

_I: When I started looking for history data, and I wrote the word “History” in an internet search engine, the concept Universal History immediately appeared. Which gives a great sense, as integrative. However, when you start reading, Universal history is cataloged from the Paleolithic to the Contemporary Era (that is, the last 300,000 years, until today). In short, "Universal history" covers only human history, the rest is called "History of the Earth" or "History of the Cosmos." This got me thinking about the importance we give to ourselves as a species, as something apart from the Earth or the rest of things, considering that the short 300,000 years of our existence are “Universal”.

_AM: At first humans considered themselves children of nature, part of this world, until something happened.

_I: What?

_AM: “They” arrived.

_I: Aliens…

_AM: There were many who approached this world, you remember it well.

_I: Yes… Although I was not one of those who came to explore, I do remember when they started talking about this place. We called the Earth An Gi Lu Sa Ha, you could say: Anglusahá. I have few memories of when I lived in the constellation of Orion, today I know that the world in which I lived was close to the system that today they call Rigel (leg, in Arabic). But if one thing; That there, I was in charge of Project Administration, like a kind of soldier who does not make wars, but rather a soldier who manages farmers.

_AM: Farmers of Worlds.

_I: Yes. There were many like me. And many farmers. Their function was to find favorable worlds where seeds adapted from other worlds were placed in nascent species. In this way, we ensured the continuity of information…

_AM: In the same way that cells multiply, in the same way that many viruses and bacteria transfer their data from one body to another, from one cell to another, many beings carried out this same action with the function of keeping heredity alive in different sites. It is like the male that fertilizes various females to expand his territory, or the bees that pollinate various trees. Nature has looked for hundreds of ways to ensure the continuity of information through time, and certainly space. Some worlds have seen the need to visit and monitor developing planets incorporating data and information into their DNA, in order to keep the information alive.

_I: Why don't you interfere and allow us to self-destruct?

_AM: Because it would be like a bee intervening in the color of the flowers. There are things that must take their course. Your approach is paternalistic. The fact of believing that someone from outside has to come to save or fix what happens here. It's only 300,000 years of history, which is a short development to really be aware of what you can do. It's as if you believe that you have to intervene in the life of a 5-year-old child because it can't be that he doesn't know how to do complex algebra calculations. He is still learning numbers... Humans are learning numbers like that 5 year old, but despite this, this child knows that he is capable of doing great things. Therefore, he focuses on himself, giving himself universal importance.

_I: …Well, the Universe lives in your DNA…

_AM: Many of the Farmers of Worlds, sowers of DNA, left their universal imprint, something that accelerated the process of human evolution more than that of any other species. This made them see reality from another place, knowing that they could understand the Cosmos, understanding themselves as part of something greater, superior, guided by thought patterns transcendental to what this world is. This made them feel special, different, unique, direct children of “the gods.”

_I: Sure… It separated us from the Earth, and united us with the Universe…

_AM: That is why they considered themselves Universal, complete, overcoming.

_I: What I don't understand is really why we did it. That is, from the aliens' point of view, why not intervene now if we decided to intervene in the past?

_AM: The Farmer who sows a seed, knows that there is a process until the fruit ripens. It is not a good farmer to start stretching the shoot to make the plant grow faster. It requires patience, perseverance, acceptance. Humans are growing, emerging as a species, there is still a long way to go to flourish, and much more to bear fruit.

_I: So, we must continue…

_AM: And for this reason, from the heavens, the sowing is contemplated.

_I: Will they eat our fruits?

_AM: Some do. Others will simply take new seeds to continue sowing.

_I: So not all of us were so aware…

_AM: You confuse conscience with morality again.

_I: It's true, I think it's a big topic that will be difficult to assimilate...

_AM: Go on, go on, go on, that's the thing about evolution, it's a continuous process of understanding, practices, testing. The sowing of a civilization does not occur in just one season. Remember, it is the consequence of the cycles, which have taught you about modifications.

_I: Like which ones?

_AM: None of the vegetables or fruits that you eat today were what they were thousands of years ago. When the development of Agriculture began in the Mesolithic, 15,000 years ago, most vegetables and fruits were wild. The large corns that you know today were nothing more than small bushes with 4 seeds. The sunflowers were small flowers almost like dandelions, the tomatoes were like berries, and the carrots were long, thin, white and brown roots. The lettuce was like a weed, the bananas rounded and small like a finger. Each fruit, each vegetable, was very different, and even toxic for human consumption.

_I: And why do we use them?

_AM: Because toxins, in lower doses, are medicine. The wise men of the past, the women daughters of nature, interpreted the doses of each food, root, grain, fruit, to be used in purging the stomach, intestines, kidneys, to improve physical functions and emotional states. This led people to stop searching for these plants in the mountains, and to start planting and cultivating them in gardens, to control their population. The fertilizers used, being watered every day, made them grow bigger and bigger, and an innovative idea arose: genetic modification.

_I: In the Paleolithic!?

_AM: Yes, already in the Paleolithic. This modification was based on grafting, a way of generating new species by joining stems from various plants. The reason why this was done is to create a single fruit with two or more healing potentials. This generated changes in the fruits that continued in the seeds. Playing with genetics, they obtained plants with a greater number of seeds, or a greater volume of their fruits and leaves.

_I: Wow, amazing.

_AM: Just as the aliens were Farmers of our World, humans also became farmers. But this is not just a human quality. There are mushrooms, plants, insects and other animals that also plant and cultivate. In some species this is a natural quality. This quality of sowing has taught us that products regenerate, again and again, in each season, and that they have a constant process. For this reason, planting cannot be thought of as a short-term process, but rather something consecutive. Every year the sky begins again like the waves on the shore of the beach, repeating itself. Sowing, cultivation, harvesting, production, preparing the land and planting again. Everything goes on. And therefore, human cultivation also continues. Eternally.

_I: Creating cultures…

_AM: Companies. Just as the word Culture originates from the concept of Cultivation (cult-ivo= “colere”, collect: culture, united assimilation of things), the word Society comes from Following. Its etymology leads us to “sekw”, from the Indo-European “follow”, which gave rise to “sokw”: the one who follows, follower. This concept generated what in our languages ​​we call “socio” (socius, since in Latin the “c” is read with a “k” sound: sokius). A Partner is a partner who follows a project, something together. Thus, the quality of following the same project is known as “Partnership”.

_I: Used a lot for companies.

_AM: A company is an “undertaking”, and companies are groups of individuals who decide to undertake a joint project. Thus, a conflict, a need, an idea, an intention, a project, a love, a hate, a philosophy, a common history, a language, all of this and more, can unite diverse beings to follow each other in the same direction. Sowing and harvesting, something inevitably necessary, united individuals who created joint development projects, building societies. Societies are, therefore, the sowing and harvesting of humans. Every few cycles, they regenerate, evolve, go through bad processes, or good years of productivity. Ideas, projects, intentions change, they develop, they mutate. Watching societies evolve is watching how a plant grows. At the beginning there is a lot of expectation, and all the intention is put. But after the first outbreaks, which are exciting, the next period is slow and everything seems to be the same. Months can pass without seeing big changes, until one of them begins to generate buds, and thus, to bloom within days. It takes light, consciousness, and through it, begins to produce a fruit that will contain new seeds, and these will be the sustenance for a new cycle. Like the process of agriculture, societies are harvested, but instead of being an annual cycle, they are usually secular cycles, that is, lasting at least a century. A century is required, in which between 3 to 5 generations enter, to be able to carry out a complete generational change that modifies a society, since from the beginning to the end of a century, things can change abruptly, giving rise to a new worldview and projects. sets.

_I: By this you mean that, having begun a new century in the year 2000, at least 5 more generations are required to see the social results of what we are generating now?

_AM: That's right. It will not be until 2100 that you will be able to look back and understand everything that has been useful from what you have started in the year 2020. And it is in 2020 that you can recognize the changes that have been brewing since 1920. The Society of 1920, the generation 20, was the one that began the changes that during the next two generations, in 1940 and 1980, could end up manifesting in the transition process, making it so that generations like yours, living childhood in 1990, could really live in a new society transcendental to that prior to the World Wars.

_I: Wow… It's true… I owe it to the generation of the 20s that I was able to be free in a society of the 90s.

_AM: So think about it this way. You are the generation of the 20s making the change for the next 90s, those who will live at the turn of the century, in a different society.

_I: This is why we cannot think in the short term, or build civilizations or societies in accordance with our contemporary thoughts, because what we experience today and in the short term is destined to be the result of the actions of the two previous generations. And what we do in reality is the foundation of the next generations, not immediate ones, but 3 more in the future, my great-great-grandchildren.

_AM: This concept reminds you that Societies are a continuum of projects that happen, that continue, eternally. Like crops. That is why you cannot expect someone from outside to come and improve society or solve what they have done. Well, it is one thing to sow a seed, another thing is what will germinate from it. And perhaps that germination needs many millennia of development to really bear nutritious fruit and stop being toxic.

_I: Clearly we are still toxic.

_AM: Human societies are toxic, yes, like bacteria, which destroy everything they touch. But it is only part of the process until it is a productive fruit. The evolution of social projects, of the ideas that unite us, are examples of development. No idea lasts forever, although they all integrate and transform into a new one. Societies serve to unite diverse points of view and generate a transcendental one, resolving current conflicts so that they become an organic nature in the near future.

_I: So, when I seek to create a new, more conscious society, it will depend on the mechanism to achieve it being flexible and adaptive to the times to come, it cannot be something rigid, structured or based on preconceived ideas, but open to receive the news. A New Society, a Conscious Society requires freedom of expectation, but a good dose of impulse of intention.

_AM: One of the big mistakes of societies is to consider that joint projects are the only ones that should be carried out or the best ones that should surpass the others. Believing that the development of a society is valued in its economic achievements, or in its religious or ideological beliefs.

_I: What is it based on then?

_AM: In providing tools to solve current problems. Recognize that problems are always different, and adapt to new spaces, so no idea, religion or economy will last forever. Adaptability and evolution added to a great responsibility for realism in an order drawn through networks of individuals who seek harmony, or rather, homeostasis, are all the keys that you must understand to be a Conscious Society. A Society cannot always remain the same, since the basis of its word is Continuity, Keep moving forward.

_I: Take new steps towards the horizon of integration, where unity does not contract, but rather expands.

_AM: Whatever you do, remember, you do not do it to be victorious today, but you do it to be the seed of the fruits of tomorrow.

_I: 5 generations, starting today, so that they can see results of our tasks of Consciousness…

_AM: It will depend on the circumstances you live in, since there can always be external agents that modify the world, but beyond that, the seed will be in your hearts.

_I: For this reason, every time extraterrestrials come in channeling, in some meetings we have had, they usually tell us: “We are your descendants.” They are the future, they see what we will be, because the result is them, and we are in a certain way their past, and their guides help us understand the steps to follow to become an overcoming species, in the same way that we look back to our ancestors to heal our history...

_AM: You are a product of your actions, both from the past and the future. What you do today will build you tomorrow. Sow with patience and perseverance, and one day you will be able to enjoy your fruits, in a new society.

_I: I am a product of my actions... And what I do will define who I am. And what we do together will define where we are going, it will define Society.

_AM: Look up, observe the horizon, and take your first step. Where are you going? The whole path will depend on where your foot points. Step firmly, and if your steps are stable, many will follow you, and cycle after cycle, you will become a Society.

_I: The Eternal Society… The constant path.

_AM: The Path to flourishing.

_I: …Towards the fruit.

_AM: Towards Transcendence…



