

_I: Now that I think about it... If nothing exists, if everything is an idea, a holographic image that is arranged to create the idea of ​​space and time, of being, then this means that no place, no person, and only We are living a non-existent fiction… A dream…

_AM: A Utopia. That is today's topic. Utopia comes from the Greek “Ou” (no) and “Topós” (place). Oútopós, means “without place”, a space or place that does not exist, is not there. And when it becomes Oútopia, it describes “the idea of ​​a place that does not exist.” The concept Utopia was used to describe imaginary worlds, which cannot be visited, and which have everything you can imagine in your dreams. Olympus is a utopia where the Gods coexist drinking milk and honey. Paradise is a utopia where people of Semitic traditions (Muslims, Jews, Christians) believe that they will live after death. An idyllic, magical place, where the most wonderful thing you can imagine awaits you, for all eternity. Valhalla for the Nordics, Hanan Pacha for the Andeans, and many other names, refer to that place where gods and souls meet, where free spirits dwell for eternity. Utopias are born from the dream of every human being to find a place to live, where they can find everything they need and be at peace. Do you remember migrations?

_I: Yes, the first humans to search for food after the droughts, migrating to different areas, hoping to find food and fertile land.

_AM: The incessant search for a place that has everything, began to nourish the minds of people decorating this place with their dreams, making it increasingly impossible to find this place on Earth, which is why it must surely be in Heaven. , with the gods. For this reason they referred to it as the “site of the non-site”, the place without a place. Religions were formed around this idea of ​​well-being, the idea that one day, if not in life, then in death, they would reach this place of their dreams. The elderly told how magnificent this place was, and the amazed young people couldn't wait to find it. But, the key was to live. If people killed themselves to go to this place, they would never find him, because this is the home of the righteous, of those who have lived with will, love, wisdom, and no coward, suicidal, treacherous, murderer could enter... Thus they created morality, and the utopian idea helped regulate good and evil, and the quest to stay alive in a righteous and just manner. Utopia became key for humans. Until one day, religion stopped satisfying them, and they rediscovered philosophy. Then, Utopia became a world of ideas, a place where all thoughts existed freely, where a lover of existence could find all the answers. The world of Ideas became the new Utopia, which built, manifested this reality, the “Topós”, the Place. And they understood that there were two paths to manifest Utopia: Dystopia or Eutopia. The first comes from the denial of a place, “dys”, referring to imperfection, more than a dream: a nightmare. And the second comes from “eu-”, a prefix for “new”, that is, the construction of a new place. The world of utopian ideas explained that as long as we are not wise, we are intelligent; as long as we do not investigate the truths of this utopian world through dialectics, science, technique, study; then this world would manifest itself as a dystopia, in which everything is chaotic, warlike, conflictive, a nightmare come true. But if we managed to study, become wise and upright, then we could make utopia something real, creating a new world, a Eutopia. However, it is easier to control others by selling them the ideas of their dreams than to make a dreamer become wise and create his own reality.

_I: It is more convenient for a State, a Government, to control the will of its citizens so as not to lose authority and fall into anarchy.

_AM: Anarchy only occurs in a town of uneducated people. An educated people, not indoctrinated, is a people that lives in order, because it builds outside what is inside. A dystopian world does nothing but talk about the self-management inabilities of each individual.

_I: But the same ideas are what make the world become chaos... That is, idealisms.

_AM: Philosophy turned Ideas into the new Idols. Pareidolic images of the ancient world that represented heroes and saviors, enemies, gods, examples to follow, and which became very simplistic entities in the face of the infinity of the imagination, became limited. Thus, from idols we moved to ideas, and they could transform, evolve, expand. But the cultural and educational conception did not change. Few had access to analytical thinking and critical thinking. The rest only received the chewed and processed ideas. In the same way as religions, ideologies became doctrines, and from intellectual illiteracy, they plagued societies with impossible utopias.

_I: Communism… Conservatism… Capitalism… Socialism… Feminism… Liberalism… Which ones?

_AM: All. Well, none of them are real, they are all ideologies ending in “ism” (movement). They are waves in the sea, not mountains. In the same way that you wake up every day, and despite the routine, things are different, and then you sleep and the next day something else will happen in a different way, no matter how minimal, a movement can never describe a topography, but rather what flows about her. The constant here is life, the heartbeat, the breathing, your humanity, your basic needs, but not what you believe or perceive, what you speak or hear, what you do or feel. All this will flow, it will transform, like a stream in the middle of a mountain. Its waters will always be different, and the mountain will remain there for millions of years.

_I: What do you want to tell me with this?

_AM: That every utopia is born from a perception, and there is no ideological system that is the best. That's why they fail. And they fail because humans, in their ignorance of existence, cling to ideas as if they were columns, pillars of the earth, when in reality they are water, air, something impossible to cling to. Utopia is not real, and must be maintained as such.

_I: Why?

_AM: Because it is what keeps you moving forward... The Universe is the greatest of Utopias, because it is nothing, empty, an image, an idea, which is transformed through millions of years of evolution. Utopia is the key to your search, to dissatisfaction, which drives you to create, to discover.

_I: Pisces lives in that utopia…

_AM: For this month's consciousness, Utopia is the reason why we move, it is the inspiration to aspire to. Utopia, the perfect dream, is the formation of the most beautiful imagination, the intention to build a place where everyone is happy, where everything is perfect, where no one needs anything, where every being is free, and at the same time, the world is wild and natural combined with maximum technology. Where heaven and earth are lived as one, and there are no conflicts or divisions of any kind. Where we are all one.

_I: It is the idyllic dream of Pisces, the image of greater peace and hope that transcends the will of an individual, which incorporates the love of all individuals as a unit… It is Heaven on Earth…

_AM: It is what you have come for. To become dreamers, building your own dream. As we said, nothing, no one, and no place exists. Therefore, you have no choice but to make things exist, manifest your own existence, and create that place.

_I: But… the ideologies you mentioned… The movements… The social utopias, didn't you say they are negative?

_AM: I didn't say that. I have only said that they are dystopias if those who seek to manifest them are uneducated and take the idea as an idol.

_I: It's hard to get out of there. We humans look for something to hold on to, and there are people who only have their ideas... I see many countries divided by ideologies, right-wing, left-wing, economic, political, feminist, ecological... It's... So much! That any opinion today pigeonholes you into one of those currents even if you don't follow any of them. The need to belong makes us place others in the utopias that others consider possible to exist... Closing ourselves to other options. I have seen families divided by this, cities, I have seen politicians turn their own people against them, scientists, religious people and even spiritual people... And yet they all live in dystopian utopias, when they hear a different option, clinging to their belief, they have the nerve to say that the different, the ideas that go outside the general picture, are the true utopias.

_AM: The movements of life seek to take us to a place that we do not know, that may not exist, and in fact, it does not. The image we have of what should be will never become real until you do it. You can't project a utopia waiting for it to happen. The Piscean vision imagines in its dreams what should be, without the ability to work on the will to make it so, to manifest, arise, exist. Remember, everything is a Utopia, because nothing exists, so tell me: what stops you from making it real?

_I: Nothing…

_AM: Become your dream, and you will live your utopia. Ideologies are linked to the emotion of the idea, to the expectation of the idol. For this reason, social movements based on utopian philosophies usually create guides, leaders, who lead to the realization of this reality. The conflict lies when the leader or guide does not believe in utopia, but rather uses it as a survival mechanism. Fear, the fear of losing control, power, make utopias become dystopian, as communism was.

_I: People who thought that the evil of every human being was money but they needed money to create their dream...

_AM: In the same way that capitalist utopia built the idea that you can have and achieve whatever you want and set out to do in life, knowing that the resources to achieve it are limited and balance is necessary to ensure continuity. Each system, each ideology, is a utopia in itself, regardless of its functionality. Believing that it is your ideology that will save and balance the world only makes you a dystopian being, clinging to a movement. So... You must let go of the idea, free yourself from the emotion that comes from imagining the perfect, kind, orderly world. You must free yourself from the expectation of an earthly paradise, for it will never be enough.

_I: Why?

_AM: Because existence is eternal, Matías. Eternal... And in eternity, what is fixed has no meaning, the end has no logic. You understand? Utopia is precisely the idea that this place, system, time does not exist. Then you only have one option:

_I: …Imagine it.

_AM: That's right. Imagine it. Create the Image, shape it, and you will get an Idea. Know it, express it, experience it, integrate it, and transcend it. And when you have done it, you will become wise in this idea, and you will love him from the utmost unconditionality, without expectations. And there you will discover the will to make your dreams a reality. But pay attention, before Utopia makes sense, you must let go of it, free yourself from the emotion it produces in you, from the emotional expectation of living it.

_I: From that constant idea of ​​“how much longer?”, “will I see it in my life?”, “has the time come?”, “How much more must we go through to live?”, “Are we already in 5D, or when did we leave 3D?”, “When will the aliens come to help us?”… Utopian questions. Attachments to the result...

_AM: If there is no origin or end, there is no result either. Only here and now. Eternity. Emotionally clinging to an idea makes it unable to manifest itself. Living the Emotional Dream of Pisces, the Idyllic Utopia, is the trap of 3D. To free yourself from the trap, remember that you already live in a Dream, you already live in a Utopia, and it is your responsibility to live it as a Dream or as a Nightmare. So… Let go of Utopia, knowing that you already live in it.

_I: I am Utopia, it lives in me, and in my coherence it manifests itself. I free myself from the expectation of living it, and I open myself to feeling it in every step, in every breath.

_AM: You are the Dream and the Dreamer.



