Truth and Lies


_I: Perhaps the greatest conflict of our time is the unbalanced duality of the concepts of Truth and Lies related to the Throat chakra. Today it is very difficult to know what is true, which makes us constantly doubt everything we see. Before the globalization of Information at the beginning of the last century, everything was classified as “Truth” or “Lie”. There was no doubt about it. There was no doubt about truths or lies, and one lived one's entire life based on a thought relative to this order. This is how ideas like “my religion is the only real one, and the others are lies of the devil” are based. Or “the only science is physics perceptible by the 5 senses and everything that falls outside of that is a lie and fantasy.” Both spiritual and scientific, as well as cultures and politics, based their permanence and structure on the concepts of what is Truth and what is a Lie. A very useful dual system to easily control the masses, since both words function as a kind of cattle drive. In this way, policies are created based on the Greek concept of “isms”, that is, “movements”, currents that cling to a truth, alluding that if one has the truth, the other inevitably has the lie. The media emerged as a way to solve this problem by adding a broader view, allowing people to see more than one option, amplifying their information and asking questions to the viewer to lead them to reason outside of the “isms.” However, the same media, to survive in the competition, were involved in the need to show what they considered attractive, even fictional, to generate emotion and attraction and gain audience, becoming part of the great machinery of lies and truths. Then, the Internet arrived, social networks, smartphones, Wi-Fi, and suddenly, every citizen, every individual is a journalist, a philosopher, a researcher, a scientist, a writer, a religious person, a politician, a critic. , an artist. Direct access not only to receive information but also to grant it, generated the opposite effect to what was expected: information overload. Due to video editing, artificial intelligence, and “science fiction” techniques, it has been possible to convert lies into truths, generating movements from things that do not exist or have not been previously verified. Today science no longer has the last word, today conspiracy theories that speak of reptiles dressed as presidents, of flat earth, coexist at the same level as the advances in quantum physics and climate change. Everything is politicized, everything is idealized, taken to the extreme, and ignorance and ideas of competition are further reinforced, not between large corporations, but between individuals around the world. Our world today stopped being a world of connection for information, for learning, and began to be a world of misinformation,in which everything already seems true, and everything seems a lie. How can I distinguish then, what is true and what is a lie?

_AM: Approximately 200,000 years of illiteracy…

_I: Huh?

_AM: In the middle of the year 1040 of your era, the first printing press for texts on rice paper was manufactured in China. Method that would later be extended to Japan and other regions of Asia. In Europe, this idea would take about 400 more years to appear, until Mr. Gutenberg made it official, replicating the Bible in 1440. It would take almost 400 more years until Education became public and a right of free access to every citizen due to the republican ideals of the French Revolution in 1789. The great technological development would not arrive until the Industrial Revolution, a few years later. It is at that same time that Freedom of the Press was enacted in the United States. Starting in 1850, Human Rights and the Abolition of Slavery began, something naturalized by humans for thousands and thousands of years. Between the First and Second World Wars, movements for Women's Rights began to emerge, starting in 1920, along with many other progresses that began to connect the world, such as the independence of the last colonies and the fall of the last empires. Although the first analytical machines began to be designed in the late 1800s, it was not until 1975 that people, ordinary citizens, could begin to purchase them for personal use. Searching for a method of exchanging scientific “papers” for online correction, the idea arose that led to the appearance in 1983 of what we call “Internet”, that is, “interconnected network”. Tell me, what year were you born?

_I: In 1987…

_AM: Ah, only 4 years after the internet. When did you have internet at home?

_I: When I turned 12... I think around 1999.

_AM: Only 559 years after the invention of the Printing Press in Europe. Visually, the history of Humanity would look like the following graph: Here there are 200,000 years of history that represent the moment in which the culture of homo sapiens sapiens emerged, and in it each point represents a century (100 years). The first two bars // are the moment in which official history considers the invention of writing (3600 BC). The next bar / is the Birth of Christ, year 1 of your era. The first upper bar (-) is around 1100 with the first advances in Asia and the Arab world. The lower bars are the years 1400 and 1500 (__), when the Printing Press, the Renaissance, as well as the beginning of Colonialism towards America occurred. The bars — are the years 1600 and 1700, the beginning of the Scientific and Idealist Revolutions that lead to the Social Revolutions. The asterisk is 1800, where the independences and republics, the advances of society and human and individual rights begin. The % percentage is 1900, your century, the one of world wars and the Internet, the one that invented the greatest technological advances in the shortest time. And finally (*) represents the 20 years of this 21st century. Now take a good look at it. Each dot represents the illiteracy of humanity in general, and only the last 3 symbols *%(*) show the time of literacy, connection, technology, information.

_I: I think I understand where you're going...

_AM: There is a phrase that is a little derogatory but perhaps graphic to understand this: “A monkey with a knife.”

_I: Yes, I understand, that is, as humans we have been living in the same way for about 200,000 years, and in the last 300 years everything has changed dramatically. Not to mention the last 40 years. It's almost my age, it's only 2 or 3 generations. I remember one time my great-grandmother told me: “I remember when as a child the president was Yrigoyen.” Name that I associated with the most ancient past of Argentina, and there it was, my very active and unstoppable great-grandmother reminding me of her childhood. Everything went very fast…

_AM: So fast that you haven't been able to process anything. And one of the things we have to process is that there is nothing we call Truth, nor anything we call Lies.

_I: How?

_AM: Maybe it will take you a few more centuries or millennia to assimilate it, but what you are experiencing, the age of overinformation, is a natural reaction, like when they tell you: “drinking orange juice is very good”, so you drink all the mornings, every noon and every night, until one day you are overloaded with sugar, gaining weight and you say: “in the end the orange juice wasn't so good.” No, orange juice is good, the problem is that you didn't know how to drink it. The same thing happens with information. Information must be savored, digested, processed, given time. In this era there is no processing time, everything is so fast that an average human stops using his brain to identify and the only thing he does is look. Thus the information passes through emotion and not through intellect. And it is once again a useful tool for crowd control. So, what humanity is experiencing today should not last for long, since its collapse will be inevitable.

_I: And the notion of Truth?

_AM: Truth and Lies are just two concepts of internal order that generate security in the relationship between oneself and the environment. It is a way of feeling situated, in a concept, standing on the foundations of life. Identifying a Truth makes us have an axis and focus in life. However, one thing is clear: if the 8 billion humans all had the same and only truth as their concept, nothing would exist because they would all do the same thing. The interweaving of existence is produced by the perspectives of many intersecting truths. This is why the laws of physics and those of the heart are not always the same. This is why quantum and chemistry are not understood, even though they are both truths. Art is not compatible with absolute truth, and yet it moves more lives than reality. The Lie is nothing more than the distortion of the Truth just as Darkness is the distortion of the Light. Lying comes from the Latin concept “Mens-tiri”, which means “ability of the Mind to create ideas beyond reality”. In English the term “Lie” comes from the Indo-European “Leogh”, which means falsehood. We could say, then, that the Human found in Lying the capacity to be creative. When he called the Sun as the Father of Heaven, the Moon as the Spirit of the Mother, When he called the Biosphere Mother Nature, and the interior of the volcanoes he called Hell, he called the stars Ancestors, he created the stories that made them being who they are, created culture, art, beauty, all through the Mind's ability to ideate, to generate false ideas of reality, romanticizing life to give it meaning. Tell me now, is lying bad?

_I: Ugh... You make it difficult for me... From that point of view I would say no... But what about the lies that have led us to destroy each other?

_AM: The same knife that the monkey has in his hand can kill you or perform an operation capable of saving your life. It all depends on the use you know how to give it. A coherent, free and educated mind learns to lie the right way: through art, romance, poetry, the beauty of making sense of things, of connecting them together.

_I: And the Truth?

_AM: Truth, from the Latin verum, means “exact.” Something that in English can be found in the term “veracity.” That is, it refers to the direct relationship between what one perceives inside and what is outside, a certain form of conformity between what I think and feel with what is observed in reality externally. That said, a truth becomes totally relative from the point of view from which it is looked at. We can say something as simple as that for a colorblind person the pencil is not red even if I see it red. What is the truth? Well, many insects and animals don't see red either, the only thing that makes it red is my ability to see the 700hz vibrational frequency wave of light. Or we could make it even more complex: Albert Einstein himself refused to believe that Quantum Physics could be real because he said “God does not play dice.” The ability to withstand a statement like quantum that goes against the world of physics did not enter into his concept of intelligence... And yet, it exists.

_I: Yes, but we could also say that it is absurd to think that the Earth is Flat when we all already know from many tests that it is not like that.

_AM: The great problem with truths is that they seek to be absolute and impose themselves on others. The person who sees the Flat Earth is the person who sees the Flat World, and it is based on what their limited eyes perceive, and that is a truth like any other. People who say that the Earth tends to be spherical or ovoid can fall into two groups: those who blindly trust others without asking questions, and those who have the ability to see for themselves why. In all cases, truth is a perception. Truths are never absolute, they are perceptions. The more they want to impose their truths on others, the more they will be contributing to the collective lie.

_I: So… You have to educate yourself better.

_AM: But not at school. Educating yourself is learning to savor and digest information about life and the world, not swallow it like a duck.

_I: I understand, then, that there is no Absolute Truth, that it is transformed as I transform my way of perceiving the world around me and the inner world. I also understand that the Lie is a tool of human creativity, a gift that culture, art, and beauty gave us, and that because we are not coherent we have misused it. Lies and Truth, then, are not opposites, but complementary, since while one arises from the perception of the external world (truth), the other projects a perception onto said world (lie).

_AM: Be coherent, and wherever you go, you will be able to project your lie to build truth. Well, it is the richness of human inner art, of imagination, that has designed the wonderful realities that surround you today. Learn to use them. Design now, your lies and your truths as one being, intertwined with each other, your imagination and your truth, your external and internal world, both united as one. Manifest it externally so that you can see the balanced result of what both represent in you: your creative power.

_I: I Am the Mind that with imagination designs new realities. The Lie is the basis of my Reality, the Truth is the potential of my Imagination.


Love and Hate


Light and Darkness