

_I: When the pressure becomes too much... Many prefer to give up. As I've said myself, many times I've thought about putting an end to everything, letting go, eliminating life as an agent of pressure. It's contemplating death as its counterpart, as lightness, liberation. It's logical that many people find liberation in death, while others see death as the end of that pressure to move forward in life.

_AM: There are two types of people. And within these groups, there are subgroups. First, there are those who see death as an end, and those who see death as a beginning. Within those who see death as an end, you can find life lovers and those fearful of what happens next. In the group of those who see death as a beginning, you find those who detest life and its pressures, and those who recognize that life is eternal and continues even after death. Many see death as the solution to their problems, and many as the reason for their problems.

_I: Yesterday I talked about suicide, and it's a delicate subject because many people have committed suicide, or want to, and their loved ones do everything to prevent it, or don't know what to do once it has happened...

_AM: First, it's important to remember that dimensions and all existence are a projection and expression of a Mind that we all share. That being said, we can understand that all reality is the construction of a thought. You live according to your beliefs or limitations. In the Third Dimension, living according to beliefs and limitations is very strict and exact because it depends on very rigid and determining patterns of a collective mind that is not in the brain but in atomic organization. Many times it is believed that thought is something human or mammalian, and that intelligence occurs in the neuronal synapses of the brain, but no. Intelligent mind is at the molecular level, where atoms are ordered and share intelligently. Neuronal thought is one of the many evolutionary developments of said intelligent molecular order. This means that when they say, "you are what you believe of yourself," "if you change your thought you change your reality," it's not as easy as it seems. There are many more factors to consider, and one of them is precisely recognizing that the mind does not come from the Ego, but from the cosmos (order). It is necessary, therefore, that the thinking mind, the reactionary emotion, and the wandering body combine with each other in harmony and coherence for your life to truly transform according to your thought. This leads us to understand what was explained yesterday: the gravity of the matter, gravity itself, is due to the contraction of the particles in an atom, when electron (negative) and proton (positive) are attracted to each other, there is more pressure, more transformation, more speed, greater perception of time. The more distended the atoms and their particles, the less transformation, more flexibility, but at the same time less perception of time and space. Thus, through dimensions, what happens is not that a being leaves a body or dimension to enter another, but what happens is the perception of how atoms stretch, allowing you to perceive another reality. This implies that when you die, what you will see "on the other side of the tunnel" is nothing more than a timeless projection of what you are and feel. Thus, the conditioned realities of the Third Dimension expand into Timeless Realities of the Fourth Dimension, where a person lives without transformation and in an appearance of eternity, processes similar to those lived and created in life.

_I: Everyone has their own Heaven and their own Hell.

_AM: That's right. This leads us to understand that dimensions are a constant Uróboros of expansion and contraction of waves and particles, and that what we call Heaven and Hell is nothing more than the expansion or contraction of what each of us expresses, experiences, integrates, or transcends.

_I: That's why suicide is not recommended, because the emotions and reasons for which it is carried out are projected into the fourth dimension in a sensation of eternity...

_AM: As you can see, there is no Judgment of Souls, the judgment is one's own and is called Coherence of Being. Each dimension is the origin of the next, each level to which you move is actually an echo of the beginning, of the Original. Therefore, by escaping from one dimension to another, all you do is generate more echoes of the origin that will end up confusing you more and more.

_I: Escaping from the origin... Of course, it's impossible...

_AM: To move away (in Indo-European: apó... ab-) from the Origin (from Indo-European "er", movement, from which the Greek word "oros" arises: mountain, and the Latin word "oriri": origin, to be born, to arise), gives rise to the concept "Abortion".

_I: Which today is related to the interruption of pregnancy...

_AM: Yes, but it has many more connotations. To abort a project, abort from a ship, abort a place, abort an idea, abort a secretion, abort life, abort death.

_I: Abort death?

_AM: It can mean aborting the idea of ​​committing suicide, or aborting another dimension to be born in this one.

_I: Of course... That is to say, anything that involves leaving something crucial to go away from there.

_AM: That's right. "Orto" is the concept of origin, of birth, of the place where things arise. Solar sunrise is the place where the sun rises. Orthodox is one who follows the original doctrines, although its etymological deviation comes from the Greek "orthos" which means "straight, right".

_I: And "orto" is "butt" in Argentina. Just saying, as a side note...

_AM: Due to its Greek origin "orthos", as I said, "straight", originating from the final part towards the anus. But in the end, "orto" refers to being born, to originate, to the beginning of life, and for the Universe, everything is an echo of the origin. All times, past, present, and future, are echoes of an original thought; all space, sun, planet, reality, dimension, is in turn the embodiment of the origin in different forms and perspectives. You are closer to the origin of things than you think.

_I: That's why in the spiritual path we are invited to go inward, because there we find all the answers, since the origin is within us, and that's why the concept of "I Am" is taught.

_AM: Because the I Am is the origin, and each individual is a door to said Origin. Therefore, escaping from the origin, from expression, from creation itself, escaping from one form to seek a new one denying the previous one, is to move away from the origin and create more and more tunnels and labyrinths, and this is what we call Abortion. I know the issue that concerns everyone the most today is the issue of gestation related to this topic, but without first understanding what abortion really means, we could never understand what it implies at a social level.

_I: It's a delicate subject to talk about...

_AM: That's why it's a Scorpio topic.

_I: Ugh... Well... So, taking into account that abortion is moving away from the origin, denying the responsibility to stay in one place, escaping from a reality,

then how is uterine abortion seen from a spiritual perspective?

_AM: It's seen in the same way, as escaping from the responsibility of life. Let's go step by step to understand it. First of all, why do you think we're talking about this topic on Knee Day?

_I: I suppose it has to do with our History...

_AM: Being born and dying, after each generation, in the history of a group, clan, family, society, culture, is a constant abortion, it's moving forward, leaving something behind. Every time we change a way of thinking going against our family or sociocultural beliefs, we are aborting in thought. Every time we break a relationship and keep moving forward, we are aborting emotionally. And every time we leave a place, the responsibility of a family issue or a project, we are aborting physically. Leaving or Denying the Origin of something, is turning your back on the clan, the group, it's disrupting the continuity of a story.

_I: Is that bad?

_AM: No... But it's traumatic. Keep in mind the following. What you consider to be you, is not you. Your body. One thinks that the body is something personal, one's own: "It's my body and I do with it what I want," but the truth is very different. The truth is that your body is yours only at the conceptual level. The reality is that every cell of your body is a multiplied replica of the originals, and they have been the same for millions of years with some changes and mutations. Your body belongs to a whole group of individuals, and every decision you make about it, you make it above all a genetic clan. When you make decisions against the whole clan, you generate a break and trauma that must be repaired. Now, the information of the clan may be "machismo", and suddenly you become "feminist". The cells of your body will fight to remind you of machismo, and they will confront you again and again with macho situations just because they generate trauma. But if instead of breaking with the entire lineage, what I do is talk to them about change, do a family constellation, therapy, teach my ancestors the power of the body, freedom, then the transformation will not be traumatic. It will be educational, that is, it will bring out the best of its interior, all its potential, and the ancestors will promote such transformation instead of fighting against it. Human conceptual individualism makes you believe that by changing a mental concept, the body will follow behind like a tame and obedient dog, as if it were a mere organism without its own intelligence or memory.

_I: It makes total sense... I've experienced it myself, with the issue of homosexuality, the issue of having my own house, of putting my mother in charge of things. All concepts that my ancestors would deny, and that's why it was so difficult at first, because we had to make peace with everyone... And the body has taken its toll on us with this, obviously... Now, what you're saying is from the point of view of recognizing that we must take responsibility for our decisions and how we act in relation to the body, but today that is a very intense debate. That is, for millennia in most cultures, a woman's body was taken as a product of manufacturing. That is, as a property of human generation, and clearly, one day it should be reversed, allowing the woman to take power over her body again.

_AM: There's a lot to stop and think about and debate here. Women have been mistreated and reduced to mere producers for millennia, it's true, but they have done it because of their greatest gift: gestation. Gestation is a cosmic gift, it's the ability to generate life, it's not a duty, it's a gift. Duty was imposed by cultures in a need to expand the population in historical contexts where the scarcity of people implied lack of work, food, defense. The woman's duty was to bring children into the world to meet those basic needs, in a world where the average life expectancy was between 30 and 40 years. After the Industrial Revolution, life expectancy rose because now there were machines taking care of many aspects. Health improved, the social system, defense, and the towns. In this way, with more rights year after year, women found a place of power, freeing themselves from their historical duty and being able to occupy other spaces. What I want you to see with this, first of all, is that the macho cultures that imposed on women their duty of gestation and upbringing were mobilized by a context of survival and not of sexuality or gender. In fact, most women drove this social organization. Today is different. This is the first time in millennia of history that procreation is not a problem. There are too many humans. Now the machismo that remains is conceptual and archaic, without practical or logical sense with the context, vestiges of a sick society

in the past, a society to which everyone has contributed to gestate, not just men. A society can have slaves, but a culture only has accomplices. This leads us to the fact that, in the reversal of the duty of gestation, women claim their body as their own, as a temple over which they can do whatever they want. And here's a mistake. When two people live in a house, one cannot decide about the other, or it's called a dictatorship. The imposition of power of the stronger or adult over the weaker. An embryonic abortion is, at the cellular and energetic level, a violation, abuse, and aggression against the smallest member of the household with no voice or vote to defend themselves. It's like a father or a mother who, living together in a small home, lock up the 5-year-old child in a room and from the door beat him with sticks until he dies, just because his presence disrupts the harmony of life that the parents had desired.

_I: That's a very strong image... Because a 5-year-old child is not the same as a gamete, or a fetus, or a zygote much less, which is just developing. When does the soul enter the body?

_AM: The soul is energy, and it's always in all things. It would be better to say, at what moment is the soul recognized in its entirety, with all its chakras active. This occurs around the second month of gestation in a human. Before, the soul is also in development, but both spirit, soul, and body coexist in every instant since the sperm and the egg. The origin of life, remember, is life itself. We can't debate the origin of a life or a person, because the history and information of a being are eternal. A mutilated zygote or a child beaten to death, or an adult murdered, for the universe, has the same energetic charge.

_I: So...

_AM: Now, let's go to the mental plane. In the mental plane, only the perception of things exists. If I don't see it as wrong, there's no negativity. An abortion could be interpreted there as a simple mechanism of self-defense to continue with individual life. That is, from the mental plane, abortion doesn't exert a karmic weight. It's a personal decision, of self-regulation and self-determination.

_I: So from the mental plane, unlike from the emotional and physical ones, abortion is not frowned upon...

_AM: Exactly. In the same way that an asteroid destroys billions of years of evolution in a matter of hours, as it happened 65 million years ago with the dinosaurs. In the same way that a plant needs months or years of development to bear fruit, which are harvested to be eaten in just 15 minutes on a family dinner plate. In the same way that cells die every day giving way to new ones. In the same way that a storm, a hurricane, a volcano, destroy an entire region to release a specific tension. The cosmic system has no morality, only generation or release of tension.

_I: So... abortion yes or abortion no?

_AM: It depends. There are two types of abortion: the Unconscious and the Conscious.

_I: Conscious abortion?

_AM: Unconscious abortion is one that considers that as the owner of its body, it can do with the life within it whatever it pleases, being completely irresponsible in the management of gestation. I mean those people who find in abortion an escape from their inability to manage sex as a responsible adult, using previous care like the many types of controls that exist today to prevent pregnancies just like diseases. Care and prevention start with sexual relations, not with pregnancy. And this shows the lack of education regarding life and taboo. So many years denying sexuality have led people not to know how to take care of themselves, not to talk about the issue since childhood, not knowing how to identify gender abuse, sexual abuse, and not knowing how to manage intimate relationships. This is what leads to the despair of so many women who get pregnant and decide to abort, in clandestine clinics, due to scarce resources, fear, or shame. On the other hand, Conscious abortion implies recognizing that said pregnancy may cause an illness, both in the mother and the baby, or that the embryo was the product of a rape that causes psychological damage to the mother and problems in the baby. Conscious refers to there being a logic by which this resolution is sought, born of a conflict and not of irresponsibility.

_I: Therefore, abortion, from the point of view of the body and the soul, generates a karmic weight that will be repeated over and over again, dragging the history of a whole clan, causing long-term damage, while for the mind it's a resolution of conflicts and tensions. And within this, there's irresponsible abortion, which would imply abandoning life for a desire, while responsible abortion would be in leaving life due to a logical circumstance of rape.

_AM: It's important that we get out of political and philosophical debates to solve this problem if that's what we want to talk about. There are women who are suffering from abuse, shame, and fear, who need help, and abortion is one of their exits. And there are many others who, in seeking to regain control of their lives, have taken up the banner of abortion as a form of liberation. On a large scale, it's as if Spain had decided to abort its Colonies, without taking responsibility for its inhabitants, sending them to death.

_I: In a way, it did...

_AM: Well... Yes. And in that attempted abortion of colonies, the unwanted children rose up and created the Republics of the Americas. When we see things from different perspectives, we will notice that morality sometimes defends and goes against the same concepts at the same time. Therefore, this issue cannot be politicized, only two things can be done.

_I: Which ones?

_AM: Solve the current real conflicts of thousands of women who suffer from this harsh reality, with a better health system and psychological support. And secondly, design a better educational system that involves sexuality from kindergarten, from the very kindergarten itself, that helps children identify gender abuse and sexual abuse, and that teaches from childhood how to take care of themselves and recognize a correct, consented, and cared for sexual relationship. The rest are just philosophical stances...

_I: Which can lead us to debate for years... Origin of life, control of one's own body... Legal abortion without questioning... That's what would bother me the most, asking for an abortion without questioning is like murdering someone and asking for the right not to have a trial.

_AM: I repeat, the more you focus on judging and not on educating from facts, but from ideology, you'll be wasting your time. We all abort something in our lives, beyond the responsibility of women over their gift of gestation, all those who abandon their projects out of fear or shame, who decide to take their own lives, turn their backs on their family or love; everyone who seeks to escape from their life, from sharing life or giving life, lives from Abortion.

_I: And it's important to stop escaping...


_AM: Well, if what you are looking for is light, illumination, clarity, abortion only takes you to the west, to the west, escaping from the only truth, which is that the rising, the birth, is in the east. It is enough to contemplate and stop running from the responsibility of being where you should be, to see the sun rise over the horizon and illuminate your face.

_I: The heliacal rise… The dawn of the sun. The birth of the origin.

_AM: There you remember that everything is a cycle, and that no matter what you do or where you go, you will always arrive at the origin.


Below is how ChatGPT3.5 translated the end of the original spanish dialogue, starting from the asterix *

_AM: Because if what you seek is light, enlightenment, clarity, abortion only takes you westward, to the sunset, escaping from the only truth, and that is that the sunrise, the birth, is in the east. Just contemplate and keep walking towards it.



