

_I: “And God said: let there be light. And there was light". This typical phrase of the Christian religion of the Judaic tradition always seems to me to be an ancient affirmation of the idea that the Universe used vibration to generate energy. We have talked a lot about this, but we have not talked about managing that energy in our lives. So, today I ask you, to begin with: what is energy?

_AM: To start, let's remember what energy means. It comes from the Greek “én-” (within) and “ergón” (work), the latter coming from the Indo-European “werg”, with the same meaning, and which gave the English “work”. “Énergón” is performing a specific work or force, and with the Greek suffix “-eía” (quality), it speaks of the concept or quality of performing a work or force: “Én ergeía” which gave the word Energy.

_I: So energy itself would be defined as the force that is generated by the exchange of an activity.

_AM: This explains the Law of Conservation of Matter, in which it is shown that it is impossible to destroy or make the matter or mass of an object disappear, since the only thing that would be obtained is simply transforming it, so matter never disappears, only becomes.

_I: Like when we set something on fire, the heat, the fire itself, the chemicals or carbon emitted, is the same amount of energy from the object but dissipated in the environment.

_AM: That's right. For this reason, you know the famous phrase “energy does not die, it transforms.” Principle that explains reincarnation. The same atoms that make you up are the same ones that formed the dinosaurs, the amoebas, the first ferns and trees. The same water that those trees and dinosaurs drank is what you drink today as you write this. Oxygen, nitrogen, everything you can experience with your senses in this world, are the same transformed atoms, passing the energy, like the inertia of an extensive train that pulls each car, passing the energy from the locomotive to the wheels. of each section. Thus, no matter how different they may seem, they all exchange the same power. Body after body, species after species, active information is transferred from one body to the other, and the data acquired in each step is distributed in space, like fire dissipates carbon from objects to the environment, which will be absorbed again by the body. biosphere. And the key to the transfer is action.

_I: The key to energy is to act…

_AM: As in the beginning, the first wave, becoming a particle, has potential energy, which when divided generates kinetic energy. This marks the two primary types of energy in the universe.

_I: What is Potential Energy?

_AM: It is that latent in the object, accumulated, that has the power to move. It implies the relationship of position and space of one body to another, like a magnet, with its positive side, and another magnet with its negative: both forces are potential because they are latent in them, inherent to their bodies, and both pulsate: each to join the other. There are different types of this potential energy, such as Gravitational, Elastic, Chemical, Electrical, Nuclear and Magnetic potential.

_I: What do they mean?

_AM: All of these are types of potential energy, since it is found in the object in relation to other objects. For example, the Gravitational Potential Energy is what allows the movement of the stars, whose movements are given by the amount of mass they have, attracting each other, like the Earth rotating around the Sun. From this arises or is understood the Magnetic Potential Energy, which due to the mass pressure of an object, generates magnetization in its particles, creating a magnetic field, which produces movement in the body that is affected by this field. In addition, you have Elastic Potential Energy, the principle of which lies in materials with the ability to seek the balance of their initial shape when they are stretched or removed from their initial place, such as a rope, an elastic band or spring. Chemical Potential Energy is what is stored in the bonds of atoms that exchange charges; It transforms when combined with other chemicals, generating chemical reactions, like fire when burning something, or the calories that your body adds when eating. Electrical Potential Energy is perhaps the one that you have most recognized, as it is the one that is generated in the interaction of bodies or particles that have different charges, positive and negative, such as an electron (-) and a proton (+). It is what gives current, light, electricity to a house, or what allows lightning to be discharged from the clouds to the earth. And finally, the Nuclear Potential Energy, which is what is kept stored by uniting protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom, hence “nuclear”. It is released when, under external pressure that drives the nuclear reaction, the atom decomposes, organizing itself in a totally different way, releasing that charge of energy that holds it together.

_I: And… What about Kinetic Energy?

_AM: Kinetics comes from the Greek “kiné”, which means “movement”, that is, it is the energy that is produced by the action or friction of one or more objects, and that does not exist potentially within one of them. This incorporates Mechanical, Thermal, Sound and Solar Kinetic Energy. Basically, from the world of particles to the world of planets and stars, kinetic energy is generated in the constant movement of something, so potential and kinetic energy are twinned. Mechanics explains the unit or sum between potential and kinetics, in which taking into account the natural position of an object, its movement is added, such as: when jumping from a position of height, in which the potential energy Gravity manifests itself, but at the same time it decreases when jumping upwards, turning on the kinetics, due to the movement, and accelerates when falling, and in both cases, mechanical energy was constantly on the go. In the case of Thermal, it is given by the speed of collision between different particles, since heat is nothing more than millions of particles accelerating their speed when receiving an excess of external energy. Sound energy is mechanical, because it is produced by the vibration of strings or resonance devices that receive pressure from external energy. The hydrogen and helium of the sun are in constant fusion and reaction due to the potential energy of solar mass, which breaks the nuclei of its atoms, generating the energy and brightness that we receive from it; which, when fired into space, moves the particles of the atmosphere and biosphere, being the engine of life on Earth: and by engine, I mean precisely the generator of constant energy, since engine is the subject of the verb “to move.” ”.

_I: Interesting…

_AM: Kinetic energy can be divided into three: classical, relativistic and quantum. In the Classic, everything we have said previously is described: how energy is proportional to its mass and movement. The Relativist explains that no object can reach the speed of light, and therefore, if it approaches it, the object would tend to generate infinite kinetic energy. In Quantum, energy is defined by the wave function of an electron, which graphically or physically represents the system of particles.

_I: Ok, and now... What do I do with all this?

_AM: Use it.

_I: How?

_AM: Your entire body is provided with potential and kinetic energy. Every particle of your being is unified with nuclear atomic energy, the basis that maintains unity and order in the universe. Each atom contains magnetic and electrical energy, and in its organic functions activates its mechanical potential. The cells are organized elastically, having the possibility of being damaged and reestablishing their initial tissue. Every day you experience chemical reactions that burn calories in your body, which you make available to kinetic energy, acting, walking, doing things. And the weight you feel is the gravity that makes you be here and now. You feel the warmth of the sun as you walk down the street, the wind on your face, the sounds of music and the words that you hear and come out of you. And when you make tea, you experience the speed of the particles when you feel the heat, seeing how they put into practice the law of conservation of matter, when you see the water vapor leaving the cup and disappearing into the environment.

_I: Everything is energy…

_AM: Each mineral in your body and the constant thermal and chemical transformation of your body generates incessant work force, which produces electrical pulses, transmitting information through magnetic channels. Thus, the mechanical functions of your organs are generating a constant network of energy circulation in your cells and body, which you call “energy centers.”

_I: Chakras… Wheels of energy…

_AM: There are chakras in every part of your being, but the main ones are related to the points of your body with the greatest potential and kinetic energy activity: the brain, hypothalamus, thyroid, thymus and heart, lungs, stomach, liver , kidneys, pancreas, adrenals, intestines, ovaries, testicles...

_I: Oh, now I understand better where a chakra is located... That is, it is not something external to the body or matter, but rather it is the energy of its movement... But... Wasn't it that energy generates matter?

_AM: That's right... But this was at the beginning of things. Now matter already exists, and therefore, energy is produced by the action of matter. In a way, matter is the accumulation of potential energy data that manifested kinetically.

_I: What we usually call the Potential of the Being. The potential that we all have within us is the inertial force of the universe, which is physically manifested through movement (kinetics).

_AM: Therefore, you have two ways to ignite the energy of your being: Potentially or Kinetically. You call the Potential “Meditation” and you call the Kinetics “Activation”. Potential through Meditation implies that by focusing on yourself, closing your eyes and going inward, you can discover, perceive, feel and experience the forces that live in your being, such as the one that unites the nuclei of your atoms, the one that exchanges data by magnetism and electricity. This is how you recognize what your potential is, what lies within you. The Activation of Kinetics would be getting down to work, in which you perform an action, such as walking, doing a ceremony, climbing a mountain, planting a tree, helping someone, singing, dancing, going to the pyramid...

_I: I understand, it implies action, moving that potential to manifest it.

_AM: You are an energy factory, you are a cosmic battery in constant generation. The chakras are not subtle aspects outside your body, but rather they describe these forces that live in you, and that you can use when you pay attention to them, stopping giving power to the energy from outside, and generating your own from within.

_I: When doing energy therapies, like giving energy, how does it work?

_AM: By magnetism. Your chakras receive and deliver energy. Your feet are conductors to the ground, your hands are conductors to the nets and others, your eyes and crown are conductors to heaven. As if you took the ends of the positive and negative cables, your hands, feet and eyes will do the same, the left being the negative and the right being the positive (beyond right- or left-handed use). Like a magnet, the potential force of your chakras will be expressed through these extremities, giving or receiving information. Therefore, when working with another person's energy, our energy will be balanced based on it. That is, if we work with someone who is low in energy (negative), our positive energy will be made available to balance them. But here you usually make a mistake.

_I: Which one?

_AM: You forget the fundamental principle of energy conservation. Well, if a being is low on energy and I give mine to its balance, one of the two will be unbalanced, since the energy that I possessed will have dissipated from me towards him or her, like water evaporates from a glass. until it disappears as if by magic. Thus, you will end up exhausted, and the other person, by not knowing how to take care of his energy, will quickly exhaust it, needing you again.

_I: How do you correct this?

_AM: Being a channel for energy already dissipated from the environment, such as solar energy. Instead of giving energy to the other from your being, from your heart, first absorb all the energy of the light environment through your crown, overloading yourself with that eternal energy. Lower it into your heart until it looks like a sun, and from there give it to others.

_I: Oh, I understand... So we usually give our own energy to others, and others demand our energy like energy vampires, but if we manage to absorb that of the Sun, then we will never be losing our own energy by evaporating it.

_AM: That's right. This applies to therapists, whether holistic or allopathic. Well, many times we give energy or receive by hearing, seeing, hugging, talking. Our energy channels, if we ignore them, will be open like atoms seeking to balance themselves with external forces, exchanging energy with strangers, who can, unconsciously, give us things that we do not need or receive from us energy that we were not willing to give, like lightning to the fall on a tree. For this reason, Meditation is essential to recognize and vitalize potential energy, which protects one's own channels, always receiving the energy of the sun with deep breaths.

_I: Like a plant…

_AM: Exactly. The thyroid gland, in the throat, is responsible for the administration of external energy to enhance the growth of the being. When you observe the Sun, when you chant in meditation, you activate the power of growth, absorbing light as in photosynthesis, converting potential energy into kinetic energy.

_I: Taking care of your energy, then, is not closing yourself off from others, but rather enhancing your own to be able to give without limitation.

_AM: That's right. This is a key to understanding universal functioning, in which the conservation of energy is not produced by closure, but by exchange, it does not occur due to the stability of the form, but rather through constant transformation. The more energy I receive, the more I can give of myself. And the more I give, the more I will receive.

_I: It's energy management.

_AM: The first of the great wealth and economic exchanges that you can know, and it is eternal. One is poor in energy when one does not recognize one's own potential and relegates kinetics to external forces, which do everything to ensure one's survival.

_I: Like giving power to parents, a couple, or the state.

_AM: Therefore, a self-referential being is a being capable of putting into practice the self-sufficiency of its energy.

_I: So to put this into practice, I must recognize that all these forms of energy live in me, and through meditation I will recognize the potential, and through my actions I will recognize the kinetics.

_AM: Stand under the Sun, and sing. He sings all the vowels and consonants that we have seen in the Resonance, receives the light and its energy, like a plant, discovers your inner potential by activating it in your sound. Well, the Divine Consciousness Vibrated, and thus generated the Energy...

_I: “And God said: let there be light…”

_AM: And the light became...



