_I: We are Music.
_AM: Every particle of your body and of all existence is vibrating like the string of a piano, a guitar, a harp... Each particle with a different vibration, tuned to different notes, lower or higher, but all together make the music of silence.
_I: Silence...
_AM: It's the unity of all sounds, of vibrations that don't move other particles.
_I: How is that?
_AM: Drop something to the ground... Clap your hands... Speak or sing... In all these sounds, there's something in common: the friction of atoms. When atoms arrange themselves into molecules, the resonant particles remain stable and in standby mode, without reacting to dissonant particles around them. But when they face each other, the magnetic collapse between them generates a vibrational reaction of repulsion between the structures, which pushes the molecules of the environment to move rapidly, giving the sensation of sound. Therefore, vibration isn't the same as sound because when something vibrates in a vacuum, it can't emit any sound, as sound arises from the impulse of friction in a space filled with other particles that carry it like an echo, a wave.
_I: Now I understand! Because many times I wondered: How can Vibration be the first if things don't sound by themselves? I was confusing Vibration with Sound.
_AM: The third Universal Law or Principle that we can rescue from Correspondence is the Law of Vibration.
_I: Everything vibrates in the Universe.
_AM: The Universe is a great orchestra without gases like air to conduct the sounds of the vibrations of the instruments...
_I: That's the Sound of Silence, it's the sound of all instruments vibrating without being heard...
_AM: The most beautiful melody that can only be heard in the silence of Meditation. The music that plays inside, that cannot be transmitted, but only felt.
_I: What does the Law of Vibration imply?
_AM: When the dreaming Mind sees everything it's capable of and sets out in search of manifestation, it projects onto itself through the first pattern we'll call the "Polar Axis," creating the external from the internal, which correspond to each other. Both are living intentions, of a mind in constant transformation and expansion, and therefore they move incessantly. One propels the movement of the other, and they feed off each other with this constant fluctuation. This agitation of the idea that drives its projected idea is what in Latin is called "Vibrio" (agito). Thus, Vibration (Vibratio) refers to the action of making something move, tremble, or shake. Therefore, Vibration is the agitation produced in the positive and negative interaction of two ideas, emotions, or objects. Thus, from the moment the first idea was projected, vibration would mark the continuity of existence through movement.
_I: Everything, no matter how static it seems, is in motion, because its particles are moving at great speed, like electrons around protons, which are impossible to see because of how fast they move even in things that seem still, like household objects, a table, a glass...
_AM: Everything vibrates, because everything is a projection, and the interaction between each projection moves the others around it. The formation of patterns, molecular structures, which seem to create fixed, immovable elements, only saves the energy expense of movement, through a low vibration, while what moves, like organic life, has a greater capacity for vibration at high frequencies.
_I: Frequencies determine how low or high something vibrates...
_AM: They are the mechanism by which different states of movement occur. As we've discussed, Vibration describes the movement of Space, and Frequency is the perception of Time over that Space. A being that saves energy, that stores itself, that closes itself off, that rests in energetic accumulation, will have fewer transformation processes because its structure is too rigid. Thus, its processes can last for extended periods of time, making the frequency wave much longer, and therefore, lower. A being that moves, that transforms constantly, will vibrate so fast that the frequency waves will be much shorter and consecutive, which leads to a high vibration.
_I: So it's good to vibrate high and have a high frequency...
_AM: No.
_I: But... We're always talking about raising vibration and increasing frequency... What does this mean?
_AM: It means that you're too stuck in rigid systems that need transformation from a positive and transcendental consciousness.
_I: Let's break it down. What systems?
_AM: Systems of oppression, of family, of governments, of beliefs, of survival, in the slavery of the essence you are living. For thousands of years, forms have been transformed but the essence has not been discovered, so they repeat the same thing: control, domination, manipulation... From a King to a President, from a Mother to a Religion...
_I: What transformation do they need?
_AM: The last 100 years have gone very well in that transformation, however, it hasn't been from consciousness but from reaction thanks to the two World Wars. It's necessary for the same to be done from Active Consciousness and not from Reactive Unconsciousness. That's what truly elevates the frequency and changes the vibration, freeing you from a repetitive system.
_I: So, positive and transcendental consciousness means that for there to be a truly essential change and not just of forms, we can't pretend to create a new revolution from the unconscious reaction of destroying the previous one, as we always do, but rather from the consciousness of taking transcendence to another overcoming level by changing our perspective of it.
_AM: That's right, and that is done by raising the frequency. Let's go with a simple example. Imagine you're trying to reach a village in the mountains, but you're lost, and you can't figure out how to get there. What do you do to know where you're going?
_I: I would have to look for reference points to guide me so I don't get lost.
_AM: And if you don't have maps, how do you trace those reference points?
_I: Going to a high point where I can see the entire landscape... And mapping it.
_AM: Climbing to the highest point you can find, from which you can even see the village behind the hills, and recognize the general terrain to know how to get there by identifying key points.
_I: That would be raising the vibration towards the positive, seeing everything from above, changing my perspective of things...
_AM: But remember that your goal was to reach the village in the valley... So what's the next step?
_I: Go back down...
_AM: Aha! That's it. If what you're looking for is to reach your destination, raising your vibration and frequency without ever stopping will only make you stay at the top of the mountain, but you'll never reach the village. Climbing high is useful in times when you get lost, when you need to clarify, seek guidance, understanding, clarity. But the path continues, and it's not always at the top, but when you go back down, you'll already have a sense of the terrain and you'll be able to move much better. As you can see, raising the vibration doesn't make you leave the landscape, the terrain, the existence you live in, it just makes you see it with different eyes.
_I: That's what we talk about in terms of dimensions. Being lost in the third dimension is to complain about the roads and rocks you stumble upon, the effort of climbing the mountain occurs between the third and fourth dimensions, but when you reach the top and see everything, you're in the fifth dimension. In reality, the world didn't change, only the dimension from which you observe it.
_AM: Because by correspondence, what is outside has the color of what is inside. And by the same law, what you see outside is what vibrates with you inside, what vibrates within you.
_I: "It vibes with me or it doesn't," we often say.
_AM: Whether it vibes with you or not doesn't imply that it's true or false, but simply that it's not in the same vibration. Someone who loves Classical music might detest Heavy Metal, and someone who loves Indie music might not vibe with Pop music. And yet, one genre of music isn't better than the other, it just is. And there will be some who happily vibe to one tune when others feel the worst of emotions.
_I: My friend loves Heavy Metal and when I stayed at her house I saw her falling asleep with a smile listening to bands that were diabolical noises to me... It was a perfect description that there's no high or low vibration comparable to good or bad, but each one adjusts to what is needed.
_AM: While for you, a gourmet dish might be the best option for a good Sunday, a fly delights in a piece of fecal matter, crap, on any street corner. And that's perfect, because after you've eaten happily, you'll have given a good meal to the flies...
_I: Quite descriptive...
_AM: But real. Thus, you can't judge vibrations as high or low, it's like saying that white is good and black is bad. The task of raising vibration in these times refers to getting out of this system from the consciousness of the fifth dimension, but not to live eternally there, but to be able to keep moving forward, like the waves of the sea, rising and falling. And in times of evolution and revolution, they crash against the coasts creating sounds, over and over again, resonating.
_I: We talk a lot about resonance in the Law of Vibration. You told me that sounds are basically the noisy reaction produced by the echo pulse of particles interacting by friction. So what is resonance?
_AM: In Matter, from the first particle that interacted with another, the possibility of echo, and therefore, sound, began to exist. To sound is the action of producing a noise, a "son" ("sonus"). When the friction between some particles emits that musical sound, it grazes the other particles making them also react by emitting a similar echo. Thus, the sound returns, what in Latin you call "re-sonus," or in other words: resonating. Resonance is the capacity for vibrational response between objects or subjects.
_I: So when something resonates with me, it's not because there's a truth out there, but because that truth was inside me and I was able to hear it externally...
_AM: That's right. Resonance works like a tuning fork, in that if you strike one side of the fork, it will, vibrating intensely, produce a sound that will prompt the other in front of it to do the same, returning the sound, resonating. This is what happens with everything in life: with ideas, emotions, words, music, art, philosophies, religions... Everything that makes you feel good, that you encounter in life, what you see of life, what you feel, what you believe, everything you can perceive from the outside world resonates with you. And that can be negative or positive, because a person who only sees the negative in things all the time, it's because their frequency is low.
_I: To see another reality, I must transform my own vibration...
_AM: Retune yourself. Enter into a new tuning, like on a radio. The Law of Vibration reminds us that everything vibrates and that we vibrate too, and therefore, we attract into our lives everything that resonates with us. That's why, if we seek to transform the world, we shouldn't start with the forms, but with the tune, with our own tune. Only then will we discover the other options that were within us.
_I: It's the creative power of thought and word, the manifestation through sound.
_AM: You are sound, you are music. Play the instrument you are, learn to use the instrument you possess in this orchestra, discover your notes, integrate your chords, and make your music, and the world will respond.
_I: I Am Vibration...
_AM: I Am Resonance...
_I: I Am Music...
_AM: I Am Silence.