North America


_I: “I feel when I walk, all the skin of America on my skin”… That's how I felt again today. The current of energy and vital fire of the Earth that crosses the Andes, divides in two in the territory of Greater Colombia, taking one path through the Central and Western mountain range of Colombia heading towards Panama and all of Central America, and another through the mountain range East towards the Venezuelan Andes that make up the Antilles from Trinidad and Tobago to Cuba, entering through Yucatán, and joining both in central Mexico, in the Father's ring of fire. North America begins there.

_AM: The Italian cartographer Américo Vespucio was the one who, in the 16th century, cataloged this territory as a new Continent, since until then, all the conquerors, such as Christopher Columbus, considered these lands as part of Asia and India. Hence, Native Americans are mistakenly called “Indians.” When it was recognized that it was not part of Asia, America was named after his explorer. The name “Americo or America” comes from the Latinization of the Germanic Norse name “Haim Rich”, which means “Powerful House”, or “Rich Homeland”, which in Spanish derived from the name Enrique, and in English from the name Henry.

_I: They clearly chose the name well, since all the wealth began to come from the Americas… I would never have imagined that I lived on a continent that could easily be said “Enriqueta” in Spanish… Hehe. I have heard many talk about the name America as an acronym for the Anglicism “I Am Race.” What would it mean?

_AM: Humans arrived in the Americas by two routes about 20,000 years ago. To the south, sailing between the Pacific islands, through Polynesia until reaching Peru and Chile. And on the other hand, through the Bering Strait between Siberia and Alaska. Although around the same time, some Atlantean explorers arrived in Central America from the coasts of Africa. For more than 15,000 years, the peoples of the Americas diversified into different climates and geographies, from the Selknam in the far south, tribes who lived naked in near-Antarctic climates, to the Inuit, in the far north living in ice houses called igloos. Most spread in the form of tribes, communities guided by shamans, spiritual leaders who spoke with nature. But others took the form of nations and even created their states and empires, such as the Tahuantinsuyo, the empire known today as the Inca, and the Aztec Empire in Mexico. The Mayans created their system like the Greek, in city states that interacted with each other. And many of them, after the end of their era, moved north, creating the Navajo people, redskins, the Hopi. In some cases wars occurred between them, and there were many submissions on the part of the large towns to the small nomadic and sedentary groups. Then the Vikings arrived, and this opened a route to Europe that would leave the passage clear for others to discover the way in a few years. 400 years later, Europe began to look for safer routes to reach Asia and continue trading with India, China and Japan, bringing spices, fabrics, food, and raw materials to the Mediterranean, but due to the instability of the Middle East, Some sailors, explorers and cartographers proposed going around Africa, which would take a long time, and thus the idea arose of jumping into the abyss towards the west, where perhaps there could be another route to the Asian continent. In this way, Europeans discovered a continent that already had its own human history for 15,000 years. Seeing its potential, they set out to exploit it. But the natives were very difficult to control, and very weak to the common diseases of Europe, so they died very easily. Because of this, they saw no option but to bring slaves from Africa and European workers. They filled the ports with Africans, and the few natives who could survive. Blacks, Reds and Whites began to mix with each other, creating mulattoes, creoles. The era of colonization expansion began, in a battle of the Metropolises to enrich themselves, which led to battles between empires, dividing the continents like a cake. South America was cut in two by the Treaty of Tordesillas, one part for the Kingdom of Portugal and the largest part for the Kingdom of Spain, which would go from the Colorado River in the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, to the north of the current states of California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado.France would take its colonies to some of the islands of the Antilles, crossing the entire Mississippi River from Louisiana to the Quebec River in Canada, splitting North America in two, fighting for sovereignty with the United Kingdom, which was making its way throughout the North American East. In the creation of the first states, cheap labor began to be brought from Asia, India, China, Pakistan, which made Greater Mexico an Asian settlement. The conflicts between the Metropolises brought the wars to European territory, weakening their firm presence in the Colonies, which led them to begin their independence. The first island to be discovered was achieved first: Haiti. And after her, the others followed. In the North, the United States, Mexico, and in the South, Argentina, Peru, Colombia... The freedom of these nations generated Republics, which made all the free thinkers of Europe rush to immigrate to the Americas, now being the land of freedom and opportunities. People of all nationalities came to new countries, of different languages ​​and creeds, seeking freedom. The races began to find their rights, and everyone could begin to live their American Dream. All races began to unite, as if they were one, and the 3 Americas became a kind of melting pot of the entire world living as one. History made this quiet continent the center of attention of the world… “All the Voices all, all the hands all…”.

_I: “And a river walks in my blood, releasing its flow in my voice.”

_AM: The concept “I Am Race” refers to the fact that the Americas are the center of unification of all humans, of all voices and their consciousnesses, as one. I Am One. North America is the Voice of this Being. The North American continent represents the Voice of the planet, the Laryngeal or Throat chakra. The voices of ancient people, thousands of years ago, used to come together in Central America, belonging to Mexico, where travelers from the south and north met to discuss the future and their interactions. In the present and last 200 years, the United States and Canada fulfill this role, in which the States have become a kind of word for the world.

_I: It is very normal for Americans to say that they are “Americans”, without taking into account that all the countries of the Americas are Americans. I remember a friend from California who told a girl on a plane from Argentina: “I am American,” and the girl responded: “Me too, I was born in America. What country are you from?”, and my friend said insistently… “America.” And the girl told him: That is not a country, that is a continent, we are all Americans. “Well, I'm American,” he told her. And the girl asked him: “From what country: Canada, the United States or Mexico?” My friend looked at me and said, “In my 65 years of life, I had never realized that I never said the name of the country I'm from correctly, and a 10-year-old girl just taught it to me.” Sometimes, we tend to think that when we talk about North America we are only talking about the United States, and we think about the American idiosyncrasy, “the American Dream” of the 1930s. However, it is much more than that...

_AM: There are 3 beings on the North American Continent living together under the powers of the states. A Wise, old Father, which we call Mexico, with his feet on the Central American volcanoes, his knees in Yucatan, sitting with his tailbone in Jalisco, his back along the Gulf of California, and his right arm on the peninsula, while the left one takes him to his heart in Chihuahua, under his head in New Mexico. His feather crown, his soul, decorates the Arizona desert, activating his spiritual crown to the heavens in Utah and Colorado. The second Being is the Great Cow. The Wise Father is lying on the Cow Audhumla, from Norse mythology, the one who created the universe by melting the ice and discovering Búri, the Wise grandfather of all the gods. The United States is the Cow that gives milk to creation, that nourishes with opportunities, that is opulent with infinite wealth. Her roar is the song and voice of all her children. His example brought freedoms, rights, art, freedom of expression, stories, music, and everything he touches he launches into the world with propulsion, with strength, wealth, recognition, taking voices to the furthest reaches of the world, to every corner of the world. planet. The third Being is the Bull, the Buffalo, represented in Canada. Back to back, the Cow and the Bull are united, but the latter faces north, walking on the ice. Canada is the White Buffalo, who from the magic of the north and its lights, delivers wisdom to the people of the Earth.

_I: This continent, then, is the one that is destined for the Message, to give the word of wisdom, by allowing the messages to flow freely, whether they are a song or a shout, and for coherence to manifest in order and freedom...

_AM: And I remind you again, it does not mean that nations and states fulfill their purpose of what said territory represents, because human minds are distorted. Countries maintain the character of the territory in their essence, but in their greed, in their imbalance, they disrupt its being, corrupt its essence, turning wisdom into distortion, and truth into a lie. For this you must not judge the earth or its nations, but you must be fair in helping them remember their essence, and so they will know...

_I: If I become North America, I will have the power of the Earth's word, I will be able to bring my voice to the world...

_AM: Contemplate and feel this continent, its films, music, ideas, stories, freedoms, artists, philosophers, natives, wise men, everything that arises from there will be expansion: become this land and your voice will be heard throughout the cosmos...

_I: I am North America!

_AM: The Truth will set you free…

_I: I Am the Truth.




South America