

_I: If there is a star that has had the greatest impact on my life when looking at the sky, it has been Sirius. But I think it was like that for everyone on Earth. When I look at it, I feel like I'm looking at my house, it's the only place in heaven where, when I look at it, I feel at home... That's where I come from.

_AM: Sirius means “bright”, the star that burns. But it has had many names in history, since it is the brightest star in all of Heaven. At a little more than 8 light years from the Sun, it is one of the closest stars to our solar system, and it is enormous. And this is why it marked the beginning of the year in many cultures in both the north and south of the world.

_I: The Heliacal Ortho of Sirius…

_AM: Ortho means dawn, and Heliaco is what is related to the Sun. For 6 months of the year, Sirius disappears from one hemisphere to be seen in the other, and the following 6 months it appears again. The day it does so, appearing just before sunrise, was considered the beginning of the new year. Depending on the latitude at which one is located, this beginning of the year will occur on one date or another: the closer to the equator, the star will appear in mid-July; near latitude 20 north, it will appear towards the end of July, while at latitude 30 north it will be seen appearing towards the beginning of August, the territory where Egypt is located, which is why August was the first month of the year, while the end of July It was for Central American cultures.

_I: Like the Mayans on July 25.

_AM: Sirius is the brightest star in the sky but at the same time the most representative of the constellation of Canis Maior, the Great Dog. Of course, human vision has nothing to do with what this star represents.

_I: We used to call her in Khem popularly as Daned, the Mother Star, although others knew her as “Inna”. Sirius, although it may look like one star, is actually two, one small and one large, one called “In” and the other “Na”. At first I thought that the star was very important to me because I remembered that it marked our times, the flooding of the Nile, because it was the Mother, Isis, in the heavens... But at the same time, it was because not only those who taught us came from there. everything we knew, but that I once lived there myself. Sirius was my home. There I heard for the first time about the Earth, there I heard the Trevets mention the planting of worlds, there I felt that I should be part of what I do today. There began my mission with this world in which I live today. Sometimes I look at the Star with nostalgia, and yet, it is not that I miss living there, but that nostalgia is produced by remembering that it was there where I recognized my purpose, that gave meaning to my existence. And today, this year, I would never have thought that I would live it according to it, since the Syrian heliacal rise of 2020 was exactly on my birthday, August 4, my 33rd birthday. Sirius continues to mark my path...

_AM: Well, it takes you to who you are… To your Being.

_I: It was around that same time that we received their representatives. The Syrians, the “Inna”. It all started with a child's dream, a message from the future. Her mother, shocked by what the boy told her, tried to reach me to share her message, since I was in the boy's dream. I had begun my regency in Ruhnilah, capital of Khem about 12,000 years ago. His dream spoke of what would happen in the next few thousand years, and the vision of it horrified me. Therefore, we decided to call a Council, where the 12 Families would meet. But they would also be called our stellar ancestors. It was the second time I saw them in my life, and perhaps the penultimate. We waited for the time when they would return, since they took a cycle of certain years to approach us. We received them on the River, with the boats ready to take them to the Guardian of Time, the Sphinx, and in front of her we all gathered to make the offerings, the verbal vows. Thus we met in the Great Hall, calling the meeting that we called “Harinfolink”, of the Sun, the Moon and the Star. The Inna covered their faces, and warned us not to look directly into their eyes, because theirs saw all times, and we were not ready to contemplate it. But I did… I remember looking up the moment one of them spoke, and then I saw it, I “Remembered” it.

_AM: That was the key moment that has marked your current life…

_I: I know... That is the reason why I remembered what I lived in their worlds, and I remember what was done and agreed upon in that life... They said: time is like a mirror, so the question you should always ask yourself is "when?". They founded everything we are, human civilization at its peak, they gave the plans to the architects to build the pyramids, they were the ones who spoke through time with their simple gaze. Sirius was much more than the brightest star, she was the mother of everything we are, she was the mother of Heaven that fertilized life on Earth. She gave us a purpose, she taught us about the Universe. And for me, she made me remember...

_AM: He showed you that remembering is not having memory, but connecting the parts of you scattered throughout the cosmos...

_I: How to understand it?

_AM: The great scientists, artists, philosophers, musicians, writers, producers, do not have ideas, they are the idea, but to become the idea they must expand beyond what they are, what they know. Open the box…

_I: Think outside the Box… Open the Protiktah to all dimensions…

_AM: We have explained it, that each particle is actually the vibratory projection of another particle, and therefore, they are all reflections of each other, which are grouped by tuning. This image helps you understand that the particles are one, spread throughout the cosmos in millions, and that in the correct vibration, they will align with each other regardless of distance. Its vibration is like a note, and together they create a melody, it is your music, and you call it memory.

_I: This is why we often need music, sounds, songs, mantras, to awaken this information from within us...

_AM: Vibration awakens energy, emotion, where everything is recorded, and it becomes action in the body. Remembering is not going back, it is vibrating in such a way that you connect all the particles of yourself projected in different times and spaces, and your body feels them as present through the senses, from the inside out.

_I: That's what it feels like to channel... Remembering yourself in different dimensions... When I expand, I stop being me to be many, to be everyone that I am.

_AM: And you know well that you have walked through each conscious world, and that you are in this one by your own decision, and you know well that Sirius is where you feel the Great Responsibility, and they reminded you of it 12,000 years ago...

_I: It's the great weight I carry...

_AM: Tell me, which one is it?

_I: When I learned that the virus was consuming worlds, I made the decision that I had to do something about it. A few lives later, I was born in one of the Orion systems, and from there I coordinated a sector of the Seeding of Worlds, along with so many thousands who did the same from various worlds to as many planets. Seeding souls from our systems to those on this side, like Earth. And today, when I look at many people around me, I feel a great responsibility, which sometimes borders on guilt... Was it me who convinced them to be born here? Is it my fault that you are trapped in this world? Everything that I saw as systemic in Sirius, here becomes pure emotion, as if an old man became a child... Starting again, with immense knowledge inside, but with the hormones of someone who is growing. And I felt that maybe... It was my fault, and so, looking into the Syrian's eyes, remembering my part in it, I told myself that I couldn't leave here without helping those who once helped the systems...

_AM: And they are still in the process of doing it…

_I: Yes, I know… And for how much more?

_AM: Nobody was forced to come here, everyone has been responsible for their choices.

_I: But for a large group of souls, I was one of those who pointed to this world and said the word “there.” And everyone followed my finger here. Sometimes I feel responsible regardless of whether it was his choice. And even though they remind me of it over and over again, I feel a great pain in my soul that is difficult for me to release... And yesterday I relived it, remembering the conversations I have had over and over again with beings from different worlds.

_AM: Tell me…

_I: In Sirius, in the world that I remember as Gludok, those types of meetings used to be held in which the order and harmony of the Galaxy was discussed. When I was a child in this life, I remember a representative of one of the races saying that the Anglusaha (Earth) project was emerging as expected, and that they were considering opening the doors of direct communication. To which another immediately responded that they would never allow a human to step foot in the hall of the Confederacy. His words were “A simple laugh from a human could kill us all.” They spoke of humans as a virus, a bacteria that was better to contain. That scared me. The amount of energy a human generates can disharmonize entire worlds based on subtle patterns. They would be a virus in the system. For others, humans were a natural source of energy, as well as other worlds, which took advantage of developing planets until they learned to manage their own power. Many times I witnessed this, debates about the evolutionary state of the Earth. Whether they were ready to know certain things or not, manage others or not. And one day I decided to be human myself, like many others just like me. I began to fall in love with this world, and my energy became attached to it. To her. But the meetings continued, and even though they seemed to move further and further away, to dissipate between time and space, they continued to resonate in me, no longer as of alien worlds, but of brotherhoods of light, subtle beings... The particles were more and more subtle and dispersed. Like when you lose the wave signal of a radio. Interferences. But now, connecting more every day, the signal comes back. And awaken my memory. And those that I once was, and those that I am in other worlds, begin to resonate within me, as in more and more people.

_AM: As happened yesterday...

_I: I think it had to do with the fact that a new year began from I Am, and what they told me was: “don't relax, there is still a lot to do.” This is the hardest half. Many said that there were things that I should not share, that humans are still children, they see us incapable of managing many things, and it is true, we are like that. They said that there are many who are doing the same thing as me, but like me, it is impossible for them to find the right balance. There are still two more cycles of 26,000 years for humans to really reach an adequate level. To us it seems like a lot, but seen from galactic time it is nothing. In solar system ages, ours is 18 years old, I think that makes us a system in which we are only now beginning to emancipate ourselves, to see what we want to be when we grow up, what we are going to start studying or working for. I agree with them, at least with many of them. They talked about how there are still many difficult transition processes, and that we continue to cling to hopeful messages because we live by faith and not by actions, we hope for salvation and do not take responsibility for actions. And I took it very personally...

_AM: It is.

_I: Yes, I know... I consider that I do what I can in all my senses, at least in the part that concerns me. I didn't come to save anyone, I came to try to educate, share, and sometimes I feel like it's not enough... Maybe it's because of that fault, but what they said was about how we take things. They told me that from this New Moon, February 11, the preparation for the Great Network Test would begin. Every 22nd of each month from February to August 2021 we should set the intention to activate a specific Attribute (Sound, Light, Form, Love, Wisdom and Will) closing in the unity of Being on August 22 in the Blue Moon. It reminds me of the Sirius meetings, the meetings, the councils, where we debated the plan, the steps to follow. Yesterday reminded me of this, but the seriousness and pressure of some species make me unable to sustain the feeling of guilt and responsibility in my emotion.

_AM: You are free…

_I: Yes… But how far?

_AM: Listen to me well… You are free.

I: …

_AM: You are Free…

I: …

_AM: You have chosen the weight you feel, no one has placed it on you. The weight that each of us carries is the chosen responsibility. The burden we carry is the weight of our choice. You don't owe anyone anything, no one depends on you. You're free. That person who feels weight for her family is actually free. He who feels responsibility for his work is free. That person who blames himself for the mistakes made is free. Those who live by karma are free. Whoever sees himself fulfilling a mission is free. Whoever takes care of a child, feeling that it is the most important thing, is free... Do you understand? You are always free. The only thing that weighs on you is your choice about things. You do what you can not because it is within your reach, but because “you can.” You are free to decide not to do it, just as you were free when you chose to do it. But the weight does not fall on you, because all that exists is a memory, a network, and by sharing what you know, you distribute this weight, you distribute the pressure. You are no longer alone, neither here nor there, you are remembering...

_I: But what they say... Yesterday some people told me that I shouldn't share things that they didn't yet know how to manage. Others debated that perhaps it was time to throw everything away to hold ourselves accountable. What place do we occupy in this debate?

_AM: This is the War to transcend… The War of your Creation. Are you ready to face it and remember freedom?

_I: Maybe yes, maybe I need to release the pressure of Sirius, the pressure that constitutes what I am today, what we are, what made us build this humanity, and to do so I must go directly to the conflict that started it...

_AM: Freedom is only achieved by finding Order in this chaos that you have created through forgetting. Forgetfulness is losing the axis, forgetting to be guided by the stars, slipping on solid ground, losing the coherence of the center. Order is what Sirius has given you from the first moment, Order is what you need to recover. And the first disorder originated in the War between the I and the Am.

_I: The Orion War…

_AM: It is time to return to the origin and remember why you are here...



