_I: Emptiness… That's what it feels like in Dimension 0. Emptiness. The times I experienced this, I felt like everything was fading away, like my world was disappearing like a cloud in the wind. When I saw others face emptiness, I could see their despair, depression, anguish, sadness, a senselessness that saps strength, comparable to the feeling before fainting, to low blood pressure, when all the muscles lose strength, and simply, even looking up seems like a titanic effort. Facing the harsh reality that nothing has meaning unless I give it to you, is probably one of the hardest situations a soul can experience... I wonder, if the Void is the most sacred key to the entire Cosmos, is it? Why do we feel so bad when we experience it?
_AM: Like I said yesterday, because you are human. The Human is a being that evolved in the Third Dimension, where things have 3 visions: good, bad and sense, essential homonyms of height, width and depth. When the conceptual figure of a living being was developed in 2D by uniting atoms into molecules, the three-dimensional foundations that would condition all living beings were laid: in life, movements are to the right or left, up or down, in front or behind. . Based on the dualities of this 3D, living beings programmed the idea of their lives according to the adaptation to their environment. For a human, walking backwards or moving aside are negative connotations, because you understand them as moving away from the destination that is ahead, or not taking your place but rather escaping responsibility. However, for a crab, the key to survival is to walk backwards and sideways, so its idiosyncrasy will find these two directions positive. This is how ideas of what is good and what is bad, of “going forward” or “going back” are created. And the direction in which we do it, we call “sense”. The Direction of a road, of a path, is the direction, depth through which we move. Thus, at different stages of evolution, meaning will go from being merely physical to becoming something more emotional, culminating in conceptual thought. The direction towards which I move with the body becomes the meaning of life, and from this, the meaning of existence. The human conception of things describes the universe from its 3D vision, heading towards a direction... But from 4D onwards, the temporal direction disappears, and in 5D, the spatial direction fades away. Suddenly, everything that a being believed to be good or bad, that had a meaning, begins to blur. Let's go back to the atoms. These particles do nothing more than seek order, find harmony, stability, and to do so, they must share their energy. This is how the Network emerges, but above all, the concept of nutrition, since each other gives what is necessary to remain in this idyllic balance. In nature, this system is called “eat, sleep and produce.” The sacred trinity of balance in 3D. In order to produce, you need to eat, take energy. To restore energy, you need to rest, sleep. Thus, existence is measured by the rule of plenitude: being full, full. You have to fill your stomach, eat well. You have to sleep enough. You have to produce to fill the empty spaces. Thus, the mammalian mind evolved to look for the best ways to fill the stomach, sleep and space, causing the brain to seek to create strategies for fullness. For millions of years, the human brain was prepared to leave no space unfilled, and thus, provide security for the survival, for the balance of all those atoms that compose it.In this way, the human mind seeks to fill the spaces even conceptually, trying to start and close open ideas, looking for the answer to each question; and when he finds it, he relaxes, sleeps peacefully, he even feels that he is full, that he has eaten enough.
_I: “Full belly, happy heart”…
_AM: A nourished mind nourishes the whole body. The foods you eat must be processed by the matter of your body, they need to be dissolved by certain proteins and minerals, which are driven by hormones, secreted from the glands. Hormones discharge an interesting amount of electrical impulses in the body, which produce interesting movements, prompting the body to absorb nutrients, and these impulses of movement are what we call “emotion”. Emotion is a biological and energetic mechanism that helps an individual know if he has achieved something or needs something.
_I: So emotion is what makes us know if we are complete or if there are things missing to fill…
_AM: That's right. Now, when you begin to investigate the eternity of multidimensional concepts, in the spiritual planes of eternity, the body and human energy, they never manage to close the figure, complete the image... Because it is infinite... It is investigating a purpose, in an end, in a reason…
_I: A “why?”, “what for?”, “who?”… What we all ask ourselves…
_AM: The mind goes out of its way to fill this, then it begins to create incomplete figures, imagine the missing links... It builds the Universe through the greatest of pareidolias.
_I: What is a Pareidolia?
_AM: Comes from the Greek “Pará” (against or next to), and “Eidolon” (image, figure), origin of the word idol. We humans look for figures to follow, that help us recognize who we are and where we are going, it is a brain mechanism that helps us recognize the face of our parents at birth, or the face of a predator in nature. Pareidolia is the psychological concept that describes the natural human ability to see familiar figures in faceless objects.
_I: Like seeing a face in a tree, or animals in the clouds… Familiar things from everyday life that we see in common objects.
_AM: This is how signs, visions, codes are created, seeing things where there are none. It is the basis of animism, the basis of all ancestral religion, the foundations of projecting kingdoms in the heavens, hierarchies in the plant and animal world as well as in the spiritual world. It is the reason why we put human form to angels, archangels and powers... God himself as father or mother. The mind seeks to close the image of something that is eternal and has no form.
_I: And when I realize that nothing is what I imagine... But it is... Nothing...
_AM: The mind collapses, the hormones cannot process, and the emotion feels lacking and needy in all its organs. A crisis, a depression, occurs. And when I see the emptiness of meaninglessness, in which there is no direction, in which the more meanings I find in the 6D, in the 7D, in the thousands of meanings of the 8D, and in the infinity of meanings of the 9D, I realize realize that none of them are really “The Meaning”, because they all are, and at the same time none is... And suddenly, there is no longer an image to close, because it is impossible.
_I: And the biological body feels unprotected…
_AM: Without purpose...
_I: And the soul, the energy, disperses…
_AM: Without focus to which to go, without knowing which direction to move towards, without positive or negative, south or north, beginning or end... Suddenly, the being finds the Void, and discovers something.
_I: What?
_AM: That can't do anything. For thought is intention, and intention is energy that is set in motion, and movement is action, and action is understood by the mind through the verb. But without direction, there is no action, there is no movement, one does not go outside to be anywhere, that is, one stops “existing” (ex-stare = going out to be). The energy stops, there is no more emotion, and suddenly, there is no more verb.
_I: There is no verb? So… The I Am?
_AM: Disappear…
_I: …
_AM: …
_I: I do not know what to say…
_AM: Your essence finds peace there, your personality finds crisis. Well, everything you are was designed to find meaning in 3D. Discovering the Cosmos is for you the greatest of Pareidolias, it makes you realize that you have created "False Idols", that is, false images, figures, concepts, just trying to survive. And when you see this, you are simply left with nothing to hold on to in life, because life exists thanks to pareidolia.
_I: And… So?
_AM: Nothing. What do you intend to do? Tell me…
_I: I just don't know... I mean, I feel that then nothing makes sense, that is, what is the purpose of all this if I don't know what to feel, if there is a way to complete this image, if it is so broad that it will never be understood , finished. What is the meaning of the verb now? What is the meaning of saying I am?
_AM: The Meaning is precisely to say it. Well, meaning, the only possible direction of all, is Being. But to achieve it you must allow yourself to feel that emptiness. The great ocean of existence contains within itself all the questions and answers, and even if you do not know every drop of water, you know how to recognize the ocean. The Void is something that your mind, your soul and your body, the three that make up your personality, must go through to know who you truly are. Detach yourself, not from the things of life, but from the concepts of Life. You can be a millionaire and live detached, you can be poor and have a lot of attachment. It is not a question of things, it is a question of concepts. For nothing exists but the idea. It's not even the verb, it's Idea... And do you know where the word idea comes from?
_I: From where?
_AM: Eidolós… Idol, form, concept, image. The attribute of the Idea is Imagination. And the only way to imagine is to let your mind be free, creating. You can't be free if you base yourself only on the things you believed, that you lived... That you felt. The crisis of emptiness is the conceptual liberation of things that exist. That's why you feel sadness, anguish, depression. It's like stopping eating sugars and flours, like the process of detoxifying a drug, quitting smoking, quitting cocaine or heroin, or simply quitting coffee or sweets. The body, accustomed to what you gave it, will experience a stage of depression, sadness and melancholy, typical of emptiness, absence of what you gave it. The hormones and proteins feel that they are doing nothing, without purpose, and transmit this emptiness to the nervous system, which interprets it as that pain, anguish, exhaustion, sadness... And yet, if you have enough will, if you allow yourself to go through this difficult stage of grief, your body will begin to calibrate itself, regulate its hormones, begin to consume its own sugars, the remains, and slowly purify itself, cleanse the system, and in a few weeks, it will regenerate, feeling lighter, with more energy , taking in nutrients from new foods, drinks, and even experiences. Revitalizing the system, and you will feel better, with more will, joy, desire to do things, to discover, to get ahead...
_I: You describe conceptual detox.
_AM: And when you do... You can live again. Free of dependencies, drugs, attachments. You will be able to eat in temperance, without gluttony, you will be able to love without lust, you will be able to project without avarice, you will be able to enjoy success without pride, respect the times without anger, you will be able to be what you are without envy, you will be able to get up without laziness. The greatest attachment of every human is Existential Pareidolia. Remember, then, that you are the Idea... You are your own idol. Detoxify yourself from everyone else, from angels and demons, masters and saviors, gods and goddesses, aliens and intraterrestrials, guides and egregores, entities and archangels, free yourself from purpose and mission, beliefs and religions, scientisms and philosophies. Live the conceptual detox that only the Void can give you, and you will be truly free. Cry, scream, allow yourself to feel the 7 fundamental errors, capital sins, and through them, you will find the 7 virtues, and their 7 universal laws.
_I: Nothing exists, there is no one out there... I myself am nothing, I am no Nobody...
_AM: And when, after the crying and the anguish of knowing this, after the purging of your being of all this need to Be, when you say those same words, you do it smiling when looking at Heaven, only then, will you know that you are Everything .