

_I: Today is 11:11, Portal day, a day that reminds me of many things that have changed my life. The first time I heard this was at the beginning of 2011, when my guides told me that that year we would all begin to connect to the Network in one Portal day. They told me that the mirrors of the dimensions would reflect between heaven and earth, and that this code would unite them all. Then I saw it: “11:11.” On November 11, 2011, the calendar marked 11/11/11, and beyond the fact that it would be a day like any other, it would not be one for the Collective Mind.

_AM: Our brain evolved to find harmony in the world, balance between things and resolve everything that is out of balance. Therefore, when you see capicúa numbers or palindrome words, you find rest, harmony, because you can understand it from both sides. Seeing an equivalence, he relaxes, finds himself in order, and this is what he interprets as a sign that things are going well. In the collective psyche, the global mind, that a day on the calendar every now and then makes us see this numerical congruence, makes all brains, for an instant, see a code of order. A connection.

_I: And that's why they asked me that instead of me going out looking for people around the world, I just put that code, on a specific date, in a specific place that everyone would recognize. “The Hall of Mirrors.”

_AM: “ERKS”, Meeting of Sidereal (K)Cosmic Remnants.

_I: That's what they called the intraterrestrial city of Capilla del Monte, in Argentina, many years ago, when the intraterrestrials (millennial aliens in our world) began to communicate again with the people on the surface. My guides told me that I should go there to connect with my mission. And even though I refused at first, I ended up accepting. Upon arriving, I met with them in meditation in the mountains, and they told me that there, in the Hall of Mirrors, all beings could find their true Self, because just as in the halls of illusions at a fair, the Universe expands. in billions of beings by an illusory mirage. Past, Present and Future in all spaces, are observable and connected from there, and our task in the 11:11 days was to draw those lines of connections of ourselves through Time and Space to unite us all. For this reason, the 11:11 Meeting would not be between people, but between fractals that we would launch to reconnect all our parts. Reflections in the hall of mirrors…

_AM: Have you been able to reflect yourself?

_I: I don't know... But perhaps the proof of this was the magic we experienced, the rain that blessed both meetings in 2011 and 2018. They always said that the rain would tell us if we had achieved it, and so it was... Big rains, torrential.

_AM: Water is a natural mirror, and therefore all water beings are reflections of each other. Life is a constant fractal of oceans that reflect light on millions of waves, radiating in different directions, sizes and shapes, but water in the end, a mirage in the middle of the sea. When you get blinded by a single reflection trying to reach it, you will realize that it will be impossible, because depending on your position, the brightness will change. Every wave is not fixed, but instantly mutable, and therefore every conception of permanence is nothing more than an idea of ​​perception. Going to the hall of mirrors is to look at yourself like a wave in the middle of the sea, mutating, transforming yourself in all your lives and parallel universes, as well as in the other living beings that surround you.

_I: What is a reflection?

_AM: It comes from the word “Re” which means “to return to”, and the word “Flectere”, which means “to bend, deviate”. A mirror bends light by bending an image, causing it to return to you. That is why we talk about the reflection of a mirror. All light is reflected in water, in life, causing all the photonic particles from the environment, from the sun, and those we emit ourselves, to be reflected in the water that lives inside others. To understand it, you must remember that the things you see are not reality, but rather what your senses can perceive when the photonic particles (light) collide with the atomic particles that make up things and are ejected. Many of those will return to your eyes, interpreted according to the force or vibration with which they were expelled at high speed. But you never see the object, but rather what the light particles communicate to your nervous system about said object. For this reason, no observation can be real and objective, since your presence emits these particles through what you call electromagnetic field or aura, affecting the objects around you or under your observation.

_I: This is what the phrase “the observer modifies reality” means.

_AM: Yes.

_I: Which implies that there are past, present and future observers, and they all condition each other if they manage to look each other in the eyes...

_AM: Well, where there is water, there will be a reflection, the light will return to you, and it will modify your perception of what exists. Thus, everything you see outside is nothing more than an internal perception, since the reflections of reality are precisely your own light image bending and returning to you reflected in the inner sea of ​​the people or living beings around you.

_I: Life itself is the Hall of Mirrors, there is no need to go to an intraterrestrial city, then.

_AM: Thus the only way to escape from the hall of mirrors is through ignorance and unconsciousness.

_I: What would that be like?

_AM: Well, when I ignore that the external truth is only a reflection of the internal truth, when in desperation that everything I see and happens is nothing more than my perception, I prefer to silence that consciousness to allow myself to live in peace. Imagine how difficult it is for any living being to become aware that each moment is nothing more than a reflection, and that everything can be analyzed.

_I: It's exasperating.

_AM: That's why the brain learned to select data in packages that it stores mostly in the Subconscious, where at least 70% of all information is recorded.

_I: And the Unconscious?

_AM: Save at least 29%.

_I: Which leaves us 1% for the Conscious…

_AM: You don't need more. Only Unity is enough to be Conscious. The point is to use it well. It takes practice to make that 1% count.

_I: And what would that practice be like?

_AM: Be open to everything and not have my mind closed only to my point of view. See the lateral reflections out of the corner of my eye and not just what is in front of me. Expand the spectrum of vision.

_I: This would imply that instead of seeing every signal from the universe that I receive from myself, I should be permeable to the strongest and most striking signals. Keeping in mind that everything is a reflection, my 1% will be able to more quickly identify errors or messages when we make a mistake.

_AM: It's like when someone doesn't understand what you've said and makes a claim against you. If his comment doesn't affect you, it's because it's not a reflection. If his comment affects you, it is because the particles are reflecting you.

_I: But does that mean I'm wrong, then? That is, if someone reflects on me with external criticism, then is it that I am wrong or that I am criticizing?

_AM: You haven't explained yourself well. When you look in a mirror, are the reflections accurate?

_I: No... Typically, if in reality I raise my right hand in front of a mirror, in the reflection I will see myself raising my left hand.

_AM: So nothing is so literal. No? It's like someone who thinks that if you were a Nazi then you will be a Jew in the next life. If you were Rich then you will be Poor. The Universe does not understand that type of reflections. Reflections are related to the things that we are not communicating or emanating correctly from us, which does not imply that the external arrives literally, but rather in a distorted way, only reminding us that there is something to correct, and that it is not necessarily directly proportional to what we see. you see. You will identify the reflections by the things that come into your life, but you will identify what you have to work on in yourself by what deserves all your attention. If what you see in a rose bush is the withered rose, it means that your brain is resonating with the withered.

_I: And what about the idea that the brain seeks to solve problems? Could it not be that the brain saw the withered rose because it is looking for a way to find harmony there again?

_AM: If you are not an architect, no one will bring you plans.

_I: What?

_AM: If your mind was not prepared to understand plans, the universe will not give you plans to analyze to build. The mind finds faults that it must solve according to previous knowledge about those faults. That is to say, seeing the withered rose in the rose bush is a sign that your brain has been designed to find it because it vibrates in that harmony. Now, you can choose to live in the constant struggle of seeing withered roses and never enjoy the rose bush, or you can make the decision to fix the withered rose so you can enjoy the rose bush.

_I: And how?

_AM: First accepting the reason why you see the withered rose. What moves in you? What memories does it originate?

_I: For example… My eyes have a great facility for detecting criticism. They don't affect me emotionally, but my mind tries to see how to correct it, responding, resolving... And I realize that one of the reasons why it does this is because all my life I had to explain who I am. Since what I am is “not normal,” with every family member, friend, partner, teacher or school teacher, even with those who listen to me, I must always explain everything about who I am to everyone, because it is difficult to understand. So my brain adapted to having to explain everything, and when it sees a misunderstanding, it needs to respond immediately.

_AM: You are at least identifying the reflection. But what is the light that emanates that causes this reflection?

_I: The fact that I always show myself in a different way. As much as I am honest and sincere, always saying what I am, I am so many things, so many memories live in me, that being myself implies being many things at the same time. And that is often confusing, because I always do different things, I channel diverse beings, I seek different purposes, and depending on the day and the dimension with which I connect I see one thing or another. If one day I am very far from the Sixth Dimension, I will not be able to see human beings but codes on a three-dimensional plane, which makes me serious and frivolous. And if I am from here, in the Third, I laugh, I make jokes, I play... Sometimes that is disconcerting, because I realize that many of the people who communicate tend to always be the same or maintain a line that is accustomed to those who listen. I realize now what it is that I emanate. Within my pedagogical way of communicating, at the same time I project a lot of confusion, because when I connect with the I Am, I am everything, and it doesn't bother me to be many different things.

_AM: So you understand now why you move so many different things. Because they move in you, inside, and the ones you don't like about yourself are the first ones you see outside.

_I: What should I do?

_AM: Pay attention and use it consistently. Not react, but act. Do not seek to change who you are, simply use what is within you for a common benefit. Explaining your reflections helps the reflection of others.

_I: Well, we are all reflections. That's what it literally means... Beings of light who can see their colors reflected in the shadows of matter.

_AM: That is why it is the shadow that can show you the light. You live in a world of shadows where the light you observe is the illusion. Close your eyes and perceive the light that surrounds you, outside and inside, stop seeing the light to feel it from the shadows. There, the photons will have no choice but to reflect in your pineal gland, letting you see the inner lights, the ideas in the imagination, illuminating your internal shadows, seeing the reality that you see reflected externally. Go to the core, and there you will realize that the Earth's great magnetic field, the Toroid that protects life, originates in the iron core inside the planet.

_I: The deeper I close my eyes into the Earth's core, the closer I am to every perception in the electric discharges of the magnetic field.

_AM: What color is it?

_I: It's... The aura... I see it as a dream of the heart... It's green, emerald... They are the Northern and Southern Auroras...

_AM: It is the celestial reflection, the mirage that can be seen in the skies of the solid and dark iron core. When you watch the northern and southern lights appear in your starry night, their emerald tones like rivers of light between the clouds, you can say that you are seeing the dark center of the world projected in the reflections of the luminaries on the eternal sky.

_I: In the same way that when I look at everyone who lives around me, in their smiles and their looks I will see the lights that are projected from the depths of my heart.

_AM: Smile, and the world will smile back at you.



