

_I: If we have seen Smell in relation to the Crown chakra, with its Hypophysis, I interpret that the next chakra, related to the Pineal of the Third Eye, will be Vision.

_AM: You interpret well.

_I: I can sense that from the Scorpio point of view, it is not about talking about what we see, but precisely about what we do not see, what is hidden from our eyes.

_AM: Vision comes from the word “action of seeing” (“acción de ver” in spanish), and “Ver” is a verb of Indo-European origin, “weid”, which means “image, appearance”. Which I consider an accurate way to describe this act, since everything we see is nothing more than appearances, perceptions. Perception has its origin in the words “per” (for, or completely), “capere” (capture, capture: put your head on something) and “-tio” (action), that is, the action of capturing a set of things. In English the concept “Sight” comes from the verb See: See, arising from the Indo-European “sekw”, meaning “to pursue, follow something”. Sight is probably one of the most wonderful senses designed by evolution. Biologically, the cells of an eye developed over millions of years with the intention of seeking light and having better mobility in the environment. A few photosensitive cells captured photon particles from the environment, allowing it to distinguish objects around it by the reflection of these particles. The longer it took these particles to reach the cells, the deeper there was, and the less time it took to reach the cells, the closer the object. Thus, by contrast, it could also be identified if there was a shadow approaching to attack, as a predator, or find hiding place or food at a long distance. These cells were so successful that they immediately began to be perfected, allowing the animals to chase their prey, go to their targets, and have a general map of the environment in which they moved. Depending on the environment or needs, the eye became more perfected, such as seeing at night in cats, perceiving flowers in insects or distinguishing more objects during the day like humans. The human eye developed at the same time as the brain and with the same complexity. The Human found in his intelligence the perfect evolutionary tool, which allowed him not only to absorb data from the environment but also to imagine new ones to manifest them outside. This meant that the intellect needed more attentive eyes, which could perceive many colors, many shapes, many depths, to cover cognitive needs.

_I: The eye becomes the primary tool of cognition, of wisdom, because through the eyes external images are perceived and internal images are visualized.

_AM: Even with your eyes closed, when you dream, you see colors and shapes, and all of this allows you to understand that vision is not only the concept that goes beyond pursuing something externally, but also internally. There, the eye becomes the key to understanding the divine, magic, the universe...

_I: And that's how the image of Eye began to be used as a symbol of God.

_AM: The ancients saw the Sun and the Moon as the eyes of divinity, and the stars as the attentive gaze of the ancestors. The idea that the divine contemplates us, watches everything we do, arises from this perception. Sun and Moon make up the Vesica Piscis, in the center of which there is a kind of leaf or ogival shape, an Eye, the All-Seeing Eye. The Eye is capable of perceiving light and its distortion in different frequency waves. The light that travels through the environment, the photonic particles, cross atomic spaces, or collide with the particles, bouncing incessantly, creating different wave speeds, moving at greater or lesser speed; and this means that, when it reaches the sensitive cells of the eyes, it is perceived as one color or another. The Eye is the organ that allows us to see the particles of God at the same time that it is impossible for us to see them.

_I: That is very paradoxical, but understandable, because it is impossible for us to see photonic particles moving in different frequency waves, and yet, being able to distinguish red from blue, yellow and black, all of this means that we are. seeing…

_AM: Therefore the Eye sees the visible and the invisible, and what we consider essential, even if it is not perceived by the eyes, is assimilated by them. Most of the data that we receive through our eyes every day is not taken into account by our conscious, but is stored by our subconscious, which makes it a base of useful information to interpret the inner world.

_I: And hence the enormous rarities of dreams...

_AM: Dream is a communication between spirit, soul and body, in which the spirit and soul use the data recorded by the body as a linguistic medium. Dreams are the result of what you saw without being aware, of what your Vision captures from the reality invisible to your simple eyes.

_I: That is why this vision is called the “Third Eye”, speaking of an inner eye that can see everything that the other two cannot see…

_AM: Both eyes are necessary to focus on the same reality. Right eye and left eye are interconnected to opposite hemispheres of the brain. What you see with your right eye is controlled by the left hemisphere of your brain (the logical, mathematical, analytical). The left eye is controlled by the right side of your brain (the illogical, creative, flexible one). Both eyes understand the world in a different way, and therefore, in order to advance in the medium, nature chose to create at least two eyes, which allow for integrated, focal and peripheral vision at the same time. This allows you to find balance and maintain a centered direction. The Third Eye, on the other hand, sees everything in 360 degrees, like a sphere, and can only expand or contract, sleep or wake up. The Pineal gland plays this role, controlling the body's sleep and wake cycles. It is important to sleep and rest at least 8 hours a day so that this gland can fulfill its function of spiritual connection. Rest is essential for good interdimensional development in a whole being. Thus, Children should sleep at least between 10 and 13 hours a day. Adolescents between 8 and 10 hours a day. And adults about 8 hours a day. And at the same time, it is essential that you exercise your eyes daily, looking at short distances, at long distances, and making circles with your eyes looking up, down and to the sides.

_I: And the one-eyed or blind?

_AM: In ancient mythologies, someone with one eye represented the search for an inner path. Depending on your eye, the work to be done would be logical or illogical as stated above. Many of the most important gods of ancient mythology were one-eyed, such as Odin and Horus, as they represented the pursuit of inner vision in balance with outer vision. In any case, the loss of one of the eyes speaks of an imbalance in relation to the concept that the missing eye represents. On the other hand, the blind, in ancient times were considered wise, and they were educated to reach the spirit. The word “weid” that I mentioned at the beginning, the idea of ​​“image, appearance”, gave rise in English to the word “wise and wisdom” in English (wise and wisdom respectively). In certain towns, the Blind Man was the one who guided humans through the spirit world, to predict the future, to see the divine. Blindness in its positive aspect is a path to inner vision and divinity and wisdom, although in its negative aspect, it is related to refusing to see reality. In mythology, both Odin and Horus gave up one of their eyes at will in order to have better spiritual vision and thus defeat their enemies. Odin, in this way, managed to obtain the runes, to read the future, and gave them to humans as a way of sharing his wisdom in the invisible paths of the cosmos. Horus did it to have greater acuity before his battle against Seth, his uncle, although in that way, he gained inner vision, thus appearing all the knowledge of the initiatory schools of Egypt.

_I: So not having physical vision does not speak of having lost spiritual capacity, but rather of an opportunity to deepen it even more.

_AM: That's right. Well, when you meditate you close your eyes. The Third Eye is what gives meaning to the images you perceive from the external world. Everything your eyes see is nothing more than a mere perception, a simple appearance, whose word comes from “seem”, from the Indo-European “pehs” which means “to see”. To appear is to “let oneself be seen”, what is possible to be seen, even if it is not complete. The two eyes take in the idea, the images, but not the realities. The Third Eye, the inner vision, is what records everything that we cannot grasp.

_I: It seems strange, then, that our eyes deceive us in what we objectively see of the world, and it is our vision hidden in the shadows that gives us a more complete image... Why?

_AM: Because everything you see in the world is an interpretation of it, and said interpretation can come from the subconscious, from the unconscious or from the conscious. Normally we let the first two process all the data, considering that “If I see it I believe it.” The concept “Seeing is Believing” has assumed that the things we contemplate from the external world are real, without remembering for a second that they are processed by the brain, which is a network of cells that never see the light, but rather who interpret it. For millions of years, we have biologically passed on this way of interpreting through genetics, generation after generation, naturalizing that what the brain perceives is real. Therefore, we have left 90% of what we perceive in the hands of the subconscious. And it is for this reason that our internal world is built with preconceived ideas, beliefs and projections about the outside world. The human, when he closes his eyes, believes that he is going to sleep, when in reality, he enters the only space that has always been real: his inner world.

_I: Hidden in the shadows… Covered by fog, simulating blindness to the images of the world…

_AM: And for this reason, humans fear seeing what is inside them, because 90% of their truth is hidden in their inner eye, in what they have denied seeing due to the habit of believing that the only real thing is what they see. perceive when opening your eyes.

_I: What should I do to improve this?

_AM: Communicate better with your inner cells, observing yourself. Bringing apparent consciousness to the subconscious world. Look at yourself in the mirror, very closely, into your pupils, without hesitation, for long minutes. Focus on your breathing, and maybe some soft, wordless music (this helps keep your gaze focused). One of the most difficult things in humanity is to hold your gaze on another human being for more than a few seconds.

_I: It's true, why?

_AM: Because the eyes are reflections of light, and when you look into the eyes of another, you see that same light of your own reflected infinitely, leaving you naked, opening your three levels of consciousness. Leaving you vulnerable. Therefore, practice it with yourself. Talk to your eye and brain cells by staring at yourself in the mirror. Ask them to show you everything that you have denied seeing, they have the record of all the things, of all the traumas, of everything that you have hidden behind your gaze. To begin to take charge of what you see in the world, of the truths, you must dare to face the blind shadows of what you have refused to see.

_I: The secrets of my DNA, the secrets of my soul, the secrets of my body, what I have seen and disliked, where I look away from or where I constantly focus on it. Most of my ability to see reality lies in the shadows... Now I also understand that we live in a world of constant visual stimuli. It happens to me myself: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, the news, advertisements; Everything is a constant bombardment of information that passes to the subconscious, without being thought about or discerned. We are used to naturalizing many things and denying many others.

_AM: Your brain sees what it wants to see, and there are people who use that fact to make you see what they want you to see. The news, the conspiracies, all constantly tell you that they communicate the truth, that they show you what you should not ignore...

_I: But in reality, they do just the opposite…

_AM: They show you distorted truths, with the aim that you do not see the only truth, the one that is hidden in you, locked and drowned in your subconscious. You cannot deal with external semi-truths without having coherence in your internal truths. That is why you must look at yourself, and ask your cells what you should see about yourself.

_I: Stop seeing the outside world for a while, to stop living in the confusion of selling truths, and start seeing my own, as a filter for the external ones, since it is my interior that interprets, and by taking only the external truths as absolute, I am losing the human quality of intelligence, which is knowing how to interpret images.

_AM: Observe carefully, carefully, with intelligence and acuity, observe yourself and allow the shadows within you to show you in sleep and rest everything you need to know about yourself, and thus you will be able to see the world with other eyes

_I: Well, I am a blind man who looks dazedly at the outside world, when it is in my inner world where I have the greatest gift of vision.

_AM: It's time to wake up, it's time to open your eyes.



