_I: I feel tired, exhausted... Without energy. And, it's not emotional, because I feel good. But I feel that it is my mind, my head, that feels exhausted.
_AM: And do you know why?
_I: Last week, even though I had within me all the concepts we touched on, I recognized them and knew; the way we reviewed them, the way we went back through them, it really shook up all the parameters of my existence.
_AM: You mean the dimensions…
_I: Yes, because suddenly, we live in a kind of bubble. Know? Like when they say “real estate bubble” on TV, or things like that, something that inflates a lot, that seems too much, that grows without stopping, and suddenly… Plof!… There's nothing left. It punctures, disappears, bursts. A crisis, a vacuum, occurs. Suddenly, we are nothing, I am nobody, I am nothing. The change in perception of reality eliminates all beliefs about the past and expectations about the future, it is as if to say: okay, I know that nothing really exists there because everything is one, and that all the things that exist are parts of me. , of that unity spread in different times and spaces. After recognizing all this, you live the dichotomy of the greatest sense or the worst sense. When you know that everything is real, because in reality nothing is... What I believed, past lives, beings from other dimensions, enlightened masters... They do not exist, there is no God or Devil, there are no angels or demons, there is no good or evil, and all value systems disappear. But still there is this notion that everything is for a reason, and in that moment, you recognize that there is no something, that there is no purpose, and... You fall back into nothingness. What I mean by this is that, despite understanding it, these concepts feel different... As if I had the need to organize what I feel to feel good, and not leave it at the mercy of meaninglessness... I don't know if I understand what I mean. what do I say...
_AM: That even knowing that you are Nothing, you do not dare to let go of the Everything.
_I: Yes, that... The Everything is like that float in the ocean, which allows me to stay afloat when I get tired of swimming in the ocean of infinity. It is like that pillar to cling to in the face of the hurricane wind of ideas, so as not to fly away. I'm afraid of letting go of everything and drowning in eternity...
_AM: And haven't you considered that maybe you know how to swim in it? Fear is what prevents you from recognizing that you don't have to make an effort to float, that the more force you use to hold on, the more you will sink, or the more you will capsize; but when you let yourself go like a leaf, you float... Levitates.
_I: Face up… Breathing deeply… I can float…
_AM: The only way to float and not sink in the waves of an ocean is to stop fighting against them, and give up.
_I: Surrender… To… Eternity?
_AM: Can you go against Eternity? Do you think you can beat him?
_I: Well… No… It's something impossible to beat…
_AM: Because the eternal has no enemies. Everyone fears eternity and yet they seek it. Eternal Life... Enlightenment, full consciousness, everything is eternity, Transcendence is eternity. So why do you fight with the inevitable? Why do you fight against who you really are by holding on to a particle? Because… Dude, you hold on to the float when you are the Ocean.
_I: Maybe it's because of what it means to give up.
_AM: What does it mean?
_I: Letting go, letting go, means being defeated, as in a battle, not having reached the end, not having put in everything I could have put in to achieve it, like breaking into the middle of a path, of a project believing that it is for me. impossible to finish him, so “I give up”, I turn back, or I will not fight. Giving up sounds to me like not having enough will to finish what I started, to stay standing. I feel that surrendering is getting on your knees, giving my power to another... And losing it myself.
_AM: Well, I'm glad to know that not knowing what it really means.
_I: How? So… What does it mean?
_AM: Performance. What is it?
_I: The result of a job done... How much a job has yielded, the hours and effort put into achieving a product or result.
_AM: Yield comes from the same root as Surrender, Surrender. In English, you may know it as the verb “render”, which means “to make”, to produce something. To render something is to put it together, to produce it. The word Surrender comes from the Latin “reddere” (to return) or “surredere” (to return below). The Latin words “re-” (to return to), “dare” (to give) and “sub” (under) speak of a subjugated return, an implicit return. Performance is the instrument that has been returned, it is what has been achieved, what returns to you for your actions and tasks. Likewise, Surrender talks about the action of returning what was given. Surrender, then, defines the act of an individual to return to himself, without imposing his force towards the external.
_I: So the act of surrender would be returning to myself, to what I surrendered myself without fighting with the world to expand... Would surrendering be contracting?
_AM: It would be Surrender, whose twin word, etymologically speaking, is Integrate. Surrender (whose English parallel would be “to submit”: get under) is a Spanishism of the word Integrarse, directly from Latin. When you surrender, you integrate, you stop looking outside, clinging to external agents, fighting against windmills, to return to yourself, to the center, to the one that you are, and give to yourself what you previously gave to others. . Surrendering is the most conducive act of integration to be able to float in eternity.
_I: In what way?
_AM: Clinging to life, physical survival has been your first fight. And that's okay, it's natural, necessary, a logical and biological process. Do the impossible to stay here as long as possible. Then, once survival is assured, the search for transcendence begins, to be remembered, respected, loved, and the attachments of the soul, to bonds, emotions and feelings, begin. And finally, you seek enlightenment, ascension, to the infinite, which is found in the mind, the idea, the dream, the philosophy, and you hold on to what you believe, to what you perceive. These three attachments become the pillars of your existence, the human key that is expansion, moving forward, finding utopia, escaping the existential void. Then you cling to them as the only anchors of personality. Your attitudes, emotions and beliefs become part of what you give of yourself to the world, to the family, of what you give, and therefore you will defend it to the death, with fists and teeth, fighting against everything that goes against you. of these three manifestations of your being. In the will to infinitely transcend your attitudes, you will establish a morality, and you will fight against what you believe is bad, against the actions opposite to yours. Seeking to be loved, you will project your emotions to others, in the fight to be loved and respected. Just as in the need to know your belief as truth, you will fight to make others believe it, to make others submit to your thinking. But you are only doing this to survive, fighting with the environment, so that your body can thrive. And in it you fight, you spend a lot of energy, you live in the constant fight, moving towards an imaginary destination, wearing out your mind, soul and body. Trying not to drown, not to perish. And then you realize that you have been giving your all, that you have given the world more than you can. And you realize that the more effort you made to achieve things, the fewer results you obtained, since you spent most of it fighting with the environment. Instead of letting yourself be carried by the current to the nearest shores, floating, you decided to spend all your energy swimming towards where you thought dry land was. Fighting against eternity, giving your all, in the battle to fulfill what your mind, your soul and your body ask for. Although…
_I: …The three are my personality, a simple atom in the middle of existence…
_AM: Then you realize that spending that energy in an unnecessary moment is your ultimate defeat. I'll give you an example with this sea. If you become a castaway in the middle of the Atlantic, and the waves drag you in one direction, and you believe that your home is in the other, you will do everything you can to fight and swim towards home. Imagine, then, that your home is in Argentina, and you have been shipwrecked near the Canary Islands. The Caribbean current will drag you north, towards Iberia. And you are only 200km from Tenerife, but you insist on swimming south, knowing that your home is there. Without effort, the current will take you 200km north, and when you touch Tenerife, there will be 2 international airports that can take you home again in 12 hours. But you still insist on carrying out the battle. And maybe, that battle will be epic, but it will be unnecessary. You have turned the fight into a synonym for honor, for heroism, and you are terrified of surrendering to the current, because you believe it is a defeat. A lack of honor. The wars that you have experienced have mostly been unnecessary, many have died to defend something that, if they had surrendered, they could have transformed it from within without deaths.
_I: Are you saying that most of the wars and battles that awaken so much honor in human memory have been in vain?
_AM: Not in vain, but unnecessary. Ideas, beliefs, emotions and attitudes sometimes make your lives shorter just because they believe that living longer and finding a more natural way is a sign of weakness. And weakness is not a failure, but a synonym for inner strength. Recognizing weakness in the face of life's circumstances opens doors to finding new forces of support that you were unaware of. When you fight against the current, you are more likely to die very soon, abandoning everything you could have done later. If you go with the flow, you'll save yourself the struggle, and you'll still be able to get home even faster...
_I: I understand, then, that surrendering brings us closer to our inner goal than fighting with the outside.
_AM: That's right. And with this I do not deny the importance of the struggle, something we will talk about later. Today's logic is: If it was raining and cold outside, instead of going out in shorts, without an umbrella and demonstrating the courage of “I can do anything”, wouldn't it be easier to put on boots and grab the umbrella, so as not to then have to live a week of flu in bed?
_I: The brave struggle that demonstrates power in a minute can detain us for a long time in suffering...
_AM: Sometimes it is better to dress well, according to the weather, and not fight unnecessary wars.
_I: It seems difficult, because we have been taught to fight for what we want in life, to work hard to achieve good performance.
_AM: Good performance is not achieved in struggle, but in coherence, and coherence is within, and you must give the power to yourself, not to show others that you can, but to yourself, that is, you must give yourself the power. force yourself again, that is... Surrender.
_I: If I surrender to the ocean, I become a wave…
_AM: You must learn when you really have to use energy, so as not to waste it on Windmills.
_I: “Blessed is he to whom heaven gave a piece of bread, without any obligation to thank anyone other than heaven itself!” (The Quijote)
_AM: On your knees! Surrender to me!
_I: I give up! I let myself fall to the ground as if made of clouds, releasing the weight and gravity of my beliefs, my feelings and my actions... I let myself be carried away by Eternity...
_AM: Surrender, and as you do, as you flow with the current of the eternal ocean, you will remember that you are part of it, you are a particle of eternity.
_I: I Am Eternity... And I can only discover it in the surrender of my personality, giving to myself everything that I gave to the unreal, illusory world...
_AM: “He who retreats does not flee.” Don Quixote said. The Eternal Dream is the constant surrender, integration of powers. The Piscean emotion does nothing more than guide human morality to give everything of itself for others, for the world, to carry out the silent battle of service, to give everything, to give up one's soul for the well-being of one's own. But your own, they are one, they are home, and in the same way that you find yourself swimming between the island and the house, sometimes, the opposite direction is the closest path to home.
_I: I serve the entire Universe more by giving myself than by giving myself to others...
_AM: Only in this full surrender can you truly do for the world what you hope to do.
_I: “Be the Change you want to see in the World” (Ghandi).
_AM: And to achieve it, you must surrender to the entire world.
_I: I surrender… I let go… I let go…
_AM: Surrender, and you will be Eternal.