

_I: When talking about Society meaning “quality of Following”, the word “consequent” arises, something that defines someone who acts consistently.

_AM: Who performs his actions in a consistent sequence associated with social monitoring.

_I: Good pun.

_AM: Thank you.

_I: So, could we say that societies today are not coherent?

_AM: Being consistent with actions is maintaining a linearity of thought and action. Someone consistent manifests in reality what he promulgates from the beginning. If throughout your life what you say changes completely according to the winds of the moment, then you will not be consistent, because you do not follow your objectives.

_I: But, I don't understand something. One of the things we said was that it is necessary to adapt, change with the times, allow yourself to modify in relation to the environment, which is a key to evolution. So why now do you tell me that it is necessary to be consistent over time and not change with the winds?

_AM: You humans take too much pleasure in polar determinisms, don't you?

_I: How?

_AM: You are bipolar by nature and it seems to give you pleasure, pleasure, to oscillate between extremes. The Universe is relativistic, it is not determining. There will never be an absolute truth. I return to what I said: consciousness is not moral. Morality is deterministic, it says one thing and applies it in that way regardless of the context, while conscience takes the tools of the context to fulfill its purpose. Let's give graphic examples of this.

_I: Yes, please…

_AM: Imagine that you live in Argentina and you have to travel to Cairo.

_I: Well… There's not much imagination there, it's almost real.

_AM: Actually you live in Cairo, and you would travel to Argentina.

_I: It's true...

_AM: In any case, imagine that to travel from one place to another, you consider that the most handy tool you have to get from one place to another is a boat. Then your morale will have the shape of a ship, and you will say: “I will only reach my destination by ship, there is no other way.” You deny the possibility of other ways, be it car, plane, on foot... Or the most logical thing: take all transportation. But your morality forbids it, since it is shaped like a boat. Now, you have a headwind, and you cannot move forward. Or there are adverse currents, and the boat is moved to an opposite place. The context prevents you from using your morals. Then you are left with a choice.

_I: Discern…

_AM: That's right, discern between the best ways. That is called grouping various options to discern between them, something you call Consciousness. Awareness allows you to decide if you want to leave the ship and get on a plane, or travel by car or bicycle to a more optimal port along the Atlantic. Consciousness can also tell _I: if you want to continue on the boat, at least learn to use the currents of the moment, the winds in your favor, because going against all those forces will not allow you to advance, but perhaps if you use the currents with wisdom, you will get there faster even if it seems like a further path.

_I: Sure… I understand.

_AM: The means of transport, the method you use, is your morality, but contexts can change, there may be unexpected stopovers, the weather may change, the currents may change, the passengers and companions may be different. And if you are fixed in your morals, you will never be able to adapt to changes. Now, there is something that has not been changed...

_I: What?

_AM: The purpose, the idea, the essence of why you came out in the first place. When we talk about modifying, mutating, adapting to innovation, interacting with different visions, we are not referring to losing the inner north, to losing the essence. There are hundreds of species of cats, also tigers, lions, cheetahs, and many others, but they are all still felines. The essence is the feline, although travel has transformed them. Adaptation to the environment is essential, which does not mean losing oneself. The primordial destiny is within, and finding oneself is what allows us not to get lost in the thousands of mutating forms of the environment.

_I: That is to say that there is an inevitable need to mutate, to adapt to the contexts of time and space in order to continue existing, but maintaining internal coherence, one's own north.

_AM: Like on that trip in which a thousand things can happen in the middle that will force you to have to adapt, but you know where you are going, and you move forward to get there in the same way.

_I: As happened to me in everything in life, and even more so with the YOSOY path, in which the content is the same, but the forms mutated 100%.

_AM: The entire process of moving towards a destination while allowing yourself to adapt along the way is what we know as “Transmuting”.

_I: I have heard this concept a lot, when in therapies they talk to us about transmuting bonds, emotions, thoughts, beliefs. How is something transmuted?

_AM: The word “trans” means “on the other side”, to go to another place. It usually accompanies a verb to define the direction in which it is carried out: transform, transmit, transcribe, transcend, upset, transfuse, transgress, and of course transmute, that is: modify itself further, to something else later. This concept refers to the fact that when a mutation takes you to another level, to another place different from the one where you were previously.

_I: So I can mutate but stay in the same place, or transmute, which would be changing environment.

_AM: In short, that is a simple understanding of what both concepts mean. For example: a person who considers himself weak, fearful, below others, lacking power and prone to depression, may psychologically choose to mutate to find these attributes in a different form, such as changing his clothes, the colors you use, start using stronger colors, or even dye your hair colors like red, blush or pink, colors that give security, strength, power. But this mutation is almost like the camouflage of an insect, a bird, or an easy prey, which is dyed in strong colors, appearing to be something it is not, mutating only to defend itself in the environment in which it lives, although its nature remains the same. of weakness and victim.

_I: What would it be like for that person to transmute?

_AM: First, go to the root, the cause of your weakness, perhaps projected onto a parent, or someone who abused this person in the family, school, whether verbally, physically, psychologically or emotionally. You must recognize the root of this emotional state, and realize that this context is different. She recognizes who are the focuses of her projections, identifies the spaces in which she feels subjected, and from this she considers what new spaces she would need to explore, what links she needs to transform. Thus, he takes the reins, and instead of disguising himself in the same environment, he decides to get out of it, honoring his history, he decides to change his environment, move away from it, change his ties by recognizing the previous ones. Physically he positions himself in a new place, observing his life from a transcendental point of view, and therefore, he has transmuted. It is not a camouflage, it is a new being, an improved version, aware of what has happened and why it is the way it is. He changes his morality, decides to adapt to new currents, not denying the previous one, but taking it as learning.

_I: So transmuting is not something so easy, since it requires leaving the place where we are, moving to places that I have never visited before, and interacting with people that I never took into account before.

_AM: Learning new tools, new arts for life.

_I: I have transmuted, I am sure of that... I recognize myself as very different from what I was before, and I have changed many spaces, many relationships of all kinds, I learned, and I moved forward, I never went back. I recognize myself as a transmuter.

_AM: Your task is also to be a planetary transmuter, and therefore your presence stirs the lives of others, giving them intense shocks in a short time to modify their lives.

_I: At times I have realized that it has been painful for many.

_AM: Transmuting hurts when one is clinging to a morality, a place and way of doing and seeing things. There are people used to transmutation, but most cannot deal with real changes.

_I: I was once criticized for causing divorces. They said that what I did was break families...

_AM: Or replace pieces that were already broken.

_I: Yes, I mean, I didn't do anything, it was just that the energetic tasks we carried out were so intense, that many individuals realized that they lived oppressed in their potential, and that their families, their relationships, did nothing but delay their progress. process of being who they truly were. So, they separated...

_AM: Separation, divorce is another form of transmutation. The breaking of emotional and family ties does not break the ties we have with others, but rather transforms them to allow the freedom of being. Morality tells us that when we find a point of stability we have to hold on to it, for fear of not obtaining another one later. But the beginning of instability is the beginning of flexibility. It is the key that has allowed every being to advance, migrate, evolve. If we had held on to what we had for sure at the beginning of humanity, we would still be living in caves.

_I: You have to be encouraged to change…

_AM: Let's take the leap. Jump into the abyss, into the void of insecurity that gives us opportunities. The Universe never leaves anything to chance, all the particles, the parts, find their place when they allow themselves to fall, move, change. Transmutation implies the transmigration of the body, emotions and thoughts, the ability to change the point of view, something impossible to do while always being in the same place. Change space, house, travel, move, do a new activity, surround yourself with new people, visit new places, dare to stop talking to someone to talk to someone new, take the step with courage to accept loneliness by transcending a relationship that does not bear fruit to the being, allowing oneself to feel the freedom of action, all of this is transmuting.

_I: It is not just staying with the spiritual concept of transmuting an emotion, or belief. Because I have seen that people talk about transmuting relationships and emotions only with therapies...

_AM: A therapy is like calling a technician to fix the wiring in your house, and hoping that only with the new cables, your house will be more organized, bright, and you will feel happy. No. The new cables only enable you to have better energy flow so that you can buy new lights, add more clarity, perform good fengshui, and live day to day from a different perspective.

_I: Of course... A therapy does not make us transmute, it only gives us tools so that we can do it.

_AM: It's a question of attitude, the ability to act. You live in the Third Dimension, therefore, you must be consistent with it.

_I: What about the idea that we will soon transmute to the Fifth Dimension?

_AM: Some will, yes.

_I: Some?

_AM: Those who are qualified to live it. As an example we could take that 5D is like living in the Bolivian and Peruvian Altiplano, at an average of 4000 meters high, or in the Tibet massif, with an average of 5000 meters high. And we will take 3D as an average of 100 meters high, that is, people who live on the coasts, on the beaches and on the plains. If you want to go to 5D, you are going to have to prepare your physique, your diet, your exercise, your breathing. Everest will not come to the beach in Cancun to change your life while you drink a mojito under the sun on the beach.

_I: Hehehe I understand…

_AM: The most likely thing is that whoever is sitting meditating on the beach looking at the sea breathing large amounts of oxygen, if he suddenly appears on Everest, will die, due to lack of red blood cells in the blood that process the low level of oxygen, as well as low atmospheric pressure, temperatures below 0, and the blood and brain pressure that occurs at high altitudes. It can cause micro heart attacks, lung failure, all of this if you do not know how to breathe, if you have not adapted to this transmutation progressively. If your muscles have not been prepared for the gravitational pressure of high altitudes, your muscles will atrophy, and there will not be much blood or oxygen to nourish them, causing stroke, cramps and nausea.

_I: Wow, going to 5D really hurts…

_AM: It hurts if you have spent your whole life on the beach scratching your navel meditating on “Om” without knowing what it means, begging that someone, an alien or ascended master, will throw Everest at you in the Caribbean…

_I: Hehehe very graphic…

_AM: Therefore, 60% of the world's population lives below 1,500 meters above sea level, that is, between level 0 of any beach in the world, to a territory of 1,500 meters like the desert. of Nevada in the United States. Within this 60%, only 10% live between 1000 and 1500 meters, meaning that 50% of the world's population lives below 1000 meters in altitude. One kilometer altitude. Today, the Burj Khalifa building in the United Arab Emirates is the tallest building in the world, at 828 meters high, although a new building will soon take the place of the tallest in Dubai, at 1,300 meters high. I mean, this can give you an idea that half of the human population could live on the floors of this building, and you would know how high we normally go. The other 40% is distributed between 1,500 and 3,000 meters above sea level, of which 22% live between Peru and Bolivia, and 17% in Africa, with 0.30% in Asia. This leaves us with crumbs of a few thousand living above 4000 meters of altitude.

_I: It is a good example to understand why only a few perceive the 5D...

_AM: And that the transmutation is not from the 5D to the 3D but from the 3D to the 5D, that is: if you want to live the 5D, you must climb the mountain, not wait for the mountain to come to you.

_I: “If the mountain does not go to Muhammad, Muhammad will go to the mountain.” No? Although sometimes I have heard it the other way around.

_AM: Said backwards is simply a word joke that makes no sense. Francis Bacon, around the year 1597, wrote in his book “Essays on Morals and Politics”, this phrase that became popular. It tries to reflect the willingness to take the initiative for oneself to achieve the objectives we seek in life. The mountain will not come to us, that is, things will not come to our garden no matter how hard we ask for them. It is necessary to move, take actions, be resourceful, seek the mountain, go beyond. There is truly the glory of the prophet, of whom he carries the message, of whom he seeks the truth.

_I: As they once told _I: “Turn Hope into Responsibility”, stop waiting for the 5D, the new thing to come into our lives, and go out and look for it, and if I don't find it, create it for myself.

_AM: Therefore, living in 3D, it is necessary to be realistic, and recognize that for everything there is a process, and that in this process we are required to adapt to the environment. Open ourselves to change places, to leave the comfort zone, to face what bothers us, to transform our relationships, to jump into the void, to learn new things, relate to new and different people, nourish ourselves with unexpected experiences, see in every crisis an opportunity.

_I: Transmute, clearly it is not a simple idea…

_AM: It's an attitude. The attitude of being yourself, allowing yourself to be everything.

_I: This is how I honor the month of Gemini, which has taught me to transmute what I am, learning from what I can be, to be curious to know the world, to understand myself coherently in duality, expanding my relationships and friendships to nourish myself with existence.

_AM: Everything that exists manifests you.

_I: I am a product of the eternal.

_AM: Transmutation of the mundane and the divine.



