South America
_I: “I go out for a walk, through the cosmic belt of the south, I step on the region, more vegetal of the wind and light, I feel as I walk, all the skin of America on my skin, and a river runs in my blood that releases in my voice, its flow... Sun from high Peru, face Bolivia tin and loneliness, a green Brazil, kisses my copper and mineral Chile. I rise from the South towards the heart of America in total, a root of a cry destined to grow and explode: All the voices, all the hands, all the blood can be a song in the wind. Sing with me, sing, American brother, release your hope with a cry in your voice.”
_AM: The body of America in your skin…
_I: …In my skin. Today the teachers reminded me of this song, “Song with Everyone,” and they made me sing it. And a shout said “noqa inka pacha-kunan”. His voices made me feel all the Andes from the south to the north. I had never felt South America so much in me. I was born in South America, but I never felt like I was from there.
_AM: Why?
_I: I don't remember any life on that continent, it is my first memory there, it is the first time I have set foot on this continent in my entire history on Earth. I have always been to Africa, the Middle East, Asia, feeling like I have sometimes been through Oceania and North America, but above all I have been to Europe. South America and Antarctica are the two that I had never set foot in, and in this life I was not only born in one of them but I have been able to visit both.
_AM: It has its logic.
_I: What?
_AM: May it be the first time in history that you are born in South America.
_I: Why?
_AM: Because you must see it with the eyes of the New Time. Your link with this continent must be clean of the preconceptions of the past or of feeling rooted, otherwise, your mission would be with personal intentions, with the perspective of someone who defends or lives for their own. But that's not what you feel about South America. Beyond being born there, you look at the continent from afar, with another perspective, not from someone who is proud of his land, but from someone who observes it with its potential and its defects.
_I: Yes… Exactly. I know that my life mission is there, in Argentina, in the South American people, but my being reminds me that I must look at it from other continents, to unite the people from another place. I always felt a little strange thinking that I felt almost like a deserter, as if, even knowing that my mission is there, I chose to leave, to get away, feeling that when I left the continent I did it to return home instead of leaving it. I never missed Argentina, I never missed any South American place, and yet my entire being feels a great responsibility and duty to the continent.
_AM: South America is one of the three powers of the Americas. The three tectonic plates of North America, Central America and South America move as one, a holy trinity. The Eagle, the Quetzal and the Condor, with their three Eyes, which replicate the great constellation of Orion from North to South: Salt Lake (Utah), Lake Cocibolca (Nicaragua) and Lake Titi Kaka (Bolivia-Peru). We usually see the world from north to south, taking Antarctica as the base, since our vision is human and not divine. On the other hand, when we see the world from the vision of the Spirit, everything turns upside down. Everything begins with the Antarctic Crown, and from there descends to the Consciousness of the Third Eye, in Titi Kaka, key center of the entire continent.
_I: Today I felt how Kundalini, for the spirit, is exactly the opposite of what we usually activate. If for a human or living being the vital force arises from the root chakra, igniting the fire to transmute the being into the spirit, for this the journey is reverse, igniting its fire as the Divine light in the full consciousness of Antarctica, and descending to through the Vision of South America ending its journey in Africa after passing through all the continents. The spirit descends into matter in this way, from the crown to the root.
_AM: Therefore, to search for that heaven on Earth, we must contemplate the depth of material things instead of visualizing celestial things in the distance. Your mission in South America speaks of a new Vision, of enabling Antarctic information to be manifested in reality. The task of every conscious being is to fully experience the spirit in matter, here and now, in the temple of the body, and this requires a change of vision. Therefore, the task of a new time guided from the full consciousness of the I Am, can only occur from South America. However, the Earth is a body, and the eyes do not function without the help of all other organisms. That's why you don't feel proud of being South American, because that would make you think that the eyes are more important than the rest, when they are supported by the other organs. You can't see clearly if you don't nourish yourself well, if you don't breathe well, if you don't digest well, if you don't feel well.
_I: Many times I have heard that South American pride that I have not felt on other continents. Perhaps it is something that tries to unite a people that was completely subdued in a very short period of history, only 500 years. And it's only been 200 years since they gained independence, led by almost the same people in all countries. Except for Brazil, the rest of the countries were led and liberated by only two people who promoted independence, San Martín and Bolívar. Of course, Paraguay and Uruguay have had their own histories that are different from the others in relation to their independence, as well as the Guyanas and Suriname, which in some ways remain colonies to this day. Perhaps this recent history has brought people together in a certain way by having the same parents even though we are all so different. Apart from the Guyanas, Suriname and Brazil, we all speak the same official language, which unifies us as a large nation divided into different states. But at the same time, this nation is fragmented by the history of the native peoples, who in many cases still claim the freedom of their nations, with every right. Today I heard several ancestors speaking in their languages, saying firmly that they must all soon be summoned to meet again. South, North and Center, in a communion to start again. Eagle, Quetzal and Condor must fly together again, and in this new era of Aquarius, the Air will allow them to take flight and their voices to be heard loudly.
_AM: South America is a people with deep roots. Its natives were the first to arrive and settle on the furthest continent, and the last to be conquered. In relation to the history of the Earth, South America has been the habitable continent that has been populated by humans for the shortest time. Their roots, then, are pure, their consciousness is cleaner in nature, there is not as much weight as on other continents, since their greatest pains and traumas do not exceed 400 years.
_I: Despite its ancestral wisdom, it is a young territory…
_AM: That from your past, you can create the future. Both Europe, Asia and North America have had an extensive history of adaptation that has forged their long-term ways and structures, making their historical flexibility an inflexible and systematic quality. Oceania has largely lost its ancestral strength, subjugated by the Europeans. Africa has succumbed like Asia to the great monotheistic religions and imperial powers. But despite the subjugations experienced in South America, they have not lasted long enough to kill the ancestral spirit, which remains flexible among nations. That is why your mission is there, because by recognizing the power and consciousness of the world, you must return to South America and unite the roots to connect them with the branches on the great Tree of Life. There is the Vision of the Third Eye, the awakening of Consciousness that will re-emerge in the Age of Aquarius, opening the doors for the spirit to manifest again in matter.
_I: When I traveled through Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay and Argentina on the Camino de la Gran Mujer, in 2012, I could feel in every square I went to, the unity between the peoples collaborating as one, to transform that vision. In 2017, traveling through the Andes to Central America, I realized that I crossed this entire land without consciousness, as if I wanted to leave there, because I was not aware of what it would mean for me. Although I have never lived there and no emotional link binds me to this continent, we do share the same thing: Consciousness, the Third Eye, the expansion of Vision. My mission is on this continent, and I know that when I return I will visit it with different eyes, because now I know who I am and what my mission is there.
_AM: South America must guide the Light of the New Consciousness, promote the awakening of the Nations to the new systems of Aquarius, in which the new unites with the ancestral, in which the spirit lives in peace with matter, in which the natives and their networks once again have a say like the children of the future. That will be the South American Re Evolution of the New Age of Aquarius. When you return you will see them with different eyes, you will recognize yourself in them. You will go to the last of the silver beaches, where the Lighthouse at the end of the world will light the Land of Fire, illuminating the creative force of the Father and the Mother in Patagonia. Ascending through the volcanoes and fjords of the south. You will be the Condor of the Andes, observing the cosmos from the Great Eye in the Puma Rock, singing to each tree of the Amazon while you caress the grasslands of the pampas, crossing the equatorial bridge towards the trinity of the great Colombia, the Llama Trill of transmutation that warms the Caribbean. For to be the Consciousness of this world you must see through the eyes of the continent that it embodies.
_I: I must say... I am South America... And so I will be the conscience of the world...
_AM: You are all cells of the Earth, you must all remember the strength of the Mother who lives in you. When you remember that this continent does not belong to the South American countries, but to every living being that seeks the awakening of the new time, then you will be able to see with the eyes of Pacha Mama. Feel all the skin of America on your skin, become this continent, and release the flow of this New Nile... The Amazon and the Paraná wait to re-emerge in the consciousness of every human.
_I: I know that my home is not South America, it is the Earth, and returning home is remembering the Vision... I See. By becoming the Vision we can guide in balance. Where black and white turn to Grey. Egypt will say, with the strength of Africa, the first mother, it will invite and summon us to become South America, the New Mother, which will make us open our eyes to a new Reality.
_AM: Become South America, and you can See Everything.
_I: I open my vision, I am the Eyes of the Earth.
_AM: And your eyes will shine like Lighthouses that will guide New Time.
_I: I am the Light.