

_I: And once I have reached the depths of the depressive well…

_AM: You feel the pressure of the world on you. The human is a being that was born under pressure: conception happens due to the pressure of one body penetrating the other, development and gestation occur due to the pressure of the organs and the push of the body making room, birth happens due to pressure of the maternal body, childbirth is a moment of great pressure, the lungs feel the pressure of the air when it enters for the first time, while the blood pressure begins to pump blood to all ends of the body. The pressure of clothes, the pressure of mother and father's arms. The intestinal pressure, and the pressure that he must exert for the first evacuations. The pressure of light on the retina of the eyes, the atmospheric pressure due to minimal changes in climate, the pressure of temperature on the skin, the pressure of gravity that presses the body on the surface of the Earth. The pressure of staring, the pressure of crying. The pressure of food entering the esophagus. And as he grows, the pressure from parents to eat well, to finish what is on the plate. The pressure for him to speak and say his first words and take his first steps. The pressure to behave, receiving the first scoldings and punishments. The pressure to socialize, to go to school, the pressure to learn, to study, to behave. The hormonal pressure, the pressure of growth that is felt in the bones and muscles. The pressure of falling in love, the pressure of ridicule that comes with all psychological and emotional pressure. The pressure to comply with family mandates, with the norms of society and culture. The unconscious pressure to fit into the world, to be accepted, the pressure to pass an exam, to finish school, to find a university degree, the pressure to grow older, to have responsibilities. The pressure of surviving month after month, the pressure of a job and a schedule, of being the best. The pressure of the world that expects you to be what they have proposed for you, and your own internal pressure that pushes for you to be what others expect. And there you find the pressure of your being, which tells you in morality what is right and what is wrong, and pressures you to be the best version of yourself. The pressure that one places on oneself in their expectations and beliefs. And there, the pressure of the financial crisis, the emotional crisis, the existential crisis. Then you find the pressure of the soul seeking freedom, the pressure that leads you to collapse, to depression, and deep down you find the pressure of the spirit that pushes you to radiate your light, and the pressure of the inner path begins, the spiritual path. . And there you discover the pressure of mission, of having a purpose, the pressure of fulfilling a greater and common good, for others and for the planet. You feel the messianic pressure, the pressure of existence, and then you realize that you are pressured by space and your limitations,pressed by time that compresses your being, wearing it down, pressed by the gravity of the Moon and the planets, pressed by the Universe. And when you find the Cosmos, you feel pressured by the search for coherence, for harmony, for your divinity... And one day, all that pressure becomes a moment of epiphany, where all the pressures that you have experienced step by step before , they sit all together, and there you feel the pressure of all Existence itself, and that pressure is such that the only thing you can feel...

_I: …It's nothing. Empty.

_AM: Freedom. How many times have we said it?

_I: “The sum of all forces is equal to 0.”

_AM: Life is a constant path of pressures of all kinds. The Path of existence is a path of pressures. It is your perspective that will decide to see it as a death or a birth. There is no one outside putting pressure on you, it is yourself putting pressure on yourself to be the best in yourself. And those who fail to see this, faint, perish along the way, are recycled...

_I: Many times I was on the verge of falling into it. When I was 16 years old and I started to remember everything, my teenage mind couldn't process what I saw, the responsibility of things that shouldn't even affect me today, the universe itself, a weight that was too big on me that I didn't understand... And the pressure was incalculable, It was even difficult for me to breathe, and sometimes I even forgot to do so. Sometimes I thought about taking my own life to end the pressure...

_AM: Kill yourself.

_I: Yes, I have thought about it. Release the tension, end everything once and for all. All the suffering of remembering so many deaths, of remembering so many loved people who no longer existed, of remembering terrible things that had been done to me and that I had done, of remembering my mission and feeling too much responsibility that a child could not understand... Living in schizoid situations , from seeing beings, entities, extraterrestrials, I thought I was going crazy, and that no one would listen to me, that it would be impossible to transmit all this in a coherent way, I preferred to die, to finish it. Suicide seemed like the option...

_AM: And why didn't you do it?

_I: For several reasons. One, I could not bear to leave those I love today in apathy and suffering for a selfish decision. Another, I didn't have enough courage to do something that requires too much courage. And on the other hand, I remembered what happens next...

_AM: After what?

_I: When one dies, and above all, a suicide. The pressure does not end, only the physical tension is released, from the biological pressures, but the psychological pressures do not end, they are released there, they have free rein. What once controlled the liver, the spleen, the gallbladder, the kidneys, is now free in the limitless mind of the Fourth Dimension. The regrets, pressures, ideas, preconceptions, emotions that you felt before now become reality in the mind when before they were absorbed by matter and recycled. It is true that one can get out of that situation, but it takes a lot of effort and time, nothing to do with overcoming an emotion in the matter.

_AM: A suicidal person lives the pressure of the timeless dimension, he lives the pressure of his own thought repeating itself over and over again. There is no hell for the suicidal, his hell is his own mind. And if he manages to change the thought, he will be able to free himself. But he must recognize the pressure, he must understand that only he or she is generating it.

_I: Yes… I know, it's a mental trap that one creates for oneself. That's why, when I remember what everything is like in the fourth dimension, I tell myself: suicide is not the escape. Well, it requires courage in the matter, but it is a solution for the weak on the mental and emotional levels. This is why I never finished it. The biggest pressure you put on yourself is in your mind, not in life.

_AM: Change your mind and you will change your life.

_I: Yes... However, what you say is true, it is intense to see how everything is a constant pressure, from the moment we are born until the moment we die... Thinking about it like that is exhausting. The Universe was created to pressure us... Why?

_AM: We have talked about this before. Energy expands in the Universe, but in its expansion the only thing it seeks is to contract. The interior seeks to expand to the exterior, and the exterior seeks to return to the interior. This constant bidding generates the constant heartbeat of Universal creation. Positive and Negative do not separate from each other, but contract, attract, seek to unite to complement a global vision of things. As in a magnet, it is the opposing forces that seek union and generate energy. Thus the Universe manifests, generates realities, through energies that expand while paradoxically seeking to reconnect. This causes the waves to become particles, accumulation of vibrations, and the particles become atoms, and these molecules, and these chemicals, and these organisms, and these inorganic beings or organic beings, and these into living beings. It is the expansion of the universe that allows the diversity of entities, but it is the contraction that orders the particles to form individual beings. Hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon atoms are compressed to find order. Their pressure forces mold them into different entities, formations, organisms, generating evolution. From the core of a star in any galaxy, to the subtlest creature on any planetary surface, the same atoms have only found a form of order based on the pressure they feel from gravity. A being on the surface of a world with the appropriate temperature and atmosphere will allow carbon to be arranged in such a way that will allow the development, evolution and creation of intelligent tissues that exchange energy and data. But the more pressure you feel, being in the Earth's crust, or in the magma, or in the core, the amount of atmospheres will compress the carbon molecules, causing what was previously a muscle to become bone, from bone to stone, from stone to crystal and from crystal to diamond.

_I: Diamond is the same carbon molecule that makes up our bodies but under much more pressure.

_AM: Every living being has the ability to become mineral under a lot of pressure.

_I: It reminds me of the bodies found in Pompeii, Italy, bodies that were burned by the eruption of Vesuvius, under a lot of pressure of molten rock, which petrified the inhabitants, leaving them for eternity arranged in the same position in which they were hit by The explosion. It is almost a metaphor for how a person under a lot of pressure in life must feel, petrified, rigidified by beliefs, attitudes, ways of being and feeling, trapped in the crystallization of pressure...

_AM: The Universe, from its molecular state, seeks pressure with a single objective: to discover potential. People discover what they are capable of under great pressure in life. Those who take pressure as a sample of what they can get out of themselves, flourish, just as a seed sprouts in the pressure of the earth, just as the most beautiful mountain emerges from the pressure of the plates, just as a child is born through the pressure of the female body, just as a diamond shines due to the pressure of magma. Growing up hurts, they often say. Perhaps that is why in Spanish the words adolescent and adolecer tend to be so similar and at the same time related so much even though one refers to the act of growing up and the other to the act of suffering pain.

_I: When we realize things, it hurts, we feel the weight on our shoulders, but then a release, as if the same pressure freed me...

_AM: It is the moment of vacuum, of maximum pressure. There the adrenaline arises, which can do everything, at that moment when you have hit the bottom and feel all the pressure, the expansive force arises. As I told you, the Universe, from its Void, proposes pressure as a way of showing our qualities, since the pressure of the negative and the positive is what generates realities. The Cosmos only follows patterns of putting the positive and negative under great pressure, and thus being able to manifest the potential of the spirit, its divine essence. That is why you shine after crises, that is why you discover your inner strength in the face of conflict, that is why you illuminate after martyrdom, that is why you expand after having contracted.

_I: Is it necessary to feel pressure then?

_AM: Of course it is. What is not necessary is to suffer. That's a choice. Suffering is a mental state that is difficult to manage, since bodies and beliefs have based their development on suffering and it has been incarnated in the human way of evolving. However, suffering is “being under the iron”, feeling the pressure from the unconsciousness of how I got there. Suffering is the pressure of the unconscious, which does not know the reasons for this weight and seeks to get rid of it without awareness of the purpose, only to satisfy its comfort and appearance of happiness. When you bring awareness to the pressure, there is no suffering, there is only adrenaline, morphine and endorphin.

_I: I understand... And consciousness is giving meaning, a purpose to said pressure. Knowing that everything I experience and pressures me has a formative role on my person, on the tool of Being.

_AM: So don't be afraid of the pressure, just be aware that it's the universe trying to turn your carbon into diamond.

_I: I am a Diamond in the form of a Human…

_AM: And the pressure of the cosmos will take you to the void of the universe where you will be able to see it shine, igniting the force of what you are, of your manifesting and creative power. Take everything that pressures you and unite it in you, and remember that you are a seed, which under the pressure of the world, hopes to become a gigantic tree.



