_I: Yesterday I was ready to let go… To give up. And when I did, suddenly everything changed. What he had scheduled for the second half of this year suddenly lost meaning... When he let go, several of the plans he had held since August also fell. The planetary situation this year, like the previous year, has led to the whole world being irregular, difficult to manage, with surprises, blockages. It is impossible to plan anything in the long term, because everything is changing and at the same time seems more static than ever. I remember how since 2015 I have been receiving messages about what I had to do this past year, 2020. Everything led me to think that this was the year in which everything would culminate, my mission... But no, in the end it was all the other way around. I started with the Planetary Kundalini in 2017, now I finish with the Kundalini in 2021. I had to Connect the 12 planetary nodes in 2018, and I ended up scheduling them for mid-2021. I had planned to do the alignments and connections in 2019, and it ended up being in 2020 …All in an unexpected way. I remember when in November 2019 my guides told _I: “The way to reactivate the world is to stop it, and it will be done through a Virus.” I thought they were referring to a symbolism, in which I had to sow in the world the information of the new time stored in a bacteriophage-shaped structure, placing them at the ends of the Earth as a way of multiplying consciousness like a virus, protecting us from etheric bacteria. But no... the message was literal. It would be a Virus, and the virus would be Corona. My task was to activate Corona, and in the end, the idea was to bring awareness “during Corona”. Everything changed, and at the same time it didn't...
_AM: What changed were your expectations about what should happen. What changed was your idea, your dream, intention, desire, but what had to happen did not change. It could have been better or worse... But in the end it happened. And why did it happen? Why did you fight for it to happen?
_I: No... It happened because I stopped fighting for that to happen... I blurted out.
_AM: Exactly. Otherwise you would never have done everything you have done. Thousands of people would have lost the opportunity to connect with you every day, to do their inner homework. It would have been just a trip, a good anecdote without the interior transformation of thousands, only yours. The goal was the Network, and what you are doing is a legacy for the Network of Consciousness. The Earth will always be here, and you can touch its points at the right time. You just have to let go of control...
_I: That's what I'm trying to do... But it's not a one-day task, it's a matter of practice, of recognition... It's freeing yourself from expectations... I mean, for a long time I had the illusion that things would be one way, and they ended up being of others... We had agreed to do it in a way, at least that's what I understood.
_AM: Do you think there were contractual conditions?
_I: Well, not specifically contract terms, but at least, I thought we had it determined.
_AM: In the Universe it is difficult to determine something, because it is difficult to tell the Eternal that it has a Limit. For the Universe there are no such things as “Conditionings”.
_I: So?
_AM: You already know. The Universe is Unconditional.
_I: But we are conditioned…
_AM: Not exactly. What you are is Programmed. And that is why sometimes you believe that the condition is part of the program to follow.
_I: What is the difference between a Condition and a Schedule?
_AM: Programming comes from “Pro” (later) and “gramma” (writing). Thus, a program is something written for later, like a genetic program, or a television program. They are writings, records, data, that have been joined together in a specific coherence and order with the intention of having a result or being shown later. Genetic programs talk about how a person is the result of data accumulated after the experiences of their ancestors, which manifest all together in you as a final result. A television program would be the process of pre-production, production and post-production of a material, joining the parts to create a final material that will be broadcast later. In this way you understand that programming is the action of recording and combining data with the intention of later being interpreted as a set. On the other hand, a Condition is different, and you can understand it from two places. Let's go to the oldest concept, which is the one that interests us. Condition comes from the words “kon” (to gather, group) and the Indo-European word “deik” (to show, point out, indicate). This word, in Latin, evolved to “dicere”, which means “To say”. From there arise words such as dictation, dictate, dictionary... The relationship between “deik” and “dicere” is determined in the ancient form of communication, in which communication between individuals was not, like today, a waste of words, but rather They were used to indicate something, point out, show, announce. The act of speaking was a form of indication, rather than leisure. In this sense, when two people referred to the same concept, to the same direction, and there was a consensus, an agreement between them to determine that what was indicated was accepted by more than one vision and point of view, then what was said, pointed out, it became a whole. From there comes the term “condicere”, that is, to condition.
_I: So a condition is more of a mutual agreement.
_AM: A program is something inherited, something that can only be written over time, and from whose planning you can only obtain one result. You cannot debate it, just as you cannot choose the color of your eyes, or your height, since they are determined by your evolution and depend on circumstances that transcend your person. On the other hand, a condition is debated, agreed upon.
_I: And why do we say that we are conditioned by certain things in life?
_AM: You mean the mandates. A mandate, such as: “you have to study law because your father was a lawyer, and your grandfather was a lawyer, etc…”, is a family mandate, something established unidirectionally. The Corps is used to receiving orders, because this is how the pack survives. This is why humans, no matter how much damage the family causes them, tend to tend to comply with the family's mandates, to be accepted, because something deep inside says that without the clan, you can die of hunger alone in the middle of the desert. A command comes from the word “manus” (hand) and “datus” (give), referring to something that is given in the hand, a commission to be taken to another place. This is how the request to take something to the next position, or generation, was incorporated; something that needs to be delivered at a new time. The condition speaks of the decision to accept such an imposed mandate. It speaks about the acceptance of what is received. Imagine, then, that there is a program in the form of a scroll, which is given from hand to hand generation after generation, in the form of a command, and it becomes a condition when you extend your hand to receive what the other is giving you.
_I: Of course... It is my own choice that conditions me... Not the external world, nor the family... In reality what conditions me is what I accept from the world, I am the only one who chose to live all that the way I I lived it.
_AM: Now you get it. You have lovingly received a mandate, the mandate of a program. The program is the reconnection of the network, the mandate came from beings from other dimensions and from the past, but you conditioned your actions in the way of carrying it out. Stubbornly seeking to fulfill him according to your expectations, you created the mandate in a condition, and this condition in a weight, your own trap. Therefore, to free yourself from these conditions, you have to surrender to the utopian expectation of how things should be.
_I: What a blow to the back of my head you just gave me...
_AM: “A good host in time, fixes many minds” they said.
_I: Well, it is an apology for violence…
_AM: It is not if you give the blow yourself. It's your own wake-up call.
_I: This implies, then, that the attribute to awaken here is Unconditionality. It would? How to apply it?
_AM: Unconditionality is the liberation of all those conditions that you have imposed on yourself, which you had no will to feed. The human condition, for example, the fact of identifying yourself as human, limits you to understanding yourself as part of the whole, thus accepting the animal, vegetal, mineral, spiritual condition... The conditions are the programs delivered by mandates that we turn into our own, clinging to those ideas as unique, as if they made us what we are. Unconditionality speaks of the ability to pass the baton, to not cling to any program, to understand that they are simply experiences, that everything passes, that each one adds a part to the book of life, but it does not belong to me, Well, they are just experiences, a story, a story, that I can pass on to others. And this helps you see that everything that each of your ancestors or contemporaries has experienced or is living is perfect for each of them, it is in accordance with their own conditions, their own life choices. And by accepting their choices, their conditioning, you accept yours, and at the same time, you free yourself, because you realize that each person lives the life that they are capable of living, or that they have agreed to experience, neither more nor less.
_I: Even war?
_AM: That's right. Well, you can always look for ways to get out of it. Staying in a war is nothing more than the idea of being stuck in one place. Defending a territory is nothing more than an idea of attachment to what I consider my own although nothing really belongs to me. Each one is conditioned by their own choices, not by mandates. Well, I can choose to let the scroll fall to the ground, and be free.
_I: And why don't we do it?
_AM: Out of fear. Fear of exile, of being kicked out of the clan, of denial, of failure, of death and loneliness. Fear of transformation. When you become unconditional, you understand that the life of each being is built based on their own choices, and that your own life is the condition of your beliefs, feelings and actions. Only yours, no one else's. There is always another way even if we don't know it, there is always another way even if we cling to the one we have always seen. There are no more conditions than those that we indicate, than those that we agree to accept. That is why you have conditioned yourself on this mission, because it has been your choice, and your expectations have conditioned you to find a way to achieve it, when there will be thousands. Therefore, when you let go, you surrendered to these rigid conditions that you had chosen, guided by your projected and Capricorn mind, you were able to flow, and things began to work. Everything happened, and you are fulfilling your purpose like you would never have thought before.
_I: It's true... It's perfect... The virus, the quarantine, being in Egypt, the daily meditations... The Internet connected every day... The Pyramid, all this that is going perfectly, expanding even more, would not have been possible...
_AM: Unconditionality. Let go of expectations, free yourself from your conditioned choices.
_I: Why do we hear so much “Unconditional Love” on the spiritual path, but not other emotions?
_AM: Because Love is that which never dies (a-mors: from the Latin “without death”). It is the generating energy, eternal motor (love – leibh: from the Indo-European “sexual desire”). Love is synonymous with Eternity, with something constant. And unconditionality speaks of the freedom that this eternity produces, in which Nothing never chooses, does not set conditions, is open to experiencing Everything. Unconditional Love is the aspect of being that remembers that each living being makes its own choices, lives its own experiences, and all of them are perfect, since we cannot judge them with the eyes of human morality, which has limits. An unlimited and divine mind sees wonder and beauty even in the darkest, recognizing that it is part of his experimentation. Unconditionality is the ability to place no intention, choice, or determination on the things we see, feel, believe, or receive from the world.
_I: So to be unconditional is precisely to respect all choices, that is, to accept the conditions of others and one's own as forms of experience. Understand that each one has their times, their rhythms, their processes, and understand that we cannot force things to be as one intends or expects them to appear, but rather it is necessary to understand each one as unique, and respect them as such... With its successes and its errors. But I understand here that it is not about love, about loving as we usually believe, that is, confusing Love with Wanting, but rather it is precisely about freedom, not about affection...
_AM: That's right. Unconditionality is not related to the warm love of a partner or parents, it is not about caresses and smiles, but about freedom. Freedom in the choice and respect in them. Choices that do not interfere with the choices of others. Unconditionality is the quality of respect and acceptance of the processes of each being.
_I: I become unconditional when I look at the world and love it for what it is and not for what I hope it will be.
_AM: Well, the world is a constant of choices, thousands of programs that we write through the conditions that we manifest in our existence. Your Condition is your choice, your choice is your freedom, freedom is Love, and love is eternal.
_I: And the Eternal never chooses, because it simply is.
_AM: Expand your horizons towards the eternal, wrapping each being in an unconditional embrace, respecting each choice in their lives, and you will understand the key to true Love.
_I: I Am Unconditional…