_I: New Moon in Cancer…
_AM: 6 deep months begin…
_I: The Way of the Dragon.
_AM: Let me tell you this story. It is said that when God, the Universal Mind, created this world, separating fire from earth, earth from water, and water from air, he allowed the firmament to appear, and the development of life. But that life had an origin, a fifth element: the seed. This was placed among the 4 elements, sustained by the earth, driven by fire, nourished by water and acclaimed by the air. This seed began to germinate, spreading roots throughout the world, and covering the surface with its branches. Of them, millions of leaves beautified the world, awakening life in each of its flowers, which bore fruit and sowed new seeds. This primeval seed was the Source of the Tree of Life. From its roots and branches emerged all species, each living creature. As time went by, the experience of each species delivered new nutrients to this tree that would turn it into the Tree of Wisdom. The guardian of this Tree was a strange creature whose body was made up of various parts of other animals...
_I: …The Dragon…
_AM: Feline legs, snake body, fish scales, horse mane, bird feathers, bat wings, lizard face. Many parts were changing, as if each day it took on the attribute of a new being, whether plant or animal. Everyone respected his strength, because he was the only creature that was part of all of them, he was the unity of all the potentials of free nature. Then, the first human was born. And with it, the search for understanding, for purpose, for the reason for being. But he was a young animal, he still needed a lot to learn about himself before understanding everything else. The dragon saw that the human had the qualities to be like him, to ignite those potentials like no other animal had achieved until then. Then, he approached him. A young woman was lying on the roots of the large tree, lacking purpose. The Dragon whispered from the branches of the tree: “I know what will make you discover the purpose of your life, but to do so you must know the purpose of life.” She offered him a taste of the fruits that contained divine potential, and as she did, a new world opened up to her possibilities. Then the dragon said to him: “Let me show you what you can only see with your feeling.” The force of the dragon entered the woman, igniting her into an unmatched orgasm.
_I: …Kundalini…
_AM: …Turning within himself, the Dragon lit each of the fruits of the tree inside the woman, and blessed her with the ability to give birth to boys and girls who had this wisdom within them, and who someday day, for the pleasure of living, they could remember him, discover him, and be nourished by him. But…
_I: What happened?
_AM: The woman told this to her friend, who did the same, although this time, without permission from the Dragon. Sensing the greatness of the world, man began to understand its weaknesses, and dedicated himself to dominating it. He thus knew how to conquer each species, and place himself above them all as King. This angered the Dragon, which was scandalized by fluttering inside their bodies, destroying the fruits...
_I: …the Chakras…
_AM: …Creating chaos inside, generating confusion, destruction. This led to the Dragon becoming a malevolent, diabolical creature.
_I: The Tree Serpent…
_AM: And all humans were condemned to live in constant inner chaos, relegated to living through the design of their emotions, the potential without purpose. In this story, you can understand what it means to “face the Dragon.”
_I: I am living these last weeks of the ISOY path as a mourning, well, that is what the Path of the Dragon represents for me.
_AM: Tell me…
_I: The Earth is that Great Tree of Life, whose fruits are found in certain Lakes along its mountain ranges. These mountains join together on the path we call the Path of the Dragon or Planetary Kundalini. I always knew I should take this journey, but every time I started it tragic things happened. A week after I started it in 2017, my grandmother died of Cancer, and I always regret not having stayed and been with her at the time of her departure. Instead, I was left painting pictures of the planetary nodes to give to the people who would begin the path of the Dragon with me, something I was about to do again this month, and I refused to do it because of what it stirs in me. I was painting against the clock to finish something that I would deliver to people on the Internet, while my grandmother was hospitalized. I painted three paintings and went to visit her, came back and painted others. I wasn't 100% with her as I should have been. For my “mission”. Then, I went to fulfill this task, to face the path of the dragon, abandoning my family with my grandmother in this state. I left my own. To my uncles, to my mother, to my grandmother in agony. I felt like I abandoned her. I abandoned them. A few months later, I failed, I collapsed, I did not manage to finish this path, I fell in my excitement in Lake Chapala, Mexico, and I fell into a process of autism for a month. There, we held my grandmother's wake, just her family, in a natural ceremony without cure or religion, in which I said a few words, and we planted a tree with her ashes at the roots. There began my other attempt at the Path of the Dragon, making a documentary, in which I felt used and deceived, lied to, and succumbed again to the depression of failure. The Dragon destroyed me. It made me return home... And then... I had to start it again, in February 2020, until I started YOSOY in August 2020... But the moment I was supposed to start this planetary path, the quarantine began, they locked us in, and I stayed in France trapped the 3 months I was supposed to travel for Kundalini. Four failures in 4 years... Four falls and, at the beginning of each one, a death, a separation, the loss of friends, family, resources, time... meaning.
_AM: That's why you're so afraid, that's why you feel so bad... You feel like it will happen again.
_I: Yes… my body is nervous, my soul is uncomfortable. It is the biggest challenge I have ahead of me…
_AM: The Path of the Dragon will take you to territories that represent the chakras of the world's serpent, of global energy, lakes that are found in the power centers of this flow, but above all, places that seek to align your own being in every step.
_I: From being many lakes to explore, there became 9…
_AM: You need no more to sow the right seeds on the Tree of Life. Lake Vänern (Sweden), the Dragon's Crown. Lake Van, (Türkiye), the Third Eye of the Dragon. Issyk Kul Lake (Kyrgyzstan), Dragon's Laryngeal. Lake Baikal (Russia, Siberia), Dragon's Heart. Iliamna Lake (Alaska, USA), Dragon’s Plexus. Salt Lake (Utah, USA), Dragon’s Sacrum. Lake Cocibolca (Nicaragua), Dragon’s Root. TitiKaka Lake (Peru-Bolivia), Dragon's Knees. Kami Lake (Argentina), Dragon's Ankles. The Way of the Dragon is the last Great Week of the I Am Way. And it is the one that will confront you with the entire Traveled Path... That is why you fear it. The others have only been preparations to do this in the best possible way.
_I: Wow…
_AM: Throughout this year, you have built the Tree of Life. Six months representing the roots with its 18 weeks representing the circles of the flower of life that contain the seed in its center. Six months representing the branches with their 18 weeks representing the circles of the flower of life that contain the fruit in their center. And the thousands of leaves of this tree, receiving the light, are the thousands of people connected to this network.
_I: Wow…
_AM: You have created the Tree of Life, step by step... There are only two circles left to close. And now you will do it with this full awareness. Each mental, emotional and physical week has prepared you to face this Dragon, which must not be faced, but ordered. Each day of each week, you have aligned one of these lakes within you, joining the toroid between the North Pole and the South Pole on the tenth day. The Tree, the Earth, the Dragon.
_I: Everything has logic…
_AM: And it was always so close that it hid in the shadows of the Unconscious. Today we begin a new week, in which we will recognize this entire Tree of Life and its parts. Understanding what it hides for us in its form.
_I: Seed… is the first part of a tree.
_AM: And the last one. We will travel from top to bottom, exploring what is hidden in us. And that is why today, on Crown Day, we will sow this seed, under the influence of the New Moon in Cancer.
_I: What should I know?
_AM: I wonder what you have to know.
_I: I know that… it is a time of sowing, that today is a good day to sow something new.
_AM: What is that new?
_I: A new idea of home…
_AM: Exactly. Today we must review the role that our inner child occupies in the family, in the home. What family model do we have, what home do we inhabit, and what family do we aspire to, as well as what home do we want to inhabit? Today begins a 6-month review period until January 2022. The review is, what type of family do we want to live in as a home?
_I: What do I consider Family?
_AM: You tell me…
_I: I do not know. I could say today that my family is my mother. Nobody else. Because of my Italian tradition, for me family is something very important, something that should be enormous, in which we all share together, every day if possible... Something that does not break, that nourishes me... And yet it has done so. Before there were many of us, but we became fewer and fewer... to the point where it was just my mother and me.
_AM: And your father?
_I: It's hard for me to think of them as family yet. I know they are, but, I don't know... They are not in my energetic pattern as a family deeply said... I think I need to spend more time with them, my father, my brothers, to really be able to integrate as a family. But, if I go outside the Italian tradition, there are several friends who I consider family. To whom I feel united in a certain way... Although I would like us to be more...
_AM: You always look to have a big family, right?
_I: Yes... in fact I can't conceive the idea of having a child being the only father and having only one mother... I feel the need for him to have many fathers and many mothers... many uncles and aunts, cousins...
_AM: Why?
_I: I'm afraid that he'll be left alone... That by losing one, he'll think he doesn't have it anymore.
_AM: You are projecting your own shortcoming onto “your son.”
_I: Yes… now that I see it… yes.
_AM: You feel unprotected... Fear that the same thing will happen, that by having only one aunt and losing her, we will be left without aunts. That by losing a grandmother we are left without grandmothers, that by not having a father we are left without a father...
_I: Yes...
_AM: What kind of family do you have?
_I: I had a very dependent family… Attached… We depended on each other, and that didn't make us free. It doesn't make us free. My mother and I work in the same company, in the same roles, and that takes away the time of being mother and son... We are partners with the vision of mother and son. My mother defends and takes care of my interests, and I make projects acting childishly.
_AM: Aha…
_I: So when I don't like something about the “company”, I act like a son throwing tantrums, and my mother acts like a mom, sending me to my room. It's normal in every family business, I guess.
_AM: It's normal all over the world, and especially in joint projects.
_I: I need her to be my mother… I need to be my son… I don't want to lose that too like I lost everything else.
_AM: So, that's the family you want?
_I: I want to start a family, but not a typical one… I know I want to be a father, but not a husband, but a friend. I want to have a son, and for my son to have a mother, but not my wife. I want us to be free from each other, without emotional dependencies other than the unconditional love of friendship and a new human being. I want my son to be of the world, I want to be of the world. I want to be able to go home and hug my mom, not a business partner with whom to discuss resources. I want us to be happy... That we all do projects together, without our ties depending on those projects. I mix everything... as always. I am the one who sets out on a journey of consciousness in the midst of my grandmother's death... I am the one who sets out on a planetary mission while my mother is almost deathly ill. I am the one who chooses to go on a project when the family splits. I am the one who chooses to be alone when what I most want is to be accompanied... I am the one who frivolously walks away, when I want us to be together.
_AM: The one who creates enemies to be able to support the whim of the inner child...
_I: Yes...
_AM: You fear that facing the Dragon will make you fall again into escaping from what you really should do in your life...
_I: Yes...
_AM: What is your home?
_I: I don't know... I don't have a home.
_AM: And you want to have one… Right?
_I: Yes... Today I had a nightmare in which there was a neighborhood where each house was like a hotel room, and in each one there was a home, of my friends, their families, my mother's house, they were all there, But I wasn't in any of them, I went from one to the other, and I had to go secretly, because there was a gang of gangsters who at dusk began to prowl the streets, trying to enter houses and steal. And sometimes, they left someone dead. And I went house to house making sure everyone was okay, I even flew, escaping from the thugs. It was a desperate dream, but I realized that there was no place I called home...
_AM: What is your home? Tell me without thinking.
_I: The Earth… Everyone… Every place…
_AM: But you don't feel at home in all of them...
_I: I feel at home in northern European countries… but, I feel comfortable, it doesn't mean it's my home… Really, I don't have a home…
_AM: That is today's task... Plant the Seed of a new home where your inner child feels happy. Where you can do everything you like, a refuge for your being within the World...
_I: But I've tried...
_AM: Oh no... what you have done was look for a home that would be for everyone, for the project, the mission, not for you. Cancer is not a sign open to the world, remember, it is the inner world, childhood, family desires. What idea have you got?
_I: I want to have a natural place on each continent, a space of its own, with a small house in each one, tiny, one of those transportable ones... in different places... Scotland, New Zealand, Argentina, United States, Spain, Italy, Egypt... My My dream is to be able to have roots and still be a nomad. To live free, and to be able to return to my mother's house to be a son.
_AM: Close your eyes, and think about the emotions that arise from the idea that expands from your crown...
_I: I see that expansion, I see those homes, forests, rivers, lakes, sea, I see myself everywhere. I see myself traveling with my family, with my mother, with my brothers, with my son and his mother, with my friends... Enjoying my expanded home in the world...
_AM: What do you feel?
_I: I feel trapped…
_AM: aham…
_I: I feel trapped in the idea that others have arranged what a home should be for me… that I myself project the idea of home through the idea of others. I feel trapped in my mission, in my purposes, as if I don't have time for myself, for my things...
_AM: That's why you're short of breath...
_I: Yes, it's hard for me to breathe, it stresses me out... Because, I create thousands of projects to be able to escape from where I am.
_AM: Aha…
_I: I can't enjoy because I'm tied to the idea of getting what I don't have... A home, a family...
_AM: Do you remember what we once told you, about when the I Am path would really begin for you?
_I: I don't…
_AM: Ah… When you have a child… Do you remember?
_I: I always believed that the project was my son.
_AM: No… Your son is the project. He is the one who guides your steps today from the Fifth Dimension. He is the guide of your guides, and therefore, he is the Project of your Projects. When it is captured here, it will capture everything in matter.
_I: I'm afraid of being a father...
_AM: Lose freedom?
_I: Yes...
_AM: Oh, no... Believe me... You will win it. Where does the fear of being a father come from?
_I: To abandon him like mine did with me...
_AM: Being aware of it is the first step. This is how you begin to Sow a New Humanity…
_I: It's the phrase I gave to the Arsayian Foundation…
_AM: And it is the phrase that begins today. The planting of something new, a new idea of home, a new idea of family. Feel the emotions flowing through your crown. Let the wind lift the dandelion seeds. May they fertilize new territories and expand new visions. The question is... do you want it to happen?
_I: You know… Now that you say it, I discover a hidden pain in relation to this.
_AM: Which one?
_I: Since we created the Arsayian Foundation, I feel like my life was split in two, as if I were something separate, separate, and yet dependent on the institution. I feel as if, throughout these years, instead of the institution supporting me, I have supported it, and it has distanced me from my family, it even led me to lose part of it, and it distances me from my mother. . Many times I thought about closing it, because it seemed like an emotional expense. Maintaining an institution financially is very expensive, especially in a country like Argentina, so irregular. That meant that all the efforts were put more into keeping it standing than into helping me carry out my mission. We decided to become donor partners, but the expenses were increasing. This year I dedicated myself to supporting the Network freely for a whole year, making trips to support my path, because the Foundation was not enough to cover my expenses abroad with the partners it has. I asked myself several times what is the point of dragging something that only distances me from mine and prevents me from really sustaining my projects... Of course... it is a more "institutional" issue, it is important that it exists so that the message can reach me in a more powerful way. transcend me. But to what point?
_AM: You are still sowing the seed, the Arsayians are still recognizing what it is to be... Reason has not yet germinated, for you are not yet complete in your heart. What you are experiencing today, you, your mother, yours, is the preparation for what is coming, where the Foundation will be essential, but it will only be so as long as you are in the essence. What you see about the institution as a burden is not it itself, but your lack of knowledge of the home, of the roles that each one occupies, of knowing what it is your responsibility to do in life. Discover yourself, get to know yourself, cross yourself. Thus, you will be able to know where you stand, and where you are really going... And only when the Earth is connected, and when you are united with it, will you be able to lay the real foundations. Identify the emotion, only then will you know where you have the energy of your being.
_I: It has been helpful for me to talk about it... Despite continuing in emotion and confusion, I understand my pain much better... My anguish.
_AM: Step by step you will become free. Entering the Unconscious is getting closer to what is closest to you and which therefore you cannot see. And now you're seeing it... You just need to talk. Now, take the seeds you have on hand, and plant them in a pot with the energy of this New Moon. Write your idea of home, of family, write what you hope to make germinate in your life, what you hope to make your inner child grow, and plant it along with the seeds. Watch them grow with the intention of this new cycle that begins today. And sing to them...
_I: I sing sowing them with the Vibration of the entire Universe.
_AM: Sow the seed in your Crown, and transform the emotions of your home and your family.
_I: A new life can germinate…
_AM: This is just beginning. Welcome to the Tree of Life.