

_I: What starts the energy of the Month of Aries?

_AM: That's right.

_I: What?

_AM: Exactly.

_I: …I don't understand, what?

_AM: What you just said. What?

_I: What did I say?

_AM: “What?”

_I: What about what?

_AM: The question… The question “what?” It's what starts Aries.

_I: aah!!! hahaha I didn't understand. But… Why is it? I considered that in Aries we would talk about more concrete topics, more related to will, action, momentum, war, battle, of the ego.

_AM: You'll have to wait for it. Remember that we have started our Mental week, so we will go through the mental concepts of Aries.

_I: What are they?

_AM: The questions. Remember, we are not analyzing an Aries personality, but rather what the universal concept related to Aries brings us. What is the most important key of this sign?

_I: I don't know... I usually relate it to negative things. He he…

_AM: Why?

_I: Because Aries always seemed to me to be a very selfish, reactionary sign, which uses its energy only for itself. An apathetic sign, without emotion for the other, nor awareness of the other, only of what he feels and bothers himself. It is the direct example of the Ego in the personality... Tantrums, tantrums, anger, unnecessary wars, meaningless fighting, competition, and with enough energy to do only what they want. Then they get exhausted immediately, and if they get sleepy, it's all over, they will never think about each other. I don't know, I always had that image of Arian. “First me, and then me.” One would think that they are attributes of Leo, but in reality they are more typical of Aries.

_AM: It is clear that for someone who comes from an integrated Libra experience, Aries will be their challenge, and will show them the worst of themselves.

_I: What do you mean?

_AM: In astrology, the sign in your South Node marks the history from which you come, and the North Node indicates where you are going, what your challenge in life is. In your astrological plane of life, your South Node is in Libra, which will make its opposite in the stellar circle Aries, whom you have in the North. That is why you surround yourself with Arians on many occasions, to learn from Aries.

_I: Learn from Aries? That?

_AM: Just that. "That?". With a Libran story you have dedicated your past to decorating the lives of others, to seeking justice, balance between all, earthly and divine justice, and this is what you already possess, as well as self-doubt, indecision. constant about the path to choose. In this life, you have the attribute of Libra to fulfill your collective mission, but you must follow the North in Aries to discover your personal mission.

_I: What would it be… Which one?

_AM: The I Am. This month's Mantra, the attribute with which we will receive the Arian blessing every day, is precisely the I Am.

_I: Does the task that we are all performing, conscious self-reference, have its key in Aries?

_AM: That's right, because the mission is to return to oneself. In you, your north node tells you that personally in this life you must learn to value yourself and not doubt what you want at all times, as well as work on the idea that not everything you do has to be for others. or for others to feel happy, but the main task is to achieve my own well-being and happiness, and only from there can I collaborate with others. That is why Aries has a fundamental attribute that you have not yet been able to tell me, even though you have already said it. What is the main attribute of Aries?

_I: The main attribute… The main… The principle… Ah! The beggining!

_AM: Eureka! The beggining. And what is a path of self-knowledge called?

_I: An Initiation.

_AM: Thus, Aries speaks of the initiation of things, the fundamental principle. The reason why Aries seems to be complicated for you is that as a Leonine, your ego has no purpose beyond yourself, but rather your ego seeks approval from the environment, and then turns its ego into the service of others. Unlike the service of Virgo in which the ego is almost not noticeable, in Leo the ego is fundamental. However, expanded outward, when Aries contracts it inward. He does not give, but receives, and he does not make much effort to receive it, he only has to complain.

_I: Like a baby…

_AM: Well, it's a baby. Aries is the one who opens and initiates the stellar initiation path, thus being the characterization of the child who is playing with life. Children have no cultural filter, and they act based on what they feel at any given moment, and they don't care about anything else or anyone else. That childish characteristic is what bothers the adult Leo about Aries.

_I: That's what leads to tantrums, to getting angry very quickly... Because when something takes them out of their comfort zone, they prefer to react and fight to get back to it before looking for other ways to do it.

_AM: Your vision is Libran. And I'm sure you think this point of view is the best, because it's the one you know. However, Libra has doubt and patience in search of balance, slowness, something that destroys Aries, who wants everything now. But let's see the positive part of starting this month: Childhood.

_I: Be children again…

_AM: Begin the path of life. The initiation paths began each year before the constellation of Aries, a period that was celebrated with rituals and sacrifices of Rams. The beginning was the spark (Aries) that reacts to light the fire (Leo) and thus produce light and heat (Sagittarius). The divine spark is what ignites the soul to inhabit the body, experiencing reality. The spark of life is the power that arises from the energy of the body to move the soul and enrich the spirit. Both sparks are the pink and blue Flames that activate the engine of Being, the Merkabah . This is how things begin, the search; that moment when you consider things to take the impulse to launch yourself into the unknown and transform yourself with great intensity. Just like children, reckless, begin to explore without limits, without measuring consequences, in order to understand everything. They seek to complete their own being to have all the possible tools. Therefore, Aries is the self-referential child.

_I: Therefore it represents the I Am, because it is a single being that expands and returns to itself, generating conflicts to learn how to solve them... But what does all this have to do with the question "What?"?

_AM: Do you remember how they said “What?” in Atlantean language?

_I: “Meh.” It was more of a particle that was used to initiate other types of questions. “Meh?” would be “What?”, but “Meyu” would be “What?” referring to something more specific. “Meyum” would be Why, “Meyut” would be Where, and so on with all of them that could have the particle Me at the beginning.

_AM: And do you remember why this particle was used?

_I: “Meh” is made up of the letters M (door) and E (truth), with the accented extension H in certain cases, which refers to the potentiality of something. So the question What? refers to the door of truth.

_AM: And that is the key to this conceptual child of Aries in the week of the Mind. What existed before all things? What contains in itself all the possible answers?

_I: The question…

_AM: That's right. The question is the origin, the beginning from which we must all begin life, the question is the key to finding the answers. And a child asks.

_I: What, why, for what, when, where, how... Yes, a child asks incessantly, sometimes to infinity, to points where parents and teachers can no longer find answers.

_AM: And the questions begin to dwindle, as parents and teachers respond “because yes” or “why not.” The ability to question led to existence, evolution and development. But there is a time when people stop questioning to learn, and start questioning to judge. It is that moment when the divine grace of Aries becomes the warlike harshness that many know. The way of life through judgment and war to defend one's personal position is the result of a world that, instead of awakening the greatest initiatory attribute of Aries, poisoned him with preconceived and predesigned responses that determined thinking, killing the dreams of children to turn them into thriving adults. That is where the child loses himself, leaving the question aside, and beginning to follow orders like a soldier in war.

_I: The ability to question is the grace of evolution, and we do not evolve because instead of questioning to learn, we question to defend ourselves. We judge instead of opening ourselves to listening to other options. I now understand the mental vision of Aries. It is the beginning of things, and at the beginning is the question.

_AM: The question “What” and “What” have the same etymological origin, from the Indo-European “Kwo”, a particle that was used to start an interrogation. In the crown, the questioning of the spirit is opened to understand existence. "That?" It is the key to consciousness, to wisdom. The question that gives rise to the search for all things.

_I: Which indicates that we have to think like a child again and start questioning everything again.

_AM: Write down these questions in a notebook, and answer yourself: What do you think? What do you think? Do you see? What are you saying? What are you silent? What do you feel? What are you looking for? What are you? What are you doing? What do you believe? What do you have? What hurts you? What binds you? What's stopping you? What do you express? What do you expand? What do you experience? What do you integrate? What do you transcend? That you love?

_I: The question allows me to see my inner universe, and see the outer universe. Be aware of what is in me.

_AM: And seeing what is in you, allows you to ask yourself the question that transforms your life. Ask yourself: What do you expect from yourself? What do you want to see? What do you want to do? What do you intend to live? What drives you? What do you want? What do you like? What would you want? What will you do? What will you say? What will you feel? What will you manifest?

_I: The answer will always refer to What, which is an idea of ​​the mind, of the imagination. Like the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, and therefore only the mind with the imagination can make sense of the question by completing the answer from the intentions of the mind.

_AM: The question is the spark of the mind that lights the fire in response, to expand the light in the form of wisdom. Look at yourself, return to your Self, and ask yourself the questions. Thus, you will discover the answers that are in you, and you will be able to open yourself to starting the path of life.

_I: I begin, then, through my questions without judgment, the path towards the discovery of myself and no one else. And as a banner and a song I carry in my voice: I Am...

_AM: …I Am…

_I: …I Am.



