

_I: Today is Friday the 13th… One of those days that people consider bad luck. What's special about this day?

_AM: Nothing... It just coexists as a collective code of bad luck...

_I: What is luck?

_AM: Luck comes from the word “sortis” which means “lot of land”, that is, a plot to plant. In the division of land in the Roman Empire, the Sorteo or Lottery was precisely to distribute lots of land for planting, and not all of them are good for crops, so everything depended on chance. In English the term “luck” originates from “galukki”, from the Franco-German language meaning “fortune”, that is, the wealth that one could accumulate “under lock and key” (connected to the term “lock”). , closed).

_I: And what does this term have to do with Friday the 13th?

_AM: This date is related to the Christian world. First of all, according to Christian tradition, Jesus was crucified on a Friday, so the weight of his death before sinners falls on Friday. On the other hand, what marked Friday the 13th as a tragic day was because precisely on a day like today but in October 1307, the last Templars were murdered at the hands of Pope Clement V and King Philip IV of France. The situation was basically that the Crusader Knights, during the crusades in the Holy Land around the year 1100, discovered inside a Temple the hidden secrets of the history of Jesus Christ that would change the vision of the Church. Thus they decided to create a secret Brotherhood to protect this knowledge, and they called themselves the Knights of the Order of the Temple, that is, the Templars. All the roads of what was once the Ancient Roman Empire were now traveled by these medieval knights, who ensured protection to travelers between east and west. Due to the instability of the region and thieves who preyed on travelers, the Templars created an economic security system based on checks. Travelers, instead of carrying their wealth with them, had papers authorized by the Templars for the value of their wealth that they could exchange for food and lodging, and even collect the value of their goods upon reaching their destination. That is, they created the first Banks. They grew so much economically through this system of loans, that they had even lent money to the King of France himself. The Vatican Kingdom, whose power at that time resided in Avignon, France, felt threatened by the growing power of this group, and together with the King they decided to send after them. They rounded them all up and on Friday the 13th they publicly executed them. From that moment on, the Templars are a legend. But what most popularized this fact was the curse of the Templar Master Jacques de Molay, who years later, after being arrested, in memory of that fateful Friday the 13th, condemned the Pope and the King to die in less than a year and 13 generations. more from them. So it was that that same year, both the Pope and the King died. What was popularly taken as “the curse of Friday the 13th”, related to heretics, witches, and many others who cursed the ecclesiastical and monarchical state.

_I: So it was a tragic day but it turned out to be a seed for the liberation of the people... That is to say, it could almost be a day of good democratic omen... No?

_AM: Well... Yes. All the traditions that many hold today are born from a negative vision of the world on the part of the Church and the Monarchy.

_I: The other day I read a comment that said that we are working for the satanic religion, and it gave all its explanations that the world belongs to the devil because the atoms of life have a base of 6 particles, so our composition is 666, and that by worshiping matter and the Earth we are worshiping the devil, and that we surely work for religion. He had never read so much inconsistency together, since he said that we are religious when his arguments used all the same discourses of Christianity.

_AM: It's a matter of habit. Europe has been Christian for approximately 1700 years, which made the world Christian during colonialism, 500 years ago. We could say that 80% of humanity has or had a Christian family member or ancestor, and therefore, comes from a Christian tradition or religious environment. This is not just something religious, because religion adapts to culture, and becomes tradition. Like people who celebrate Christmas, Easter, the Three Wise Men, and don't believe in any of that.

_I: We live in a futuristic world with medieval traditions…

_AM: It smells rancid, doesn't it?

_I: Quite…

_AM: Does it bother you then?

_I: Well... I have to confess that yes... The hypocrisy of a humanity that criticizes using the same tools that they criticize bothers me. Like what I said, being anti-religious but believing in evil and the devil. Or talk about love and be one with everyone but say that religious or political leaders must be eliminated. Or those who seek harmony, freedom and spirituality outside of religions, but blame and turn into enemies the same enemies of the religion they deny, such as Freemasonry, the Illuminati, the reptilians... I mean, I don't know, no matter how much we evolve In the forms, the essence is still the same, everything still smells old...

_AM: Stale…

_I: Yes…

_AM: Do you know what word comes from “rancio”?

_I: Which one?

_AM: Resentment.

_I: And why that?

_AM: Resentment comes from the word “rancere”, and refers to smelling bad, something that is old, outdated, and that begins to generate an uncomfortable, rotten smell. Latin writers have coined the concept “resentment” to refer to an idea or circumstance that smells bad, that smells of the past, old and rotten. In English the word resentment also comes from Latin, “resentment” means “to feel again”, something that returns again and again to be perceived by the senses, something old that is felt again, in this case as the Spanish specifies, through smell.

_I: Smell, which is the sense related to the third eye...

_AM: Let's analyze. What my eyes see and my ears hear have the same information center: the nucleus of the brain, in the pineal and pituitary glands. But there is a third that goes directly to both glands, the sense of smell, which perceives the invisible. Remember that breathing (spirare) gives rise to the word spirit. Therefore, what the soul and spirit perceive is related to smell. This is what you call intuition “having a good nose,” or when you sense something negative you suggest “this smells bad,” in the same way that when a plan seems promising you reply “it smells good to me.” Smell is related to intuitive memory, and therefore the best way to treat emotions that bother the soul is through aromatherapy. When you get sick, you usually lose your sense of smell and your lungs usually fail...

_I: Like now with COVID19…

_AM: ...That indicates that the system has stopped and has lost the spiritual connection, the ability to perceive, and needs to regenerate again. When you don't smell anything, your spirit has disconnected, you need strong smells to reawaken your sensory capacity and for your spirit to rekindle in you. Now, when you only smell bad things, your brain is reminding you that there are rotten things around you, you must clean the environment of negative energy. It could be said that many environments are loaded with energetic resentment, which does not come from the human emotional plane, but from a vibrational density that must be transformed so that new air can flow better.

_I: And what about the resentment that every human knows? I have two of my best friends who boast that their resentment is their greatest virtue as well as their flaws. Why would it be a virtue and why a defect?

_AM: As I said before, the center of the brain receives information from the words it hears and the situations it sees. Hearing and Vision. Every person you interact with in life will send you signals, electrical pulses that will be registered by your brain, by the hypothalamus, in positive and negative signals. In this recording, the data is converted into magnetic pulses that affect the chakras, and from them the hormones of the glands. This translates words and situations into emotions and feelings within our body. In this way, the brain now has more tools to identify people or circumstances and know how to respond to similar situations. We have talked about this, it is to save processing time for similar things. Thus, if a new, different person awakens a similar emotion in me, the brain will search the previous files related to that same emotion and open them to me to know how to act.

_I: That's why sometimes when we meet someone we usually say: “he reminds me of that person…”.

_AM: Exactly. And you will even begin to compare, to know if you should act in tune with what you feel or not. The mechanism that is activated to identify whether or not that is the same emotion is called Smell. A keen sense of smell will not only smell aromas, but energies. The most emotional people have a greater sense of smell because they have a greater amount of internal records. Thus, smell allows us to foresee situations before they happen, reading, or rather smelling, the similarities with previous data in the environment. When what is going to happen tends to be negative, the sense of smell awakens the old smells that warn the Sympathetic system from the Parasympathetic system, that it must react based on that old putrid smell, and thus the Resentment is awakened.

_I: Wow…

_AM: Resentment is the acuity of the olfactory system inside our brain that is capable of identifying old, dirty, painful, annoying and uncomfortable situations quickly, awakening the elephant memory, remembering each situation, the hows, the whats, the why, the who, the where, all the data to the fundamental questions. Resentment is a useful system to prevent similar situations, to be alert and defend oneself from external dangers.

_I: But…

_AM: There is always a but. There is resentment as a method of prevention, and resentment as a way of life. I will put it in a simple vocabulary: resentment as a prevention method is the same as having sex with a condom, to protect yourself from possible diseases. Resentment as a way of life is considering that having sex is what makes you sick, then dying a virgin.

_I: Let the example be clear.

_AM: I imagined it.

_I: So what you're trying to say is that people who live through resentment are always looking at everyone with suspicion and a smelly face, refusing to establish contact with new people in case the same thing happens as before. It's like deciding exactly what you were saying, not having relationships of any kind with anyone else because you consider everything a possible smelly reflection.

_AM: On the other hand, resentment used as a biological ability is what helps you not trip over the same stone twice, to foresee situations, to be intuitive, but not closed to what will come.

_I: I realize now that many of the closest people I have are very resentful, but precisely because I have no resentment, and I need them. These people usually tell me that sometimes it is even annoying to see that I don't learn my lesson and I always fall back into the same thing in relationships with people. Sometimes I thought that not having resentment, that having the natural ability to forgive, made me a better person, but that is precisely what always brought me the same problems. When I learned to listen to my resentful loved ones, I was able to forgive but respect myself and take care of myself, knowing how to set limits. This made me lose friends, but I realized something important, that I gained freedom. Before I lived for those friends, and they hurt me just as I hurt them, forcing through forgiveness and gratitude a bond that had to be released in order to grow. If it weren't for the resentment of those close to him, he would never have understood it. But nevertheless I know that many of these spiteful people are also very closed to new opportunities and live in situations of the past...

_AM: Everything in the universe is a tool. If life gives you a hammer, you must learn to hammer nails, not hit others over the head.

_I: It's clear, the problem is not the hammer, it's what I do with it. So, Resentment is the Scorpion sense of smell useful for working on Piscean intuition and living in Cancerian security. But if I cling to the past, resentment will become my worst enemy, preventing me from moving forward and transforming.

_AM: Therefore, if life gives you lemons...

_I: …Make lemonade.

_AM: If life gives you resentments...

_I: …Make a good perfume.



