

_I: If everything that exists outside of me is a sensation of my external world, then is touch the way to feel the beat of my heart pulsing throughout existence?

_AM: Tic Tac… The great gear of time that designs space is the beat of the most beautiful heart of all existence, the cosmic pulse. The void, upon becoming aware of itself, was inspired by what he felt, and gained momentum, expanding outward, creating a beat that would echo back to the center again and again. This echo allowed him to feel everything that was happening in his creation, united with everything that existed. His inspiration and his exhalation are the echoes of a cosmic heart that passes through everything like waves through the sea; emerging from the center towards the coasts, and returning towards the ocean. The waves carry with them the information of everything they have touched. The Universe is like that dreamer who finds himself unable to touch his dreams except in his imagination, extending his hands in the illusion that he will be able to feel them, and by deceiving the mind, he achieves it. He perceives all sensations as if they were real, in a constant pulse and beat arising from his immeasurable love for feeling the finite in the infinite. Touch does not exist, like nothing else, but love makes it possible.

_I: How?

_AM: In its longing to feel what it contemplates, the universe emits waves. Just like waves, like sonar, the vibration expands by touching the objects in its path, and when it hits them, it returns the wave in the form of an echo, changing its frequency, giving different tones, sensations that return. to the center. These waves are not enough to perceive. Then, the constant echoes begin to generate particles of positive and negative energy. The same wave begins to behave like a particle, an electron, a photon. Thus, the information is not dispersed in the ocean, but is focused. Light and energy begin to transport data, reflecting off objects, bouncing like a mirror. This effect allows the universal mind to distinguish changes, limits, something that was impossible before. In this way, you can become aware of what is created, you can perceive the manifested world. For millions of years, this system was perfected, until the particles began to group into biological organisms, which allowed the universal mind to have greater flexibility when receiving data, since minerals or inorganic materials do not have the ability to perceive in the same way, nor to be energetically intelligent. This is how cells appeared, and they replicated the system of the universe. They received the energy data carried by the photons, and processed them internally as information, developing from it. The mechanism was perfected. The atoms that make up the cells interact magnetically with the atoms that make up the environment, and in this magnetism they share energy, generate heat or cold, and interact. The electrical pulses generated by the magnetic traction of electrons generate a reaction in the nervous system, which decodes this information into ideas, cognition, thinking, sensation, emotions...

_I: All because of pulses between things that have never… Never touched…

_AM: Exactly. You have never touched anything, absolutely nothing ever. It is impossible. The only thing you have done is perceive the sensation of magnetic friction between electrons that repel each other, which generates an electrical discharge that is perceived by the nerve cells and administered by the neurons in your brain.

_I: Knowing this is something… Frivolous, even lonely… I don't know…

_AM: It is from the point of view of a being who believed he touched things. But it is something magnificent and full for an infinite being who could never feel anything. The system allows the mind to be able to perceive, to manifest, to feel... Alive. Touch is the direct sense of the Divine Heart. In living bodies, it spreads throughout the skin, the entire integumentary system. Integument comes from the Latin “tegere” which means “to cover, to protect.” We can interpret that the skin is the largest organ of the body, designed to protect us from the outside world, but from the deepest vision, the skin not only protects us, it communicates with us, it allows us to interact, to have the sensitivity to perceive, to share. Everything that happens inside and outside our body goes through the communication of the skin cells, making the atoms vibrate, transmitting the information of magnetism between the electrons. Thus, all the data interacts in this thin layer of your body, being recorded as in a kind of library.

_I: They build my memory then.

_AM: They are your memory. Cellular memory lies in the sense of touch, in all interactions. The pulse of your heart extends to the pulse of each vein and artery that caresses your integumentary system, and therefore, your skin cells beat in unison with the heart, informing the center of your being about everything that happens, telling it the stories and receiving their own stories. Each cell is like a book in this library. Each book has a new phrase, a new code and information rewritten by each cell, which, perceiving the outside world, writes it down in itself to have a memory of what happened, happens and will happen. The memory of the cells interact with the external and the internal, and the pulse of your heart generates an echo in everything you touch, awakening the data by magnetism. This is how the memory is activated.

_I: Wait a minute, I don't know if I understood correctly. Are you saying that the magnetic pulse of external objects or subjects in friction with our own atoms, driven by the heartbeat, awakens the data that my cells recorded and share with said objects and subjects?

_AM: Exactly. Touch, touching others, touching oneself, touching nature, a stone, a temple, a book, all awaken shared memories. As I said at the beginning, everything is an echo of the one heart, the beats resounding like a sonar. In your body lies the memory of all the things that your cells have recorded since the beginning of time millions of years ago. If you return to an ancient temple, and touch its walls, and pay attention to the beating of your heart, the reaction of the electrons in the rock with the electrons that make up your skin will launch electrical pulses that will awaken the appropriate emotional information hidden in some of the temples. your cells, like a kind of Index to a book.

_I: That's why you once explained to me that beyond the fact that we can meditate and be everywhere at the same time because everything is mind, it is important to travel, walk, touch, feel with the senses, caress the places, because memory is not in the mind, but in the cells.

_AM: Good memories and bad memories. The traumas are also there. For this reason, the skin is the first to react to a conflict, drying out, or being more oily, or sweating, or piloerecting (bristling with dermal hair). The reaction of touch to abuse, a blow, a caress, mistreatment, tickling, rape, sensuality, aggressiveness, whether directly (you have experienced it on your own skin) or indirectly (it is something inherited by the clan ), it will be a reactionary memory in you.

_I: I must pay attention to what my skin feels, because it tells me about the relationship I have with the world around me.

_AM: Skin, dermal, and integumentary problems or diseases talk about how we interact with others and the environment. In most cases, since repression. For too many generations, for millennia even, many individuals have experienced abuse of all kinds, with attacks, rapes, beatings, criticism of appearances, fears, they have confused what it means to give affection, and they have covered their skin out of shame.

_I: It still happens today, we all have these cultural traumas. We are afraid to show our bodies, talk about them, we are ashamed, and many cultures continue to hide or feel ashamed of the lustful and sinful connotation of skin and touch.

_AM: You are still living a time of trauma in every sense, and your skin knows it. And yet you use the expressions “have tact” to address someone in a situation, even though we do not know how to understand this important sense, physical intelligence. Having given so much importance to mental Cognitive Intelligence has discredited Emotional and Corporeal Intelligence, relegating it to a level of chemical reactions, as if thought were not also a chemical reaction.

_I: It's true... In a search to rationalize everything and discredit the emotional and the physical, science and spirituality have belittled the soul and the physical to mere organic reactions, when everything is, even mathematical thought or religious dogma, both are cellular reactions.

_AM: Therefore, it is important to know your own body, talk to it, feel it, not be ashamed of it, to talk about it, to be open to sharing bodies. Touching objects with ease opens the doors to the library of memory. Well, when you place your hand on a wall, you do not listen to the wall, but to the echo of your heart on it, your own pulse resonating in the magnetism of your skin, awakening what you know about that place within you. This is how you read the information of the world, through the beat of your heart pulsing all over your skin.

_I: It is very poetic… And it invites us to feel, to open ourselves to perceive. But what about all the traumas?

_AM: Deep within the skin, all the sensations that have not been pleasant, pleasurable or comfortable are hidden. Everything that has interacted with you in a bad way. The body protects itself, rejecting this sensation. Instead of transforming it, it becomes rigid. The only way to free yourself from these dermatological traumas is by caressing the skin, giving it gentle baths, becoming aware of each part of the body, going to the areas of pain, to the areas where the trauma is located, and facing it through touch. , but this time with words and intention. For an abused person, a caress can be understood as an attack, and therefore, the skin must be re-educated to understand the caress as a pleasurable sensation, and this is done through the same person giving themselves pleasure in the skin, smiling, caressing, and talking to their cells, like someone talking to a scared puppy or baby who doesn't want to go out because of fear. With time, patience and delicacy, we must remind them of the beauty of touch, how fascinating it is to perceive the world, and all the wonderful things that they can lose due to fear.

_I: Cellular education… It is not a question of eliminating trauma, but of re-educating the cells so that they react differently.

_AM: Well, a rigid skin will not generate an echo in the heart, and an expanded heart needs to feel through the skin. Practicing conscious touch in those who have experienced trauma will help them free themselves to expand. Practicing conscious touch on a body without specific trauma will help release what all beings belonging to my Family Tree have experienced in history. Practicing feeling the world around you will allow a rigid mind to remember, to perceive the soul of the world. Touch helps the cosmic memory that we all share, to awaken memories of other lives, and the understanding of reality from the most essential and unconditional point of view. Allow yourself to feel that Infinite Love in the Touch of the Finite. Well, the skin is Love made matter.



