

_I: The Sun begins its journey northward today. And there couldn't have been a better way to welcome it this morning. 18 Walkers joined us today at our meeting at the Pyramid. One for each petal of the Flower of Life. Twelve representing the Earth's nodes, Two in charge of the North and South Poles. Four representing the pillars of the Elements, earth, fire, air, and water. And I, number 19, the center of the sphere, connecting the network of all its points and hearts. Our task today was to celebrate rebirth, but not just any rebirth like every year, but a special one, the first rebirth of this new 200-year era of Air.

_AM: All the masters chose to be reborn on their path this day, and there are rebirths more important than others, although they are still fractals of each other. On December 25th, the Christian world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ; however, the reason it does so on this day is very different. The earthly year is divided into 12 solar months that are ordered into 4 general periods called "seasons." Two of them are known as Equinoxes (Spring and Autumn), moments when the Earth's axis is balanced, and east and west align equally. Hence, "equal" (i.e., "aequus"), origin of the word "equity," and thus "equinox." The other two represent the moments when the Sun stops on the horizon and remains still, stopped, stable for three days before moving again. The perception of this movement refers to the sun gradually rising a few degrees southward or northward each day at dawn. When it reaches its maximum displacement at these extremes from our point of view, the sun appears to pause for a few days before returning. Hence, "Stable Sun," gives rise to "Solstice" (Summer and Winter). These 4 seasons form the Cross, the crucifixion of the Sun, as the 4 refer to positions of the sun in the Sky. The 12 extremes of a sphere, the portals of the dodecahedron, speak of the 12 thorns of the divine crown, nailed to a fixed axis between North and South. December 21st is the Winter Solstice for the northern hemisphere, which has marked in the cultures of North America, Europe, parts of Africa, and Asia, the idea that on that day the sun has reached its southernmost point, moving away, experiencing the shortest day, but thus announcing the return of longer days. For 3 days it remains still, on the axis, on the cross, and is reborn into life restarting its journey towards light on the fourth day, December 25th. Thus, for all Nordic cultures, these dates represent the celebration of the beginning of the new year, where all solar gods are celebrated, for their brilliance resurges.

_I: And Christians took this idea to say that it was the birth of Jesus Christ.

_AM: Christ is the Sun, is the Light, and whoever represents the Light and Consciousness in the world, will be a fractal of the Sun, a child of the God of the Heavens. Therefore, every representative of clarity should receive their baptism and be reborn on the same day as the Sun.

_I: It's a pagan tradition, from the ancestral peoples of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East...

_AM: That's right. That is what is called Nativity, it is the return of the King of Heaven, of the Solar Christ, the Divine Consciousness. And this 2020, due to the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn on the day of the Solstice, this birth is very special, as it reminds us that the Earth is being crowned as a single being.

_I: Some people asked me what the relationship of this day is with Odin, the Norse god.

_AM: The same. All Solar Gods, or Sons of the Sun, like Jesus Christ, Buddha, Hermes, Krishna, Mithra, Zarathustra, and many more, recalling in turn Horus, Thor, and all the gods of light, are remembered on a day like today. In Nordic and Scandinavian peoples, Odin was the father of all, and it was he who around these dates managed to take the wisdom of the Yggdrassil Tree, the fir, harvesting its fruits, the Runes, to deliver them as gifts to men and women. Thus, the image of a Nordic god gave gifts under a tree on December 25th.

_I: Santa Claus...

_AM: All the stories come together in the celebration of this rebirth. As you have done today. And that rebirth must arise from the Mother...

_I: The womb of the Mother, but above all from her Heart.

_AM: And that heart is Europe. The heart chakra of the Earth is ignited in the rugged geographies of this pulsating continent.

_I: Today I could feel Europe in my heart, beating... I felt all the ancient mothers singing with their voices inside me, gestating me like everyone else in the Network. I could feel her mantle of stars and the wind blowing in her song. Today we had to align all the hearts of humanity with the heart of the Earth to activate the crystals that we will sow in the world. Sometimes I feel Europe as an elderly mother, like the Grandmother who tells us her stories, who bequeaths us her mandates. When I set out to activate my heart to unite with the beat of everyone's, I could feel the beating of every human in the world, pulsing toward the heart of their own territories, of their own continents, and then all those heartbeats directed towards the heart of the Earth, Europe. There, in its beat, I feel at home.

_AM: It is your home. You are the Rememberer, the one who records memories and connects scattered members around the world, "re-cordis," from the Latin "return to the heart." That is why your being needs to link everything to Europe, because your home is the Heart.

_I: Wow, I had never seen it that way, now I understand why. I was born in Argentina, in South America, and yet I don't feel at home there, I only feel my purpose, my mission in life. However, when I step into Europe, I feel at home, in my homeland. Many times I thought I was almost a deserter, turning my back on my land...

_AM: But in reality, your land is The Earth. And your home and real purpose is to Return to the Heart. You feel the inevitable call of the world's heart.

_I: Why is Europe the Heart?

_AM: It is a small continent between the Throat of North America and the Plexus of Asia, connected to the pulse of sexuality and love for creation from Africa. It is a continent that has pulsed to the world every people it has touched. The Atlanteans managed to spread to the world after touching Europe; the Indo-Europeans, Phoenicians, Greeks, Egyptians, Jews, Romans, Vikings, Saxons, Gauls, Iberians... All of them spread to the world forging the foundations of the global culture that today unites them all. Beyond the cultural riches of the other continents, the strength and power of Europe catapult cultures to every corner of the Earth. Christianity would never have been a global religion if it had not touched Rome. Islam reached its greatest expansion and social advancement at the time it touched the entire Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean islands. China expanded thanks to the Silk Road with Europe. The peoples of the Middle East and Egypt revived due to the social and economic policies of Greece and Rome. Colonialism spread Europe's blood to every continent, to every extreme north, south, east, and west. Riches spread from Europe and contracted towards Europe, just like a heartbeat. Languages, arts, sciences, technological advances, revolutions, the Renaissance, architecture, philosophies, religions, all were propelled from Europe to the world with force.

_I: I know that for many, this pulse has been painful, as it has been carried out with imperialism, domination, control, subjugation, and many are resentful towards Europe for this history...

_AM: Because a heart outside of its Being, outside of balance, is an invasive, conditional, controlling heart. Like someone who falls in love believing that jealousy is the best show of love towards the other, possession is the way to relate, invasion is the way to show they care. A heart out of its center does not love, it wants. And if it cannot want freely, then it conquers.

_I: It makes sense to see it as a person emotionally unbalanced rather than seeing it as oppressive imperialist states or nations.

_AM: That is why Europe must find its balance, return to its own Heart. Feel it...

_I: I feel it, in my skin... In my own body. My head is Iberia, with Portugal as the face. I feel England on my right arm and its empowered hand is Scotland, feeding the Dove of peace, the Holy Spirit of Ireland, while on the other side, to the left, Italy extends, holding the trinity in Sicily. Both arms emerge from the chest which is France, and I feel the gentle beat of my heart in Switzerland. My pancreas under the diaphragm and beside the gallbladder extend into the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. In my stomach, Germany produces, with the intestines in the plains of Hungary and Slovakia. The ovaries in the Czech Republic leading to the uterine womb in Poland. Behind, the liver is in Austria, and the kidneys with their adrenals are in Slovenia and Croatia. The Pyrenees mark the cervical vertebrae, while the Alps draw my spinal column. The Carpathians and the Dinarics draw the legs, ending with their feet in Greece and Crimea. To the north, a child is born in Denmark, threatened by the Dragon of Scandinavia, the Enlightenment of planetary Kundalini, spreading its wings in Western Russia to the Ural Mountains. And his whole body beats in me. His strength is the Mother's Heart. And his Sacred Heart Crown rises in Iceland.

_AM: Europe reminds us that the world must remain in Union, the unity of the heart, but it will depend on its balance and love whether it becomes a Conditional Oppressive Empire or Fluid Unconditional Freedom. And to make Europe beat, one must achieve that humans find that beat. Beyond the countries, feel the territories, their mountains, rivers, plains, seas, islands... In their beauty lies the magic of fairies, magicians, witches, and druids. There is the magic of the heart, hidden among the states, between revolutions, behind world wars, economies, borders. Look at the Europe behind Europe, and you will see the Heart of the Mother. Unite the hearts of every human to the beat of this continent, and you will feel the beat of the World.

_I: It is enough to remember the records of this land to feel the heart, and make the "want" become "love".

_AM: I Am the Beat of the World...

_I: I Am Europe! And in it lies the home of my heart, there I will find Love and my heart finds its axis...

_AM: I Am Love.




North America