Light and Darkness


_I: Perhaps there is no duality harder and more controversial than that which corresponds to the Third Eye. Since time immemorial, stories from night and day, and their battles for supremacy, have divided the world. And yet, for the sake of the Light, most fall to the tools of the Dark. What makes this polarity the most difficult to integrate?

_AM: It all started with those bacteria we once talked about. At the bottom of the ocean, the volcanic soups of minerals and high heat allowed the emergence of living organisms from the combination of these elements, generating a membrane of minerals to contain a drop of water inside that would allow them to contain energy. This created a cell, and they began to become more complex. By filling the bottom of the oceans, a huge amount was left without food, and the only option they found was to ascend and look for other types of food. From the dark abyssal depths, they emerged towards the surface, in search of light. They became photosensitive, and began to photosynthesize, that is, synthesize light to turn it into energy and food. This expanded unicellular organisms to be multicellular. The population of the oceans was so great that many also began to seek to come to the surface. Plants did it first, who, searching for sunlight, changed the Earth's atmosphere, filling it with gases, absorbing carbon from volcanoes and releasing oxygen, creating the biosphere. So animals began to consume plants, and then to consume each other. For billions of years, each living being organized its life based on the appearance of the sun and the arrival of night. The Light implied food, security, visibility. The night implied danger, energy saving, sleep. Taking advantage of this circumstance in which the majority were defenseless at night, many animals became nocturnal, attacking and creating in the collective subconscious the idea of ​​evil beings that emerged from the darkness. The big battle was to consume light energy, feed on it, and it didn't matter how. Everything was worth it. When the Hominid appeared, all this information began to be rationalized. Well, one of the attributes of the beings that would give rise to Humans is the ability to share information through culture. Culture became the way humans conveyed the importance of light, calling it “what is good,” and darkness “what is evil.” The stories of demonic, angelic beings, divinities; All that formed the basis of the human mentality was the transmission of the basic information of day and night, solstices and equinoxes, seasons, sowing and harvest. Thus, culture organized religion as a way to maintain and ensure survival, through the formation of morality to distinguish beings of light and those of darkness.

_I: I find it fascinating to understand that what we have today as beliefs have come to us through the transmission of basic concepts such as food and security...

_AM: That duality does not happen on planets with more than one sun, or with a lot of light. Here it is very marked by the fact that half of the planet is at night when the other is during the day.

_I: So this duality is not bad if it is in our ancestral nature.

_AM: Of course it's not bad. It is useful. Although it stops being so when, by seeking to transcend the physical world and wanting to reach the spiritual world, it makes us project our biology at a level where said division does not exist. As long as you have a body, you will live between light and darkness, because your pineal gland controls your sleep and wakefulness, it is sleeping and waking up, you are organically designed to fall asleep during the night and protect yourself in a safe place, and wake up in the day to act. For this reason, the search to act in the Light does not come from a spiritual and unconditional path, but from a biological reaction.

_I: And then what about all the beings that I feel, or feel, that we call angels and demons, all the beings that we recognize as light and darkness?

_AM: The Earth is a unique system, but at the same time fractal of the Universe. As above, so below. The Law of Correspondence shows that everything you perceive on the outside is a projection of the interior, but at the same time, the formation of the interior has been a constant reaction to the impulses of the external. Now let's leave Earth to see the cosmos. In the beginning there was only the Void. Nothingness, similar to a black hole. Precisely, the maximum darkness. Just like the bottom of the oceans, an enormous energy collapsed in this deep Void, generating a vibration that expanded in the form of Light. The Light was energy, and the more it vibrated, the more frequencies and patterns emerged. Collapsing again on itself, the moment of the Big Bang arose, the Great Explosion that generated matter. The light traveled in all directions, and was now emanated by suns that radiated out to 360 degrees of a sphere. When light is projected onto a physical object, shadows appear. Throughout this process, see something: Darkness is what allows matter to be seen, it is what gave life to the universe, since it is from the Void and the Collapse of Light on itself that Existence emerged. Light is the energy that sustains life and guides it on the paths of existence.

_I: Just like in the image I chose for today, what we see as diabolical or dark is nothing more than the projection of Light on the Forms.

_AM: Angels, Demons and many other entities are like the multicellular organisms of the cosmos. Both seek to use energy for their own benefit, just like the living beings on Earth. The dark ones, demons, the Devil, are nothing more than the designers of realities, architects of life who distort the light so that we can exist. The dark are like the bees that take the pollen and nectar from the flower of light, from the souls, to create honeycombs and honey. And if you bother them at work, they won't hesitate to bite you. Sometimes the dark ones want to live their own creations, seeking energy in human bodies or in nature, just like insects and bacteria or viruses. Demons are the mechanisms of development and evolution. The beings of light are the plants, the flowers, the direct product of light that unconditionally deliver medicine and food. Neither plants nor insects are bad in nature, in fact, without one or the other the world would be destroyed.

_I: So you're telling me that those we've put into war have never been in battle?

_AM: There have been some, as in the kingdom of insects; There are many fights, and many devour the flowers. But it is still something natural. Humans gave culture to what did not have it. Beings of light and darkness have worked together since the beginning of time in the same way that plants use insects for pollination.

_I: So the light uses the darkness to expand its territory.

_AM: That's right. And the greater the number of plants, the greater the number of insects. Balance. They are creators of worlds, designers of life.

_I: And why do they sometimes attack us? I have experienced exorcisms, and I have felt the struggle between beings of light and darkness.

_AM: Of course, as I told you, in nature there is an incessant struggle to consume energy, and humans are a very large, emotional source.

_I: And how do we stop this from happening?

_AM: You can't eliminate the bees because you know they can sting you. You must learn to live with them. Plant more plants, more flowers, give them nectar, make offerings to them.

_I: This reminds me of what they do on the island of Bali, Indonesia. The first time I went I saw that they placed offerings of flowers and fruits at the doors of temples and rooms. I asked who it was for, and they told me it was for demons and darkness. At that moment I was surprised, and they explained to _I: if you honor them for their work in the world, make offerings of food to them, they will feel loved and will not get into mischief. I thought it was the most loving thing I had ever heard.

_AM: Because as we talk... Darkness and light coexist in symbiosis. When you seek to enter the world of Consciousness, you see that everything is One, and the world of Unconsciousness rooted in positive and negative currents disappears. For Consciousness there is no struggle between the two, but rather they are useful: yin-yang.

_I: To enter the spiritual world of Consciousness, then, is to understand the nature of all entities of light and darkness, recognizing that it is the light that projects the dark forms that we see. I understand that the Light, when expanding in matter, reveals its irregularities and distortions, showing all the aspects that must be integrated.

_AM: Look at the image again, and observe how the light is a perfect circle, a luminous sphere, which on matter reveals all the steps of evolution in a dark demonic image. Normally, in the times of Wisdom and Initiatory Schools, the most essential knowledge of light was disguised as beings that were scary: spider, snake, scorpion, crocodiles, the Devil, and many others, because in this way the wise men made sure that Only those who had transcended fear and survival from the world of forms would reach wisdom. Whoever could see through the eyes of the serpent, whoever crossed the Devil safely, would see the light behind. The steps of evolution were disguised as darkness to understand that it was only a mechanism for the development of light. Bees and Flowers.

_I: So, I am Light and Darkness, both live in me, and by honoring both parts I can transcend to full Consciousness.

_AM: Find the balance between your lights and shadows, draw them, manifest them, and you will be free, because you will become a Creator of Realities.

_I: I am Light and Darkness in Balance. I am Creator.


Truth and Lies


Eternal and Finite