_AM: Are you ready to rise from the ashes?
Me today?
_AM: Tomorrow the Camino begins…
_I: That's what they told me a long time ago...
_AM: Tell me.
_I: On November 11, 2011 I had another one of those meetings, in which I fainted in the middle of the meeting, with thousands of people in charge at Capilla del Monte, but not because of exhaustion, but because my being went to a meeting. As happened last week, many beings began to talk to me about my task during the next year, 2012. They gave specifications about the places, the dates, what I should do, how to do it and why. And they told _I: your path will begin on February 7th. It was the Aquarius Full Moon of 2012, and I had to receive it in Montserrat, Catalonia. So I did it. In that meeting they gave me all the details of what the Harwitum Path was, which I did through 40 countries on the 7 continents during the year 2012, opening the doors of the Kundalini, of the Vital Fire of the Earth, to allow us to do what was to come. after. What we are doing now... But above all they said something fundamental: it was my preparation. When I arrived in Montserrat, it was very cold, it had snowed, but the sky was clear, and the Full Moon would rise late at night behind the mountain. So we decided with some friends to go to receive her where my guides had told me, in the middle of the mountain, near the Hermitage of Sant Pau Vell, on the Can Maçana path, in front of the rock formation that we call “El Drac”. (the Dragon, in Catalan). The ground was frozen, and all white with snow, but we all approached, and when the Moon rose, enormous and incredibly wonderful on the back of the Dragon's thorns, the first teacher of my path appeared, who called himself: The Alchemist. He spoke only in English, although only two of us understood his language. But what he said marked me forever. “You have come here to become a Knight with the intention of saving the Maiden, but to achieve this you must face the Dragon and defeat him with honor by brandishing your sword.” In his explanation, he mentioned the story of Sant Jordi (Saint George), a knight of the Crusades who defeated the dragon to save a princess. But his message did not talk about fighting. The Dragon was the chakras, the emotions, and the sword was the mirror in which I had to see them all, in my reflection. The maiden was the Earth, trapped by lower emotions, and to become a knight I must learn to lead my horse, the Ego, through the Crusade, the cross of Time and Space. Since then, something always happens so that this week of February ends up in Montserrat, or connected to the mountain, reminding me of the dragon that I must learn to command...
_AM: And that is what you will do, this February 11, on the New Moon of Aquarius.
_I: That's right, a new path... I felt like I was betraying my path, and in truth, I'm just fulfilling it. Years ago I promised my friend, well, my sister practically, that the day she had a child, no matter what I was doing, I would be by her side for the birth. And that will be in a week. And so, I took a deep breath, and bought the ticket. Yes… I'm leaving Egypt for 10 days, during the Emotional week of Aquarius. Mateya, from Slovenia, part of the group of 14 who started this in the Portal of Time, will be in my place, replacing me in the Pyramid, anchoring the energy of the Axis, because she has the same feminine name. And I will go with my sister-friend, who lives at the foot of Montserrat. But I hadn't understood this until today. It is the New Moon of Aquarius, a new beginning, re-emergence, and life takes me to Montserrat, to the Dragon.
_AM: The Phoenix Bird. For Egypt, this bird was “Bennu”, and represented the resurgence, the rebirth of each cycle, announced by the sunrise or the Flood of the Nile. At a certain time of the year, the burning of the fields had to be carried out, as this left ashes rich in minerals that nourished the fields and fertilized for the next sowing. And the Bennu bird fed on all the insects and animals that came out of the ground away from the heat. Therefore, the bird seemed to fly in the fire, reemerging from it after each harvest. Dying and Rebirth. You are dying.
_I: That's what I feel...
_AM: In the 16th century, the Dutch Pieter Dirkszoon and Frederick De Houtman baptized this constellation in the Southern Hemisphere with the name of Phoenix, sent by European cartographers and astronomers to design the star maps of said hemisphere. Although for the peoples of the South this constellation would be part of the Lizard or Salamander, an animal also connected to cycles, skin change, transformation, resurgence, the sun and fire.
_I: I feel like my skin is about to change, and there is a part of me that clings, like my patterns cling to the belief that I should not leave Egypt, parts of me cling to stay the same, to not transform... And clearly I must face my dragon...
_AM: We all must do it. The Phoenix is related to the fire of the being, arising from the root chakra, the force of the so-called Kundalini by the Hindus, the serpent of Light that lights up by changing its skin to be reborn in the sun, again. It is important, therefore, to let oneself die in order to rise again, not to exert strength to sustain what is inevitable to die.
_I: I just spoke with my mother, and she reminded me that February 7, 2017, a week after starting the Path of the Dragon, was the day my Grandmother René passed away. Someone very important to me, who marked everything that happened to me that year, where I really faced my dragon.
_AM: Your great task is to become Aquarius, and therefore your intense life paths begin here.
_I: Like that time on February 14th when I received the information about my future child as part of my life mission... February used to be a month that meant nothing to me, and it ended up being my Phoenix.
_AM: Aquarius is constant innovation, resurgence. Every cycle of history, every people, individual, civilization, religion, faith, hope, purpose, mission, art, knowledge, relationship, must be renewed, revived, reborn. Change your skin, your ego, your personality, and find yourself at a higher level of consciousness, beyond what was expected.
_I: Do something unexpected... Something that is not in the plans, renew yourself...
_AM: It's called reviving. Relive. Do you realize that you are dying?
_I: In what sense?
_AM: You have made your discipline a prison of pressure.
_I: That's what they told me yesterday during the lineup. They told me that they look for my weak points to bring out the diamond that is in me, because I have asked for it, I have wanted it. But the pressure the universe puts on me is not the pressure I put on myself. Sometimes by taking responsibility for someone else's, I forget responsibility for what is my own. How many times do we do this in life? I imagine it is something very human. We live owing our lives to others, trying to be what others expect, relegating our own truth because we consider that doing so is egoic, that it makes us stray from the righteousness of service that has been instilled in us...
_AM: When in reality, service to the whole occurs when one is able to serve oneself. Discipline does not lie in the gaze of others but in the observation of one's own. When your discipline must be evaluated or waits to be examined by others, you do nothing but live in unconsciousness. Real discipline is that which lives by one's own path, by one's own intention, order and personal coherence that is projected onto others as an example, not as a teaching.
_I: What example is leaving something halfway to do something else?
_AM: The example of Free Will. You are not tied to a place or circumstance if that place and circumstance live in you. When you teach I AM, all moments are I, and all places are I Am. Well you are free. It is your false belief to perceive as permanent a world that is actually in constant transformation. The spiritual doctrine of one who follows the same path is only a being who seeks the All through only one of its thousands of paths. The mistake of such a walker is to believe that only along his path will he be able to contemplate the landscape that already surrounds him. When he reaches the top and marvels at what he sees illuminated in his eyes, he only recognizes that this beauty is what he has been passing through, that the trees, rivers, roads, rocks, everything he saw indifferently, What he did not pay attention to was everything that together forms what marvels him now, and he can see that all the paths are part of it. When your task is to remind them of the landscape, what difference does it make which path you take?
_I: You are breaking the foundation that I formed in Capricorn...
_AM: Isn't that the intention of this month: to remind you that the only reason why everything is born is because something dies?
_I: Yes... Letting go, releasing the pressure of looking only at the foundations... Knowing that they are there, I can start renovating the house, there is no need to continue building it exactly the same as the base...
_AM: Using a little abstract art wouldn't hurt. Abstraction is one of the qualities of this month, in which the structured (the parts that come together, pile up at certain limits), are dispersed, taken outside their limits, move away and disorder (“abs” = separate, and “ tractare”= carry). The Abstract is what is taken outside the limits…
_I: Think outside the box…!
_AM: Aha! Eureka.
_I: The Protiktah! The key that activates interdimensionality is the discipline of the abstract! When you recognize that the limits and paths are only to guide us in the immensity, but when you recognize yourself as that same immensity, the limits disappear, you become abstract...
_AM: And you find freedom. You change your skin... You transcend yourself, the fire of your being is lit, consuming you in ashes, nourishing yourself with your experience, to rise again as a spark, as fire, as light.
_I: I'm being consumed to turn on again in this new cycle, right?
_AM: Yesterday we were talking about this. Millions of cells die every day in your body at the same time as millions of others are born again. And those that die, nourish the new ones with their experience, re-emerging. They are not wasted, they are reused.
_I: Reincarnation…
_AM: And that information is energy, it is emotion. And if one of those cells, instead of wanting to let go and transform, clings to that emotion as its only reality, it will begin to consume the energy of the others in order to stay alive, becoming cancer, and thus a tumor...
_I: Like it happened to my grandmother…
_AM: And as happens to every being that gets sick, from viruses, from bacteria, from the cancer cells themselves, or from the immune system, they will have two options: either transform their entire being or die. And death is nothing more than the greatest of transformations. The first is to be reborn in life, the next is to reincarnate. But the cycle is the same.
_I: I liked yesterday to have the clarity that the cycles are what counts, and not the final fruit of what we do. That is to say, viruses and diseases are actually keys to evolution. “Without distortion there is no evolution, but without coherence there is no harmony in said evolution.”
_AM: And you will find only destruction. Everything has a purpose, since the diversity and beauty of existence has arisen only from the will to survive in hostile environments, thus all evolution makes sense due to conflict. There is no evolution without distortion, but there is only destruction without syntropy, the order that provides the coherence that gives harmony to existence, that adorns it with beauty.
_I: We could say that War is nothing more than an evolutionary process in disharmony. And Peace is a Harmonious process of said evolution.
_AM: You never devolve into a War, you always evolve, just like the immune system reinforces itself in each viral or bacteriological conflict. Conflicts generate better synapses, to seek optimal results, solutions not previously sought. Therefore, when you honor conflict as a spark of creation, transformation and evolution, that is when you begin to find the harmony of using it as a tool, that is when you confront the Dragon.
_I: And their chakras light up… Like a constellation…
_AM: Light your fire. Let it be free, so you can build a broader vision, and get out of the Box.
_I: I'm already feeling it, in the form of a fever... I think I'll have a fever today, I'll let my body process this transformation.
_AM: Rise from the ashes… And open your wings of light.