_AM: You have walked the Earth, and each of your steps has told you about your past, your origin, your path. Every question you asked took you to the beginning of your story, of your body, to understand who you are. When you look at your feet you recognize the steps taken, the paths traveled, and the further you go, the closer you get to the place where you started. Like the story of every hero, one day you decided to leave your home to embark on a trip, an adventure in which, by investigating, you found new landscapes, internal and external. Where, because you fell in love, you faced beasts and monsters to find freedom, and in doing so you recognized what you were capable of, being recognized for the glory of your walk. And so, seeking harmony, you return home, transformed after the journey. But in an adventure you never know where you are going, you never know what you will find, and the path is made as you walk. There is only one thing for certain: if you do not want to get lost, you must look to the north, and there you will find the star that will guide you.
_I: Polaris…
_AM: The journey of life is a constant turn, everything moves, everything transforms. The Earth is not synonymous with stability despite its apparent immovable landscape. Although the mountains are always there, they change, and if you move away, you will stop seeing them. You will lose your reference point. It's easy to find your way when you always live in the same place. You know how to guide yourself by the trees that are always there, or some hill, mountain, house, tower, river, sea... Your mind designs a map around it that it will never need to draw again, because it will make it part of itself. But when you decide to move, go on an adventure, travel, expand, those maps will cease to exist, and you will need to look at the skies. The stars rotate from the point of view of the Earth, but they always remain, indicating, guiding people in their migrations. They can identify destinations by following their smooth and slow movements. And in them they observe what they hope to find. The ancients drew maps on the stars through stories. Using their imagination, they decorated the sky with figures that would help travelers follow in the footsteps of the gods. The stories were not real, they were legends that they had heard about the experiences of the first humans to walk the Earth, their exploits.
_I: “Alínali, Ube, alínali yorathiyum apotahiram, aokladipapum moh, alínali merix morixium yu hetemibalna moh, keye hemselna moh”, the masters said before telling us one of their stories looking at the stars: “Tell me, Musa, tell me about the quiet ones pages of our past, about the paths that designed our history, tell me about the men and women who traced our destiny, those who built our future.” The Emenien masters used to take us to the temple gardens or to the desert hills from where we would observe the stars. Saying these words, they began to explain to us the stories of the first walkers drawn on the celestial spheres. They used to tell us something very interesting. They said that the past is actually our future, but we have not been able to recognize it yet. And they said this because the heavens move in circles, and the same ancestral paths are repeated over and over again. Thus, one could predict the future by looking at the past... When you see the stars, they guide you to the future, but they are nothing more than the brightness of our past.
AM: A new and interesting paradox. The past is the future, and the future is the past. Maybe when you look up at the sky, you see lights that you recognize as stars, but it's not always that simple. In reality, you have never seen a real star other than the Sun, since all the others are just reflections of the past.
_I: How is this?
_AM: Everything your eyes see is perceived only by photosensitive eye cells, that is, what you capture is light. And light moves through space at a certain speed. Photonic particles or waves move through outer space, through a vacuum, at about 299,792 kilometers per second, although in a medium with gases like air in our world, their speed drops to 299,708 kilometers per second. To give you an idea, the trip around the world around the equator, that is, the circumference, is 40,091 kilometers, meaning that light, in one second, can go around the Earth 7 and a half times. Account.
_I: One…
_AM: That's it. Until I responded, she turned 8 times until she came back to you. This is called the Speed of Light. Keep in mind now that the light emitted by solar combustion takes 8 minutes to reach the Earth from the Sun. This can give you an idea of the enormous distance between the Sun and the Earth, with each other being 150 million kilometers away.
_I: Very far…
_AM: But not as long as the closest star: Alpha Centauri, in the Centauri constellation, which takes 4 years and 37 months to reach Earth (41.3 billion kilometers).
_I: So it took us more than 4 years to see its light.
_AM: And the further away it is, the longer it will take you to see the Light. It is important that you can recognize the truths of heaven, to understand what you see and what affects you. You live in a Galaxy, a cluster of stars, which spreads like a hurricane, in the shape of a flat spiral, being centrifuged by a huge black hole. A black hole is the accumulation of so many stars that generates a mass so heavy in its gravity that it consumes not only the particles that make up the matter, but even the light, and therefore it is impossible to be seen, since there is no light that reflects it. to reach us, and it is darker than empty space. Galactic arms propelled by millions of stars expand around it. Now, remember the path of the Hero leaving home, from Earth. The first thing you will find will be the Moon, 384,400 kilometers away, that is, one second of light distance. Then, the Sun, 8 minutes away. Traversing the planets of the Solar System, beyond Pluto, is what you call the Oort cloud, culminating about 2 light years away. In other words, everything that depends on the Sun's gravity is only 2 light years away in a straight line from the Earth, which in human years would be about 40,000 years of history.
_I: Forty thousand human years to travel 2 light years and leave the solar system!?
_AM: If you move at the speed of the fastest current human ship, yes. Therefore, it would take you a long time to reach Alpha Centauri, about 100,000 human years. Everything that happens in this nearby star will take almost 5 years to reach your eyes. Now look wider, at the entire night sky, at all the constellations that surround you and that you see shining very brightly: Canis Major, Orion, Boyero, Vela, Lyra, Crux, Leo, Taurus, all those that you see with the naked eye, The stars that you can see with the naked eye are all found in a small sector of the galaxy called the Orion Arm, whose limit is 5,000 light years away. This is the neighborhood we live in. But around us, there are the Perseus and Sagittarius Arms, which cover up to 15,000 more light years, being the most distant stars, which decorate the backgrounds of the main constellations. And behind the stardust, 25,000 light years away, the center of the Galaxy you call the Milky Way. But beyond them, it is impossible to see anything, that is, the opposite side, the antipode of our galaxy is invisible to our eyes.
_I: Why?
_AM: Because the stardust and the density of the chaos in the galactic center prevent you from seeing it. Imagine that the Galaxy is the Iberian Peninsula, and the black hole is Plaza Mayor. The entire city of Madrid will be the center of the Milky Way, just 2000 light years from the hole. The mountain ranges of the Central System would be the Norma Galactic Arm, the Iberian System towards Aragon would be the Centauro arm, and to the south, the Sagittarius arm representing the limits of the Baetic System, placing the giant External Arm of Perseus in the Pyrenees and the Cantabrian, which would place the small Orion Arm in the Prelitoral mountain ranges in Catalonia. So you can understand the limits of our galaxy with a map that you know: the Montserrat Mountain would be Sirius, while the Orion cluster would be the city of Barcelona, placing the Sun in the Castle of the town where you lived, El Papiol, making the Earth is in Plaza La Florida.
_I: Wow…
_AM: Now you know where you are. If Iberia is about 1000 km long, the Milky Way has about 100,000 light years, while it is only about 1000 light years wide. All the Tropical constellations that you call Zodiac signs (from zoo = animal in Greek, since they all have the shapes of creatures ), they extend throughout the Earth's vision according to their position, while all the galactic constellations follow the line of the width of the Milky Way.
_I: So what would a constellation be?
AM: It is a human imaginative idea from the point of view of the Earth, connecting bright points in the sky, which are not actually close to each other. The distance between the stars are very different, and some are actually galaxies, like Andromeda, 2.5 million light years from the Milky Way, so far away that it seems like another star in the constellation of its own name, when others of its components are close to the Earth.
_I: Following the idea of the map is like locating myself in the Mediterranean area of the Pyrenees, in Cabo de Rosas, having at the other end towards the Bay of Biscay the Peñas de Aya in Euskadi, and still calling everything “Pyrenees”. Pyrenees would be the Constellation, although the distance between one mountain and another is more than 400 km.
_AM: That's right. And this is why everything you see in the sky is actually the Past of each star, reaching your eyes after thousands or millions of years of traveling through sidereal space. Sometimes there may even be dead stars in the sky, which you still see and will see for thousands more years until the light from their explosion arrives years after the void it has left.
_I: It's amazing how big everything is.
_AM: So you have traveled through the history of the Earth in the last 2 months, and in the next two we will travel through the history of the Cosmos, which is why it was important to locate you. And the way to do it was by finding an axis in this immense path where you can get lost, in this journey towards your future looking towards the past.
_I: Polaris.
_AM: The North Star is called that only for a reason, because in the last 1000 years it has been the star that guided sailors and travelers towards the North Pole.
_I: Only a thousand years?
_AM: Exactly. Do you remember the movement of the Earth?
_I: Which one of all?
_AM: The Precession of the Equinoxes.
_I: Oh yes. While the Earth rotates towards the East and completes its full revolution in 24 hours on its own axis due to the gravity of its iron core, the Precession of the Equinoxes occurs in reverse, rotating towards the West due to the attraction of the Solar gravity in each return around its 365-day orbit, which causes the Earth's axis to move 1 degree every 72 years, making a complete revolution in about 26,000 years.
AM: Therefore, the Earth's northern axis will point to different stars every 1000 to 2000 years, making the fixed star at the North Pole different for each Earth Age. In the Age of Pisces, there was no specific star at the Pole, but the closest was the great bright star of the constellation of the Dog, called Dog's Tail (Kynosoura), and which in Europe they named Bear's Tail in the constellation Little Dipper (Ursa Minor). Due to its proximity to the Boreal zone, which helped guide them in a mobile sky, travelers and adventurers who saw the orbs pass from east to west, found in this a way to always find north, and know where they were going. That's why they baptized it “Polaris”, the star of the Pole. However, it will cease to be so in 1000 more years.
_I: But in the meantime, it is the one that will mark the axis of our world.
_AM: And it has done so precisely since the Fall of Rome, although it was used in the same way before. Just as we have seen on Earth the Pole as a single Axis that balances through the dance of the Earth, the Polar circle that Polaris commands today is the Axis of the Stars, and therefore guides you to the future.
_I: What is the Future?
_AM: Polaris was Earth's pole star 25,800 years ago, and will be again in the future. Almost 26,000 years ago, Humanity was at the beginning of its cultural formation, at the emergence of the first humans aware of their future, looking to the stars instead of the Earth. 26,000 years ago, the first humans raised their eyes towards Heaven and saw their future, they saw Polaris and knew what their north was, their north was the infinite capacity to create, manifest, and develop.
_I: And today we are there again, 1000 years ago, that is, when humanity began to constitute its arts and sciences again to take the greatest leap of the last 20 thousand years.
_AM: For history, the moment of the stadium is not important, but the moment of the jump. This means that for history, for the universe, it is not important to have the technology or consciousness, but rather the moment in which you discover it and recognize what you can do with it. That period happened during Polaris, and it happens again in Polaris. Therefore, guiding ourselves along its axis, we will be able to see what awaits us, and to find out, we will ask those who observe us.
_I: Are they watching us?
_AM: Do you think that only you see the lights reaching your eyes from the heavens? Many others have done it before, and have seen the Earth, but have discovered something different. While you search for the future moving forward guided by Polaris, they found another faster path: walking backwards moving towards the past, guided by the southern stars. And that is how they came to you, 26,000 years ago.
_AM: They are your past, but they live in the future.
_AM: They will explain it to us… There are still many days, and time is relative. Place yourself in the Galaxy first, turn on Polaris above you, and instead of looking at the stars, she lets them observe your light, thus, the past will show you your future.
_I: And I will remember what created me…
_AM: The verb is the conscious word of the future that has designed the past so that you can live in the present. And in this Node of time and space, you will be able to connect the Network of All Worlds and Stars. Spin on you opening the Polaris portal, and the future will live in you.
_I: I Am the Future.