_AM: Seeds grow inside fruits. The fruits are intended to nourish the seed, that is its greatest purpose. And normally, you dedicate your life to consuming the fruits, to obtaining fruits of your actions. But the good farmer knows that the final objective is not the fruit of the action, but the seed.
_I: Why do we seek to obtain the fruits, then?
_AM: Because the same thing that nourishes the seeds, nourishes our interior. Water, mainly, 80%. Fruits are water reserves to nourish the seeds in case of drought, and preserve their life. The rest is a combination of Carbohydrates (between 5 and 18%) and Fiber (2%), which together have the nutritional and protective bases of the seeds. Among these elements, Vitamins, Salts, Lipids, Minerals and Proteins are combined. This gives the potential content to the seeds. But they represent an important reserve not only for the final product of a tree, but they also represent a reserve of useful elements for the development of an organism. Bacteria, Insects, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals, all live on vitamins, salts, lipids and proteins, so fruits are a useful product for the entire animal world. For this reason, animals look for the fruits to feed on them, using them as large reserves, feeding on their peels and pulp, using them as a source of vitamins, proteins and, above all, water. Sugars allow cells to obtain energy, and fibers allow the strength of the internal organism. Plants, after millions of years, were able to learn that those incessant attacks on their fruits could have a benefit for them, since when animals consumed their fruits, they spread the seeds, helping them in the process of territorial expansion, turning the fruit into excrement, which worked as a perfect fertilizer and protector for the seeds. Thus, the fruits evolved to also obtain pigments and aromas that attracted animals, searching for the fruits. The body could recognize the proteins and vitamins it needed through the aroma and colors that emanated from the fruits. This generated a perfect symbiosis, which generated the habit of “looking for the fruits.”
_I: So, our entire psychological culture of obtaining fruits from something, getting the fruits, is based on a very natural basis... Eating fruits.
_AM: That's right. But the human found something superior, which made him sedentary. He realized that throughout his life he had traveled to look for the fruits, but one day he saw that the plants that bore the fruits grew from the seeds, so he decided to save the seeds, and when he found a suitable place, he planted them. Thus, fruits began to be cultivated, and agriculture was born. A good farmer knows, therefore, that the greatest objective is not the consumption of the fruits, but the obtaining of new seeds, since, if this potential is not taken advantage of, there will be no fruits the following year.
_I: So... While the animal mind seeks to obtain fruits, the human mind seeks to obtain new seeds to start a new cycle.
_AM: We can define the animal mind as the Unconscious, that which seeks on the horizon to obtain the things that satisfy its basic, uncontrollable needs, and the human mind as the Conscious, which sees beyond the fruit, the need, and seeks the transcendence...
_I: But humans are not conscious... Why call animals unconscious?
_AM: Pay attention. You are an animal, every human is an animal, and every animal is human, since every living being that moves is animated, and every being that lives on Earth is human. The animal and human mind live in every creature, but he who moves by impulse (animal) does so unconsciously because he is moved by the needs of his body, while he who recognizes himself as human, that is, part of the whole organism, He sees beyond his own needs, and is aware of what, how, when, with whom, where, for what and why of everything he does.
_I: So there are animals that are more human and humans that are more animals.
_AM: You could say so.
_I: It makes sense…
_AM: So, look to the horizon, beyond, and ask yourself the question that concerns us today: Do you live to obtain fruits or to sow its seeds?
_I: …
_AM: You have it in front of you…
_I: I once read in the “Bhagavad-Gita”, a conversation that remained very present in my heart, and it reminds me of this, in the conversation between Arjuna and Krishna.
_AM: Arjuna said: “You praise the renunciation of actions, O Krishna, while at the same time you praise the performance of the action; Tell me with certainty which one is the best.” And Krishna replied: “Both renunciation and performance of action lead to salvation; but of the two, Karmayoga (Unity of Action) is better than Sannyasa (Renunciation). You must know the one who always renounces, whom he has neither dislikes nor likes; for he who is free from the pairs of opposites is easily freed from bondage. The ignorant speak of Sankhya (Enumeration) and Yoga (Union) as different, but not those who have knowledge. He who is firmly established, even in oneself, wins the fruit of both. The goal attained by the Sankhyas is also attained by the Yogis. He who truly sees sees Sankhya and Yoga as one. But renunciation is difficult to achieve except through yoga; the ascetic strengthened by yoga reaches Brahman before his time. The yogi who has purified himself, who has achieved mastery over his mind and all his senses, who has become one with Atman (Essence) in all creation, although he acts, remains unaffected. The yogi who has seen the Truth knows that it is not he who acts while he sees, hears, touches, smells, eats, walks, sleeps or breathes. Him speaking, letting go, remaining determined, opening or closing his eyes, with the conviction that it is the senses who are moving in their respective spheres. He who dedicates his actions to Brahman (Higher Self) and performs them without attachment is not stained by sin, just as the lotus leaf is not wet by water. Only with the body, mind and intellect, and also with the senses, yogis perform the actions without attachment for the sake of self-purification. A man of yoga obtains eternal peace by abandoning the fruit of action; The man who ignores yoga, selfishly attached to the fruits of actions, remains tied to them. Renouncing all actions with the mind, the inhabitant of the body, who is the master of himself, rests happily in his “city of nine gates”, without doing or obtaining anything. The Lord has not created the world for the world, nor the one in which he acts, nor the action; he also has not connected the action with the fruit of it. It is nature that is working. Through Himself, the Lord does not assume anyone's vice or virtue; It is ignorance that masks knowledge and deceives all creatures.”
_I: ...I just got very angry... Because everything we had written until recently was deleted, almost 3 pages, and... It was great... It was the key... To many things and... It was deleted and I don't know why.
_AM: Maybe because you got too attached to my answers…
_I: I'm too angry to continue... I don't know what I want now, god... How angry. Why?
_AM: This is a test, Matías… “Fruit of action.” Ask me again. Release the fruit, release what you sought to achieve with what was written. What were you looking to achieve?
_I: I don't know…
_AM: Ask me again.
_I: I had asked you to explain me about the Bhagavad Gita dialogue.
_AM: Exactly. Let's start again. Take a deep breath. Release the fruit of your action. This is the first great test of your Unconscious. You were looking for a perfect result to your action of writing, and you achieved a wonderful fruit that now no one will see. It makes you angry, because you put all your focus on karma, on action, seeking to obtain an acceptable result that no longer exists. Take a deep breath.
_I: Breathe… Deep…
_AM: Good. Let's start a new cycle. The text describes the path of the Atman, the ego, the self, the primordial essence of an individual heading towards Brahman, the transcendence towards the I Am. According to the Hindu worldview, there are two paths by which you can go to said consciousness, and those are firstly the Sankhya, the enumeration, that is, the discernment of actions at different levels marked by objectives to be carried out, and on the other hand , Yoga, the unity that interprets all things as a vision surpassing itself, in which there is no objective but contemplation. Along the first path, what happens is that the being lives through Karma as the only objective, since karma in Sanskrit means Action, and therefore, through it, it finds the purpose of achieving its fruits, its objectives. This animal vision of movement leads individuals to seek to obtain a result from their actions, through work force, the effort that seeks to achieve an objective. Like it just happened to you.
_I: Yes… It just hurts when all the effort put into something suddenly disappears, just like that.
_AM: How does this make you feel?
_I: Helplessness... Because our conversation was perfect, and now it's lost.
_AM: Who was it lost to? Because you have heard it.
_I: It was lost for others to see.
_AM: And, what is the need for others to see it?
_I: May it be useful to you…
_AM: Are you really frustrated by the idea that others won't see it, or are you frustrated and hurt by the idea of having lost the fruit of so much effort?
_I: Yes… It hurts me to lose the fruit of action.
_AM: This is why you are afraid of failing again in the Path of the Dragon, because you are basing yourself on what happened before, and you hope that what you write now will be exactly like what was before, or better, but it will not be like that. TRUE? Why do you think it won't be the same?
_I: Because I put expectations on what should be... On the outcome of things...
_AM: Why do you do what you do?
_I: At first I thought I was doing it to fulfill purposes and missions, to be happy, to come home victorious and enjoy the home with my mother, to be able to generate something new for many... I want to have my home, create a school, do a new policy… Getting everything right…
_AM: And you believe, well, that what you do is for others... Or why do you really do it?
_I: Acceptance… That's what I realized. I do everything to be accepted. After having experienced situations of rejection, bullying, denial from friends, family, partners, I am afraid of rejection, and that is why I seek to be accepted by creating situations of pleasure for others, in which their dreams come true, in which they can be happy, in doing what makes you feel good...
_AM: In the unconscious was the answer to what you were looking for and it was always close to you, what you do you do to seek the acceptance of others. But... You know you'll never find it, right?
_I: Why?
_AM: Look behind all those desires and missions, all these great feats in which you seek acceptance and for which you become frustrated if you do not achieve their fruits... Look behind the unconscious and tell me, What is the truth?
_I: That I don't accept myself...
_AM: Exactly.
_I: I don't accept what I am...
_AM: You do not accept being this spiritual channeler for fear of rejection, you do not accept being this homosexual abandoned by dad and overprotected by mom, you do not accept being a leader for fear of becoming controlling. You do not accept yourself and therefore instead of enjoying, you seek to be fruitful. You fear taking control of yourself...
_I: I create great projects, adventures, to be accepted by others, but I fear that I will not be able to obtain the fruits... I am afraid that it will happen again...
_AM: And that's where the problem is, you think that what is repeated is due to an external force, when the things that are repeated depend on the action. Karma is Action, and it is repeated when what we seek to obtain as a result of it has nothing to do with the intention that drives it.
_I: So what you are saying is basically that the reason why the same thing is repeated is because I seek to obtain the same result with the same action...
_AM: The Path of Sankhya takes life as a race of missions in which at each stage a fruit is obtained from the work done, the intention is set to meet those goals, and celebrate the fruits after the effort. “Fruit of Work”. But from the vision of Yoga, it can be seen that this race is nothing more than a dead-end circle of similar actions that are repeated, and if you perform the same action, you will always obtain the same fruit. And if the fruit gives you pleasure, then you will repeat the same action, and you will never leave the karmic circle. Therefore, contemplation of Yoga shows you the unity of action and fruit as the same reality. This is how you live an animal life based on the pleasures of necessity. An animal looks for fruits to fill its inner voids; First of all, he accumulates physical fruits to fill his stomach. Then, you look for friendships, relationships, emotions to fill the void in your heart, and then you try to fill your mental voids with ideas, beliefs, data, although the order of these voids is not always linear. There is a constant search to fill voids through actions, achieving things that fill them. That is why we build a life based on capital, which seeks to fill spaces with external agents.
_I: “Law of Attraction”… The belief that we can attract what we want into our lives…
_AM: The same is applied in spirituality to continue filling internal gaps in actions that we do not intend to change. What is the fruit of your actions?
_I: I don't know... I thought it was about transforming humanity... But I see that it isn't... As I said, what I do I do to become happy and make others happy...
_AM: But…
_I: Now I can see that my unconscious was keeping the truth that what I keep I do to seek acceptance...
_AM: All humans do it, all living beings seek this acceptance, and act in vicious circles repeating stories to precisely “enjoy.” This concept arises from the idea of being able to enjoy the fruits obtained after effort, after action. What you do you do because it gives you pleasure. So I ask you again: What is the fruit of your action?
_I: Please myself... Show others that I can, that despite their criticism, I am capable...
_AM: But underneath all that, what is there?
_I: My own lack of acceptance… Nothing really fulfills me, because I really can't tolerate being still, alone, with myself. I can't stand it.
_AM: Aha…
_I: I want to escape from myself.
_AM: So Action is the escape. And the fruit?
_I: Hide from myself…
_AM: …Through the acceptance of others. Excellent.
_I: Excellent? It's bullshit…
_AM: It is only because you are seeing the hidden, but it will cease to be so when you change the action, and you will only do this when you release the fruit. You lost our entire conversation today, fantastic. And this awakened immense rage in you. Do you know why now?
_I: I think I understand so, but surprise me.
_AM: You lost it because you expected others to accept you with that wonderful text. That text was for you, only for you. What you write is not for others, it is for you. If you choose the path of Yoga, you will see no purpose in what you write. Today you have realized a very important lesson: the path of self-knowledge is not compatible with the applause of others.
_I: Wow.
_AM: But it's true. Today you have seen that anger does not arise from having lost the text, but from not being able to show what you were capable of writing to others. It is, therefore, essential that you release the fruit of your action, or the path will repeat itself.
_I: It's true... The Path of the Dragon was and is my great challenge precisely because I expect the same result, I hope to show something that I am not, that I do not have in me... That I do not accept in myself.
_AM: What is the fruit you expect?
_I: Getting home… Being accepted by my family…
_AM: Behold. And recognize now... Every project you do is an escape action. And every goal is a hiding place for you.
_I: I want to get home, but I run away from my house... I want to be accepted by my family, but I don't accept my family...
_AM: And why?
_I: Because I refused to be normal... I want to be part of the world, but my whole life talks to me about home and family... It brings me back to such basic bases that it seems absurd to me...
_AM: Why?
_I: Because I want to be different!
_AM: And that's why you look for people who value your differences. Life weighs on you, because you want to make a difference, when destiny leads you to the same...
_I: I escape from the normal…
_AM: Therein lies the karmic cycle. Looking to make a difference, you do everything the same. And you repeat the path. What will you do this time?
_I: …Let go.
_AM: What?
_I: The fruit… The destiny… Letting go of how things should be… The glory of the Path…
_AM: It is what it is. Learn from the farmer. The fruit is a mere momentary product, the seed is the true transcendence. The fruits are the mirages of Correspondence that show us the paths towards Mind, unity... Yoga...
_I: That's what weighs so heavily on me... The fruit, the idea that the result must be magnanimous, without equal, after so much effort, we must obtain a result...
_AM: And it's not like that. The only objective is contemplation, to observe the circle in which Karma, Action and its Fruit are the same, that the fruit is part of the process itself and not an end. Free yourself from achieving results, free yourself from seeking acceptance. Contemplate.
_I: If I change my attitude, I change the results...
_AM: “Free yourself from anxiety about the things of this world, do not let yourself be governed by the illusions of this perishable world.”
_I: The anxiety that doesn't let me sleep is due to the incessant search for a result... that's why it makes me feel so bad to reach the end of this path, that's why I wanted to do something big, that would make a difference, because it wasn't enough for me. path... Anxiety eats away at me to see things captured in the world that can only live in my heart.
_AM: “The man who carries out his actions selfishly seeking his reward, in due time will obtain the fruits in the form of pleasure, or pain, or perhaps both at the same time. But he who acts with detachment, renouncing reward, accumulates riches for Eternity.”
_I: I was acting from the Atman, from the ego... Being accepted, being a part, that's why my path of the Dragon failed... That's why it causes me pain, because I was looking for a reward in it for all the effort made...
_AM: “Seek refuge in the attitude of detachment and you will accumulate the wealth of spiritual consciousness. He who is motivated solely by the desire for the fruits of his action, and anxious for the results, is truly miserable.”
_I: Be free... Let go of what is lost... Let it be... Say goodbye to the things that have happened, live in the present... What I feel and am today.
_AM: “Cut the ignorant doubt in your heart with the sword of self-knowledge. Observe your discipline. Get up."
_I: I get up... I change my attitude towards life...
_AM: The fruits are only there to nourish your true inner potential; Find yourself in the circle of life, because you are much more than that.
_I: I am the entire Tree.