

_I: Resignify. I think this word is the one that resonates with me today. Many things that I had for certain, as known, are resignified. This whole year has been one of great resignations of existence. Mentally we have had to make a great effort to rethink ourselves, the world and the reality of the universe as we considered it. I think this has been a year of complete resignation.

_AM: Resignifying is something fundamental in life, and I'll explain why. This verb comes from the Indo-European words "sekw" ("seg" = sequence, follow) and "dhe-ke" ("fac" = do, which gave "fic" = put, fix), thus, "sek-dhe-ke" became "sig-feke" and from there "signus ficare". The word "signo", stemming from the sense of following something, generates the concepts of "sign, signature, insignia", symbols that delimit a current, a path to follow, a consequence. The word "ficare", from "facere" (to do, to make), gave the idea of putting something to be done, fixing something, as in the words "ratificar, clarificar, escenificar". In this way, the sense of "significar" describes the need to give a sense of direction, to fix the directions to which one is heading. Assigning a meaning to something is a subjective indication about a specific object. When you ask yourself the meaning of something, it will never be the same depending on the culture, religion, group, or individual, as they change according to their history in relation to the subjects. For Argentina, the cow is an animal product for consumption, for India it is a sacred animal that no one can touch and that everyone must worship. Thus, in anything in life, the meaning does not depend on the object but on the subject. Therefore, "resignificar" is the concept that liberates us from previous thoughts obtained in learning. Because throughout life, individuals modify their perception of the world, their way of thinking and feeling, of relating to the world, and therefore, many times a cultural meaning can become one totally opposite.

_I: Like the Argentine who becomes vegan.

_AM: That is a resignification of the world from the internal change of the subject. When your way of seeing the world changes, your perception of it changes, and so do your feelings and sensations towards it. This changes the meaning that things had in your previous version of yourself, to be resignified into a transcendental version of yourself.

_I: It's not bad, well... Resignify the values...

_AM: Of course not. A person who maintains the same values ​​all his life does not adapt to the environment, and maintains the same positions on everything.

_I: What happens when those values ​​change on a conscious level, but not subconsciously? That is to say, like that person who was a carnivore, she becomes a vegan by conscious decision, but every week she continues to salivate when she sees a plate of meat...

_AM: The body failed to redefine what was truly important. In the subconscious there is no division of data or information, everything is a single package, where the old and the future interact in the present without any distinction. Therefore, it is never enough to change a meaning in the conscious, but it is essential to find what place this occupies in your subconscious. And the best way to see it is by understanding the reactions that your body has to circumstances.

_I: Ugh… Well, I see it clearly now.

_AM: Tell me.

_I: Two things happen to me, one forever, and another a month ago, something that has never happened to me. The first is the ease of creating fat in the waist, no matter what you do, in a day it will return to this same state. Diet, exercise, it never changes its shape...

_AM: And how does it make you feel?

_I: Sad. And I do not know why.

_AM: Sadness, Frustration, Stress and Anguish. Fat, biologically, is the accumulation of nutrients as a reserve in case of lack of energy. When it accumulates in excess, it is related to the lack of those nutrients. On an emotional level, it is due to fear of abandonment, lack of affection, or fear of facing something face to face. Does it sound familiar to you?

_I: Yes…

_AM: Thus, an individual accumulates fat hoping to protect himself from all of it. In your case, this accumulation is related to a sedentary lifestyle, a passive attitude towards life, of not facing problems.

_I: Because I dont talk…

_AM: For fear that if you speak, they will abandon you.

_I: And every time I have spoken, they have abandoned me...

_AM: Who?

_I: Friends, Family…

_AM: The reason they have abandoned you is because you have waited until the last moment to speak, to confront the “Predators”.

_I: Of course people could tell me: you're not fat, don't complain! But, I repeat, it is not a question of objectivity, but of subjectivity. It's what I feel and what makes me uncomfortable.

_AM: That is why it is important to resignify. What meaning does fat in the lateral abdomen have for your conscious mind?

_I: That I can't detach myself from things.

_AM: Like what?

_I: Relationships… Although I think I am detached, I really am not. I keep dreaming about the people I fell madly in love with, I can't let go of that emotion, and I felt abandoned. I still feel like they abandon me every day, as if it happened yesterday.

_AM: All because your father abandoned you. TRUE?

_I: Is that it?

_AM: There is no one who can consider that you have been a mistake, more than your father.

_I: But, it never hurt me that he abandoned me, I mean, it was part of the plan.

_AM: Fuck the plan.

_I: Huh?

_AM: Sorry for my words... We are not ready for any plan now. Stop listening to the conscious, and listen to the subconscious.

_I: …When I was a child, I never considered the presence or absence of my father, I always believed it was logical. But once, when I was 16, we had an argument with my mother's partner, and I locked myself in my room to cry, shouting in a low voice and with shame: “You are not my father!”, and at that moment, I said “My father is not there… Where is he? “Why did you abandon me, father?!”, and I whispered the word I knew I had never said before: “dad.” I tasted it in my mouth, because it had never left me. It was the only week I remember feeling that pain… The abandonment.

_AM: And since then...

_I: I accumulated fat… On my waist… Wow.

_AM: Aha! Your conscious realized the problem, but, instead of talking about it, facing it, you screamed in silence, you hardly even heard yourself. And you kept quiet about it for years… Until today when you write it. What you have swallowed has accumulated in your waist, and it always reminds you. The lack of love, the lack of protection from your father.

_I: But, I don't judge him, I mean, today I get along well with my father.

_AM: You have NO reason to judge him. It is just a subjective appreciation of the subconscious.

_I: How do I heal it?

_AM: Speaking it. Not letting things happen as if nothing had happened. Now tell me... Why do your hands itch?

_I: Ufff... Well... Emmm... For a month now my hands and various parts of my body have been itching a lot. My skin is having a reaction, and in the last week and a half, both on my feet and on my hands, I have been getting tiny, tiny blisters that are very itchy, and then they dry out and disappear.

_AM: Dehidrotic Eczema. A nervous skin reaction. Small water bubbles trying to be eliminated. The emotion is found in the negative ions in your body, which are released through sweat. If excess emotional energy is not released through sweat, it accumulates in small capsules, blisters, that make their way through the skin. In hands and feet, the reaction is directly related to great stress due to fear of abandonment and separation, fear of being alone. “Let go of the hand”, “lose the north”.

_I: Ugh… That's what I always feel. I feel that, even though they come to visit me, I am alone, I feel strangely alone.

_AM: Where does it come from?

_I: I don't know... I can tell you right now that I have always been alone in the silence. I lost friends, or who I thought were friends, by staying silent. I lost family by staying silent. I feel like it's my fault...

_AM: Guilt?

_I: That what I have done to advance on my path has left me alone, away from beings I loved, and I am always afraid that it will happen again, which is why I keep silent many times...

_AM: Repeat your words again…

_I: “That what I have done to advance on my path has left me alone…”

_AM: Pay attention…

_I: …Oh… Done, do, hands… I walk… Feet… So, my stress is because I am about to start a new path, and I am terrified of losing other friends on that path…

_AM: There is only one month left until you begin the Path of the Dragon, a path that, when you began it, caused you to lose your grandmother, close friends, your uncles and cousins, almost your mother in different circumstances... A path that It took you away from your dreams of making films and series, a path that showed you the lies of those you thought you trusted, and that showed you how frivolous you are when it comes to your mission. In the quest to fulfill this path, you put the healing of your clan at risk, and you experienced the abandonment of the person you have fallen most in love with.

_I: Wow… Clearly, the path that begins in a month is too bad for me.

_AM: You fear it will happen again. Let it happen again... Your hands are afraid to do it again, your feet are afraid to do it again.

_I: “Face your emotions,” Merlin said. “That is the way of the Dragon.”

_AM: And that's why we are here in Cancer, turning lead into gold. Your hands itch, your feet itch, your armpits itch, that is, doing, walking and wanting, everything you want to do on your path is insecure, confusing, for fear of being left alone, that this will take you through unknown waters. when you can't have touch, that love. Not being able to protect what you want like your father didn't protect you. Will you abandon your son like your father did?

_I: No… I don't want to live that, and for him to live that.

_AM: So, you must consider life, because the way you live is a constant abandonment, in which you feel that you are abandoned, when you are the one who abandons every time you leave. This year is the first time you felt that others were leaving, and you were staying. It feels?

_I: It's... Uncomfortable...

_AM: Maybe it is helpful for your son if you let him go, but you must remember how being left makes you feel... At least, every time you leave, you should be honest about why you do it. Everyone you have abandoned has been left speechless. Silence. You've never told them why you were leaving. You just left. It is an echo of your story. “Father, why have you abandoned me?”… And if…

_I: What?

_AM: …What if the fear of being alone, of being abandoned, is the key that has moved you to unite so many thousands of people?

_I: How?

_AM: As the streams have done. A stream is a thin trickle of water born from the melting of ice in the mountains, or from the overflow of the internal waters of the hills after rain. They are small threads of fresh water that flow through the caves of the mountains, and in hundreds they join together towards the valleys, between rocks and trees, drawing small paths. They are like the veins that irrigate a body, heading towards the main torrents of the rivers. “Turning Lead into Gold.” Arroyo comes from the Iberian word “arrugia”, which in turn originates from the Indo-European “rul”, origin of the word “red”. Arrugia is the Latin-Iberian concept that defines the purging of minerals from a mine in the threads of water that emerge from the mountains, to separate the rocks and mud from the gold nuggets. This process makes the waters cloudy, turning it reddish in color, which named the process as “Throwing”, putting or dyeing red. The meaning of the word “rul” also gave “rolar”, “roll over”, that is, the sense of dragging things rolling. The streams carry minerals, rocks, gold, mud, from the high mountains and the deep caverns and dark mines, irrigating the valleys. In English, the word “stream” comes from “sreu”, to flow. The streams, then, are the flows that allow the discernment of lead, mica, granite, brilliant gold and diamonds. Today, every means of communication, of words, has this na_I: “stream”, streams in English, streams of words, of images, of information, channels through which content circulates and flows. Now think about it... Everything you say, what you feel, is being transmitted by streaming. Imagine that each person in the world is a source of information, a piece of data, that when they join with you, they form a river, from each stream of their lives, each comment, each intention, their presence, they purify everything together. the mud of its rocks, its foundations and deep subconscious caves, to discover the gold that lies within. Everyone feels alone in their caves, everyone reaches that key point in their lives when, when they close their eyes, they realize that they are alone. And the only way to discover what they possess to be part of the whole, is to cleanse themselves and find the gold within themselves. And that loneliness reflected in each of you, becomes the irrigation of an entire valley.

_I: Oh… I like that image…

_AM: Streams, then, are communication routes that connect us. By observing the inconveniences and obstacles that shape the streams we travel, we can understand the ways we have to deliver. By discovering what the subconscious has to tell us in its feelings through sensations and reactions, we can identify the hidden things that have been silenced, and that need to flow.

_I: So, we need to talk... Say, let go, dare to say what happens to us...

_AM: Regardless of whether the people we should talk to are dead or alive, the important thing is to say it, speak it, perform a psychomagical act, an artistic conversation, a family constellation, a therapeutic session, say it, express it, let it be free, to be able to clean with the flow of words all the mud that covers the gold.

_I: Many things I couldn't say, to those friends that I abandoned and they abandoned me, to those family members that I abandoned and they abandoned me, to those couples that I abandoned and they abandoned me, and to my own parents, to whom I abandoned and they abandoned me.

_AM: Beyond the fact that in conscious logic, the stories have unfolded in different ways, for the body, all mud is mud, all rock is a stone. Without distinction. For the subconscious, everything has the same weight. And there is only one way to take that weight off...

_I: To speak…

_AM: Recognize your mouth as the cave, the mine from which emerges the stream through which the truth flows, which is the gold that shines in your words. Throw yourself into the stream, cleanse yourself of all the excess that covers you, say it, shout it, express it, speak it. Transmit what you feel. And you know it will hurt, and in many cases it will not be understood. Well, we have built a way of being that has nothing to do with what lies inside our mountain, and those who know it from the outside are unaware of the rocks and mud that lie inside, as well as its hidden treasures.

_I: It is necessary for red mud to flow to be able to discover those treasures…

_AM: “Let blood flow.” Let the lineages be cleansed. Make the mountain roar, make it resonate, make it release the sounds of your dream.

_I: I let my subconscious speak.

_AM: And so you will turn lead into gold.



