

_I: I find myself sitting in front of the window, staring at the Pyramid in front of me. From my point of view, it is surrounded by palm trees and trees, and the brightness of the sun makes me see it as if it were white, as it once was. Before, this image used to bring me sadness, melancholy, and tears flowed through my eyes without any effort. Now I've noticed that I can't do it. That I don't feel anything anymore. Seeing the reflection of the light in my eyes, I thought that a tear might be shed that would free me from the regret that I carry inside, but I noticed that it was only a physical reaction, and not an emotional impulse. The image was disintegrating, as if staring at the pyramid was the same as looking at myself in the mirror, since I have been inside it for so many days, every day, that I feel that I carry it in me, and that I live in it even though I am not physically there. its interior. These days when I couldn't go due to my physical problem, I felt as if my soul and its soul were missing each other, although my body couldn't help but feel happy not having to face the Giza plateau. So I thought about sitting down and contemplating it from my balcony, and letting the cells in my eyes show me what they hide in their subconscious. And I saw it. I saw what it was like before, in my memories, Khem, and I saw myself, in the side gardens, among the trees, looking at the white, shining, shining pyramids. But the emotion was not there, but in the laughter of the children around him, in the voices of those he loved. I closed my eyes, and I felt the wind in the leaves of the trees, in some stringed instrument in the distance, probably from someone practicing for some party. And the voice of the person I loved most whispering something nonsense in my ear.

_AM: And you felt balance…

_I: Instead of crying at what I saw, I smiled at what I heard.

_AM: Your body needs to release many tensions, but it needs to know what it needs to release to do it correctly. What is it that causes you tension?

_I: I guess the same as everyone this year... Being locked in one place. However, unlike what is happening to the world, I consciously decided to lock myself here, like a cloistered monk. A vow of silence, meditation and devotion. I feel the pressure of my own conscience reminding me every day that I cannot fail this time...

_AM: When did you fail?

_I: What I remember… I have been writing that story, “The Great Inheritance,” for years. I started it when I was 14 years old, with the idea of ​​capturing my biography, my memories, for my children and grandchildren. Over the years the form of the book changed, and at one point I found myself writing my own death. But that death was in a parallel life, where I had lived my entire life dedicated to sociology and politics, hiding my inner world for fear of “what they will say.” Repressed, I felt all the pressure of my inner world telling me that I was failing, that I had started my path backwards, from the outside to the inside, and that to do it right I had to take it the other way around, from the internal to the external. But it was too late, in this supposed parallel life fiction, I had already turned 87, and it was time to die. So I decided to leave a message for myself over time, so that I could do it in a different way, and the message would be my own death. “There is Hope”, I wanted to tell myself, “It is Born Again”. So, I went to Río Negro, Argentina, a region that represents the connection of the female and male sexual organs, to procreate. And I approached a specific place, a ranch called La Esperanza, on Route 8. I told myself... "If I die here, my being will find a way to let me know that there is Hope at the moment in which I can lose it, telling me that the year When I realized that, it would be the year that would change my life forever. Well, this year, 2020, is the year in which the message reached me. The solar eclipse of December 14, 2020 will be at its greatest focus in the La Esperanza area, in Río Negro. And all the weight of Jupiter and Saturn will begin to lower the karmic information to heal during the following days, for the remainder of our YOSOY year. I guess, then, that my body is afraid of failing again, and not achieving what I came to do... And I only have 3 weeks to prepare...

_AM: Responsibility… And you need to release that tension on yourself.

_I: I thought I could cry to do it... But I don't feel anything... Only pain in my ass, from my body saying: "I don't want to, I'm afraid of losing myself and stopping being me."

_AM: There is a lack of balance between your three bodies, you need to find it by listening to your body. Pay attention.

_I: That's what I try. I'm paying attention, I'm respecting their times...

_AM: But you're not really listening to him. To listen to him it is not enough to say: yes, I will do whatever you want... I will rest. Listening is LISTENING. Pay attention to what happens. The heartbeat, the breathing, the pulse, the intestines, the joints, the tongue, all the sounds you can hear from your body, without judgment, without thought. Listen to his words. The ear was designed to capture all potentialities and at the same time have the possibility of manifesting and transforming them. Listening is directly related to Sound, whether it is the one that enters through the ears or the one that comes out through the mouth. All vibration waves are broad, thousands, at different frequencies, and the ear and hearing have evolved to capture the most essential of all of them. There are many things to talk about in this sense, but we will start with the most essential and biological. It is normal to think that the ears are there to hear the sounds of the world, but that is not the primary objective. The entire Universe was designed through vibration patterns (what we commonly call sound), it was the one that designed realities, and therefore, the order or cosmos can only be found through sound. Thus, the ear has the main function of making you find balance.

_I: Through the auditory fluid…

_AM: You can understand your head as a Spirit Level used in construction.

_I: Those rules that have a green liquid inside with a bubble that shows whether the terrain or material is in line or uneven, which is seen by the bubble moving to the sides by gravity.

_AM: Exactly. The ear has three parts to analyze: the External, composed of the atrium or ear, which generates a fold capable of channeling vibration waves towards the ear canal, and carries the sound towards the eardrum, a flexible and circular membrane that vibrates when The waves hit him. The Middle, a space filled with air, behind the eardrum, contains 3 of the smallest bones in the human body: the hammer, the incus and the stapes, which connected to each other, collide, vibrating before the sound waves, driving the sound towards the ear. inner ear as if it were a bridge across the oval window. And here begins the Internal, a structure similar to the shell of a conch divided by membranes filled with fluid called endolymph. The impulse of the ossicles causes the liquid to vibrate, generating waves that stimulate the nerve cells, which transform the vibration into electrical pulses translated by the brain as data, sounds and even emotions. Endolymph, like any liquid, moves depending on gravity, and its movement allows the hairs of the auditory nervous system to perceive the direction of said movement, which sends the signal to the brain and cerebellum so that they react in the rest of the body. , muscles, reflexes, in the direction that the ear is indicating. Therefore, hearing problems can cause dizziness, nausea, loss of balance and stability. Now, if the sounds you receive from the external world and the movement you make inform the brain about your physical stability, the things you hear from others, or the places in which you feel good or bad, will mark your balance and emotional stability.

_I: So it works the same physically as it does emotionally, all balance of our being depends on the vibrations we receive and the way in which we receive them. The sound, the words, what they tell us; praise, insults, shouting, silence, music, noise, conversations, laughter, crying, an argument, an instrument, static... All of this is processed by the brain depending on how it is captured by the brain. the ear. That is to say, just as the eye sees the external world consciously but registers 90% of the visual information in the unconscious and subconscious, the ear does the same on an emotional level.

_AM: What do you hear every day?

_I: I listen to the news, I see things that keep me informed about what is happening, especially in Argentina...

_AM: And good things happen?

_I: No…

_AM: So while your conscious is informed, your subconscious and unconscious suffer. What else do you hear?

_I: Every day I go to the pyramids there are people arguing, fighting over business, shouting in Arabic… I was studying Arabic and I stopped, because it made me feel bad…

_AM: Because every day you go to the Pyramids, those who speak Arabic are arguing or shouting, never talking about the weather, or poetry, but about clients and camels or money or demanding things from you.

_I: There is someone who usually tells me as a joke, laughing: “If you don't tip me, I'll kill you…”, and even though my conscious knows it's a joke, I realize that my unconscious interprets it as an almost routine threat.

_AM: You feel threatened by your environment all the time.

_I: And now that I think about it, I spend all day watching the messages from people online, to know if what I'm explaining is understood or not, and even though most of it is praise, my brain interprets the opposite: “ “You can’t fail or lower your level or you will be criticized.” It's horrible to think about that, every day.

_AM: It is the defense system of the inner ear, trying to maintain constant harmony, it tells your emotions that you have to work to maintain that balance and not falter.

_I: Well, if I stagger, it means losing my balance, getting dizzy...

_AM: In your mission to find balance and balance, you experience the pressure of not losing them, and that pressure is what makes you lose your own balance.

_I: Ugh… It's horrible to realize these things…

_AM: And also… Also what you say. Well, hearing is a sense related to the laryngeal chakra, linked to the word, the verb, vibration, singing, to hearing one's own voice. Just as the two eyes generate a triangulation towards the Third Eye in the Pineal, the two ears generate a triangulation to the Thyroid, to the vocal cords, thus the Third Ear being the one that listens to one's own inner voice. Here the question would be: Do you listen to yourself?

_I: I think so…

_AM: Well, most of the time no. I already told you, I am your inner voice.

_I: Hahaha, you caught me there...

_AM: I know. You pay close attention to what others have to say. But this is not your topic, it is that of all humans. Every mammal evolved by developing its ears to be able to move in the environment. The ear registers millions of data, the voices of parents, family, friends, enemies, of what harmonizes us or throws us off axis, it helps us distinguish lies from truth, saying "this sounds familiar to me or it doesn't sound familiar to me." , or the newer and widely used expression “it resonates with me” or “it doesn't resonate with me.” Resonance, that is, the echo of sound, refers to identifying which things you hear in the world continue to vibrate as an echo in the internal world, interpreted as its own truth, and which do not vibrate within, being rejected by the interior. There is a big mistake that every human makes, and that is believing that what “does not resonate” is indisputably a lie or is against them. The resonance of things works in the same way as music: just because you like classical music or what you consider “good music” does not mean that other music is not good for other groups of people. There are people who need bowls playing in the middle of Tibetan silence to meditate, and others will need electronic music on a beach in Ibiza. And you will come to the same connection, to your own balance. The development of species based on hearing has allowed us to advance, to relate harmoniously with the environment, but at the same time, it has led us to pay full attention to said external environment. Thus, we consider that everything that is outside defines the way I can move in life because I interpret that what gives me stability is what I hear in my environment.

_I: When the sound is interpreted by my interior.

_AM: Listening to the inner voice requires silence, attention to the sounds of the body. To listen to one's own voice, the whispers, songs, words. Talk to yourself in silence, allow yourself to hear your own voice speaking to yourself, like an Ouroboros of sound. Practice this. But the first step you should take is to stop listening to the things that hurt you, to let go of the news, to stop listening to the negative things in life. Clear your ears of grief and anger. Listen to music, laughter...

_I: Before I used to listen to the radio program “Nadie Sabe Nada” by Berto and Andreu every day in the morning, and I would wake up with a lot of creativity, laughing, with strength; and lately I don't do it, I watch the news, because I want to know what's going on, but it's plunging me into darkness.

_AM: It is normal, you want to know, to be aware of what is happening, but that destroys you, and it is not your mission to be aware of what is happening. I know that you want to fulfill your future role in sociology and philosophical politics, but you will not achieve it by looking at the bad, but at the good. Laugh again… Well, the only truth is that “nobody knows anything.” Listen to music, listen to yourself, stop listening to other people's opinions, because you did not become what others expect of you, you came to be you.

_I: You're right...

_AM: Listen to yourself again, turn on the Third Ear, and you will hear your truth, your body, everything that you have hidden covered by other people's voices. Hear your own song in the cosmic symphony.

_I: Silence is the key to all sound, I need that silence to truly listen again...

_AM: And that is where the inner voice will speak to you firmly again to remind you of your balance.



