Say - Silence
_I: Something difficult to do when people deny what lives inside us is to talk. Communicate it.
_AM: Communication is the key for Gemini. The planet related to this sign is Mercury, and it had a clear mission: to be a messenger. As we have explained, Mercury gets his name from the word Market, and he was the patron of Merchants. The merchants traveled along paths marked where there were rock pillars called “herma”, which is why in Greece, the god of merchants was called Hermes. Merchants were travelers and messengers, since they carried news from one town to another, and were used by the town as a kind of postman. All these attributes were assimilated to the God of Wisdom, who was assigned the same task but traveling the paths of Heaven to bring messages to the gods of Olympus. Hermes, known in Egypt as Djahuty (Thot), was the one who taught the wise men, who educated the children of Atlantis, the fathers and mothers of civilizations.
_I: And one of his most important teachings was the word… I remember it.
_AM: The verb, the word, the truth, was the code that summarized the divine information made matter, the way in which the mind could hear itself, the way that divinity found to be able to express itself. Every sound, song, scream, word, verb, pronoun, were the divine jewels of consciousness, pearls of awakening.
_I: I remember that we had to learn to pronounce the words very well, because if we didn't we wouldn't be able to manifest. There were sacred and complex words that were considered Keys, Technology between Heaven and Earth, which represented the unity between the divine and the mundane. There was a word, “Ammanenumótyni”, which we called “the Name of God”. When we wanted to embody the divine, for a long time, we had to give up our names, and pronounce this one. If they asked: “E'nam-eh?” (what's your name), we had to say: “Ammanenumotyni”. This name is the sum of all the pronouns together: amma= I am, ne= you are, nu= she or he is, mo= we are, ty= you are, ni= they or they are. That is to say: I Am Everyone. But there were words that were prohibited.
_AM: “Hermetic”. There are words that contain so much power that they cannot be spoken unless you really know how to hold their vibration.
_I: It reminds me of this thing that happens in the movies, where there is always some secret spell that is forbidden to say.
_AM: And rightly so. Just as there are different levels of learning, there are different forms of education. You cannot give a 5-year-old child problems to solve for an Engineering student who is finishing his thesis at 25 years old. Just as it will take years until, instead of DNA, you can say Deoxyribonucleic Acid, and perhaps many more years until you understand everything that this word truly implies, and you can say it again with another level of consciousness.
_I: Like someone who picks up a book at 17 to read for school, and picks it up again at 30, and again at 60, the same book, in the same words, will allow me to see many profound things that I had not seen before .
_AM: For the ancients, words were more than simple vibration generated by the air that leaves our lungs and passes through the vocal cords making sounds. Words were creative, they mobilized action, and therefore, they had the capacity to transform. Therefore, those who did not see themselves in coherence, who were not ready to understand the power of the word, were denied it until they demonstrated otherwise in the trials of life. This gave rise to the idea of hermeticism as a way of closing knowledge to protect it from unconscious and incapable minds.
_I: But isn't this counterproductive? In other words, why keep quiet about the knowledge that should be for everyone? Wouldn't there be more consciousness in the world if everyone could have knowledge?
_AM: Here we are going to take two paths of understanding. In the first one I will tell you no. That no matter how much you release knowledge, it will not improve anyone. In the second option I will tell you that for many it has been convenient to maintain that silence.
_I: We all already know the second one, but I'm interested in knowing about the first option.
_AM: Internet. Single word.
_I: Aham…
_AM: In the 1960s, the first computer network was activated in California for the transfer of data and information. It began to grow and develop as a way to exchange jobs between technology development offices, government and universities, from where they began to become widespread. There comes a time when the number of users generates different servers, and all kinds of information begin to be uploaded to the Internet. Human Communication experienced one of the most accelerated advances ever experienced in history, even greater than in the Atlantean era. For the first time on Earth, a species managed to generate an organic and non-hierarchical network where data and information of all kinds were posted. The ingenuity of individuals throughout the world implemented improvements in communication systems, creating applications and equipment with greater agility, developing platforms that facilitated the upload of data to the Internet. Thus you begin to experience the explosion of information in the “cloud”. ” since the '90s, something that grew exponentially starting in 2010 by hundreds of times, or even thousands. Today, humanity has the largest amount of publicly available information, something that not even your parents could have imagined when they were children, just 40 years ago.
_I: It's true...
_AM: So what makes people not more aware, what makes them not reach knowledge?
_I: Ignorance?
_AM: No… Lack of Will. Those who have the will to search will find. Today any question can be resolved just by entering a Web search engine (network). You have an explanation of all possible topics explained in thousands of ways. What makes us not search?
_I: We have not been taught to seek... But to receive. Years of education in which we have not accessed the Internet in the classrooms, in which we have not searched for what interested us...
_AM: The current educational system continues to ask children to make an effort to read a dictionary when the Internet is much faster, or to search for information in the library, when there is much more didactic information on YouTube.
_I: But… It is important to go to the library…
_AM: It was also important to go have your runes read. No?
_I: What do you mean by that?
_AM: Because in history everything changes, and believing that we will lose an ability to advance does not make us worse, it only delays us. Those who read fortunes in runes, in coffee, those who advised through words and interpretation, lost their jobs to libraries, and reading books was the way out of a time of uncertainty. The Internet is that same change. On the one hand, people hold on thinking that what they experienced as children was better, because they knew how to do more things, and on the other hand, the new ones have an excess of information on the Internet that they do not know how to manage, and which they cannot access. because no one has taught them how, since they spent years learning about the indexes of a book. I regret this bucket of cold water in terms of practicality.
_I: I understand, yes, we are clinging to previous ways. Now, I want to understand that what we are talking about explains that all the knowledge is there, publicly, but you don't know how to look for it...
_AM: Because they haven't asked themselves the question. To learn you have to ask yourself the question. Without the question, the answer does not appear. If you don't know what you're looking for, you won't see it even if it's right in front of you. You understand? And if it appears before you without yet knowing how to use it, chances are you'll end up hurting someone.
_I: Like the atomic bomb.
_AM: “Man's problem is not in the atomic bomb, but in his heart.” Albert Einstein.
_I: That is why many times the wise or knowledgeable prefer to remain silent, so as not to give something so important to those who do not know how to handle it.
_AM: Applicable to freedom. Humans always fall into systems of oppression for the simple fact that they do not know how to handle their freedom. This is why there are usually secret, hermetic systems or organizations that maintain control, hiding certain data, to maintain the status quo: that is point number two. Hide, keep quiet on purpose, for power purposes, or for protection purposes. Like when your parents hide their problems from you so as not to upset you, like when your teachers tell you “you're still too young to understand this.”
_I: We remain silent to control or protect…
_AM: To others or to ourselves. The reason why this happens on a large scale is because it is born on a smaller scale, inside each human. The fear of death or exile makes humans keep things to themselves, secrets that make them different, that led them to make mistakes. Sometimes they prefer silence to survive, to protect themselves and remain in the group, being accepted. The fear of saying what we know comes from thousands of years of being punished for expressing what we are or think, hundreds of civilizations that judge people's internal world or their own decisions, created a psyche that prefers to close itself rather than take risks. From the hermetic fraternities to the child who is bullied at school for being different (bullying), from the Christians who hid from the oppression of Rome, to the free thinkers who hid from the Christians. Silence was the key to survival in a world full of trials. Therefore, knowledge is often dangerous in the wrong hands, in the hands of those who have not asked the question. For this reason, the brotherhoods closed their doors to the public to ensure that whoever came to call before them was of their own free will.
_I: The internal world tries to protect itself from the external world... How do we say, to speak...?
_AM: Two things have to happen: the favorable external context, and adequate internal development. Learning to say what we think, what we feel, what we believe, what we desire, is one of the bases of the real freedom of an individual, and the most difficult to achieve due to the aforementioned. A human being needs to feel that the environment contains him in said truth, and it is only more difficult. Therefore, in order to break the silence and speak, it is necessary to follow some steps.
_I: Which ones?
_AM: First of all, stop denying what happens inside. Observe yourself, and stop escaping from the truth as if they were schizoid illusions. Face and look in the eyes of that truth that lives within, and recognize it as your own truth, part of your being. Secondly, it is accepting it, being at peace with it. The third step is to identify if the environment is conducive to expressing it, and if it is not, you need to look for one where you find support when pronouncing the truth for the first time. A space where you can feel comfortable. Many people commit suicide because they remain silent, because they cannot see that the world is giant, and that there are many environments where they can be who they seek to be, where there will be no judgment, and where they can build a home. Well, home is not where you come from, but what you build from your freedom. And the fourth step is the path of the hero, who after having found the truth and having discovered the power in it, returns to the point of origin, where everything began, to be able to speak his truth, firmly, without fear of losing, because he already has it. He has won everything.
_I: I think it's very useful.
_AM: We remain silent for fear of not being accepted, when the only one who should be accepted is ourselves. If you accept yourself, you have no choice but to say who you are, because the verb materializes. Now tell me, what are you silent about?
_I: Some of the things I keep quiet about I talk to others. Sometimes I keep quiet about certain things that make me ashamed of myself, although I share it with friends, so I simply choose who to keep quiet with and who to talk to.
_AM: That is protecting the energy. Say it without fear in certain environments to take care of your energy development and not lose strength. The word has the power to build when it is focused. Sometimes shouting from the rooftops is not a solution, but rather a loss, because then you don't know how to sustain what you have released. Now tell _I: what are you saying?
_I: I share a lot about myself, with friends too much, with strangers, almost too, although less to protect my privacy, I usually share a lot.
_AM: Are you afraid of judgment?
_I: Before yes, now the trial makes me angry. I must work on it. I'm learning to say more, before I kept quiet when something bothered me.
_AM: For some, the years give them a perspective of the importance of not keeping quiet and saying more what they think or feel, while for others, the older they grow, the more silent and quiet they become, for fear of losing security. Identify how you live your silences and your verbosities in life, what you keep quiet and what you say, in order to understand where your will to be free lies.
_I: I am aware today that information is free there for everyone, we just have to learn to look for it, and above all learn how to search, within which I recognize that in order to do it freely I must know what things I keep quiet and retain in myself, denying, and what things do I say to be free.
_AM: Your voice is your creative power. If you seek to create, you must speak. Free your voice, silences are only useful to meditate on the truths that lie within you, to find the correct words to share your truth in harmony with that of others.
_I: I am the Voice of the Creator, and Communication is the key to the Cosmos.
_AM: Talk to me, and tell me about your inner Universe.