_I: As you said, the only existing Law in the Universe is Mentalism, but from it, the others stem. Which is the first law to emerge?
_AM: Precisely the one that arises from the first, meaning the one that projects itself as a mirror and therefore shows that everything outside corresponds to what is inside. The Law of Correspondence.
_I: Related to the Third Eye...
_AM: Because the eyes are the ones that look at the external world while the third eye, the Pineal gland, observes what is within. The eyes receive signals emitted by the vibration of photons traveling at high speed, colliding with other particles, and reaching the light-sensitive cells of the eyes, which translate this reaction into electrical pulses that travel like lightning through the optic nerves and are interpreted by neurons in the brain. Thus, all external information not only reaches you distorted by the chaotic movement of photons but also its pulse is reinterpreted by previous, preconceived data, by your brain over millions of years of evolution, or your own experience in this life.
_I: So, my external eyes can deceive me in what I see.
_AM: Your eyes see what they can and what they want to see. An eye with a greater capacity to capture photons will see images moving much slower in thousands of frames, like some insects, for whom everything happens much slower, and therefore it is so difficult to squash a fly with the hand, or touch a dragonfly because not only do they use sensitive hairs to changes in pressure, but they also see very slowly, which gives them time to act more quickly.
_I: We could say that the faster we see, the less reaction we have...
_AM: It's one way to understand it, yes... That's why one of the most important practices of the third eye is Contemplation: learning to observe carefully, patiently, seeking every detail, which gives more perspective, greater breadth of interpretation of what is observed.
_I: And everything we observe is nothing more than the manifestation of our preconceived ideas of things.
_AM: Because the mind is a structured network of preconceived belief patterns, everything you observe outside will speak only of you, not of others.
_I: That's hard to understand in many cases...
_AM: Let's delve into the details of what I said. We explained it yesterday. Let's see it from a cosmic point of view. In the Universe, only the Mind exists. It uses the Imagination, and it is unlimited. Close your eyes and imagine that you are a six-eyed elephant with dragonfly wings flying through wormholes shaped like cookies from one planet to another, and the further you go, the further you travel into the past seeing all of history. But if you touch a dinosaur in that past, you can see the future and spaceships shaped like cake. Did you see it?
_I: Yes... Strangely, yes...
_AM: There you have it. Imagination is unlimited. And because of this, it cannot manifest anything. The mental plane is just that: the mind; incapable of materializing anything. To achieve this, it needs fuel, which you call emotion, and for the fuel to work, it needs a vehicle to process the fuel, creating energy through a process. Thus, the mechanism is produced, composed of hundreds of pieces that make it possible, steps to follow...
_I: A structure composed of patterns.
_AM: That's right. Pattern structures create limitations, but they also make the manifestation of the idea possible. In this way, the universe seeks to create patterns. How does it do it?
_I: Well, it needs to manifest something outside... So, it needs to step out of itself...
_AM: And the first thing it must do to achieve this is to focus all its attention on a fixed point.
_I: Meditation...
_AM: And in that meditation, project the focus of an idea in front of him, or her. Thus, the internal, negative aspect expands outward into the external and positive.
_I: It's the same but inverted. Just as a point of focus to be observed by oneself... It's difficult to see your own eyes unless you have a mirror in front of you, or other eyes to reflect upon.
_AM: In this way, the universe generates the first reflection, and there it finds security.
_I: Security in what?
_AM: In having a point of reference, an axis. The Axis provides security, stability, direction, orders things.
_I: So, it becomes a Pattern, because it protects it from its infinite and unlimited chaos.
_AM: It finds security in the idea of patterns and begins to replicate this mechanism in the form of a network of patterns, generating a Structure. Thus, the external structure will be a final and evolutionary product of an internal idea. But in turn, this structure modifies the observer because now its way of understanding has mutated, and therefore the reverse path begins.
_I: In which the dream conditions the dreamer...
_AM: The structures of the external world emit a different pulse than the original, which changes the Mind's tuning; something you call "consciousness-taking" or learning.
_I: In that by creating something outside, that something generates new things in me, awakens new understandings, like two parents who have a child. Although this child is a final product of their bond, it will change their way of seeing the world, life, and relationships... Transforming them from their previous state into a superior one.
_AM: That's why the internal Cosmos creates the external Universe, and thus the Universe transforms the internal Cosmos. From the perspective of a human, the entire Universe is a reality in which one must move, live, and survive. Therefore, one begins to create projections that protect from this reality, constituting patterns. Patterns are concepts, acquisitions, which over time become part of the structure of the mind, becoming "preconcepts." These will be the filters of all new information. These preconcepts will interpret reality from the reactions that it has provoked in the psyche of the individual, making everything external only a conceptual interpretation of the networks of patterns of your mind...
_I: Ugh... It's complicated. Let's see... Summarizing: The Cosmos projected itself into the Universe, and the Universe reflects a new idea to the Cosmos. Like a painter who takes a blank canvas and puts colors on it, while the painting now reflects and awakens new emotions and perspectives. With more reflected ideas (colors), preconcepts of them are formed, which filter all new data, like putting layers and layers of colors on the canvas, there will come a time when the outermost ones will not touch the canvas, and everything new that comes will not filter in because I will only have contact with the first layers, the base of the structure that I painted first. So, everything beyond, on the outside, I will see with the same first colors I saw and the first structure or sketch I designed...
_AM: Yes, that's a simpler description...
_I: Okay...
_AM: Thus, nothing that happens in the world from the outside is really directional, but reflected.
_I: What does that mean?
_AM: That you should not take anything personally, because no one is throwing anything against or in favor of you. Everything you perceive from the world is nothing more than a reflection, an echo of yourself, interpreted by your psychology. The Law of Correspondence reminds us that everything that exists is precisely that, a reflection, and that when you complain about something, it is your own inability that you criticize. When you fall in love with someone, it's what you seek in yourself and don't find, when you reject something, it's what you detest about yourself...
_I: So, what about the photo in the post, should I take it as a joke from you?
_AM: It depends... What do you see?
_I: Oh... You got me...
_AM: Hahaha.
_I: I just saw the trap, so now I'm conditioned in the response...
_AM: It's your perception, seeing the Donkey as the cultural concept of the uncultured and stubborn idiot, or seeing an honest hardworking persistent worker...
_I: Yes... It happens to us all, prejudices... For example, I see that some people complain that I do the broadcasts in two languages and can't concentrate, and others thank me because they learn two languages or it gives them time to think about what I said.
_AM: Correspondence... What you see, what you perceive of the world, is what you carry within you. You can never be responsible for what others perceive of you, but you must be responsible for what you see in others, because that's where you see your part.
_I: When one finger points outward, three others point towards me.
_AM: It's simple.
_I: How do I put this law into practice?
_AM: First of all, write down what your biggest Projections are on the way. What are they?
_I: I think they are Falling in love with my Needs, Abandonment, and Recognition. Since I always tend to fall in love with people who have many emotional needs, and in my life, many people feel abandoned by me, perhaps because I have abandoned myself in many cases. And recognition, because it has often happened to me that they need me to recognize them when in reality I think it's me who seeks that recognition from others... This is just mentioning some of the projections as an example...
_AM: So, as you go through your life, you can see all your projections by paying attention to what you see and how you see it, you must take the perspective of a dragonfly, try not to pass by, but contemplate, observe, and recognize what is the usefulness of this projection. What are you reflecting? Always ask the question: What is in me that I see this in such a way?
_I: Look in the mirror...
_AM: Everything in the Universe corresponds, and you cannot escape Correspondence, or you would cease to exist. It's one of those Structures you must bond with. It's not about escaping the reflections; it's about learning to use them. Wanting to escape from this structure of reflections is like looking in the mirror and not accepting or liking yourself, and therefore deciding to break the mirror or throw it out onto the street. It's not the mirror's fault that you don't like yourself, but it's your responsibility to take care of yourself, groom yourself, maybe diet, exercise, or simply accept yourself as you are, then when you look in the mirror, you'll reflect a smile, and the world will smile back at you.
_I: I rise in search of the consciousness that will make me smile. I Am all the reflections.
_AM: And step by step, level by level, you will understand that this pattern, this structure, is not against you, but in your favor. The structure of the Law of Correspondence reminds you where you are, how you are, when you are, and above all, who you are.
_I: I Am who corresponds to the World, and the World corresponds to me. I Use the mirror to contemplate the things that correspond to me and become aware of who I am.
_AM: I Am the one who corresponds to I Am.