_AM: Tic... Toc... It's the hour... Tic... Toc... The week... Tic... Toc... The month... Tic... Toc... It's the Year... Tic... Toc... It's the Century... It's the millennium... It's the Cycle...
_I: Tic Toc is the Rhythm.
_AM: This sound is known to all, marking a constant pulse.
_I: It's the tick-tock of the clock, the second hand and the minute hand, marking time. In music, rhythm is precisely called "Time."
_AM: What is time, then?
_I: It's probably a succession of Rhythms...
_AM: Time only exists as a way to measure Vibration. Let's go back to the Third Universal Law. Everything vibrates, and the reason it does so is due to the interaction of movement that produces echoes, of concepts, objects, or subjects that respond to each other, that "correspond," Second Law. The vibration wave will have different tunings depending on the intensity of the pulse, of the sound, creating different resonances that you call Frequencies. The wave's frequency will speak to the measure of repetition of the response, that is, how long it takes for a wave to repeat itself, and therefore, to hear the same sound again. This pulse can be constant if it is not changed, which generates a pulse that marks the basis of all reality fractalization, and this is called Rhythm, and Rhythm is known as "Time."
_I: So, Time is born thanks to the Law of Rhythm.
_AM: That's right.
_I: So, Time is nothing more than a way to measure the rhythms of creation. But... What is Rhythm?
_AM: You'll be surprised. Rhythm is the same Vibration wave.
_I: It's all the same!
_AM: What does Rhythm mean to you?
_I: In my way of thinking, Rhythm is related to music. In the Sacred Musical Trinity, a song is composed of Rhythm, Harmony, and Melody. Rhythm is the musical "tempos," those that usually mark moments of repetition, the metric, and what we naturally do with a song by counting its tempos: "one, two, three, four!" It's what helps us know what comes next, what prepares us for what's to come. Harmony is coordination, putting mathematical order in the song, keeping us in a certain tuning, hertz, and coordinating the entry of each instrument, the chords and notes it must play. Meanwhile, Melody is the most known aspect of music because it's what we feel, hear, and with which we become familiar with a song, its form, its body. So, Rhythm would be like the measurement of things that must happen...
_AM: And yet, Rhythm is actually the only thing that happens...
_I: How?
_AM: Rhythm is not what measures Time; Rhythm is Time itself, but it's also Space. Rhythm is the Vibration wave. Rhythm comes from the Greek "rhythmos," which describes the concept of the Greek word "rein," which means "flow," the origin of the word "river."
_I: Rhythm means "fluid," what flows... Wow. So, more than a metric, it's a constant...
_AM: A vibration wave seen in 2 dimensions resembles a line with curves, like a river on a map. A wave in 3 dimensions looks like the waves of a sea, lake, or river. The wave vibrates constantly, and no matter how many times it passes through the same place, it will always do so differently; it's constant transformation, nothing is the same even though everything seems similar. And each wave will be repetitive depending on the context, the rocks, the dunes, the currents, the rain, the plants. Therefore, vibration waves will have different frequencies. The frequencies in a river can be explained by the different geographic breaks: the cave, the drip, the source, the slope, the stream, the tributaries, the waterfalls, the rocky areas, the rapids, the sandbanks, lakes and ponds, meandering valleys, the delta, wetlands, and the bay. The river is always the same, going through exactly the same courses, and yet the water always moves differently, and it's never the same.
_I: Everything is different, and yet it always seems to be the same.
_AM: The River is the Rhythm, it's a constant of different frequencies. The river is not Time, and yet it embodies the way you understand it. Time doesn't exist as you know it; it's only the perception of a cycle that flows ceaselessly through the cosmos.
_I: We are drops of water in the river of existence...
_AM: And these drops are born from the slope in the caverns of the mountain, which arise from the accumulation of water between the rocks that have melted due to snow and ice, or from raindrops and moisture that have penetrated through the cracks in the ground. That same drop will travel through all the geography until it reaches the sea, to evaporate again, become a cloud, and return to the mountain in the form of snow or rain.
_I: And I will go through the same river again... Through the same places and landscapes.
_AM: And that's the feeling you have of Rhythm...
_I: That things repeat themselves, that I experience the same thing over and over again, see the same spaces, people, situations...
_AM: As you can see, it's not really things that repeat themselves, but you repeating yourself; it's you who return, not the things that follow you. The Law or Principle of Rhythm reminds you that everything is a cycle, and that you will go through it again and again... But, with so many rivers and streams in the world, why do you always choose the same one?
_I: That's what I wonder...
_AM: There are many people, drops of water, who never reach the sea.
_I: Why?
_AM: Out of fear of fullness, of the infinite... They prefer to cling to the known, to some wetland, or some rock or well. Many are consumed along the way by trees and animals. Others stagnate in waters that evaporate. Most do not leave their own region, and therefore, they go through the same river again. Those who dare to reach the Sea, when they evaporate, will become part of cyclones, of free clouds that will travel through the sky to new lands, with new rivers to travel...
_I: New rhythms to follow... New songs, melodies, experiences. How do I do this?
_AM: Change the Rhythm. Speed up or slow down the pace. If you live a hurried life with no results, then slow down your life. If you live a slow life with no news, speed up your life. Look for a new rhythm, it will depend on your will to move towards new tunes.
_I: This is in relation to the Law of Vibration, raising the frequency to capture a new reality...
_AM: Because if you don't, you'll always see the same landscape over and over again. History is like a journey through a beautiful landscape. If you have no idea where you're going; if you're unfamiliar with the terrain and don't pay attention, the road will become a maze, where you'll get lost over and over again returning to the same places. Everything can be a maze if you don't know where you're going. You're the one who must take the initiative to seek a goal and pay attention to the path. When you begin to see that throughout your life, the landscape repeats itself, living the same circumstances, meeting the same people, or living the same experiences differently, that's when you must recognize that you're going through the same river again.
_I: And is this just my own mistake?
_AM: No, you are part of a set, and in many cases, this happens by continuing with the flow of family, culture, clan beliefs. It's hereditary. And sometimes that provides security, and that's okay. It only becomes a mistake when you're doing everything in your life to get out of the same pattern, and yet it still happens. That's when you really have to think about it. Look, there's no pressure in the universe to evolve or enlighten, no one is behind you saying, "Enlighten yourself and free yourself from all patterns now." No, those are beliefs and expectations.
_I: Then?
_AM: You must learn to respect your own rhythms and not those that others impose on your life. There are some people who learn to add in a day, and there are others who need months or years. The only mistake here wouldn't be taking too long, but wanting to do it and not having the will or perseverance to achieve it.
_I: How do I discover what the right rhythm is?
_AM: By following the only pulse that marks the rhythms of the melody you call "your life," and that's your heart. Your heart is the pulse of the rhythmic flow of the circulatory system, the rivers in your veins and arteries. Life, the force, energy of your being, moves to the sound of your heart.
_I: Following the rhythm of the heart... What resonates, what beats within me.
_AM: Pay attention to the spaces and people or circumstances that repeat in your life, and dare to follow the pulse of your heart. You'll never be able to leave the circulation circuit, the flow of the rhythm law, but you can discover that if you decide to put will into changing the tune, the speed, you'll find thousands of rivers and streams, seas and oceans in which you can face new experiences and flow in new realities.
_I: And all this by adjusting the rhythm of my heart center... being consistent in my feeling and acting...
_AM: Tic-tac...
_I: I Am Rhythm...
_AM: I Am Time...