_I: You know, when we look at the Sky and contemplate the stars, I think that humans tend to take for granted one of the most beautiful things that illuminate our Earth… The Moon. Since I was a child I was fascinated with her. It's just that we don't value what we have so close. No other planet in our solar system can afford to look at the sky with the naked eye and see an astre so close that it allows us to see million-year-old asteroid craters, valleys and plains, sunsets and sunrises, all in a single image, there, in silence. And most wonderful of all, it revolves around us... It is there, every day of our lives. Maybe that's why we downplay it. Mercury and Venus do not have one. Mars has two small pieces of large deformed asteroids that circle it. Jupiter and Saturn are too large to be able to see the surface of their satellites. Perhaps Pluto can have such a luxury with Charon. However, our world is unique, fascinating, and it is all thanks to her, the Moon...
_AM: Your lives are a grace from Selene.
_I: Selene?
_AM: The spirit of the Moon. That's what they called it in ancient Greece. “Selas” means shining light, Selene, then, is Brilliant Light. And there is no doubt that it is, since the Moon radiates its light that empowers. Well… not “its” light, rather the reflection of the light of the Sun.
_I: What is the Moon?
_AM: The Moon is a dead planet that was trapped by the Earth's gravity at the time of the formation of the Solar system. When hundreds of rocks and planetoids flew aimlessly around the Sun, the larger pieces attracted the smaller ones, and they collapsed. If these were very small, they were trapped inside the worlds, but if they were large enough to form a nucleus, their own gravity kept them in axis, dancing around the larger astral body. The Moon is one of these planetoids, and a very good one.
_I: Why?
_AM: Its orbit, so close to the Earth, is what allowed the formation of life in this world, as it acts as a shield, protector of the Earth. Its gravity, despite being weaker, is strong enough to push any other rock that approaches our world and throw it back into outer space, and if it fails to do so, it will attract these pieces towards it.
_I: That's why we see its surface full of craters...
_AM: For that and for a simple reason: it is a planetoid with a core so weak that it does not have seismic activity like the Earth, nor is it strong enough to support gases on its surface, which makes it devoid of an atmosphere. This prevents its transformation, so the craters you see on the Moon today are the same ones that dinosaurs saw millions of years ago. Maybe with a few new ones…
_I: Wow, so seeing it is like seeing the origin of our entire history.
_AM: And Life. The force of Lunar gravity has a very important effect on Earth. Being only 384,400 km away from us, and 1 light second away, its gravitational force is the one that most affects the gravity of this world, and its effects are direct, especially for those elements with less gravitational weight.
_I: Like which ones?
_AM: The Atmosphere and Water. Comets were the first to bring large concentrations of Water and Gas to Earth when this world was the same as Venus. The molecules that make up these chemical elements, hydrogen and oxygen, are more subtle than minerals compacted by geological pressure, and therefore more susceptible to geomagnetic changes. The rotation of the Earth, the change of the Poles and the electromagnetic field cause the waters and gases of the world to rearrange themselves into currents and pressure systems, generating tides and storms. But the Earth's magnetic field also has this guardian, Selene, who with her presence alters these cycles. Thus, as it passes around the Earth, the Moon moves these currents, causing tides in the oceans and storms.
_I: So the Moon has direct contact with the waters.
_AM: All Waters.
_I: I mean... Ours too.
_AM: It's not for nothing that crazy people are called Lunatics.
_I: How? Why?
_AM: Lunatic is one who has a relationship with the Moon. And this is due to something very specific: When the Moon shows all its strength at its full moon moment, that is, the Full Moon, people tend to be more upset. The rhythm of life is altered, animals change their habits, mammals put themselves in a state of reproduction, something that has been maintained in human culture but in a romantic way...
_I: “A romantic dinner in the moonlight…”
_AM: ... It facilitates reproduction, and therefore the menstrual cycle is aligned with it. The fertility period of females finds its harmony between the full moon and the new moon. But other things also happen: hormonal changes produce both more excitement, which can be sexual or aggressive, since sexuality was related to the struggle to obtain females and territory. This is why males go crazy. The blood "rises to the head," and it is impossible to think clearly. There is greater pressure, and it disrupts the sleep cycle, making everyone a little crazy. Hence, in ancient traditions, there were stories of strange or fearful events that occurred on nights of the Full Moon, such as Vampires, Werewolves, Killers, Witches, and during the Christian period, it was given a diabolical character, as pagans used to hold their ceremonies during Full Moon days, when they honored fertility, sexuality, and sowing. For the ancients followed the moon to know when to sow, and thus, in their ceremonies, they kept accounts, which is why the Romans called it Luna.
_I: What does that have to do with it?
_AM: Everything. Luna is a deformation of the word Leuknas, from the Indo-European Leuk, which also gave rise to the word "Lux" (light), and its meaning is more concrete: "white, radiant light." Leuk gave rise to the Greek word "leukós," which means "white," as in leukocytes (white blood cells). But the Romans also called the Moon by another na_I: Móna.
_I: Móna? Like the animal... A monkey?
_AM: No! Móna as the name for "One." In Greek, "Monás" means Unity. A "Móna" is a unit of measure. Thus, a Monad is related to that which is in unity. And a concept of Móna is a unit of measure, equivalent to the word Meter but applied to time. This word is what gave rise to the word "month." And in the past, the months were not aligned with the Sun, but with the cycles of the Moon.
_I: Thirteen months of twenty-eight days each.
_AM: The count 13x28 was the clearest guide for regulating periods of sowing, harvesting, travel, reproduction, trade—all the processes of daily life were thus named in relation to the Moon. This word gave rise to the fact that Saxon peoples know the Moon by the name "Month," which is their current English name (moon).
_I: So, Luna in English means Month or Unit of temporal measure.
_AM: Exactly. All the peoples of the world had two calendars: one Solar and one Lunar. The Solar one was used for major concepts, such as the seasons, solstices, and equinoxes, to follow the constellations and transpersonal and divine processes. While the Lunar calendar was used to follow the rhythm of life, the everyday, the routine, the most human and natural life. This is why pagan peoples followed the Moon, while peoples who sought God outside of this world followed the Sun. Thus, the night was demonized, and the Moon as its Queen, and with her, all those who honored her. This is why the concept of "lunatic" encompassed anyone "outside of established normality."
_I: So, the Moon moves our waters, our life... The everyday, so it regulates everything we are, our being, personality, our interaction with the world.
_AM: The Moon is the maternal symbol, it protects its children from external evils, it moves and controls life, regulating evolution, the interaction of all living beings in this world.
_I: Some people believe it's fake. That it's something put there by some superior race for monitoring, a sort of spaceship.
_AM: We two may be lunatics, but this idea surpasses even that.
_I: It's just that you always see the same face, why don't you see the other side? Doesn't it rotate?
_AM: The Moon is part of a natural process that has been going on for millions of years. The Moon rotates much slower than the Earth, taking just over 27 days to turn on itself, that is, the same amount of time it takes to go around the Earth, which gives the sensation of always showing the same side. Its presence does more than monitor, it defends us from mortal threats like comets and asteroids, while making your heart beat, moving your blood, causing waves on the beaches, raining, and storming; it makes you feel deep emotions for the living beings around you. If the Moon were a machine, then it would be the most beautiful and wonderful machine we could have nearby. The Moon regulates your mother's fertile period so that she can conceive you, so you can be born and exist. This is why the Moon connects you to your mother more than anything else in the cosmos. This is why the Moon is the spirit of the Great Mother. It regulates Time and Life. It awakens the emotions of your being because it moves the hormonal cycles of your body. Therefore, it regulates your anger, your love, your joy, and your frustration. It is thus present in every relationship in your life, connecting you to each individual, to your mother first, to your family, to how you love your partners, how you express yourself to your friends, the qualities of the soul that keep you active in life, processing its cycles.
_I: Could it be that human life is a mess because we don't use a Lunar calendar?
_AM: It is one of the keys and pillars that explains the disorder of the Earth. Guiding oneself by poorly used calendars, dividing the months of daily life with months that describe processes of spiritual transcendence, causes one to live in disharmony, denying the Moon, relegating it to a mere nocturnal decoration, when it is the celestial body to which you owe everything, what you are.
_I: Well, we should do everything possible to return to a lunar calendar and re-establish the order of everyday life, of natural cycles.
_AM: This will organize the lunatics, turning them into artists, organizing women by returning power to them, organizing peoples, commerce, ideas, it will make civilization live again in the present aligned with Biology, as the Sun and the constellations do nothing but speak of philosophical processes and ideologies.
_I: A future social system, like Ontocracy, based on biology, should be guided by the Moon, then.
_AM: Undoubtedly. Otherwise, it will be destined to fail. The Moon is the key to your Being, taking away the power it deserves is taking away power from yourself. The Moon does not control you, the Moon is part of your Being, it is what has made your first cells exist, it is who has allowed you to exist, and not only do you owe it your life, but you are Life within its Divine grace.
_I: The balance of my Being depends on my life aligned with the Moon... Wow...
_AM: The Moon is the Time that regulates your Space. Every step you take on Earth is accounted for by the Moon. If you do not recognize the Moon in your path, you will always get lost in it.
_I: The balance of my Being radiates in my plexus towards what I feel for every living being, and we are one under the Unity of the Moon's light.
_AM: This Saturday, February 27th, will be the Full Moon in Virgo, and it will propose something interesting to all of us. It closes the process that you opened six months ago at the New Moon in Virgo, which invites you to review what you have achieved, felt, and transformed in yourself these last 6 months. Above all, the question would be: what have you managed to organize in yourself in the last 6 months?
_I: Ugh... Quite a lot, because the last 6 months have been almost all about the path I Am. Much has changed, much has been reordered in my life...
_AM: Well, think about it. This is the Moon's Task. Review what you have done, and in this case of Virgo, what you have managed to organize in yourself. And one last thing. Taking advantage of this new Order... Set up a Lunar Order. Create a lunar calendar, and guide yourself by it. Start living your life as it should be, aligned with the Moon, and you will recognize how coherence is embodied in you, how your Being is Illuminated.
_I: Like Selene...
_AM: Look fixedly at the Moon this Saturday, and make peace with her again. She is your Mother, and she has the strength in her to make you reborn.
_I: I Am the balance of the Being. The Moon lives in me.
_AM: You are already a lunatic, now you just need to find the axis in its light.