The Source
_AM: Welcome home, welcome to the month of Taurus.
_I: Thank you. It's strange that, despite having no Taurus in my astrological birth chart, no planets in Taurus, nor anything in House 2, I feel a certain relief to arrive at this month.
_AM: Because if there's anything you seek in your life, it's a home. Isn't it?
_I: ...It might be.
_AM: When you didn't exist yet, and you were just who I am, Ghan, you never found a place to call home, sweet home, because we lived in the Network, expanding...
_I: Being happy as an electron inside a cable...
_AM: Exactly. And in this life, your design has seen Earth as home, and that's why you move through it as if every region of the world were a room in your house.
_I: In some rooms, I feel more comfortable than in others, of course.
_AM: However, the absence of this force in your life is what allows you to be unconditional with its flaws and attributes.
_I: Like which ones?
_AM: Food, sleep, comfort, home, material possessions, constancy, and effort to achieve something. By having nothing in Taurus, you have no conditions of its strength, and therefore, you move through its aspects as if they were air. Eating or not eating is the same to you, sleeping or not sleeping is the same to you, having comfort or not, it's the same to you, having a home or not, it's the same to you, having material possessions, it's the same to you, constancy is the same to you, and effort too.
_I: Well, put that way, I don't know if it's bad or good...
_AM: Let's see, it's neither one nor the other, simply that you have no filter in this. Today you may have nothing, and you'll feel the same as having everything. You may have no money, and it will be the same to you...
_I: Because I don't understand material concepts... I mean, I understand them, but not much.
_AM: This is what allows you to co-create enormous things, because you don't see limits in it, you don't see impediments, "everything is possible."
_I: Yes... I've always seen things like that.
_AM: Because instead of considering yourself someone's creation, you recognize yourself as the Source of all things.
_I: Today they said that in the pyramid. "The Source." Is what you said about my search for home related to the Source?
_AM: From the being that I am, I can only recognize a single home in the Universe, and it is the Universal Origin, the Source. But that's what I say, a being that moves in Dimension 8. However, you inhabit dimension 3, and therefore, you need to bring that source down to matter. And Taurus is the only one that can do that.
_I: How?
_AM: By putting your feet on Earth... Owning the earth as if it were yourself, recognizing the roots, the goods, manifesting that source here and now.
_I: Like that relentless pursuit of having a home, a house that allows me to manifest my ideas.
_AM: That's it. Your own Source.
_I: How do I create my own source?
_AM: Find your Tree of Life, and let's start building it.
_I: The Tree of Life... Today the masters in the pyramid showed me a huge Tree, and I asked what it was. They told me it was the symbol of this month, and then I asked about what the themes for this month of Taurus are, and they only told me 3, the first of each week. But to tell me, their three guides appeared.
_AM: We will have three Masters these three weeks who will accompany us, more than masters, they will be those entities that will guide us, those energies that encompass several masters, and that today you know by certain names.
_I: Serapis Bey, who will guide this mental week, told me that he will take care of the 9 branches that make up the top of the tree, and that they begin today with the word "Source." Hathor, who will guide the second week, the emotional one, introduced herself as a guide to the trunk with its 9 veins, beginning the week with the word "Home." And Ptah, who will guide the physical week, starting it with the word "Temple."
_AM: Let's start then, under the watchful eye of Master Serapis.
_I: And I'll ask the obvious question. Who is he?
_AM: The Sacred Bull. The name Serapis is the Hellenic (Greek) adaptation of the Egyptian "Wssyr Hap." Wssyr is the name you know as Osiris, god of Eternity, and Hap is the name of the Bull god, the ox that represents transcendence. Wssyr Hap is Eternal Transcendence, the manifestation of the source of life in the world from the fertilization of the light of the divine source. The consciousness of both worlds embodied. In the Nile, the strongest of the bulls was venerated, crowned as a god on Earth, capable of impregnating the cows that would nourish the inhabitants with its light, and in its death, it would elevate its worshipers with it. The tradition of the Bull as a symbol of transcendence was born in the early Holocene, a period in which agriculture began to be discovered and animals domesticated. The Bull, the ox, cleared the way, the furrows in the earth to sow the seeds, pulling the plow and carrying the harvest or tools. The ox became a symbol of growth, wealth, of goods, food, which gave energy and strength. This made it the archetype of eternal harvest, of the one who transforms the earth to yield its fruits, and gives continuity to the peoples. Worshiping the ox, therefore, ceased to be absurd, as it equated to today's worship of money or appreciation of work. Thus, the idea of the eternal ox, which allows the transcendence of families, made it a symbol of prosperity. The deity of the Eternal Bull, Wssyr Hap, a name unpronounceable by the peoples of the Aegean Sea, ended up being called "Usir Api," which gave rise to Sir Apis, and thus, Serapis.
_I: Oh, I see now...
_AM: Temples were soon built in his name, and the high priests embodied the idea of this Eternal Being in Transcendence, which led to its interpretation as the Source of Life. It was recognized in him, therefore, the purity of his actions, the art of his manifestation in the field, the peace, for being the bull a peaceful and calm being, contemplative, and symbol of resurrection and ascension due to the cycles of the field and the ascent of flowers and fruits. All this led the priests to incorporate the symbol of the bull as a summary of all this knowledge, teaching the arts of resurrection and ascension, to find inner peace and to be pure in spirit. In this way, they crowned the Bull, and made him "Lord" of spiritual riches. In the Aegean Sea, there was a way of calling the "Lord" as an honorific form when referring to the ruler of a region: "Bey." Thus, Serapis Bey, is the Lord who rules Eternal Transcendence.
_I: Oh, now I understand why he has made himself present. Whenever I've heard of him, I imagine a man, a person, a master like the one you see when searching on the internet. But now I understand that it's a concept that encompasses many souls that embody the idea of this being.
_AM: His presence reminds us of the eternal transcendence of the home that we are, of the place from which we come...
_I: The Origin...
_AM: The White Ray of the Origin. His presence this week will accompany us to traverse the branches of the original tree. The spiritual fruits of the Earth. Planting your feet firmly in this reality, absorbing the light of the Sun to harvest the fruits of its light in matter. But to know what you harvest, you must know where the source comes from.
_I: What is the Source?
_AM: There are two paths to understand what the Source is. The first leads us to the Latin root "Fons" and its genitive "Fontis," derived from the Indo-European "dhen," which means to flow. It refers to the flow of underground waters, which run deep, and which are accessed through wells, which we call springs. The other path is the word "Source" referring to an aspect of unity of many concepts, which comes from the French "fondre," originated from the same Indo-European name, but with a different path, applied to metallurgy, to blacksmithing, in which the flow occurs in the melting of elements to incorporate them as one, just as in the alloying of metals. In English, this term gave rise to the word "font," used for example in the format of a typography. The appropriate word for our intention of Source in English would be "Source," derived from the Latin "sub" (below) and "regere" (to govern, to delineate), that is, that is below the rules, therefore, what originates or constitutes them.
_I: So a Source is the flow of things that merge together, and emerge from a specific place.
_AM: Yes.
_I: What is the Source of all things?
_AM: The Source of everything is Intention. We've already said, the mind, the idea, the network, everything originates from a framework that arose from a single point that is inert, static and contains within it all possibilities compressed under great pressure. Therefore, all together begin to resonate, vibrating, putting each potential "in tension" over the other. Thus, the constant state of tension leads to action (intention), through expression and expansion, all arising from that mental factor. You know intention as the act of focusing on something to make it happen, to make it real, because attention and intention are ways of describing something that is quantum entanglement, in which each particle overlaps with the others, and if they are put in tension, they could modify each other, which would lead to the particles that compose you being able to create something outside based on the particles to which yours have overlapped.
_I: "Hey, hey, slower brain"... It reminded me of Chief Wiggum's line from The Simpsons when the scientist draws a square.
_AM: Haha, alright. Let's see. Imagine you're in a park and you want to eat some fruits from a tree but they're too high. So, you get a rope, and throw it over one of the branches letting both ends hang towards you. Then, you pull the ends moving the branch, causing the fruits to fall, which you can now eat peacefully. This image shows you that it wasn't necessary to go to the branch to get the fruits, but that you also wouldn't get the fruits just by staring at the branch wishing for one to fall. The intention was a product of the rope, a string that allowed interaction between your left hand and your right hand, which by generating tension downwards and upwards, caused the branch to make the same movement, yet your hands never touched the branch or the tree. So imagine that the rope is a wave of particles, which are in you, in one hand, and at the same time are in you in the other hand, and in turn are in the branch. If I manage to generate the appropriate tension, these superposed and entangled particles will allow you to obtain what you desire.
_I: Okay, I think I understand.
_AM: The Universal Source applies the same principle. The intention it possesses makes all potentials detach from it, flow from its center, merge into existence. The flow of this potential source is quantum entanglement, and the fusion of its components is quantum superposition. The source is like those two hands that throw the rope over the branches of the universal tree, and move the threads to generate the laws of the universe and existence itself. Put this way, you can understand something fundamental, that if every wave or particle is a constant superposition and entanglement, then...
_I: ...The Source is in all things...
_AM: Very well. There is no such place as "the Source," but it resides in everything that exists and manifests in each fusion of potentials. Each node of the Network.
_I: Each Node is a Source in itself...
_AM: And each chakra in your body is a Source of potentials in itself.
_I: So I Am the Source.
_AM: "May the Force be with you." The concept taken from the Star Wars saga refers to the Universal Source, which inhabits all things, which is not found anywhere, but can only be found within. The brotherhood of the Jedi (remember that we have talked about this as the "Sheddai," the name of God in Hebrew which means "Almighty"), must find the power that lies in every particle of existence, which gives them all the power to control matter and minds. What we have always said, of being happy being an electron inside a cable, is due to that ability to feel the force flowing through everything, turning us into it. When you recognize that the Origin is not found anywhere or at any time, but in every moment and in every place.
_I: How can we awaken that potential source within us?
_AM: Become a seed. Focus on the idea of the seed. A seed is a tiny organism that contains within it all the potential to be a plant, which you can see grow, develop. The Seed is the Source of all life. It consists of a seed coat, which is the outer layer covering the two cotyledons, which contain all the necessary nutrients to supply the germ, composed of the radicle (small root intention), the hypocotyl (origin of the stem), and the plumule, the small extensions that will become the first leaves. Just as in meiosis, the cotyledons are the first two parts of your being that contain the potential of everything you will become, and so you, as a human, are symmetrically organized into two parts that together manifest the intention to become the universe. Recognize that this potential lives within you, and water it with consciousness.
_I: How do I do that?
_AM: I propose we do an exercise throughout this month. Each day we'll focus on a specific theme, which will be the nutrients of consciousness for your seed to germinate from the Source that lives in you and manifest as fruits. So, the exercise will be to create a Germinator.
_I: Like the ones we made in school...
_AM: That's right. You can do it with a jar or a pot, or both. In the case of the pot, you'll need good soil mixed with some fruit peels or organic waste to serve as compost, and seeds that can take shape and even bear fruit in 30 or 50 days, like lettuce, carrot, mint, arugula, basil, spinach, watercress, broccoli, and others. Plant them in the pot, and each day, you'll bury in it a tiny piece of paper with the theme of the day that we'll work on together, fertilizing them with consciousness, and watering them with water to which you can give intention by singing the sound corresponding to the day.
_I: Like today, it would be the sound "Wa."
_AM: Yes, but you can flow from it, letting yourself be carried away by the chants you want to put in the consciousness watering. With water and earth, you'll nurture these plants.
_I: And in the case of the germinator jar?
_AM: You'll take a glass jar, surround the walls of the jar with blotting paper, place a little sand and soil in the base, about 2 centimeters, and on top, you'll put a good layer of cotton. There, you can place some small seeds on the sides (between the blotting paper or cotton and the glass) or simply scattered on the cotton. You'll do the same, watering with a little water the seeds, but this water, full of the intention of the theme of each day in your words or chants. Seeds of alfalfa, sunflower, lentil, wheat, quinoa, carrot, are some of the many examples you can use. Put the pot or germinator jar in a place in the house where they can receive the morning light, and after each alignment of each day, you'll water them.
_I: And then?
_AM: When 30 days have passed, you'll eat the fruits, leaves or stems, nourishing your body with this richness, wisdom, love and will with which you've watered them, divinity manifested.
_I: Like touching the Source...
_AM: Connecting with your own creative source, observing it unfold in the physical world.
_I: I never thought that the information from Serapis Bey, master of the Fourth Ray, and his intention to discover the original Source of all forces, would lead me to do a school experiment with a sprout.
_AM: The Universal Source is not found in grand spiritual hallucinations, but in minute cosmic manifestations. Connecting to the divine source doesn't make you an ascended master, it just makes you a sage. The ascended master is the one who walked barefoot on the ground, who made a tree grow from seed and saw its entire process, and understood everything, becoming the seed to germinate his own tree, ascending to the light, blooming and giving its fruits to the world.
_I: Wow... I understand...
_AM: So... That's your task, that's the mission. Plant the seed, and recognize the Source in them, until you become the Source yourself.
_I: I feel that what we'll do will try to see how in the external world our potential grows in the form of plants, while in our interior the same thing happens, from the source of our being.
_AM: And thus, you will understand yourself as the origin of the universe, the source of all your potential, in order to manifest all reality.
_I: I Am Universal Origin...
_AM: I Am the Source of Existence.