

_AM: Have you ever wondered why you do what you do?

_I: What does "Why" mean? (in spanish: “Por qué?”)

_AM: You already know what "what" means, it's the object or aim of an action, the Indo-European particle "kwo" that refers to something abstract from which its concrete aspect is sought. The question is asked to find the ways to manifest this "what", which could be translated as "thing". When you add the causal noun "por" (for) from Latin, in Spanish you obtain the idea that questions the cause, motive, origin of a fact, an object, a reality. Although the idea of "pro" speaks forward, towards the future, in the question it refers to the reason why this future unfolds. That is, taking the concept of "what" as a timeless object, anchor of the reasons for what it is, making the future not strictly linked to what will come, but to the reasons why it has arisen in that probable future.

_I: I would have never thought that explaining the question "Why?" would be so complicated.

_AM: Sometimes we take for granted many words that we repeat without any consciousness, and by bringing consciousness, light, clarity, we discover very profound things. In the Saxon language, in English, the origin of this question arises from the Indo-European causal declinative, which is "-i", so "kwo" becomes "kwi", giving rise to the well-known "why".

_I: Causal declinative?

_AM: In languages, the idiomatic structure is different, either through the construction of nouns, adverbs, prefixes and suffixes, or on the other hand, through enclitics and declinations that modify the word itself. Like for example "manus" (hand) and "manibus" (with hands). Due to the declinations, languages diversified even more, creating varieties that today seem disconnected. The Causal declinative indicates the reasons for things, why they happen, with the "what" in this case being the cause that originates the fact. So I ask you. Do you know why you do what you do?

_I: I suppose so... And for that, I must go to the origins of things. Look for the root of the facts. So, I wonder, why? And... Now that I think about it, I can't find an answer. Why do I do what I do?

_AM: Why do you think you can't find the answer?

_I: Because there are many... Many reasons, many causes.

_AM: Tell me them.

_I: Starting from today backwards, if I ask myself why today I acted as I did in a situation to which I never would have responded this way before, I find the answer in "because for the last 8 months I have been preparing myself on my axis, and I began to distinguish when one acts out of love and unity, and when one must learn to set boundaries and take care of oneself in this reality. Today I had to set boundaries in my life, and I thank the one who served as a reflection for showing me that I can do it. At another time I would never have been able to do it, and in my life, learning to do it shows me that I have been working on myself enough to know how to say "no" when before this answer cost me a lot. So, I wonder why have I prepared myself these 8 months?, and I answer myself: because I always spoke about the path of the I AM, but I had never dared to go through it, avoiding inner work in favor of the external.

_AM: Why did you avoid your inner work of the I AM?

_I: Because I always believed that my mission was with the world, that what I had to do was for the planet.

_AM: Why would you think that?

_I: Because of my memories, since I was 12 years old my life has been based on what I could not solve in the Atlantean era about the planetary grid, the connection of the world, making this planet a worthy home for humanity.

_AM: Why do you want to build a worthy home?

_I: Maybe because my family always had a trauma of not having a home. As I told you, my grandmother died hurt because my grandfather did not leave her a house, my grandfather died hurt because his father denied him possession of the house, my mother was expelled from her house by her own family, and we have always lived in rented houses moving out at the end of the contract, every two years.

_AM: Why does your family's story project onto the world's story?

_I: I believe it's a personal code I've sought to remind myself all the time of the need to rebuild home for the Family we all are, and that, in a certain way, we all need that security, as all families have been exiled at some point having lost everything, leaving it behind, in so many wars, famines, migrations, exiles.

_AM: Why do you consider yourself an exile if you have never been one in this life?

_I: Sigurd... 900 years ago in Norway, my name was Sigurd, and my own family threw me out of my house, out of my territory, at only 20 years of age, for not fulfilling my father's mandate. I wandered through different regions and kingdoms, dying alone in the Holy Land, abandoned by the world.

_AM: Why did you allow the world to abandon you?

_I: Because I abandoned myself. I believed I was worthless, that's what they made me believe all my life.

_AM: Why did you believe you were worthless?

_I: Because I didn't feel worthy of belonging, I thought differently, I was the black sheep of the family, and therefore in this life I wanted to shoulder the responsibility of healing it, of honoring it. I chose not to have a father, so as not to experience the same mandate or exile again, but even so, I lost part of the family in the attempt to be myself.

_AM: Why did you lose them?

_I: Because I lost myself. Because I believed I was not worth anything, that's what I was made to believe.

_AM: Why did you think you were worth nothing?

_I: Because I didn't feel worthy of belonging, I thought differently, I was the black sheep of the family, and therefore in this life I wanted to shoulder the responsibility of healing it, of honoring it. I chose not to have a father, so as not to experience the same mandate or exile again, but even so, I lost part of the family in the attempt to be myself.

_AM: Why do you continue to do this for the planetary family?

_I: Because I still haven't let go of certain things. I still feel that I owe it to my twin brother from 900 years ago, who dedicated his life to the conquest of Scotland, and died in the attempt. I feel that I still need to make peace with him. Just as I feel the need to make peace with Shiw's history from 12,000 years ago. I feel responsible for a whole people.

_AM: Why?

_I: Because I felt I abandoned them, that even though I knew what was coming (the fall of our civilization), I left without any idea of what I could do for them.

_AM: Why did you abandon them?

_I: I was afraid.

_I: ... I didn't know what to do. It was a responsibility that I didn't understand how to manage. But now I believe I can do it.

_AM: Why?

_I: Because now I have the answers, now I understand why.

_AM: What is the why?

_I: Because I AM. Everything I do, I do it not for the world, I do it for myself. When the pandemic began and the path of the I AM on Earth had to be canceled, I understood the reasons for the change. This path is for each one before it is collective. The cause of everything we experience is personal choice, therefore, I couldn't seek the causes in past lives, or situations from others' history, or in others, or in genetics, or in spiritual mandates. Everything was within me. I AM the cause, because I AM is the origin.

_AM: Why do you do what you do?

_I: Because it is my will. I am the one who decided to live this, beyond any mandate of history, body, soul or mind, beyond any circumstance, emotion, bond, belief, expectation or projection, the only cause I see, is myself.

_AM: When you start asking "why", you begin to dissipate the doubts that gnaw at your mind until you reach the simplest answer of all, at the origin of all existence. You can be eternally asking why, and every time you do, don't stop at trivialities, at perspectives. The causes can be thousands, but all causes have an original one. Everything you see in the world, you see it with your eyes, you contemplate it with the spark of your inner vision, you are the only reason why the world you see exists. There is no culprit without responsibilities, other than those you design for yourself. Every step you have taken, is the cause of an effect that you live. But only you have taken that direction, you have chosen that step, you have acted from will.

_I: I am the cause of every action, I am the answer to every question.

_AM: The question "why?" traces the map of your mind, reminding you of the path you have walked. Start writing down all the "whys" that come to your mind, and without needing to note the answer, write the genealogical tree of your causes. These questions will be answered through the contemplation of your journey. Why do you exist?

_I: Because I decided to step out of myself to experience the universe.

_AM: Why are you who you are?

_I: Because every decision I made brought me here.

_AM: Why are you here?

_I: Because it is my path.

_AM: Why is it your path?

_I: Because I AM the Path.

_AM: Because I am the why.

_I: Because I am the cause.


For What?

