

_AM: You're uncomfortable, right?

_I: Since physical body week started, I feel very uncomfortable, yes. I feel as if my body were against everything I do, as if, suddenly, by giving it a voice, I was passing the bill for everything I have done at its expense. One does not normally think about mind and emotion pulling matter rather than inviting it.

_AM: What does your body say?

_I: That he feels trapped, in a cage that he doesn't like. He doesn't care that the place where I'm spending my year has everything I need and they treat me like a king, he feels uncomfortable for not having adventure, for not traveling, for not being able to move. I explain to him that this is something that is happening to everyone… And that it is normal for us to feel that way. But at the same time, what worries him is having to spend so much time in Giza. My body's memories of this place are very different, and everything I was used to is dead. Here I used to be a woman, so being a man baffles him, he feels out of place. Here he lived with my family, all the time together; children, husband, brothers, grandparents, parents, everyone, like a clan, and now I am alone. The language sounded like music and poetry, and now it sounds like aggression and disharmonizing screams. The landscape was green, and now it is desert and dust. The buildings were Minoan style, colorful, stuccoed in white, blue and red, and now everything is stone-colored, eroded by thousands of years. My body misses eating fish, but this year I must not eat any animals, which limits my diet in a country that is not vegetarian at all. My body is used to doing many things, like driving, climbing mountains, and now I feel in a glass cradle. I get very bored. So much for my moon in Sagittarius. My body doesn't like what I'm experiencing. But that doesn't mean that the rest of me thinks the same, that is, it doesn't mean that I want to leave here. I know that by writing these things many may think that I am crying out to leave, leave everything, come home. But the truth is that I don't have a home. My home is the World. My family is spread across various countries and cities. I no longer have a clan like before, now it's just my mother. But beyond the boredom I may feel, my sense of duty is much greater.

_AM: What is your duty?

_I: Being present here, holding what I couldn't hold thousands of years ago. A Conscious Network with which to share what I learned in the schools of Khem, leave my memories on the Network, connect the planetary fabric from its center here in Giza, enable the download of new information to the magnetic grid of the planet as the poles are aligned with each other. All of this is much more important than my body's desire to walk through the mountains of Scotland or take a train in France, or cross Patagonia...

_AM: Is that what you would like to do?

_I: Yes… It's what my body would like…

_AM: Just your body?

_I: No… My entire being. One thing is what one should do and another is what one would like to do. In order for one to enjoy what they like, they must first be responsible for what they must do.

_AM: Unless what you have to do is exactly what you like...

_I: I consider that to be what I always do. I always do what I like, I never do something I don't like. But this year's circumstances are different.

_AM: Since you were a child, you grew up with the possibility and freedom to always do and feel what you like... Beyond the typical school obligations, you never had a context of obligation, it was always... Easy. And this is the first time that the context demands that what you like be an obligation. Do you see the rebellion of your body?

_I: Like a child... Of course... I do this because I like it, but suddenly the context forces me to do it and I resent it.

_AM: This planetary quarantine, this pandemic, has come to that: to show how damaged everyone's subconscious was. One could blame the virus, but the truth is that the virus has only shown what you were denying, covering up pleasures and things that “you like.” What is Taste?

_I: It's one of the senses. The one that allows us to identify the flavors of the things we are going to ingest, to differentiate what is good from bad, what is poisonous from what is nutritious...

_AM: Taste, comes from the Indo-European “geus”, which means “to taste”. In the case of English, “Taste” comes from the Latin “taxare”, which means “to evaluate”. In both cases, they express the intention to take a pinch of something to find out if its taste is adequate, or is comparable to something known. Hence in English the verb gustar (to like) is said exactly the same as the comparative adverb (como-like). Thus one acquires knowledge about the things one ingests, what you call in Spanish “sabor” (“savor” in English), which comes from the Latin “sapere”, that is: knowledge, wisdom.

_I: So when we say “it tastes good” or “it tastes bad,” it not only refers to the taste itself, but also to knowledge about a fact. Which in that case would be “what I now know is not to my liking.” Why is Knowledge related to Flavor?

_AM: There is only one reason why every living organism exists and has evolved.

_I: Which one?

_AM: Eat. The particles exchange positive and negative energy charges, seeking balance and savings (protons and electrons). They form molecules, which will exchange atoms. But some molecules will simply begin to consume the atoms of other molecules in order to expand and perfect themselves. This is how unicellular organisms are generated that phagocytize molecules. And as they grow and become more complex, these organisms begin to phagocytize each other to obtain energy. In this way, by accumulating so much energy, they begin to multiply, creating multicellular organisms, which allows them to distribute energy and enable each cell to fulfill a specific function in energy processing. Multicellular organisms begin to develop organs, of which one of the first to form and most important will be the Digestive system. The function of the digestive system will be to take complex organisms and disintegrate them until they reach the molecular level again, so that those atoms can continue exchanging.

_I: Nothing has changed, only the way molecules are agglomerated and the interaction between them…

_AM: That's right. Although the Digestive system as such is not the first to be activated in the fetuses of living beings, it is its product that drives the first heartbeat. Well, the Heart does not beat without the pulse of venous contraction exerted by the blood plasma (originating in the bone marrow), but energized by the nutrients and sugars absorbed by the intestines. The entire goal of the blood and heart system is to carry the nutrients produced by the digestive system to every cell in the body. Energy is produced there, in molecular exchange. This is cellular intelligence, which develops complex organisms to perfect mechanisms and increase their results. But everything that enters the body to generate nutrients, to satisfy energy, to cover gaps, to energize the being, to make it feel full and in balance, must first be checked for quality, approved by the body. This is where the stomach communicates through the esophagus with the tongue, awakening the sense of taste.

_I: Taste is the ability of the tongue to determine molecular energy… Of course… It is the way in which the universe allows itself to feel the energy it consumes to create…

_AM: Like and dislike. The tongue is designed to perceive 5 types of flavors: in the back towards the throat, it specializes in Bitter; On both sides on the back you feel the Acid taste; on both sides towards the anterior part of the tongue he perceives the Salty; At the front tip of the tongue, the outermost part, you feel the Sweet, and finally, in the center, connecting all the flavors and integrating them throughout the mouth, is the Umami, the one that we recognize as the tastiest. Flavor is the way cells intelligently interpret what enters the body, preparing the rest of the digestive system based on what is ingested. Intelligence is the ability to interpret, to read what happens and see beyond forms. Taste thus describes the intelligent ability of cells to recognize good from bad. The memory of taste and dislike is found throughout the oral area, making a meal, a kiss, the act of licking, sucking, savoring, pronouncing, singing, whispering, and smelling a perfume or aroma whose particles are impregnated in the tongue by the vapor that enters or leaves our body, all of this awakens a piece of information, an information that takes us to the moments related to said flavors that here become knowledge. Taste is the sense that identifies the information that the memory of the Universe seeks to integrate through a living organism like you. And all that information is energy, therefore, emotion.

_I: This is why food awakens so many emotions, or hides them...

_AM: Everything you physically consume contains an emotional energy charge, related to who prepared the food, how they did it, what is the context in which you eat it. Therefore, the same plate of food has a very different emotional and nutritional load for two people. A double hamburger is not the same for an average American as it is for an Indian from India. Beef has a very different connotation, and having to eat it will generate a liking in one, and a dislike in the other. The emotional charge of what we eat every day in the 5 suggested daily foods nourishes a body much more than the food itself. Well, the positive and negative charge in balance of a food made with love and received with love is very different from one made out of duty. You understand me?

_I: I think so... You are telling me that I am feeding my body with the energy of duty and the need of others, more than for my own pleasure or their love of cooking it...

_AM: You need the cooking of a mother, a father, a grandmother and a grandfather from time to time, a dish made with love is worth more than a dish made out of duty. And you are here out of duty. Most people do not know that every day, along with their plate of food, they ingest the energy of the people around them, those they love or hate. This is how we also talk about what we like in life, and what we don't like, what we dislike. And this is also felt in the stomach, producing the same sensations as a bad meal: nausea, vomiting, indisposition, stench of breath.

_I: Sure… The energy I consume from the environment, energy that my body is constantly rejecting…

_AM: Duty has to be converted into pleasure. The majority of people today are experiencing a situation of confinement, of discontent. One would think that the best thing would be not to work, and to be at home, but now everyone has experienced that at home is where they feel uncomfortable, and that going to work was not a duty, but an escape. Being alone and fixed in one place, all the shadows, the dislikes, the disagreements come out. Questions arise as to whether everything they have done so far has been with pleasure, for their own pleasure, or just to have an escape route to inner reality. You feel that you need to fulfill a duty, just to avoid facing your pleasures, because they would take away from what you believe is fair. Your body hurts because you don't understand that the only way to assimilate something in the Universe is to do it with pleasure, not by force. Why do you force yourself?

_I: I feel the responsibility, I fear failing, failing, for others, and for myself. I feel that the days that I did not go to the pyramid because I was sick, are wasted days, in which I failed everyone...

_AM: Your Capricorn is speaking here, right?

_I: Yes… The pressure on myself…

_AM: Whether you enter the pyramid or not, you have never been more than 300 meters away from it. You are within their energetic pattern. You have never turned your back on him. But the pyramid is not your temple. Your body is your temple. And if you don't honor him, it doesn't matter if you enter the pyramid. Your body is asking you not to go in there, to walk around it, to step on the grass, to hug a tree, to paint, to design, to rest without pressure. He asks you to travel with your heart, and allow yourself not to always travel to Egypt. Paint the places you want to travel to, and live them. Recover your taste for life, because it is the only way the Universe can feel through you. What good is someone who fulfills a tasteless mission to the cosmos? Remember... Pleasure is the great duty, well...

_I: …Taste is Knowledge…



