

_I: Everything that happened these days has made me feel very depressed, I can't get my energy back up, I'm very low... Exhausted, I feel as if the energy I was holding has collapsed to the ground and the only thing I can do is lie down on my back. the bed… Look at the ceiling. And instead of the themes becoming lighter, aquarian, it feels like it's getting heavier. I had the expectation that talking about Orion would be the most exciting, since I am right in the pyramids that reflect this constellation, and there is so much to say... But for two hours I have been staring at the screen, intently, and I only feel emptiness...

_AM: Maybe that's your problem... The expectation. You believe that by having a pattern (mental week, emotional week, physical week, each with its chakra), you should live your mental, emotional and physical life according to said established pattern. And it is not like that. It's like thinking that in the 3 months of spring you are prohibited from feeling depressed because that is something more of autumn.

_I: Yes, I understand, the calendar is a constant pattern but each individual lives it in a specific way. But hey, I feel like I have the responsibility to inform and maintain a line. I mean, I've always heard that you have to be an example, and what example am I being a guide who gets depressed every few weeks? Am I not incoherent? Isn't my incoherence negative for the process of others?

_AM: It is if others project their lives onto yours as if it were their own. If instead of self-referring, they depend on your energy. But the truth is that this is the path of I AM, not Matthias.

_I: Although… Many times it seems more like the path of my personality…

AM: How would you show what the AM is without the I?

_I: I don't know... Without emotions...

_AM: It would be like a Christian priest giving advice on marriage and cohabitation as a couple...

_I: What an analogy… But I get it… What advice can be given if you don't experience…? What my emotional personality experiences is a learning tool for the Being.

_AM: So use it. Don't expect to sit down and write a great story, that's in my hands, it's in yours to feel that story.

_I: Maybe when I look at Orion all the guilt, all the weight, and the responsibility comes back to me... No matter where you are in the world, you will always see the constellation of Orion, even if sometimes it disappears from one hemisphere to appear in the other, and that is perhaps like the key to what weighs on _I: we cannot escape seeing the reason why we are on Earth.

_AM: Orion has a secret, and it can only be seen from this solar system...

_I: Which one?

_AM: The Orion Portal. The constellation is clearly identifiable in the sky by its perfect stellar alignment similar to a bow tie, with its knot in the three central stars, sometimes known as the Three Marys, or the Three Kings, called by the Arabs as Alnilam, Alnitak and Mintaka (Orion's Belt). At its ends are the famous stars of Rigel (the leg) and Betelgeuse (the head), and at its waist is the Orion Nebula (Sword). Orion is the name of a mythological giant, a warrior who chased the Pleiades, 7 Beautiful Sisters. He himself was a hunter, accompanied by his dog (Canis Maior). This hunter killed everything he found in his path, and perhaps because of this story many have considered the constellation as conflictive, attributing to it the most important War in the Galaxy. And yet there was never a war there.

_I: How? Never?

_AM: At least not the one that many hope has happened, in the style of George Lucas and his Star Wars saga. Orion is a Portal, since its nebula is an important source of energy. However, from close to it, the stars do not make up any giants, since they have different distances than those we perceive from Earth, between 250 to 1400 light years. From our perspective, these stars make up the most important and perfect constellation in the sky and its three stars are located in a perfect way indicating a path to the center of the Portal: a golden spiral.

_I: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144… The infinite sequence of numbers whose sum of the first with the second gives the result of a third number, which is multiplied exponentially, and which in the form of geometry creates an increasingly larger and more expansive fractal.

_AM: With the shape of the arm of a galaxy, the spin of a hurricane, the arrangement of the petals of a flower. The position of the three stars of the Belt indicate the curvature of one of these spirals, indicating the path to the Door of this Reality. For the ancients, this indicated that the constellation was the door between time and space, and therefore, they understood that the great star Mintaka was a kind of doorknob that, when rotating in the sky, made us pass from one side to the other. another from reality. For this reason, Mintaka became the Axis of the Sky, being the first star to rise in the East and the first to set in the West, and due to being the Tropical constellation par excellence, it also marked the horizon of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. of the Celestial Vault. For the Atlanteans this star marked the beginning and end of all things, and the stories said that creation itself had emerged from this star, and that one day everything would return to it. But it would only return to be reinvented. With the explanations of the Syrians on Earth, humans understood that the universe has no beginning or end, and that when one becomes aware of the ability to manifest, oneself can be the one to open the Mintaka door to another reality, to a new Universe where oneself is God. This is the basis of human projection on this constellation, and it was thus understood that in order to be God it was necessary to go through Mintaka. But first, they had to travel the entire Milky Way.

_I: The Celestial Initiatory Path.

_AM: Passing through each constellation, living the aspects of each star, integrating them on all planes: physical, mental, emotional, and in the trinity of Mind. Under the direction of the stellar architects, humans began to draw up the plan you remember from Orion...

_I: Ater Tumti, bring Heaven to Earth… That's why they brought Orion…

_AM: And they built the Pyramids. Throughout the World, the pyramids represent the constellations, the initiatory path that culminates in Mintaka, which today you call The Great Pyramid of Giza.

_I: The constellation was graphed in many parts of the Earth, many pyramids, circles, temples, all based on it...

_AM: Well, everyone wanted to open the doors of this constellation on Earth; because by turning Mintaka, they would cross all the Dimensions. Remember that Pyramids are skeletons of multidimensional Spheres. They are Octahedra, Seeds of Geometry that contains all Being, like the Earth. By planting pyramids in the world, they managed to plant divine humanity. Thus they could open the Portal of Heaven on Earth.

_I: A great machinery… Where the Pyramids are the activation keys…

_AM: And the human had to travel the paths to prepare for this activation. Now, remember, going from one dimension to the other is like a cell going from one organ to another: everything will be different, you have to adapt, activate the potential to achieve it, but in addition, many viruses can also pass, and Orion was one of the centers dominated by those interdimensional viruses. From the Sixth Dimension, some of the distorted programs were projected into our realities, and there were two sides: those who considered that letting it pass would be positive, and those who considered it to be negative.

_I: Compared to what happens to us today, we could say that if Orion is a Ministry of Health in times of this Covid pandemic, there we will meet people who will say: it is essential to wear a mask, prevent the virus, quarantine, wait for Let the vaccine arrive and let it happen. While there will be others saying: the best thing is that we pass the virus, that our immune system recognizes it, that we become strong through group immunity, since the vaccine will be good for those who are at risk and masks are preventive but bad for one's own health. The two visions have a certain reason, they are different points of view on how to confront a virus.

_AM: And there are those who consider that viruses are the key to evolution. A human evolved by going through viruses, not by getting away from them. And yes, many die in the process, however, the immune system strengthens and keeps us going. When there is an external evil and we hope that it is something external that will cure it, we will always be waiting for salvation outside, dependent on the external power over us. We could say that the biggest problem is not facing the virus, it is perhaps the inability to manage health. The Galaxy virus, for some, was the key to evolution in the Third Dimension, something that would accelerate the processes. And for this reason they encouraged it to disperse from the Orion Portal, while its inhabitants did nothing but enter into conflict, thinking that the best way to transcend the virus was by protecting the cells of the body, and the others considering that The best way was to expose them to the virus...

_I: I think I was on that side... Well, that's why I was one of the many who decided to be born and live with the virus... Just like every day in our body millions of cells are born and die trying to adapt to the virus to survive, living beings We do the same on another scale, with millions of beings being born and dying, improving in each cycle.

_AM: That is the Orion War… A war without laser weapons, without tanks, or soldiers… It is a war of Warriors of Light, that is, White Blood Cells. It is the immune system of the Galactic body. The battle is to assimilate the DNA of the virus of destructive unconsciousness, of “Maia”, the illusory dream of distortion, and from there, recognizing the dream within, recognizing oneself as a dreamer, an alchemist of reality, capable of reconstructing the dream, of empowering oneself. of the transformation of one's own being, of the world, of existence.

_I: It's an internal war.

_AM: Orion represents the Creation of the meaning by which we exist, by which we have designed ourselves from distortion, to recognize, transcend, create, live our own distortions to make of them art, manifestation, inner power, becoming creators.

_I: And the raw material of creation is energy and polarity… Which manifests itself in the form of Emotion…

_AM: That's why this war moves you so much. You have spent millennia, if not longer, trying to understand this battle in which you have been immersed and in which you consider that you have immersed others. Sometimes we drag others into a battlefield where we do not wish to fight for ourselves. And whoever allows himself to be dragged does so simply because he is willing to be dragged. That makes you Warriors of Light, and by suffering in battle you have become Workers of Light. However, you just have to remember one simple thing: You are the Light. The Light is not outside, it is yourselves. You defend nothing but your own brilliance, and therefore, fighting against the shadow, you do nothing but confront your own projections. That is why the battle begins to be won when you take your own sword and recognize that it is not a fighting weapon, but a tool of honor. The blade of Orion's sword is a mirror, and when you brandish its edge in the winds, striking down your enemies, the reflection on its blade is your face. There is no battle outside other than the one I decide to fight for myself.

_I: And how many times will we have to fight? Isn't it a failure to have to repeat the same battle so many times?

_AM: «On this path, effort is never wasted, and there is no failure. Even a small effort towards spiritual awareness will protect you from the greatest fear.

_I: It's just that sometimes I feel like I'm losing this battle every day, I feel like it's not enough...

_AM: “It is better to do your own duty, even if it lacks merit, than to do someone else's, even if it is efficient. "It is better to die doing one's own duty, because doing another's duty is fraught with danger."

_I: Yes, I must concentrate on my own task, on my own mission. It's just that sometimes everything seems too big for me, it's too much time, too many things...

AM: « Perform the task in front of you. When you are ready to carry out another one of greater effort, you will be offered the same opportunity » … «You must only deal with the action, never with its fruits. "Do not let the fruit of any action be your motive, nor do you become attached to inaction."

_I: The weight I feel from my battle is because of my vocation to want to help everyone, to amend that guilt, which, even though it is selfish, makes me look at others with the eyes of a mother or father, like children whom I must guide …

_AM: « You grieve for those who do not deserve it, and your words are not words of wisdom. A wise man does not feel sorry for those who live, nor for those who die. Life and death are not different .

_I: Well we were all always one... And what I do for myself I do for everyone...

_AM: "I know, oh Matthias, the beings of the past, the present and the future, but no one really knows me."

_I: We have forgotten you, because I have forgotten myself... I feel like I am losing the battle again and again...

_AM: “Cut the ignorant doubt in your heart with the sword of self-knowledge. Observe your discipline. Get up".

_I: Where have I heard all these words?

_AM: These are the words of Krishna to Arjuna, in the battle of Kurukshetra, where the prince doubts about the real need to live this battle, and Krishna explains to him the duty of a warrior in a deep conversation that gives rise to the Bhagavad-Gita (from Sanskrit “The Song of God”), one of the oldest philosophical bases in the world that are part of the texts of the Mahabharata (The Great War of the Bharata Tribe, founder of India).

_I: It always struck me that such a sacred book occurs in a war conversation, in which Krishna himself incites Arjuna to kill his enemies by claiming that they do not really exist, since nothing really exists, and everything is one.

_AM: The reading of the message is carried out in a context of wars, but its content describes the true battle of every being. The Orion War lives in you, it is your struggle to become conscious in each cycle, remembering that the only possible path to healing is the discipline of the spirit, not victory over enemies. There are no winners in a war where both sides are one.

_I: I understand... Sometimes it is difficult to accept this when one sees that we repeat the same thing and continue generating wars between one another...

_AM: “The real man is neither born nor dies. He always has been and will continue to be eternally. The body can die and be killed, but the spirit that dwells in the body cannot die. So, how can we believe that someone who knows that true man is eternal and indestructible falls into the illusion of supposing that he can kill, kill himself, or be killed? But if you did not believe in my words and lived in the illusion of having life and death as realities, you should not grieve either. Because just as men are born, they must die. Why, then, lament the inevitable?

_I: I look ahead and sigh, I feel that I will not be able to fulfill everything that is in me...

_AM: “Deliver yourself from anxiety about the things of this world; Do not let yourself be governed by the illusions of this perishable world. He who trusts his well-being to the results of action loses happiness and looks miserable and dissatisfied.

_I: And how do I do it?

_AM: “Attend only to the correct fulfillment of the action and not to the reward that could derive from it. Do not worry about the hope of the prize; But do not give in either to the inaction to which those who have lost all hope of receiving reward for their actions tend to abandon themselves.”

_I: Hope falters when I see that after many explanations, sometimes not even I myself understand or practice what I say. I feel like I have to justify everything I do, think or am...

_AM: “When you transcend illusion you will no longer be disturbed by theological discussions about rites, ceremonies and other trappings of spiritual teaching. Then you will free yourself from attachment to sacred books and the writings of theologians and those who desire to interpret what they do not understand.”

_I: It would seem in that case that in this battle you have to do everything and yet do nothing...

“The soul of one who has perceived the true being within remains undisturbed in all situations.”

_AM: “He who sees action in inaction and inaction in action is wise among men.”

_I: So you have to know when it is fair to act from doing nothing or getting involved, since sometimes silence and doing nothing mobilizes many more things, and recognize that in many cases we do things that have no effect on the Actually, just to make them and fill in spaces.

_AM: “For the soul of one who has perceived the true being within remains undisturbed in all situations.”

_I: The spokesmen of the Confederation said that it will take us more cycles to fulfill our true path... And in those statements it is inevitable to get bad, one feels that it will take a long time to find the I Am... How to go about finding yourself?

_AM: “Those lacking spiritual discernment believe that I, the Unmanifest, manifest myself visibly before their eyes. But you must know, Matías, that in my essence I am not visible to the eyes of men. Behind the forms emanated by me, I remain invisible to the ignorant. I have not been born and I will never die, although the stubborn world ignores it, because it takes the shadow for the substance.

_I: You are always there, but we waste time wanting to see, to demonstrate... When it is so big that it is undemonstrable, inexplicable...

_AM: “I have you all in my mind, but your minds cannot contain me in essence. Men are dazzled by the illusion of pairs of opposites, and instead of Unity they see the antithetical forms of attraction and repulsion. But some are now free from the illusion of pairs of opposites and know that I am All in One.”

_I: …And they are the ones who have won the Battle…

_AM: “Listen now, O prince! How he who has achieved perfection can achieve eternal happiness. The spirit is purified, the understanding is clarified, the personality is resolutely subjugated, abstracted from the objects of sensation, taste and disgust, pleasure and pain are transcended; consciously adoring, sober, master of his thoughts, words and actions; disciplined in meditation and concentration; free from passion, selfishness, violence, arrogance, concupiscence, anger and greed; full of calm and peace among the bustling traffic of the surrounding world, he is willing to identify with the consciousness of universal Life without losing individual consciousness. Yes, oh prince! Although in your illusion and personal conceit you believe that you will be able to avoid combat, you will not escape the bonds of duty to which your karma binds you, since you have chosen him, and you will do without remedy what you stubbornly do not want to do. In the heart of all beings dwells the I AM, whose exciting power of differentiation moves them to evolve on the wheel of Time.”



