_I: ...
_AM: Nothing to say?
_I: No.
_AM: Silence…?
_I: Yes.
_AM: Then I will speak. When I first saw you, it seemed like the Universe was collapsing on me. I didn't know what to feel. What I saw as light seemed to fall like a waterfall, turning into shadows, and the millions of black holes seemed to consume all that light, turning into brilliant spheres... Suns, stars. Suddenly, what I once perceived as sound could now be seen as a mirror. And there I saw myself, reflected. Heaven on earth. The Universe seemed to have transformed into a Lake. I could understand that everything was one thing, and yet, I could see that everything was the exact opposite. The light had turned into darkness, and the darkness into light. What I saw as an enormous luminous space, you saw as a deep and dark cosmos. What I saw as points of infinite darkness, you saw as bright lights, luminaries in the sky. What I saw as good, you saw as bad, what I understood as full, you saw as empty. At first, I was curious, then doubt, and then some fear. He feared that if he touched the surface of this lake, nothing would ever be the same again. The thin film that reflected the cosmos had a particularity: it was not below like the lakes you know, but it surrounded me, without above or below. I saw him in all directions. And I had no choice but to get closer. As if levitating and following its orbit, I approached the reflection. And when I touched it, the thin smooth film began to emit waves like spherical echoes that expanded, distorting the images. When I did so, I feared I had made a mistake, because now everything that I had seen clearly before began to change, until it was unrecognizable. And then, I saw it. I saw everything, everyone. I saw my own face turned into hundreds of them, some smiling, others sad. I watched myself become millions of options, and I made a decision. My decision would be that I would find them and experience with each of them what they were feeling. I didn't choose one over the others, but all equally. And every time I approached one of them and touched the reflection film again, more waves were created. It seemed like a drizzle that slowly turned into a rain that fell in all directions on a mirrored lake. The streams stirred after the rain, and at the end, as the noises of the storm receded, a fine fog covered everything, until the mists disappeared, once again leaving the mystical image of a peaceful mirror. And after so much experience, I looked at myself again in it, and I could see myself again, only me, no one else, reflected. And then I decided to live myself. I approached in the peaceful waters, levitating above them, in what for you is an up and down, for me it was a side to side, a watery mirror on a cosmic wall. First I looked at my shapes, I recognized myself, and then I brought my eyes closer to myself, and that was the moment when I crossed the water face to face, and looked at the other side.And there I saw you. Lying on that bed, with the anguish and sadness of being lost in meaninglessness. And I asked myself why if I saw everything, you, who were me, couldn't see it. I understood the reflection thing, but still, I decided to go through it. And so, our heads crossed and our eyes became one, and there, you could see what I knew. And I was able to live what you felt.
_I: ...
_AM: …A calm lake… It was turbulent when we met, but I always remember you as that calm lake. The Lake is the Heart of the valley, where all the streams, the rainwater, end up, and from where the mists rise and the clouds emerge. It is in the lakes where the turbulences of life find peace, serenity. They are the deep and fresh waters that calmly nourish nature. They are the mother that contains the source of life. I am the fog that found thousands of streams to reach you, because your life is my calm. And it is achieved by observing itself, where all the stories converge, where all the waters that have traveled their different paths, arrive at the same place, come together, to be observed. Look at yourself in the reflection of the lake. Today you wanted to do it... You wanted to go to Habbadabtra, Lake Qarun... But not to see you, but to let you die. There you died long ago, in its waters, 12,000 years ago, we let ourselves die in the reflection of the sky on the earth, sailing with the gods. And you wanted to do it again, float between them... Forget all this...
_I: ...
_AM: We've been through this several times... You remember. Year 1155. The year you lost your Faith. The year you gained your own inner power. Stop following others to follow yourself... And still, you can't recover your inner power... Where is your power? You decide to deliver it at every step… Why?
_I: ...
_AM: You are afraid of becoming a despot. But you won't if you look in the mirror of the lake. If you let yourself die to be reborn. All this time, we have been putting together the pieces of a puzzle whose shape you are now beginning to understand. Discover what your figure means to you. Remember what Sahir told you in Kom Ombo… “What will happen when, after everything you have done to get there, you know that this was not your place?” Hand over the power… Control. Look in the mirror, just as I do when looking at you.
_I: ...
_AM: This is the most difficult task of all for you... Which implies that even knowing that it depends on you that things happen, for them to happen, you must withdraw. Like when I took my eyes off you, to allow you to see better what you were supposed to see. When you thought I abandoned you and was just giving you space... Maybe, it's time for you to do the same. That you sit in front of the mirror of your heart, and contemplate without throwing any drop or rock into the pond. Loving what is Unconditionally, letting the lake show you what you have achieved. Each stream is a story that you can see make sense in the reflection of the lake.
_I: ...
_AM: Yes... Wait in silence. You need to return to this heart full of stories, stories that no longer belong to you, and that you have just recognized do not belong to you... As Merlin said... “You are nothing. You are nobody… Fall in love with Nothingness, with the Void.” As Sahir said… “The day will come when you will see that everything you have done did not depend on you, and that nothing will depend on you.” Let go, let go to the depths of the lake, keeping in your heart what you have done, like waters that nourish the life that surrounds your love. And in love you will be able to give it, that which you thought you contained, but that has no other destiny than to overflow to nourish the rivers that continue their journey while your heart remains reflecting.
_I: ...
_AM: This is a grief that we all experience at some point. And that the longer we deny facing, the more difficult their burden becomes at the end of the road. Let go, let go... Release control of what you think, to live what you feel. Take your rightful place, the rest will flow like a flow when you allow your heart to reflect the mirror of this beautiful lake that lies in the valley of your soul. Let the tears create the waves that give life and diversity to your heart. Enjoy the peaceful silence of the lake that contains the fog. And observe in its reflection the thousands of images of what was, what is and what will be, knowing that you cannot take any of them as your own, because every time you seek to take control of one of them, it will escape your control. hands like water between fingers... And that's when you lose control. I know what you think... "Where is the personal power, if I can't decide for myself in the little things in life?", the question is if what you are choosing is what is really yours to choose. Your great moral dilemma is to stop being a child and become an adult. And therein lies your big conceptual error. You have not come to this world to be one thing or another. You do not stop being a child to be an adult, nor do you relegate adulthood by preferring childhood. You have come to be both, you have come to be what many will be: a Gray Man. An example of Being. Have you forgotten? Don't limit yourself to human circumstances, limit yourself to being a real human. Not the one who struggles among the banalities of animal subsistence, but the one who walks equally in heaven and on earth.
_I: ...
_AM: This is the duel of who you think you are. Power lies not in making decisions and directing others, power lies in directing yourself. So he goes back to the lake… And he dies. Let the melancholy of what you believe in yourself, of what you expect, die and make the agony become freedom. It won't be easy... Therefore, keep all the silence that is required. Let your subconscious free itself from everything that it has not cried for believing that it directed its own existence. No one can tame an ocean. Remember that the dream you live is an eternal dream, and only you are capable of loving this dream and becoming a Dreamer. Maybe you don't understand these words today, because the fog and rain continue to stir the mirror of the lake. But when the waters calm down, you will be able to look at yourself, see yourself, contemplate yourself, and you will be able to let go of control over what you love.
_I: ...
_AM: Keep the Silence you need... But never forget that you are the Loving Dreamer. Beneath the Lake is the Lady, waiting to return your Power. You just have to dare to immerse yourself in its waters, to the deepest depths...