

_I: So, how defines what we are...

_AM: Simply by the word "definition." It comes from the Latin "dé-" (towards, through) and "fini" (end, finish, term). The definition is to bring something towards a limitation, an end, to delimit an object in order to define it, and in this way, the object is determined.

_I: Delimit (dé-limit = towards the limit, to the edge of something), to Define (dé-finit = give it an end, purpose, objective) and thus Determine (dé-termini = put a boundary, a milestone that marks the end of something).

_AM: The waves of a sea do not have a way to limit or enumerate themselves, as they are constant and transform incessantly. Similarly, the vibration waves in the universe immerse or emerge from dimensions, being impossible to determine until they separate from each other, creating particles, or generating membranes that give rise to cells. At these two levels, the waves begin to be measurable, and to give a limit to the limitless, an end to the infinite, a term to the undetermined. For the Universe, this means order, it means the capacity for creation, it is the ability to take the infinite white light and extract from it all the colors.

_I: But so far, you're describing more the measurements of things than the ways things are done.

_AM: Just as the "Who?" defines the subjective and the "What?" the objective, or just as the questions "why?" and "for what?" can be asked from the conditional or unconditional, and the question "which?" can be asked from choice or from the evolution of qualities, the question "How?" can be asked from the measurement of a reality, or from the way in which that reality is experienced.

_I: What about the ego and the essence?

_AM: The Ego was designed to unify aspects, to be the gravity of the dream, a finite manifestation of the infinite. The ego is the measure of Being, the Ego is the delimitation, definition, and determination of an Essence, of an infinite Being. For this reason, the Ego does not understand eternity, but death. Thus, the ego will wonder how things are done, the way in which it should live its life, its projects, its intentions. The ego will search for the thousands of ways to survive, analyzing all probabilities to obtain a determined result.

_I: And the essence, then, will measure realities?

_AM: The essence is infinite, eternal, unlimited, and therefore, needs to understand existence through the patterns that constitute it. The essence will put together ideas, uniting particles, creating limits to understand what lives within it, although it will never live it directly. The essence is the architect, the mathematician, the project manager, who carries the square and the compass, and through a rule, regulates existence.

_I: The word "rule," to rule, as equivalent to the law, does it have its origin in the tool we call a ruler to measure the size of things?

_AM: That's right. "Rule" comes from "regere" (to draw a line), and with the suffix "ula," it marks the instrument to draw that line. "Régula," therefore, is the origin of both words: the instrument and the ruler, the tool and the law. Both draw lines, a path, a straight path (rectus = participle of regere), by which not to be confused. This path delimits, marks an objective, and therefore, it has been named "law" or "regulation." The constructor, the one who has the idea of the general plan, will design existence, life, with a rule of patterns, connecting nodes through lines, vertices through edges, which allow him to trace the figures, which in an object constitute the form, and in a subject constitute the way.

_I: So the Being, the Essence, is the designer of creation, delimiting its forms, while the Ego is the one who lives and experiences creation, seeking ways to transcend the forms.

_AM: That's right. That's why the ego asks: "How do I do this?" and the being asks: "How is it?"

_I: Wow, I just understood something very important in my life.

_AM: What did you understand?

_I: That all my life I have asked myself how to do things. How should I do this or that. Since I was 12 years old, I wondered, "How will I communicate all this to people?" "How will I fulfill my mission?" I always asked myself: "How is the best way to do this project? How do I achieve my goals? How should I do this path? How do I connect better? How can I hear my higher self? How do I know what my purpose is? How do I know if I'm on the right path? How do I reach my destination? How do I transcend my limitations? How do I free myself from my patterns? So many hows? But all trying to finish something, to escape, to transcend, to advance, to rid myself of something... Running away from the true question...

_AM: Tell me, what is the true question?

_I: "How is it?" How is my purpose? How is my path? How is my mission? How are my patterns? How is my communication with others? How is my destination? How are my limitations? How is my connection? How is my Higher Self? Focusing on the future, on despairing about how to finish or do something, lies in the Ego's will to survive.

_AM: But when instead of asking yourself about the future, you ask yourself in the present, you begin to know the forms and thus understand the patterns.

_I: I understand now, that my future is designed based on who I am, so the only manual to know what I should and how I should do it, is when I know every corner of what I am today. To know the steps to follow in a maze, I must know the map of that maze.

_AM: When you discover that your life is an equilateral triangle, you already know that the shape will lead you to have to fold 3 times at an angle of 60 degrees each time, and the 3 paths you will have to take will depend on your speed or your abilities in how fast or agile you manage to make the turns when you reach each destination, each vertex. The how is not defined by the tools of the future, but by what you are in the present.

_I: That's why the Yo Soy project is working so well, because I'm doing it the way I am, not the way I hope to be. Because I'm communicating in the way I am, in the way I like, because I live in the way I like, talking to people I feel good about, doing what feels good to me. Writing in prose and dialogue, teaching in an online school, connecting with the pyramids, feeling the world, receiving visits from other countries, speaking without hiding anything about myself... I used to be afraid, I was worried about how I should do this. How? I constantly asked myself... Many months have passed since I last asked this question, since... I am. In June and July 2020, I had my last crisis of "how?", when due to the planetary quarantine I couldn't travel to any of the planned sites. The way I had to do the path was very complicated, and every day I asked myself, "how will I do it? How will I do the Yo Soy path?"

_AM: And then I told you. My question was: "How are you?"

_I: And my answer was: "As I am."

_AM: Then you already know how your path is. Because the life we design for ourselves, unfolds based on how we are. Observe how you are, and you will know how to fulfill your mission. And if what you are is not enough for you, never ask "how do I change?", but ask yourself...

_I: "How am I Truly?"

_AM: Quomodo es? (Latin= How are you?)

_I: Ego sum (Latin= I am).


How much?

