

_I: When I was a child, I spent a lot of time with my Aunt Olga, my grandfather's sister. She dedicated much of her day to the garden; arranging the plants, arranging the flowers. And when I played outside, she explained to me about each one of them. How I should treat them, water them, prune them so they grow well. I spent hours with her, who explained stories about her from her childhood, about her parents and siblings. Although they had all been very mean to her, she loved them all the same, and spoke of them all with admiration. Her father had been horrible to her up until the moment of her death, but she did not hesitate to call him “dad,” and she dared to shed a tear of longing when she spoke of him. Although much more about her mother, my great-grandmother, whom she greatly admired. She was the eldest sister of 5 brothers, and the other 4 had her as the maid of the house, to whom they could give orders. With extreme machismo, she never had any boyfriends accept her, and they were chased away or threatened. It wasn't until she was very old that she found a life partner, a German man named Otto, an inventor whom I loved very much. He had put two bicycles together as if it were a two-pedal car, so he could go out for a ride with my aunt around the city, both of us pedaling. Everyone knew them, they were unique. Already 50 years old, my aunt went to ask her brothers for permission to marry him. But they denied it. They forbade him to be with her, and took him away from my aunt. Thus, she got breast cancer, due to her lack of love. Sometimes I think that she inspired in me that impossible search to find someone, that soul mate, to live that romance that they both inspired in me, and that was always forbidden. Now that I say it, my heart beats stronger, my body confirms that my longing comes from her and the admiration that I always had for her person. My grandmother told me a long time later that she had to encourage her and give her sexual advice, since she was over 45 years old and still a virgin. And despite so much castration, she continued to love them and cry for them all as if they were her children. I couldn't understand it back then, but as I grew up I could see how horrible everyone had been to her. When night came and the stars appeared, she would point me up, she made me look at the sky for the first time. She taught me the names of the stars, she showed me the shooting stars. She was the first person she pointed up to, who showed me the wonder of the celestial. She had an intense faith in the eternal, in existence and transcendence, and without any qualms, she never hesitated to talk to me about death. She knew that she would die of cancer, and every now and then she would point to the sky pointing to a particular star and she would say to me: “Do you see that very bright star? It's the Lucero. That's where we all go when we die. My dad and my mom are there, and when I die, I will go there. So every time you see the Lucero, you will know that I will be watching over you from the star…” This thought was good for me.My aunt prepared me for death throughout my childhood, although when she died I could not contain my anguish. She had given her entire life for love, hoping to be received in the same way on the other side...

_AM: In the Lucero…

_I: Yes… Three nights later, I had a dream. My aunt was in the garden at night. I went to see her, she hugged me from one side, bending down, and she pointed me to the sky. He showed me the Lucero, and told _I: “Now I am there, and I will always be taking care of you.” Then, as I turned towards her, he gave me a kiss on her forehead, and when I heard my grandmother calling me from the kitchen, when I turned to see her she was no longer there. It was the last time I saw her. But I always felt close to her. But I was left with doubt. What was the place where she had gone like? I wanted to know what Lucero was like. And I started investigating. And I discovered something that puzzled me. El Lucero was not a star, but a planet: Venus.

_AM: Venus is the Roman name of the goddess of Love. It comes from the Indo-European “wen”, which means “to desire, to love”. The Greeks called her Aphrodite, with the same meaning. Life, beauty, love, had emerged from desire, passion, the sensual and elegant of this divinity. This goddess emerged from the sea or the desert in the East, being the most radiant light in the sky after the Moon. The idea that this light brought the waves makes tradition explain that Venus emerged from the shell of an oyster, a sea shell, giving rise to life from the waters. For this reason, the ancient Phoenician people called her the Divinity of Water and Light: Inana-Ishtar. The Persians called her Anahit, while the Mediterraneans knew her as Tanit. Venus gives rise to the word venerate, that is, to intensely love a god, someone or something. Likewise, it gave rise to the name Friday, a day dedicated to Venus, who in English is known by her Nordic name “Freya”, giving the name “Friday”. Your aunt Olga did not choose a bad place to go, because all of humanity in different cultures and for thousands of years, knew this wandering star, this planet, with the name of “Love”.

_I: Yes... In a way his compass pointed well, to join that energy that he failed to manifest in this world, that he could not experience. But, when I read about Venus, I was still a little worried. Well, the planet, beyond being a loving paradise, is Hell.

_AM: Well… If we talk about the objective, yes, it is. The reason why the planet shines as much as the Lucero that it is, is due to the amount of toxic gases that surround its atmosphere, a deadly atmosphere composed mostly of carbon dioxide as a result of the constant volcanic activity of the planet that , in turn, due to its infernal winds, stirs up the gases, filling them with clouds composed of sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide. All the light that enters from the Sun cannot leave the planet, creating the worst greenhouse effect you can imagine, causing the average temperature of this world to be about 464 degrees Celsius. Considering that Earth's average temperature is 15 to 16 degrees, clearly Venus is hell. Its rivers are made of lava, and its soil burns hotter than any furnace.

_I: Wow… It's terrible…

_AM: The light from the Sun reflects off its carbon dioxide clouds, and that's what makes it look so pretty and bright, elegant, from Earth...

_I: It's not a place to go on vacation, clearly... But you can understand why they call it Lucero.

_AM: This name, in addition to his divine name, was a constant epithet. The Greeks also call him “Lucero”, that is, “the one who carries the light”, which in Greek is called “Phosphorós” (Phosphorus). And the Romans called him the sa_I: “Bearer of Light”, which in Latin has a very well-known na_I: “Lucifer”.

_I: Lucifer… The devil? Venus was called “Reverence for Lucifer?” If my aunt knew... Hehe.

_AM: Well, let's explain it. Lucifer comes from the etymology “Lux, Lucis” (Light) and “Fero” (carry, carry). This name was an epithet that described anyone who carried the light, and since this planet was the most luminous, it was known that way. In Semitic mythologies, Lucifer was the epithet of an Archangel who was the bearer of the Light of God, he was the most beloved by Divinity. But in history he was the one who rebelled against God, and decided to create his own universe. Thus, he became the opposite of his task: the Darkness. For this reason, the Semitic, Hebrew and Arab peoples called him “Shaitan”, which means “Adversary, enemy”, giving rise to Satan. Venus was a kind of representation of this hermaphrodite being that carries the light around the Sun, of God, and at the same time tends to be treacherous... Like Human Love.

_I: In a way, the two stories are united, because the Bearer of Light is literally the Hell that many imagine, a place with fire, lava, where you cannot breathe... It is Venus.

_AM: From a human point of view, Venus is an uncomfortable place to live, yes. However, her energy is what matters to us, as it is what truly affects us here. Love is a Polar energy, something that guides us all towards the north. Love is the romantic or emotional way of calling Free and Eternal Energy, that which unites us all. And energy moves by polarity, positive and negative. In the magnetization of this energy, two opposites attract, generating a magnetic field of colors, which are the discharge of ions that protect the core from all external forces, turning it into a moving axis that aligns towards positive polarity, which in a planet you call north, and in a human you call head. Love is recharged in the South and feeds the body towards the North, thus being the emergence of Kundalini, vital energy, an energetic flow, loving if you will, that awakens the power that you call passion, desire, and that rises by losing its intensity becomes connection, romanticism, falling in love, and disperses in the form of freedom and expansion. Love therefore has many stages of energetic expression, and is the source of life of all things. But for it to be a source of life, passion and desire must be regulated, because if not regulated, fire consumes the entire body, turning a world like Earth into a planet like Venus, consumed by its own inability to manage its fire. inside.

_I: It's a good allegory of what happens when instead of using sexual force, the passion for things, for something coherent and expansive, we use it only to accumulate, retain, possess...

_AM: Venus regulates from the subconscious your entire energy world related to your inner fire, to the power that drives you to shape life. The internal fire, the pure energy of love, is like an intense light that radiates in all directions, being able to turn you into the Star.

_I: That is to say that it is the Venusian passion and loving fire that promotes Enlightenment, and not the spiritual cold of Uranus...

_AM: That's right. “Passion” is the key to Enlightenment. But what makes a Lucifer become a Satan?

_I: The misuse of light…

_AM: That you become an enemy of your own creation. Most humans live a constant duality in which they fight against their own creations, their own life. Never being satisfied, they look for better things, more comfort, to look better, to disguise the physical body, to decorate it, to adorn it, fighting against deterioration, seeking to cling to life, they complain about what they achieve in it. They desire, therefore, to possess more than they need.

_I: I admit it, it happens to me. It's one of those things we often struggle with within ourselves...

_AM: Venus reminds you of passions, and lets you know that it is not wrong to use them, to feel them, that Taurine, Scorpion and Libran pleasures are not a bad option to be able to illuminate, radiate, find a center. However, the exacerbated search for this in the outside world only projects need in the passions that you can only cover in yourself, in your mind. Instead of illuminating, the fire begins to burn. Instead of guiding, fire destroys. This is how Lucifer becomes Satan, when the same being betrays his own light in order to obtain benefits, venerating matter over the essence that gives rise to it. Do you know how to control that fire?

_I: No…

_AM: Well here is my task. The task for every passion will never be the prohibition of what produces pleasure, but rather the routine in its use.

_I: Routine?

_AM: That's right. Love is something eternal, and therefore, you must manage its use so that its energy does not consume you. The pleasures of sex, food, sleep, relationships, ideas, projects, have an objective that is to activate the main engines of your physical body. However, if you turn the machinery on at full power, you will end up burning the first gears, destroying the machine, the Merkabah. Routine brings order to this Venusian energy, allowing you to honor passions and giving them their rightful place. Venus is more than the planet of Love and Beauty, it is the world that hails the balance of your heart, the balance of emotion, of the love that nourishes your being.

_I: I understand… So, I'll take a calendar, and organize my week…

_AM: Not with big things, but with small things. With some food, some other pleasure. Set some schedule, set small goals. Nothing big, don't force the change, just redirect the energy, so that the fire becomes lighting.

_I: Love is the Torch that guides my Life…

_AM: Therefore, don't make it go off...

_I: I will live, then, for myself, what my aunt longed for in her life, and in my experience I will expand it, so that she can live it with me.

_AM: For Love is only one, and passes through all things. Well, everything is love.

_I: I Am Love.



