

_AM: Vibrate.

_I: Mmmmmmmmmmm…

_AM: Resonate.


_AM: In the Beginning, only the Mahas, the sleeping void, existed. His dreams were three: Ham, Inspiration, Het, Contemplation, and Hum, Exhalation. His breathing became music, and by his singing, Mahas, she woke up.

_I: Mmmmmmmmmmm…

_AM: Upon hearing his music, nine tears of Light were shed, sowing the seeds of existence, resonating throughout the whole. A: the Unity, Æ: the Duality, E: the Trinity, I: the Fundamentals, Ï: the Elements, Y: the Attributes, O: the Laws, U: the Network, Ü: the Divine Consciousness.

_I: Mmmmmmmmmmm…

_AM: Her tears traced the path of creation through the divine process: expressing, experiencing, integrating and transcending, manifesting her intentions in the 4 aspects: positive and negative, dense and subtle, which came together in the center, like “here and now". And their sounds designed the paths of cosmic experience, the tangible music, the songs that built reality.

_I: Mmmmmmmmmmmm…

_AM: Its vibration was transformed into frequencies, which were expressed in different rhythms, which created harmony, and it gave rise to melody. The symphony of the Universal Source, which finds the song through interweaving its attributes, weaving an orchestra of thousands and millions of musicians.

_I: Mmmmmmmmmmmm…

_AM: They sound in the infinite, and in their echoes they resonate, finding harmony. Their songs, thus, intertwine, creating life, which manifests from vibration to energy, and from there to matter. It is born, grows, reproduces and dies, seeking in the echoes of creation the perfect harmony, its perfect echo, the resonance of its being, lost in the cosmos. Over and over again they try to find it, creating species, cultures, civilizations, arts, until they discover that the echo does not come from outside, but from oneself, and that the roads and their tears flowed from themselves...

_I: Mmmmmmmmmmmm…

_AM: It is there where each living and conscious being recognizes that the path of reunion with sound, with the resonance of itself, is not found in the infinity of space, but in the infinity of itself at its origin. And he returns to the source, remembering the path of return: in the end, there is only the Saham, the Conscious Plenitude, and its songs are 3: Ham, the inspiration, Het, the contemplation, and Hum, the Exhalation.

_I: Mmmmmmm… It's the story they told us in the temples of Khem 12,000 years ago.

_AM: It all started with Sound. The Source divides itself by intention, the intense vibration that arises from the will to live what lies in its inner being, like the seed that explodes, opening in two through its cotyledons, letting out two other parts, its stem and its root. The 9 drops of water and light that water this Source, this Seed, open your experience in these 4 directions, up, down, left and right. All of this, in the form of vibration, which like waves, pulsate between them, generating the sensation of sounds, which sound and respond like echoes, resonating.

_I: Creation is a melody... That's what they taught us, it's like a song, and therefore, to return to the origin, to connect with the Source, we had to "resonate" with it.

_AM: Meditate, feel the sounds that vibrate within, and let them come out. Your voice is the echo of the songs of the cosmos that extend within you, and as you release them in your voice, they respond resonantly to the potential and intention of your inner source. The path of creation and manifestation is the path of the vibrations that built everything. To vibrate is to move agitatedly, it is to allow oneself to flow, to transcend the static state. Life is movement, life is a constant transformation, and therefore, vibration summarizes life itself. Each particle is the manifestation of waves that vibrate and collapse together creating a song. An atom is a musician who plays a specific instrument, which when joined with others forms the molecular orchestra, which gives rise to the symphony of life, both organic and inorganic, both in constant movement, in different rhythms, harmonies and melodies, different frequencies. The chemical elements are ordered by resonance and energetic tuning, which is projected in evolution, adaptation, causing living beings to be attracted by vibrations, by frequencies of light and sound, to their foods, groups, partners... And when the mind develops, it does so in turn in resonance with cultures, languages, traditions, religions and philosophies. Resonance, at all levels, becomes key to the development of a being.

_I: We always tend to say: I resonate with this, or I don't resonate with this. What does this imply?

_AM: As we said, all things vibrate, and therefore, as long as its vibration generates greater tension, it will emit a sound. The Universe tends to order things through a branched system that seems chaotic. This causes noises, sounds, to be grouped according to their frequencies and rhythms, which are grouped by echoes, that is, what sounds again: resonate (“re”= again, “sonus”= noise). On a larger scale, this implies that all bodies and energies seek their own inner order depending on whether what surrounds them reflects that inner truth or reality, like a reflection in a mirror that returns the image due to the frequency and refraction of the elements. photons on the mirror surface. Thus, a being will resonate with what vibrates within, to find that harmony.

_I: So one does not resonate with what is true, but with what echoes the truth within... So we cannot determine what is true or not through resonance, but we can only determine our own truth through it...

_AM: That's right. There is no truth, it is determined by the resonance between objects or subjects, which will always be different, so the truth is subjective, according to the observer.

_I: How do I determine what is true?

_AM: Why do you want to know what the truth is?

_I: Well, well... I guess we're all in search of the truth, right?

_AM: That's right.

_I: So how can I determine what is true?

_AM: What you resonate with will be true.

_I: Yes, but, let's see... For example, we all know that the Earth is spherically ovoid, but there are people who refuse to believe it even though there are thousands of proofs for thousands of years. I mean, it's an absolute truth...

_AM: It is not for those who do not see the Earth from the outside. In the same way as for all humans, knowing that you are composed of subatomic particles will always be an illusion. Calculations and tests can explain it to you, but you can't experience it, so all you have to do is trust. Science itself sometimes decides not to trust parts of itself, such as the battles between classical and quantum physics. Or the struggles between medicine and psychology, or psychology and holistic therapies, philosophical spirituality against faith. Beyond the external evidence you can get, there is only one factor that determines the truth in a human being.

_I: Which one?

_AM: The resonance. The peace of mind you feel when you say: this is what rings true to me. You can never be absolutely certain of a reality, because as we have said many times, nothing really exists, no matter how much you look at your hand, you will know that it is nothing more than a network of data at a quantum level that your brain perceives as a hand. But the hand is your truth. No?

_I: Yes…

_AM: The only conflict lies when truths overlap and damage the truths of others, imposing themselves. Therefore, the key to living in the truth is not to verify it, but to know how to listen to others without closing oneself to one's own. Therefore, today, the day of the third eye chakra, we do not talk about eyes, but about ears. Listening is the mechanism that allows us to identify by sound what resonates, that is, the truth that lies in me and that I discover by what comes to me. This orders consciousness, as it helps awaken each person's potential by incorporating new resonant information.

_I: So seeking the truth is basically seeking harmony in my life.

_AM: Well in the universe nothing is absolute, everything is relative.

_I: This is why in ancient times they taught us about the sounds of creation… To know how to listen, to know how to resonate, to attract to us what we need to build our own truth.

_AM: The security and comfort of finding what complements me. Knowing how to use the correct words opens correct realities. “Please”, “Thank you”, open a world of possibilities, when insults can close many doors for you. Knowing how to use sounds is key in the Law of Attraction, so that what resonates with me finds me.

_I: How to use the correct sounds to resonate correctly?

_AM: Coherence, first of all, our much loved and repeated coherence. Along the Nile, the initiatory path prepared the Body, Soul and Spirit to be considered a trinity in unity, forming a whole being, which allowed the mind to design an idea that was energized by the pure emotion of the soul and captured by the active manifestation of the body. If the body refuses to express an emotion or idea, because it does not know how it works and is blocked by fear or frustration, coherence disappears, and instead of emitting the correct sound to receive the appropriate resonance, it will instead emit dissonance, and will distort. Once the 3 bodies were in tune, that is, the rhythm of the body, the harmony of the soul and the melody of the spirit sounded like a beautiful song, it was time to put lyrics to this work of art, and the lyrics of this song involved all the sounds of Atlantean technology. What you call mantras today, was a complete language, describing the way the source became real. Do magic with words: spell.

_I: Explain it to me. That is to say... The history of the Mahas, but developed.

_AM: Let's see. Mahas is the first of the 12 names of the Universe in the Khemul mythology of the Nile. His name is composed of the first 3 letters that constitute the spirit, soul and body of the Divine: MHS. His dreams refer to the 3 sighs (H breathing sounds), inhale, hold and exhale, representing the 3 levels of the Universal Mind. Breathing had to become an essential form of meditation, in which by recognizing each of the 3 steps, one becomes aware of the rhythms and harmony it has to generate melody and thus manifest.

_I: Breathing as key.

_AM: Then, her tears are the drops of water and light (vibration and energy) that water existence, which represent the 9 Atlantean vowels, distributed in trill groups. The H, which represents the inspiring spirit, contains the vowels A, Æ, E.

_I: What do they mean?

_AM: A, is the sound that represents eternity, the cycles. Æ, represents deep vision, projection and consciousness. E, represents truth, learning, intention.

_I: What is the next trinity?

_AM: The H that embodies the contemplative soul, contains the vowels I, Ï, Y. The first represents the heart, the balance of things. The second is the recognition, being and attributes of it. And the third represents the gestation, creation of realities.

_I: And the third group…

_AM: It is the H that encompasses the exhaled body, the manifestation itself, incorporating the letters O, U, Ü. The sound O represents the fruit, the object, the material. The U embodies the path, the history, the advancement. And the Ü implies upbringing, birth, the roots of life.

_I: Each one represents a chakra, which is what we are using every day on this path: A, Æ, E, I, Ï, Y, O, U, Ü and H (x3), representing Crown, Third Eye, Laryngeal, Heart, Plexus, Sacrum, Root, Knees, Ankles and Toroid in the 3 levels.

_AM: That's right.

_I: And, the processes you talked about? Expression, Experimentation, Integration and Transcendence of each one?

_AM: It is what gives the consonants. A total of 36 Consonants divided into 9 groups of 4. This means that each vowel will have a path to follow in existence, and they are manifested in these sounds.

_I: For the A…

_AM: Its expression is the M, representing the door, the beginning, crossing to the other side. Experimentation is the N, delivery, giving, offering. Integration is NH, receiving, opening to take in something new from the world. Its significance is the Ñ, the impetus, to expand, the order to advance.

_I: For the Æ…

_AM: Its expression is the Y, which gives the dimensions, the concepts, the ideas. Your experimentation is the LL, the levels of consciousness within those dimensions. Its integration is the L, representing the word, the creative verb, the vibration. And its transcendence is LH, love, the elixir, maternal nutrient.

_I: For the E…

_AM: Its expression is G, being the eye, the water, the reflection, the observation. His experimentation is the W, the origin, the source, inner power. Its integration is the X, representing the reconnection, the ascension or descent between the planes. Transcendence is embodied by RH, the divine dream, the imagination, the free expressivity of the mind.

_I: For the I…

_AM: Its expression is the aspirated H, symbol of life, history, time. His experimentation is the PH, the intention, the divine spark that ignites the potential. Its integration is the F, the flow, the river that causes life. Its transcendence is the V, representing going beyond, death, changing plane or horizon completely, like the river that becomes the sea.

_I: For the Ï…

_AM: Its expression is BH, a sound that speaks of baggage, inheritance, incorporated successes. Experimentation is B, house, home, material goods and wealth. Integration is PB, food, the food that gives security in that house. Transcendence is the P, which represents strength, power, the will to action.

_I: For the Y…

_AM: Its expression is R, thinking, reasoning, planning, projecting. Experimentation is the RR, meaning construction, armor, walls, protection, security. Integration is TZ, energy, electrical, vitality. Transcendence is Z, which is the vibration, the resonance itself.

_I: For the O…

_AM: Its expression is the S, the path, the network, the paths. Experimentation is the SS sound, conflicts, obstacles, challenges and objectives. Its integration is the SH, being the evolution, the transformation of things. And its significance is the CH, the change, the crisis.

_I: For the U…

_AM: Its expression is the TH, the sky, the etheric. Experimentation is the T, reality, the material, the horizon, the earth. Its integration is the D, the family, the group, the company. And transcendence is DH, meaning the being, the essence.

_I: For the Ü…

_AM: Its expression is the KH, the architect, the one who designs and plans. His experimentation is the K, the necessary tools, objects and materials needed to do something. The integration of it is the KK, the bridge between spirit and matter, the link between things. And the transcendence of it is Q, the anchoring, the root, being present in the deepest depths.

_I: It is the path of creation…

_AM: It is the Atlantean story of existence. Reading all these letters in order from A to Q you will obtain the path from spirit to matter: “I AM the eternal matrix that emerges from the source and returns to it in constant expansion. By becoming aware of my ideas, I raise the frequency of my love. I pronounce the truth that is contemplated in each origin and transcendence of what is co-created. In the search for balance, my time begins the flow of transformation, and I become wise by descending into the experience that grants glory by the will generated in my thought, the center of the vibrational force that intends the realization of the fabric that unites my complete evolution taking it towards the void, the key to transcendence that connects me to the essence of my being, creating new structures in each cycle, building bridges from the subtle to the deepest of my existence.” And reading it from Q to A, you will get the path from matter to the origin again: “The reality of my being returns to the celestial entity, being reborn in the depths of matter to find my creative spirit, the path that leads to jumping into the abyss of change to integrate the paths, fruits in action of energies arising from the force of creative thought, will that feeds the experience that my being generates, transforming my steps into fire of life outside of time, finding balance in the spiral dream returning to the origin where I see my truth and am nourished by the frequency on all levels and dimensions where my intuition guides me. I expand to receive and surrender to the maximum portal of the spirit that I Am.

_I: Beautiful path…

_AM: Sounds are the Atlantean technology that allow reality to be organized by resonance. Learn to listen to the sounds that vibrate inside and outside of you, and thus you will discover what truths are hidden inside you.

_I: And with these sounds, I will be able to create mantras to manifest the intentions I desire, just as each day we are using one of these sounds for alignments, combining a consonant with a vowel.

_AM: Exactly. Thus, you begin to learn to use words, beyond their etymological meaning, their resonant weight.

_I: Resonance is the key to existence and the manifestation of ideas into realities… It is the key to discovering the inner truth…

_AM: Recognize what you resonate with, and emit new resonances, intentions, sing them into the water, and water your seeds with these songs. Soon, you will be able to see your resonance manifest.

_I: And new levels of consciousness will originate from me…

_AM: For I am the Origin of all Dimensions.

_I: Let's resonate together.




The Source