

_I: If I could see anything in this month of Capricorn, it is how everything is perfectly structured in the Universe, even if it seems chaotic. Each step we took showed me the importance of schemes, structures, patterns, and how they are not there to limit us but to sustain us and accompany us on the path of creation. Without limits, infinity could not be experienced. Without limits it could not be observed. Without reflection it could not be understood. Without the structures I couldn't build. Without laws there would be no order. Without diagrams I would be lost. Without foundation there is no future. Without patterns there would be no tools. The feeling of freedom, then, does not come from being free from structures but from knowing how to use them...

_AM: The key to Capricorn through time and space, beyond the constellation, is the idea of ​​Constancy. Etymologically, its value is being able to stay together in one place (con = everything together; stantia = quality of being in one place). Psychologically, perseverance implies the ability to sustain an action or project over time. This quality is typical of earth signs, as it speaks of the cycles that things need to happen, adapting to different circumstances. Consistency implies patience, work, understanding that all things, to be, need a process, and it is eternal and cyclical. Consistency is the physical quality of the manifested Universe, which reflects the individual's potential to adapt and readapt, to evolve, knowing that nothing ever stops, that everything moves forward, and that not even death is a true end when you dare to transcend it. . It may be hard to look at the universe through the eyes of constant programming, but the truth is that it is the idea of ​​planning that allowed the Universe to exist.

_I: Yes, that's how I feel. Recognize that the cosmos itself is just an idea, it is mind expanding freely in infinity, and that to recognize itself, know itself, manifest itself, enjoy, feel, live; He needed to limit himself in order to experience his potentials, which he would never have identified without fragmenting, schematizing, drawing patterns in an immense and flexible matrix of vertices and edges that when interacting allow creation, art, technology of the soul... It is a perfect mechanism, a pattern of potential… It is wonderful that something so limiting makes us so free.

_AM: Coherence is the key to being a manifesting creator, and coherence is only achieved by being on an axis, which implies order, structure, patterns, laws. And it is only because of this that he finds the cosmos and allows himself to be flexible by creating, using it as instruments.

_I: That's the key to practicality… The Instruments.

_AM: Practical comes from Praxis, which means to act, to carry out an action, which comes from the Greek “prassein” (to carry, to bring). It represents the body and its ability to manipulate patterns, to “carry them and bring them”, creating a kind of active network that, redundantly said, interacts.

_I: And what does he manipulate?

_AM: Instruments, tools, patterns. An instrument is what is found in a structure, and comes from the same root “Struere” (to pile up). If building means putting everything piled up in the same place, the word instrument refers to that which is piled up. Think, then, that for an atom to exist, 3 particles must be piled up (electron, neutron and proton), therefore, these particles are the 3 instruments of a construction called an atom. For a molecule, the instruments will be atoms. For a chemical compound, the molecules will be the instruments, and for an element the compounds will be its instruments. Thus, Life is the construction of the instruments that you call chemical elements, which make up cells, which will become instruments of living tissues, forming bodies. And in a group, a family, its parents, children and grandparents, will be the instruments that make it up, just as individuals are the instruments of a culture and society. The instruments are the parts of the expansion that come together to discover different potentials of the universe, and to achieve this they do so by affinity, by resonance, by vibration, energy, exchange of substances, they interact in praxis, the evolutionary experience. And as you will see, this praxis would not have been possible if the elements, the instruments, did not follow certain rules, certain laws, certain patterns, schemes, structures, planning...

_I: I understand. It often happens that from our human point of view, we forget that we are composed of a free cosmos that has decided to manifest itself, it is difficult for us to understand that it is the same expansion of the universe that generated the sensation of limitation, and we consider that to find the freedom you have to go outside instead of going inside. We do not know that laws and patterns are tools of freedom, not prison oppressors of the matrix.

_AM: When you understand this, you are free. Anyone who fights for the freedom of his soul, forgetting that it is free in the essence of what he considers a prison, will be fighting against windmills created only in the perception of his limited mind.

_I: That is to say that true freedom is so deep within the limits that we never find it by trying to get away from them...

_AM: Know your limitations well, recognize your patterns, go back to the past, recognize your inheritances, your ancestral constructions, the laws that govern you; and when you have met them, remember that it is you yourself who has generated them to make your existence possible, to be who you are today. And there you will discover that if you want to be free of who you are, you just have to remember a simple truth: everything that makes you up are instruments of your consciousness.

_I: Today they shared with me a message from Grandma Margarita, which came out a few days ago, and which I think sums up this. She said something like: “He who lives through the stars is not free, but he who uses the stars to live,” alluding to astrology. This made a lot of sense to me with what we have talked about this month, since from unconsciousness we let the outside world use us as tools, when we are the ones who have to use what is around us as instruments of our freedom.

_AM: The stars are there, you can't do anything against them, their gravitational force is much more powerful, many more atoms make them up, and their weight drags and pushes yours. However, its solar wind can burn you, push you, drag you to destruction, or you can use windmills and panels to generate energy with its power. You won't control a star, but you can use it as a tree that instead of being consumed by light, decides to feed on it.

_I: Sure… It makes sense.

_AM: The cosmos is a huge compendium of instruments, and they all work in networks. For the network to work, for there to be flexibility and evolution, it is necessary to recognize each node as a tool, a means, an instrument of interaction, of interconnection. This is how the set of instruments makes up an organism.

_I: What would be an organism?

_AM: It is the incessant interaction and movement of the instruments. “Organ” literally means instrument, tool, means of doing something. The suffix “-ism” means movement, activity. Humans usually call life “Biological Organisms”, that is, instruments that interact in relation to what is known as life. And within this concept, you find all the kingdoms of nature: viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, vegetables, insects, animals and humans. Humans themselves call their society as a “social organism”, and all the parts of their body as a Physical Organism. The truth is that organisms can be conceptual, philosophical, religious, political, economic , educational, scientific, biological, natural, cultural, stellar, cosmic, mental; since an organism simply describes different agents that interact in the form of a network in a precisely organic way.

_I: It could be said that what they usually describe as “We are instruments of God or the Universe”, is literally like that. This phrase often makes noise, because it is usually interpreted as someone manipulating me, and it is precisely what makes me believe that I am not free.

_AM: And do you know why? Because humans live from unconsciousness and its incoherence.

_I:…What does this mean?

_AM: When a being is unconscious, it lives by the distorted concept of polarity that you call duality. Like a pendulum, forces on either side propel you to move along what you believe are opposites rather than complementary. This vision, instead of leading you to interaction, leads you to contraction. That is, to create an opposing force hoping to repel something, to move it away from you. This separates your body, soul and spirit, leading them to a constant pressure of separation that prevents them from communicating and transmitting information to each other, what you call “incoherence.” And when a being is unconscious and incoherent, he does not understand the intrinsic relationship between the internal and the external, he cannot recognize the laws of the universe that govern his life (mentalism, correspondence, vibration, rhythm, cause-effect, polarity and generation), and they end up creating their own laws to make up for the lack of coherence. This is how a human begins to use the world, not as an organic instrument, but as a tool of forced labor, based on dominance, control, manipulation and slavery, ceasing to be organic.

_I: And how does the Universe do it?

_AM: The Universe is coherent and conscious, that is, it self-references and interacts incessantly as do the cells, the neurons in the nervous system. Nobody controls anyone, everything interacts in complete freedom, and the reason why this happens like this is because each cell, each small part of the being, refers to itself, and brings out the best in itself. God, the Universe is a single being fragmented into millions, which uses itself as its own tool of self-knowledge. The human error is in believing that God is someone external, above, since he considers that the universe is nothing more than his own projection of it.

_I: The manipulator sees the universe as a manipulator.

_AM: That's right. Whoever loves sees the universe as love. He who dreams sees him as a dreamer, he who makes music sees him as a musician, the chemist sees him as chemistry, the professor sees him as a teacher, the artist sees him as art, he who does not believe sees him as emptiness, he who thinks sees him as empty. sees as mind, he who feels sees it as heart, he who acts sees it as action, just as he who only believes in what he sees, the universe will be matter.

_I: …Because each one of us is the same Universe observed through our own eyes…

_AM: Therefore we are instruments, not of a higher consciousness, but of our own expanded consciousness.

_I: This vision makes me smile…

_AM: You discover, then, that the Universe is an organic framework of instruments used under laws that generate systems, structures, with the purpose of understanding, creating, expanding, discovering. No easy story is worthy of being read or seen on the big screen, everything is always about discovery, uncovering what has been covered, seeing the mysteries. For this reason, the universe becomes more complex, and it does so so much, that the structures are precisely what help us not to get lost in the mandala, in the cosmic design.

_I: A mandala is the perfect image to understand this, the beauty of expansion, freedom, of understanding the magic of fractals, is to understand that they exist thanks to matrices, patterns, paths, paths, structures, systems...

_AM: You are your own instrument, and by knowing your body, you will know what you are capable of.

_I: My biological, emotional and mental organism… My family, cultural and social organism… My planetary, cosmic and divine organism…

_AM: We are an instrumental movement of consciousness.

_I: We are networks of dreams manifested in action.

_AM: And in the perseverance of learning to use them, you become the creator of your own creation.

_I: I am an Instrument of my own Divinity…

_AM: I Use.



