_I: What we talked about at the end of the previous day left a lot of things spinning through my head.
_AM: What things?
_I: Well, you explained the location, sizes, speeds, distances and times, and yet there are still many questions. That is, in all the months that we have been talking, we have destroyed all concepts of time, space, reality, perception, through understanding projections, the mind, and so many visions that are born from it. We have seen how everything we believe about the heavens and the earth is a biological preconception, but now to understand space, we are basing it on very physical things.
_AM: Does your heart exist?
_I: Ummm yes... Of course...
_AM: Actually it doesn't exist. Your heart, like every part of your body, is 99% empty. That 1% is matter, which is actually due to the accumulation of polarized energy that is structured in the form of strings on itself, vibrating. That is to say that matter, that 1%, is nothing more than an intense vibration. The magnetic polarity of this energy is what gives the appearance of different charges that limit each other, making the waves become particles. And it is the pressure between them that gives the sensation of an organic structure, flexible but contained, which constitutes a tissue that is administered in the form of cells forming an organ that you call the Heart. But what you call heart only exists in the perception of your brain. And yet, there it is, beating, pulsing with blood, giving you life with every heartbeat.
_I: That breaks my head.
_AM: Knowing that things as such do not exist does not diminish the importance of what they are capable of doing. The combination of subtle, imperceptible factors gives rise to the formation of wonders. We could say that in terms of creation, Entropy is nothing more than the support of Syntropy.
_I: What does it mean?
_AM: Entropy comes from the words “en” (within) and “tropos” (turn), which refers to things turning on themselves. This concept implies that, due to this unexpected turn, distorted reflection of oneself, confusion occurs. In cosmic terms, entropy is known as a perpetual characteristic of the universe in which everything tends toward chaos. The basic example would be: when you drop a glass on the floor, it breaks into pieces and you will never be able to put it back together as it was before, no broken glass will ever come back together in the shape of a glass. This law of perpetual entropy is one of the laws of thermodynamics, which in the 19th century defined the movements of physics during the Industrial Revolution. However, there is another possible vision: Syntropy. It defines a joint turn, of unity on itself that produces order. Biology is the clear example of syntropy, since particles, atoms and molecules that were loose and chaotically decomposed in space, come together to form perfect and balanced organisms.
_I: So I would go against the idea that the Universe expands chaotically towards meaninglessness, towards nihilism, and on the contrary, I would say that the universe expands, becoming more and more organized the more it is separated.
_AM: The thermodynamic vision of entropic space is nothing more than a limitation of universal perception, when it is so expansive (not only in 3 dimensions, but in 9 dimensions), that the perfect order of its syntropic entropy could not be understood.
_I: This is getting weirder and weirder...
_AM: Hehe, it's Aquarius, what did you expect?
_I: It's true... So, let's see, the Universe, from the point of view of the third-dimensional mind, gives the impression that everything is heading towards destruction and distortion. However, from the point of view of other dimensions, this expansion that seems to deteriorate is actually one of the steps towards a new order. The human vision expects that the glass that breaks will become a glass again in a sort of going back in time, when for the universe the broken glass can become a glass again, recomposing itself again in the future.
_AM: That's right. They are simple points of view that make you see the Universe without meaning or with complete meaning. When you understand this, you can see that the expansion of the atoms that make up your body is the same expansion that the stars and galaxies undergo in the universal expansion. Think of each star, planet, galaxy, as if they were your own subatomic particles. Among them there is 99% empty space, being everything you see in the heavens, 1% of the physical aspect of the universe in the third dimension, the rest moves in other dimensions. That distance is real for the dimension you are in, in the same way that your heartbeat is real for you. The entropy of the cosmos and the syntropy of your biology mix as you see the order of the stars and existence, while your body deteriorates over time.
_I: Paradoxes…
_AM: And this is because you cannot understand the real movements just by looking at the Universe with one eye from the Third Dimension. You must open all your eyes in all dimensions. That's what some have done.
_I: Aliens?
_AM: When they realized that the Universe functioned in the same way as their organic bodies and their microcosm, they recognized something fundamental: the laws of physics are nothing more than a structural perception that allows order in the third dimension, but when You enter the microcosm, the laws disappear, times and spaces bend, fold into each other, and distance ceases to exist, because the electrons that dance around the protons move so fast that by moving in a specific direction they can turn around. time choose different trajectories at the same time, teleporting.
_I: So the movies are real...
_AM: At least on a smaller scale, at the atomic level. This is common in atoms and subatomic particles. Due to this ability, these particles can in turn travel in time, launch themselves into the future and return to the past, because time is nothing more than a state of altered vibration.
_I: The higher I vibrate the closer I get to the future, the more stable and harmonious I am, I am in the present, and the lower I vibrate I am in the past.
_AM: And in turn you move through space. In high vibration, your capacity for movement and expansion is greater, which means that the particles stop being several and are actually one that vibrates at the same time in different tunes, inhabiting all spaces.
_I: Wow… Wait, how?
_AM: We have always been talking about it, you call it “the One”, “the I Am”.
_I: Oh, of course...
_AM: It's just that understanding him outside of the spiritual is more complicated. Everything that exists is a single being that vibrates so high that it can choose to live all the options. Thus the atoms on this side of the galaxy and those on the other side can communicate without having to travel.
_I: Without the need for ships…
_AM: That's right. And this is the key that many extraterrestrials have managed to discover and control. From the third dimension, thermodynamic laws, the laws of physics, prevent us from seeing the inevitable unity in things; they can only analyze one aspect of it, which is the one in which you live. But to understand the other aspects, you need to locate yourself in your own reality.
_I: Of course, that is to say that at an interdimensional level, everything explained yesterday about distances, speeds of light, sizes, etc., is not real, but it is for those of us who are perceiving this cosmic point of view, like for me. The heart exists and for an electron the heart is an illusion.
_AM: A hologram (from Greek: the writing or letter of the whole). Those who inhabit the worlds of higher vibration have managed to discover that if an atom can be in many places at the same time through the laws of other dimensions, perhaps by accessing those dimensions, they could also project themselves in different places and still always be in the same place.
_I: That a complete body behaves like an electron.
_AM: And instead of being an individual considered “unigram” (a single aspect or letter), become an individual projected in a “hologram” (all aspects or letters). To achieve this, they had to build a vehicle capable of making all its atoms vibrate at the same speed and direction, that is, something that contains the greatest possible balance in each aspect of its being.
_I: ...And they found it...?
_AM: Yes, your own Merkaba. Remember? The structure of two joint tetrahedra that make up a Hexahedron (Cube).
_I: The Blue Cube… In Atlantis we called it Protiktah.
_AM: This cube allowed every being to be balanced in such a way at the atomic level, that it could be projected to exist in different points of the Universe only by its intention. Imagine that the Earth is a Proton, and the Moon is an Electron. Now do the same with the Sun being Proton and the Earth being Electron. And keep moving forward, and you will see that solar systems make up atoms, and among them molecules, and the distance between the particles is the same on a large scale as it is on a smaller scale.
_I: This is what they usually always exemplify with two marbles on a soccer field. You place a marble in the center of the field, and another in the public stands, and you will understand the real distance between a proton and an electron, which is the same scale to show the distance from the Sun to the Earth, although in this case the Sun would be exemplified by the soccer ball.
_AM: And those distances are relative when instead of measuring the universe according to the laws of space you measure them according to the laws of time. In these laws of time, each particle finds itself in all possible lines of expression, ensuring that they always find themselves in the future time, that is, in that of probabilities and potentialities. It can't be just one thing, it has to be several at the same time. So the Merkaba is not taken with a vehicle through Light but as a vehicle of light itself. Instead of moving through space, it is projected into time holograms. But to achieve this, the particles must be in tune and resonate in the same way.
_I: So they need to find sources of similar vibration to be able to appear from one world to another.
_AM: You must find yourself. This in the Universe is understood as the Sixth Dimension, where all the patterns are the same, ordered in different ways. In this labyrinth of creation, it is essential to recognize what the polarized aspects are to find the correct particles, the positive and negative of the same particle.
_I: Creating a wormhole, which in reality is not a channel that crosses space, but a particle that bends on itself, expressing itself in another time and space.
_AM: And this is how worlds become interdimensional, and certain planets are worlds parallel to each other. When the intelligent beings of the galaxy began to discover this truth, they drew a star map between the parallel, polarized worlds, between which this type of projection could be carried out, and they decided to travel to them, building machinery that would allow them to anchor these poles, traveling between worlds.
_I: Pyramids…
_AM: Geometry, merkaba spheres adapted to the materials of each world. Star Gates.
_I: It looks like a movie…
_AM: By analyzing the light reflections of each world, they could see the images of what was happening on them, and depending on the distance of each planet from our sun, they would send the design at the time received.
_I: So the intelligent worlds would always be receiving what happened in the past regarding the distance they are. Therefore, each one would shape their vehicles of communication and projection in different times on Earth.
_AM: The resonant worlds at the same level began to create an intelligence network, a unity of several species from different worlds that made a balance treaty between the different planets and civilizations, something that you call here “Confederation”.
_I: From “with-” (many together) and “federated” (from the Latin foedus = “treaty” of interrelation between several independent parts). This is what they call “The Galactic Confederation”.
_AM: And it was they who began to open the star gates to the Earth, when it began to vibrate in consciousness, that is, that moment when humans, the neurons of the planet, recognized the sky and saw themselves as part of it, moment when individuals first said “I am” and self-referenced.
_I: I was once told that the Universe is like a spider web, and that when a world becomes conscious, it begins to vibrate, causing the other worlds that vibrate the same to recognize it and go to it to weave more networks.
_AM: It is the level of consciousness that attracts others by resonance, and they will not be able to interact until the world resonates with them. Do you remember that time it started?
_I: I don't have all the memories, but something is drawn in my mind. I once wrote about this, and it was that time that I first heard the name of the Earth.
_AM: …An Gi Lu Sa Ha…
_I: “Anglusaha”… At least that's what we called him in the Confederation. The planets are named by resonant attunements, according to how their tissues vibrate. And it's the way we could communicate with them. The moment I heard about this world, there were many conflicts in the sectors where I lived, and the reason why they named it was because our conflict could affect it.
_AM: Yet it was this same conflict that was called upon by Earth. The one that would allow its evolution.
_I: At that time, the Earth's northern axis stopped pointing at Polaris, and for more than 6,000 to 8,000 years it passed through the extensive constellation of Cepheus.
_AM: In mythology, Cepheus or Cepheus was the King of Ethiopia, the fertile valley of the Euphrates in Iraq, and the highlands of Palestine. His wife, Cassiopeia, for her vanity was punished with the presence of a Monster, Cetus, who was going to kill her; but a priest of Amun told him that the only way to survive would be to give the monster his daughter as an offering: Andromeda. The King agreed, but at the moment when Cetus was about to devour Andromeda, Perseus, the demigod hero, appeared and rescued her, killing the monster with the head of Medusa, petrifying it. The King and queen were punished for their sins of greed and vanity. This Greek story comes from Egyptian traditions, and tells the story of those who ruled the world during the dominion of this constellation, for 8000 years, around 20 thousand years ago.
_I: When the children of heaven came to Earth… An Nuna Ki.
_AM: The first to use the Portal in contact with humans. Cepheus opened the eyes of this world after his eternal earthly sleep, he made it see the stars, and the light from within was seen by all those who live in the heavens, who responded to his call of Consciousness, but because the earth was going through a time of dominance and control, they had the response of those who also came to dominate and control them.
_I: The Children of Heaven (Anunnaki) arrived through the portal of Cepheus, and promoted the evolution of Humans, educating them and condemning them at the same time. They reigned with the vanity of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, until by divine grace (Perseus) the minds of men (Andromeda) were saved.
_AM: For 8000 years, the constellation of Cepheus dominated the consciousness of humans through the portals of the first Children of Heaven who arrived on Earth through the Interstellar Portals. And his presence defined the future of this world.
_I: Tell me his story so I can free myself from his dominance and rule my own reality...
_AM: Are you ready to remember where you come from?