_I: After 15 days of being visited by friends, family and many people from the network, I think that the euphoria, the joy, the morning routine, the talks and laughter, the homework, the trip along the Nile, the visits, and All the processes experienced could be summarized in the concept of Sleep, or being very sleepy. We slept so little, and I did so many things, that my body, today, can only think about sleeping.
_AM: It's normal, because sleeping for a few hours is not good for the subject.
_I: I can tell. I know that sleep is essential, but, in extreme moments of sleeping only 3 hours in a day, it can be noticeable.
_AM: As I once explained to you, sleep is the time when cells regenerate. During the day, cells expend energy to function, multiplying, using all their reserves. They need food to gain the necessary energy to continue functioning, and when night comes, the body begins to exhaust itself, and turns off all the circuits to rest. But the body does not go to sleep, but continues working, multiplying cells, repairing tissues.
_I: So who's sleeping?
_AM: The will. The parts of the brain that control survival, action, staying alert with the senses, in constant action, stop receiving signals, so that the body can perform its task without wasting energy on the activity. The body continues working, and the mind is quiet so as not to lose focus on what it must do. But his need for action is so great that he uses parts of the brain to create actions, solve problems, live a parallel life, in order not to feel useless.
_I: That is, dream.
_AM: That's right. Dreams are an electrical reaction of the brain, which awakens dormant and recent memories, downloading data in the repair of neuronal connections during the moment of sleep.
_I: So they are like short circuits in the brain... Is that it?
_AM: Better said, they are electrical discharges, sparks that occur when repairing cells.
_I: What ability you have to destroy the magic of things.
_AM: Thank you.
_I: It wasn't a compliment...
_AM: I know.
_I: How would you define Dreaming then? For humans who like to be sleepy or who think they are connections with the afterlife or other dimensions.
_AM: Before defining the word Dream, we must understand the word Sleep. It comes from the Indo-European “drem”, origin of the word “dream” in English. And the word Sleep comes from the Indo-European “swep”, origin of the word “sleep” in English (which means “to sleep”).
_I: So in Spanish Dream is Sleep and in English it is the other way around, that is, like a crossing of words and meanings.
_AM: This is how the history of words and meanings works. They both talk about the process of closing your eyes. However, sleep refers to the biological action, while dream refers to the illusory reaction that occurs in the brain when sleeping. Due to the crossing of meanings between the Indo-European peoples who traveled to the north of Europe and those who traveled to the south, the concept of sleeping and dreaming became intertwined, exchanging their meanings, being almost synonymous in some cases. The word “Drem” became like a way to describe a small death, an entry into the world of illusion, in which when you closed your eyes you could see mirages. Deceptions of the mind. For some cultures, dreams were messages, for others it was confusion. In the Nordic peoples, “drem” gave rise to “draumr”, which generated the concept of illusion, used in real life as a synonym for deception in combat. For the Saxons, “Dream” (drom) became a source of imagination where everything was possible, a center of creativity, which made the verb synonymous with joy, music, sound. The inner beauty that the brain provided to human inspiration made illusion a creative quality that changed the world.
_I: Why did you change it?
_AM: Because all the data recorded by the eyes and stored by the brain during the day, were processed during the night, uniting data that were apparently disconnected from each other, which formed an idea. It was remembered the next day as a reality, since, even though the cells had not experienced it, the brain was convinced that what was experienced was real, and thus, new ideas were created, bringing the world of dreams. to the physical world. This allowed us to be inventive through imagination, solve problems, find solutions, discover art, awaken spirituality, be more empathetic, intuitive. Well, by connecting abstract concepts with concrete data, and putting together an idea from random themes, the brain allowed humans to find ways to expand, to grow as a species.
_I: So dreaming made us what we are today.
_AM: The Dream is the key to transcendence, to looking beyond. Whoever dares to dream, who is open to living his dreams, is a link in the evolutionary ladder.
_I: Biologically, sleep, then, developed as a way of organizing data in the brain while the cells replenish themselves; and this natural reaction generated one of the greatest changes in the consciousness of a living being, creating humans as an intelligent species.
_AM: The Dream is the key to intelligence, since intelligence means “reading between the lines”, and whoever understands their dreams and, above all, whoever captures, manifests their dreams, demonstrates their intelligence. Intelligence has been mistakenly considered synonymous with the accumulation of knowledge, the ability to record data and information. But that is not intelligence. It is demonstrated in the ability to interconnect data, to understand the reality that one lives, from the physical, the emotional, the mental, the artistic, the logical, the social, the spiritual, and in several other areas. Intelligence is the adaptability to understand the interconnection of all things, which makes clear the ability of that brain to interact with data. From the dream, memory develops, and from it the memory, and with it, the imagination, transferring the illusory towards reality.
_I: Illusion… The dream is an illusory mirage that gives us tools to develop the material. How is this understood?
_AM: Have you forgotten all the previous months? Everything is an illusion. Nothing really exists. Matter is a conjunction of magnetic and electrical pulses produced by the interaction of waves that act like particles by intertwining in the constants of time and space. The void between each atomic particle, and each quantum particle, is as large as the space between stars. There's nothing really there, just networks of vibrating waves. And their interaction creates the idea, the mind, the thought, which is self-referring, recognizing itself, and giving shape to this illusory interaction. This is how, after billions of years, a mind is formed capable of understanding the external world, looking into its eyes, and interpreting these interactions, which it will call matter. Dream is the only moment in which we can access that network that allows you to see reality, and as the senses are numb, it makes illusion precisely a playful, intelligent, creative terrain.
_I: I understand. Everything is an illusion, therefore dreams connect us with that glimpse of truth...
_AM: Therefore, dreams allow you to connect through dimensions with all the data managed by networks. For this reason, you consider dreams as a vehicle of spiritual communication.
_I: I always said that dreams are like the download of information from more expanded interdimensional planes interpreted from a biological point of view. As if when sleeping, the spirit leaves the body towards the fifth dimension, while the soul expands to the fourth dimension; and upon returning, the spirit passes the pure information to the soul, which translates it into emotional terms of time and space, and then everything is interpreted by the data available in the brain of the sleeping person. Like a “broken phone” style pipeline.
_AM: That's one way of looking at it, yes. The brain does not have the pure data of the spiritual world in the cosmic networks, it only has the data accumulated by experience, recorded in the cells. For this reason, when pure consciousness transmits a message to us, the brain tries to interpret it with what it finds at its disposal, and this is how you dream strange things.
_I: Sleep is a form of communication between the three bodies, mental, emotional and physical, then. No?
_AM: It is a way of knowing what happens between the subconscious, unconscious and conscious. The dream is an interpreter of the internal world of an individual.
_I: What happens if we don't dream?
_AM: Everyone dreams. Another thing is that you don't remember. In the same way that when you die it is like a dream, and when you are born you wake up, most do not remember their dreams, and let the past go. Those who remember their dreams, like you did, can tell what they experienced, remember the day before, or every day, and every time they wake up, they will have a new story to tell.
_I: How do I remember?
_AM: Awakening in the central phase of sleep. To do this, you must drink water before going to sleep, this way you will wake up in the middle of sleep, and it will be in full activity.
_I: I've heard about lucid dreaming. What are they?
_AM: It is a conscious meditation, in which by setting a specific intention, falling asleep in meditation without falling asleep completely, you can project your mind wherever you want. The first stage is when when dreaming you recognize that it is a dream. The next step is to try to be free in the dream, and do everything you can think of knowing that you are in a dream. The third step would be to schedule sleep before going to sleep, through intention and visualization. The fourth step would be to know that you are awake and at the same time you can manage your sleep. The fifth step would be to project your dreaming mind into reality, as a kind of etheric teleportation to places that are not dreams, but real places here and now. And the sixth stage would be to be able to manipulate reality from this state, as if it were a dream, such as appearing, grabbing things, talking to someone...
_I: Is that possible!?
_AM: Everything is an illusion, a dream, imagination of the universal mind. Of course it is possible, but existing in this dimension there are steps to achieve it. Everything manifested is just an eternal dream.
_I: This is why we have translated the idea of “having a dream” as a projection of desire, of the will to carry out something in real life that today is nothing more than an illusion.
_AM: Daydreaming, having a dream of life, is a mental projection, born from the brain's ability to seek solutions to personal conflicts, which seek to manifest themselves in reality. It is the same origin. Life is a Dream. We have already said it. It is a product of the imagination born of the first universal law: Mentalism. Every dimension of reality, every perceived emotion, are illusions, mirages of the mind. Your life is the synapse of the cosmic brain, and your actions are dreams of the universal spirit.
_I: We are the Dream of God, of the Universe…
_AM: And in your dreams you create a new one every time you go to sleep. Just remember that you need to dream freely, be aware of your dreams to make them possible. The external is an illusion, because when you open your eyes you see nothing but a mirage of waves and particles. When you sleep and close your eyes internally, you only see a world of imaginary mirages of the mind. If nothing is real, everything is a dream. Therefore, you must learn to live in it, from within and from without.
_I: How do I do it?
_AM: Learn to daydream. The greatest of Pisces attributes, the ability to live life as a magical dream of imagination, being aware that nothing is really real. That ideas, imagination, magic, intuition and dreams are the brushes of the cosmic artist, the colors in the painter's palette, the chords in a musician's song, the plans in an architect's design, the tools in a sculptor's workshop, the words and pen of a poet, the free ideas of a philosopher, the inspiration of a dreamer.
_I: I look at the world as the collective dream in which humanity sleeps, the nightmare that we create in unconsciousness, in the desperate search to escape from a place without doors or windows. And there, in the midst of this reverie, I recognize myself as the dreamer, and in my will, in my love, I expand my capacity to imagine, to redesign the Dream, and turn it into a beautiful memory at the moment of waking up.
_AM: I have faith that you can do it. I believe in you. Well, I believe in us.
_I: I am the eternal manifestation, divine dream manifested. I am the Dream and the Dreamer.
_AM: Observe the dream you live in the world, and close your eyes to dream the world you want to live in. Expand the dream into your life, and make Nothing into Everything, from the Dream into Reality.
_I: We live a Dream…
_AM: And therefore, it is Time to learn to Dream.