

_I: Today I woke up with tears in my eyes. What I explained yesterday became real to me. I dreamed of what my subconscious seems to long for, what my soul acclaims. It was a beautiful place, a valley like I had never seen before, where everything I like could be seen. Valleys, mountains, forests, river and streams flowing into a sparkling sea in the distance; and in a vast meadow, a house, so beautiful that it warmed my heart. I arrived flying, but with my own body, flapping with my arms, as if I were a bird, avoiding certain areas where bears could be seen. When I arrived, I felt at home inside for the first time. I looked from the porch, and took a deep breath, sighing, knowing that this was my place. When I went to the room to sleep, someone was there sleeping in the bed. I saw him, and although I had never met him in my life, I knew he was the love of my life. I felt a little distant, because my consciousness saw him as a stranger. But I went to bed anyway. He hugged me from behind asking me how it went. And in that moment I felt at home. We had breakfast together, while he told me stories and we both laughed. For a moment I felt perfection, I felt that everything he had sought in my life was summed up in that image. As a commentator I could say that everything was too bullfighting for my taste, the opposite of my idyllic life. And then, my subconscious struck back. Over the hills, a commando appeared like the FBI or something, and with weapons, like arrows, they burst into this paradise, shooting to imprison us, so effectively that with their first shot they pierced my companion's chest, killing him in front of us. my. Suddenly, I went into shock, I couldn't move, cornered against the wall, shaking. They started destroying the house, and then I decided to run. I escaped through the stream, and flew through the forest, straight towards the bears, so that they would protect me from that advancing squadron. I spent days trying to survive, but I lost the meaning of life. Everything he had ever looked for was there, and it had been destroyed, it had been removed, there was no turning back. Then there was no point in trying to survive either. Therefore I turned myself in, walking senseless in front of the prison. They dressed me in a strange and solemn manner, and locked me in a very small, windowless cell, without a bed or bathroom. I sat there, watching them put more people into the same space. I stayed there in the shadow of a corner, and I felt the strongest anguish I had ever experienced in a dream... And I cried, I couldn't stop crying, and in the same cry I woke up, with my eyes and cheeks wet, here and now...

_AM: What do you think the message was?

_I: I don't know well... I realized that my soul expects something very different from what my body and my spirit experience and long for. That is my constant internal struggle, recognizing myself as free, without a fixed point, and at the same time, what makes me feel calm is the idea of ​​living a life that escapes me, that is not for me today.

_AM: Why do you think it's not for you?

_I: My subconscious reminds me that it has come to face a fight for freedom. That most people lose everything, that they feel imprisoned in a world of limitations, and that I feel the same way. Our dreams are restricted by forces that prevent things from happening as we expect them to. Perhaps my dream has been too exaggerated to be able to show me this duality... I feel that if I do not see that other side of freedom and harmony, I would not seek to find ways to free us all from that prison in which we have put ourselves... Well, I was I who surrendered.

_AM: Your subconscious showed you the two sides of yourself today. Your partner is nothing more than that other part of you that you reject, the one that wants to live a quiet, normal life, with no purpose other than enjoyment. He is that loving part, family, friend, that hugs you after your travels, that awaits you in that place of beauty, inside you. It is your own paradise where you find the true love of sharing with yourself. And it is your own mind that always seeks to destroy that idea, since perfection does not have action, evolution, movement. Your being needs to run, it always seeks to create a conflict with the objective of feeling alive, feeling useful. Adventure nourishes that part of you that constantly flees from its axis, and that surrenders to the prison of the structure, limiting itself to actions that lock you in your own mind.

_I: How do I get out of there?

_AM: The question is not how. The question is if you really want to get out of there. For the prison is in your mind, and the longing is in your heart.

_I: How do I differentiate finding freedom from leaving my purpose? Because, let's be honest, all my life I have designed what I am doing now, and I know that from today there is one more year left of this purpose that keeps me bound.

_AM: You have taken your purpose as a prison, when it is your freedom. You just have to remember that you are the key, and that the door to freedom is only found within. The exterior is just a projection of what you live inside. Your emotional failures are nothing more than your own failure to love yourself. The abandonment of oneself to be of service to others. Aquarius causes this tachycardia in you that causes the enemy's arrow that you have invented to pierce your lover's heart. You realize? It is yourself giving yourself a message from beyond, whispering that all this only lives in your mind, that freedom does not imply leaving anything, that freedom is not abandonment. Freedom is letting go of the weight of what you do and are, responsibility is not synonymous with carrying a weight, it is synonymous with knowing how to respond. Now answer _I: Are you capable of being free?

_I: It's hard for me to write it... But yes, I know I have the ability.

_AM: And that freedom will be questioned again and again. While you are on Earth, at least 3 times a year.

_I: How?

_AM: In the Retrogradations of Mercury.

_I: “Mercury Retrograde” has become a mantra to explain the problems we have…

_AM: Mercury is a small rocky planet, the closest to the Sun. Its surface is so hot that nothing could live there. Due to its size and proximity to the star of our system, its orbit is very fast, making about 3 to 4 revolutions around the Sun in the time it takes the Earth to make a single revolution, meaning that its year is 88 days. Within this period, there is a moment when the planet appears to be moving in the same direction as the Earth, but while the Earth continues to advance in its annual orbit, Mercury is already rotating to close its year by passing behind the Sun, giving the sensation from our point of view that the planet is walking backwards, that it takes steps returning to where it came from (retro = return / gradus = step, step). All planets do this, but Mercury is the fastest.

_I: And what does this mean?

_AM: Nothing for the planet. But for our way of seeing the world, it means that everything that this planet means to us goes back, and therefore regresses, becomes opposite to its purpose, awakening the negative aspects of this being.

_I: That's why if Mercury is the planet of Communication, when it retrogrades all communications will fail and we will not understand each other...

_AM: That's right.

_I: And... What does this have to do with my dream?

_AM: That you have lived exactly both sides of what freedom means to you. On the one hand, feel free, on the other, fight for your freedom. Retrogradation is a natural process in every cycle, circle, orbit, in each process there is a moment of retrogradation before moving forward again, and this process is so negative and tragic that it becomes extremely positive.

_I: What would that be like?

_AM: Well, retrogradation is equivalent to going back, to the past, to reviewing all things, to reviewing situations, emotions, beliefs, attachments, expectations, thoughts, everything. It is a moment of fall, of crisis, of conflict, which goes against the purpose, and yet it is what makes you rethink the forms, it is what reminds you that you must review everything to be able to advance in a spiral without it becoming in a straight line without meaning. Well, remember that what moves in a straight line loses all its inertial force, and what moves in circles, ellipses and spirals, regains greater strength with each turn... At each turn of the corner...

_I: Oh, I understand… It makes sense. That is why it is in crises where we understand and grow the most...

_AM: And Mercury is the master of making us practice this 3 times a year. One for our body, one for our soul and one for the spirit. Mercury is, therefore, the Messenger who brings the consciousness of the Sun and examines us in each of its turns.

_I: Their words are heard in the wind, leaving their messages to anyone who wants to hear them. Like a bird, it soars through the skies, like an arrow. Close to the Sun, it becomes its spokesperson, communicating its truths... But why does this planet carry this concept and name?

_AM: Mercury is the planet that rotates the fastest around the Sun, and it is the planet that seems to leave the sun and return to it with greater agility. For the ancient Indo-Europeans and Middle Eastern peoples, this light in the sky was “Nabu”, the messenger, scribe of the god Marduk. All cultures named this world, this wandering star, as the messenger of the Sun God because of his ability to move carrying messages from him and returning to him with the answers. For humans, his speed is what made him take the name of all those who had the skill of being messengers or merchants. Travelers who sold and bought, who carried news from one town to another. In ancient times, messengers were usually peddlers, merchants who sold their products in the markets, where people learned all the news of the kingdom or empire. There people talked with merchants and spread the word about what was happening throughout the territory. For this reason, the Romans called this god “the Merchant”, from the Latin “merx, mercis” (merchant), which with the Etruscan name for a subject (-ius, -rius) ended up being known as “Mercurius”.

_I: So the name of the god is more of a description.

_AM: Just like the Greek god Hermes, his equal. Hermes is how the Greeks knew Mercury, Nabu, coming from the Greek word “herma”, which means “cairn”, a cluster of stones that indicate a path. Thus, the milestones indicated where to go to the merchants and messengers, with which the “hérmés” was the spirit or protector of the messengers and walkers.

_I: The god Hermes is Toth for the Egyptians, Djahut for the ancient Atlanteans, not a god but a high priest…

_AM: Djahut was an Atlantean, yes, a teacher, architect, doctor, mathematician, astronomer, a wise man who summarized the Universe in a few patterns, such as geometry and universal laws (which we have already seen in other previous months). Because he was the master of writing, his symbol became the emblem of all scribes and messengers, those who had the wisdom to advise the gods themselves. For this reason, the attributes of these wise men of the Earth were placed on this planet, showing that when this planet carried out its rapid cycles it brought us with it its messages of transformation and constant revision.

_I: This is the Messenger planet, the planet of Wisdom.

_AM: It is the planet that brings questions and answers, that makes you discover the truths of the cosmos and then questions them. Its presence walking in the same direction will make you discover the importance of learning, of knowing, of communicating, of finding the truth, of studying, of reading and writing, of developing, of designing, building, capturing through interaction, it is the planet of technology, of constant innovation, flying fast through the air like Aquarius. But when it goes against your direction, it will be the one who makes you doubt everything you know, say, design, read, write, learn, it will be the one who will break what has been built and dismantle the technology, preventing you from innovating without first reviewing what you have done so far. now.

_I: And this review will affect each of us in a different way, but putting us forward 3 times a year and backward 3 times more.

_AM: Six moments. Your human year will be divided into the 6 aspects of Mercury. An internal trinity and an external trinity. The External Trinity will lead you to manifest through Form, Sound and Light. While the Internal Trinity will lead you to review your Wisdom, your Love and your Will.

_I: This is what they had told us a while ago, right? The preparation…

_AM: That's right. Our first planetary connection appointment will be this August 22, 2021. So, from today, each of the remaining months, we will have to specially align one of these attributes every day 22.

_I: February 22 Wisdom. March 22, Love. April 22, Will. May 22 the Form. June 22 the Sound. July 22 the Light…

_AM: And so Mercury has given us his Task: Build the Great Merkabah of all those who are in the Network. So, today the first exam begins: reviewing our Wisdom.

_I: How will we do it?

_AM: Simply allow yourself to hear the message... Mercury has stopped retrograding, and today it returns with all its strength. Let the message reach you, and from today until March 22, Wisdom must be reconsidered step by step.

_I: I am the Messenger and the Message. All the beings that I am speak through me.

_AM: The Message of the Gods lives in you. The way to hear them is by singing your song, speaking your words. Say it, and their voices will sound in you.

_I: …I am…



