

_I: Walking through the temple of Horus in Edfu today, pausing for a moment in front of the indecipherable code on its back, I remembered a word that I learned to use a lot in school: Outline. When we had drawing class, I learned that to make certain designs, it is necessary to first draw what is called a sketch. Although originally croquis is “a small dry and quick bite” derived from the French “croc”, its quick and immediate attitude was transferred to art when referring to making a quick and dry design of what is expected to be done later on top. When I saw the hieroglyphics, it came to mind that to achieve such perfection in such a structure by carrying out carving tasks in high and low relief, the architects and artists must have made many sketches of the drawings, and many schemes of how to distribute the content so that it would be perfect in the desired space. Beyond the artistic aspect, the sizes, dimensions, spaces to be occupied by the designs, a large part of the task fell to the scribes. They had to summarize, be specific or expand depending on the space available to develop the content. They had to be schematic. I remember that in class, many teachers taught us to make diagrams, such as comparative tables, synoptic tables, schemes of thoughts, ideas, argumentative lines, text summary, conceptual tables, everything to schematize the content. That is something that always fascinated me, finding a way to summarize a text, an idea, to read between the lines, that is to say "intelligence", and to be able to learn a whole from its small parts. When I went to university I saw that, despite the efforts to practice intelligence, the schematization of information, many of my classmates still had problems achieving it, and when they had to summarize, they underlined everything, leaving few words unmarked, or it was difficult for them. impossible to relate ideas by making synoptic tables with easy access to the concepts.

_AM: Humans have schematized their lives since time immemorial. The first schematizations of existence were cave paintings, of “rupes”, rocks or boulders. Using plant pigments, mixtures of minerals with blood or water, the first humans narrated their lives through simple images of animals and people carrying out activities in a schematic way. Although for us today it is art, at that time it was a way of leaving teaching, history and activity books. The elders or adults told stories around the fire, and through drawings on the walls, they left that story for granted in the hearts and minds of their descendants. Thus, generation after generation the stories became more and more extensive, and they added more colors and drawings, narrating about what had already been written and drawn. Using simple pieces, such as the schematic image of a human with a spear in his hand, and in front of a mammoth, it was not necessary to narrate everything that was happening.

_I: So, a story like: “That winter morning when we were preparing to leave the cave to hunt, we never imagined that right in front of us the herd of mammoths would be passing, of which the largest would stop before the snow; and the grandfather would take his spear and carefully, covered in his furs, he would crawl through the white snow until he pounced on the enormous creature, which, if he managed to catch, would be the family's salvation during the hard months to come..."; becomes a diagram: cave… Person… Spear… Target… Mammoth. And the next time you see the outline, if the story was told, you will know what it is about, and the simple images will tell the story on their own.

_AM: “A picture is worth a thousand words,” they say, although in most cases it was a picture that generated a thousand words. The rock designs became more complex, telling more details, detailing animals, homes, plants, stars, people, objects and even actions. Each one of them had a specific sound, related to what they emitted, a kind of onomatopoeic language, where dog would be said “woaw” and cat “meow”. This created languages ​​with which to tell stories, and those same noises began to describe actions: “miaw taptap” = the cat walks, alluding to the sound of footsteps. Words began to be schemes of actions and realities. In this way, it was no longer necessary to see the cat walk. With someone saying the sound, the mind would be in charge of creating the image and designing the story.

_I: I find it fascinating, because this is something that today we naturalize as normal, but in the origin of humans this was almost like inventing a spaceship or wanting to use advanced technology, it was an impressive discovery that allowed humans to schematize and conceptualize reality , prompting the brain to be precisely “intelligent”, that is, to read the story between the lines, to see an image, or hear a sound, and develop all the content, something that today we would describe as opening a “ZIP” file in the computer, in the computer, where the content is compressed into bits, and when you open it it decompresses, revealing a lot of content hidden inside. It is incredible how our intelligence emerged from the schematized interpretation of reality.

_AM: And they didn't stop with that. The longer the stories, the more elements they needed, but it was increasingly difficult to have everything painted and drawn to be understood. So, a solution was found, to schematize even more, and make the objects become concepts, and the concepts into sounds.

_I: How was it?

_AM: When you look at the walls of hieroglyphics, you will notice that many of them are repeated, but others are strange and unique. For example, you find many repeated feather symbols, or many waters with their very schematic pointed waves. These represent sounds, and are used to put together a larger sound that would be impossible to describe in a conceptual drawing. For example, saying Sun or Light is easy = a circle or a circle with lines coming out of it. But saying: “sunlight is hot and burning” requires more words that are difficult to describe in a drawing, and therefore, they choose to look for sounds that resemble the verb burn and heat, and they write it. Furthermore, they used the conceptual, that is, if they refer to a priest, that is, to the bearer of light, or consciousness, what they do is draw a person sitting with a sun in front of or above their head, and everyone will know what represents. This creates sacred writing, the “hieroglyphics,” which are not only Egyptian, but from all cultures that have used the same concept. And after them, comes something much more interesting: the letters. By schematizing the same hieroglyphs to be able to be written on paper or clay, in a quick and agile way, the same rock designs or carved in the stone that sought to schematize reality, become mere schemas of themselves called hieratics, which give rise to the Phoenician and Semitic alphabets. In ancient traditions, the Cow and the Bull were symbols of creation, motherhood, fertility and wealth, and for this reason they were attributed the divine aspect of creators of the heavens and the earth, of being the ones who originate all life, because the milk and meat of the cow feed families, and the strength of the bull opens the furrows for agriculture. Therefore, they were the main symbol of creation. The god Apis was depicted with the hieroglyph of a Bull, which ended up being schematized only on the head with its horns. His symbol represented all peoples between 4000 and 2000 BC, as this period of time is known as the Age of Taurus. Taurus began this time of wealth, and therefore the bull was the connection between the human and the divine. Throughout the Middle East and the Mediterranean, the cult of the Bull was common at that time, originating bullfighting myths and symbologies from Persia to Iberia. In each region, Apis had become the foundation of cultures, and therefore, the beginning of all things. His head was schematized, becoming a triangle with two lines upwards, and everyone called him “Ox”, which in Semitic languages ​​you say “Alef”.

_I: And in Greek they say Alpha.

_AM: Alpha, Aleph, Apis, they all sound like A. And, look at the letter A... A triangle with two lines, which in Roman times was rotated 180 degrees.

_I: So the A was in the position of the V.

_AM: That's right.

_I: And every time we write the letter A we are writing the old scheme for Bull, which represents beginning, and that is why it was placed at the beginning of the Alphabet.

_AM: Followed by the B, coming from “Bet”, which means House or Corral, where the bull goes, where the harvest, the wealth, is kept, and it was like an open box below with something entering it or inside, which was outlined in a lying B, and later written on its side, rotating it 90 degrees.

_I: It's fascinating to think that in reality, we all write and read in hieroglyphs...

_AM: But so schematized, that we cannot understand them separately, and yet, each letter has a deep story that tells human and earth life for at least the last 10 thousand years.

_I: Everything we talk and write is an outline of the World, literally.

AM: Outline comes from the Greek “skhema”, meaning form or figure, which comes from the Indo-European “segh” meaning “to hold”. It is the figure that holds a great weight, meaning, that contains many things in a simple graph (from grapho = to write).

_I: And each word contains not only one meaning but each letter in it also contains another. It was a way to save space, but it ended up giving us a much more expansive tool, which gave us the ability to develop ideas, dreams, to describe the intangible, the invisible, the extrasensory and transmit complex ideas with concrete details.

_AM: In ancient times, language was used to tell stories or give directions, nothing more, and stories were basically life directions, practical guides for subsistence. In a way, the story was an agglomeration of concepts and activities summarized schematically, collected to be transmitted in the same narrative. This is how legends arise, from “legenda” (collected), from the Indo-European “leg” of the same meaning. It is the grouping of lived concepts, which are transformed into legends, myths, and above all into parables, that is, short stories or phrases made with the intention of giving guidance, advice, and summarizing the possible answers to many questions in one.

_I: Those are like the typical self-help phrases of today, which seem to say nothing and be empty of content, but when your consciousness awakens a hidden concept or asks the right question, the phrase makes sense.

_AM: That's right... The question is the password for information encoded in the form of a schema. And just as this is so for the word, it is so for existence. And for yourself. The atom, the string, the particle, the molecule, the chemical element, are schemes of all reality, and only by seeing the smallest part of it can you read the entire universe, because when you see the H2O code, you not only read the composition of 2 particles of Hydrogen and one of Oxygen, but you read Water, and from it you read Life, seas, rivers, plants, animals, food, humanity, civilization. And at the same time, in the intangible world, in it you see the trinity, the concepts of the spirit and soul becoming a being in triangulation with the body. The three consciousnesses and the three attributes, love, wisdom and will. If you begin to read intelligibly the schematic codes of the universe, you will be able to open all the books of the Akasha, of the cosmic records, in every atom of existence.

_I: Wow…

_AM: But before doing so, before getting lost in its labyrinths, you must open yourself, because you are a scheme of your entire past, of the foundations, of the paths traveled, of art, development, of education, of politics, religion and philosophy, not to mention genetics and family inheritance. Everything that exists is summarized in you, you are the scheme of existence, of history, the universe was summarized in you like the entire era of Taurus, its cultures, civilizations and its 2400 years were summarized in the letter A.

_I: I am a scheme of the universe... It is true, in me are the codes of everything that exists...

_AM: For this reason and only for this reason it is understood that the potential of the entire universe lives in you, that you are God, the Cosmos, existence, an interdimensional being. You are the letter A of the Universe.

_I: Alef… The Beginning…

_AM: The Beginning is the End.

_I: Alpha and Omega…

AM: Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, and means “great O”. Its location is special at the end of the others, as it describes the one who sees everything. The letter O comes from the ancient Egyptian and proto-Semitic languages, from the word “Ouyat” which derived from “Oyn”, and which means “Eye”. The O is the great all-seeing Eye, the supreme divinity.

_I: Saying “I am the Alpha and the Omega” is like the scheme of saying “I am everything that nourishes and makes the physical universe exist, and I am the one who observes and dreams of all this reality.” Dream and Dreamer… Reality and Illusion.

_AM: The Eye of Horus.

_I: Wow… The temple where I was today!

_AM: Each temple, sacred site, is a scheme of history, and if you open yourself to receive without waiting, without judgment, you will open the information. That's what you do every day when you visit these sites: decode the schemes of their information. Now, you achieve this because you open yourself to your own scheme, to find information not only outside, but within yourself. When you recognize yourself as the scheme of existence itself, you are everything, everything is in you, you are the Alpha and the Omega, the summary of God. Summary means “to add again”, a summary never removes information to keep something, a summary schematizes, loading an enormous weight of data in a few words or sounds. To summarize is to expand your capacity to intellect, to understand the cosmos.

_I: So I must first understand that I myself am a schema, and follow the codes in me that help me unlock the data that lies within. How do I do it?

_AM: “Gnothi Seautón” = Know yourself…

_I: …And you will know the Universe.

_AM: Your being is the outline of your body, your soul and your spirit. Start by knowing your body outline. Discover its systems, its biology, its history. Follow your soul, know your emotions, your bonds, work on them, do therapies, search for your origins. And it ends with the spirit, reading, learning, studying, seeking more answers, meditating in silence. Do you know what I see as the biggest problem with the questions you often ask? I mean “how do I do it? How do i do it?"

_I: What?

_AM: I see that you have the need to finish, to do it once and for all, as if life were a race to complete something, and my friend, life culminates in death. Development is eternal, and I know that freedom is scary, but it is because you do not yet know what it means. Life itself is a process of expansion, there is no end, do not fight to finish something right now, the important thing is that you do it. There is no objective after opening the data that lives in you, the only practicality is to discover your free creative potential. Did you stop using A when you learned to write it? Will you stop using the A now that you know its origin?

_I: No…

_AM: The only thing you have done is decode it, we have seen its inner potential, its original meaning, and now, every time you use it to create words, prose, poetry, legends, share, chat, you will see the A with the awareness that it deserves, recognizing that by using it you will be creating, opening paths like the Bull in the fields. That's the same thing you do when you know yourself, when you understand your body, when you delve into your soul, when you activate your spirit.

_I: It's... Very beautiful.

_AM: You are art, remember that, you are poetry, you are Verb.

_I: I Am the Scheme of the Universe…

_AM: I Am the Word of Creation.



