_AM: Where do you put the strength of your words?
_I: Huh? In what sense?
_AM: Outwards. When your energy is released, when you release what you had stuck inside, where do you put that strength?
_I: I don't know... I think when I say what I say, it's just said.
_AM: Oh no. What do you think about when you say it?
_I: In… The emotion…
_AM: What do you see when you say it?
_I: I see… The people I tell it to.
_AM: So you know where you direct that energy.
_I: I guess so… I mean, where else? How do you channel information without directing it to any specific place?
_AM: No, information is always directed to a specific place, but the mind must be educated to do so in the right direction. Remember, the emotions that emerge from you, that you release, are yours alone, they live in you, and they return to you. The reason why you observe the images of the people involved in that information is because your brain has put together packages of information referring to that emotion, in which it has registered faces and similar situations.
_I: That is, as if the brain organized everything on shelves from A to Z, then in A it will put everything that begins with A, like Amor y Abandono, in Spanish, or in English in the L for Love and Loneliness .
_AM: Reason why, the data will be crossed by preconceived interpretations, and you will understand the words Love and Abandonment as the same package. The same thing happens when an emotion arises, which will come in the same data packet as the person with whom you felt that emotion.
_I: That explains the attachments, then; They are reactions of an organization of brain data... Every time something similar happens, the same image appears again...
_AM: But all the images you see are nothing more than the masks in the Greek amphitheater of your brain.
_I: Whose masks?
_AM: From your ego. Of yourself.
_I: So if someone has betrayed me, or hurt me, the image of betrayal and damage will be related to that person, but in reality, it is a mask of myself. But what if I didn't do anything to receive harm or be a victim of betrayal?
_AM: You just said what you did.
_I: What?
_AM: Receive, and be a Victim. You see it? Behind every character hides the scriptwriter of your life, the ego. He who wonders why me? What did I do? The one who positions himself in a role immediately, and always tends to be the victim, the one who receives; Well, the brain was designed for that, to receive data from the outside world, to defend itself from the aggression of said world, from being its victim. And therefore, when faced with the slightest shock, he responds with impetus.
_I: Defending…
_AM: And it searches in the ordered codes of its neurons, everything related to what it is trying to express. The ego has contained under pressure what lives under tension within it. Seeking to express yourself, you will find in the internal files all the data related to what put you under tension and pressure, and when expressing yourself, you will use that data as a focus of attention. It interprets: “what hurts me came from this place, object or subject, and if I take it outside, it must return to it.”
_I: And that's not the case?
_AM: Of course not. Well, what happened to you did not come from outside. What happens to you, only happens to you, is your own being reacting to an environment. You can react with a smile, or a scream, you can react with grief, anger or pain, you can react with laughter or rage, with acceptance or denial. What happens is not the real thing that you experience, what happens is what you feel about it, that is what is registered inside _I: the interpretation of your being in the face of a specific circumstance.
_I: So? What is the point of what you are telling me?
_AM: That the way you let go, in which you release, will be done in relation to what beats inside you, in your heart, in the data that flows within you, and that if you do not recognize this data, it is very certain that lose energy.
_I: You talk about controlling impulse…
_AM: I'm talking about bringing awareness to impulse, to turn it into Impetus.
_I: What's the difference?
_AM: The Impulse happens from the Unconsciousness, or especially from the Subconsciousness. That is, you have no control over what is driven. Remember that Impulse comes from “in” (within) and “pulsus”, the participle of “pellere”, which means “to push”. An impulse, then, is something that is projected from within due to an external reaction. A pulse, a push from the external world, produces a reaction from the internal world in response, called an impulse. For example: the pulse of the heart propels blood through the veins and arteries.
_I: And the Impetus?
_AM: It comes from the words “in” (within) and “petus”, participle of the verb “petere” (to search, ask, address). Impetus, then, is to begin a search from within, with all the internal strength. It is, in a certain way, a search for the interior, to which we can attribute the Conscious aspect.
_I: Act with impetus. Many times, when I hear this word, it seems more related to the strength with which someone positions themselves in a conflict, or in a mission. And, contrary to what you describe, the definition of someone who is impetuous is “who acts in a thoughtless or hasty manner, without evaluating the damage.
_AM: There are two ways of looking at this momentum, in peace and in war. The military acted with impetus to fight, a necessary attribute to win in an erratic and chaotic space. Whoever does not act by reaction, does not win, beyond strategy, at certain moments; It all comes down to the immediate decision. The person who lives his life as a fight, a war to make room for himself, to win or overcome others, will use momentum as a destructive, thoughtless tool, like a soldier following orders without questioning. But that's not what the momentum was really intended to manifest. When you focus on yourself, and stop fighting, momentum is the key to going out, to facing life with a new air, character, intention. Awaken the vital force necessary to resurface, express.
_I: And that's when I think about external factors...?
_AM: And that's when the impetus, instead of searching, remains fighting. It remains synonymous with momentum. By definition, momentum refers to an accelerated, almost violent movement of someone or something, for this reason, after thousands of years, this concept is related not only to the negative characteristics of momentum, but also to the strength, vigor, value of someone proven on the battlefield or in life. Put the chest.
_I: Never better said… The Heart, the Chest.
_AM: And this is where I wanted to go with this. To the heart. Your brain is dedicated to creating enemies, which you eagerly seek to confront to feel strong. However, the only enemy behind every mask is in your subconscious…
_I: I…
_AM: That's right.
_I: So?
_AM: You will have to do something that you have always been taught not to do, and that Aries energy refuses to face.
_I: What?
_AM: Face the mirror. Look at yourself, and recognize all your flaws. Physical, Emotional and Mental.
_I: Wow… That's almost counterproductive.
_AM: It's unnatural. I know.
_I: You're practically telling me to fight against myself... Isn't the opposite what you should teach me?
_AM: Do you remember that time after years when you met a friend and your first frivolous expression was to say to her: “You're so fat, what happened to you?”
_I: Yes... Now that I think about it, I recognize myself as a horrible person for having done that without thinking.
_AM: You acted impetuously from unconsciousness. But you triggered something, right?
_I: Years later he confessed to me that after what I told him, he had to go to a psychologist, and he cried for months. But he also told me that it was the phrase he needed to realize it. All the others only told her nice, beautiful, magical things, hiding from her the fact that she had a problem, which was not being fat, but rather accumulating her problems, not expressing them, not saying it, and she kept it all to herself, she "swallowed it all." ”, for feeling responsible for others instead of herself. So she began to let go, to express, and that also changed her body. Still, when I think about what I said...
_AM: It was an attitude typical of this Aries that costs you so much. It hurts, but many times, impetuousness is what makes us truly change. Fairy tales, magic, angels and saviors don't usually change the world, but a good bucket of cold water of reality does. To look at oneself, to unmask the ego, is to recognize that it has been disguising itself as enemies, as battles, as victimizers. And because? Out of fear, out of fear of dying, of losing... When the world closes, and you cannot express your truths, you cannot tell those people what you feel like telling them, it is because those things are what you must say to yourself, to the mirror... Yell at yourself, cry, break that barrier of self-help or self-indulgence, a placebo that only leads you to conformism. Phrases like “everything is fine”, “you are beautiful”, “you are worth like the entire universe”, do not truly help the ego. The only way to know if you are in your real center is when you manage to tell yourself all the truths, when you impetuously search within yourself, direct the battle to your own being, freeing yourself from the actors and actresses of your internal world, your ideas and preconceptions, and you let all the emotions and pains emerge.
_I: That's almost self-destructive.
_AM: Oh yeah. It is. Siva. To create something new, you must destroy the old. The problem is that you consider destruction as something negative, when it is thanks to destruction that you exist. Thanks to the end of the dinosaurs, thanks to the mass extinctions of the last 3 million years, thanks to the conflicts and wars of the last 12,000 years, thanks to the migrations and colonialism of the last 500 years, and it is thanks to the two last great world wars that you can be here speaking freely. Life goes on, evolution continues. Face it, with momentum. Stick your chest out, look in the mirror. Say everything you hide to feel good. Say everything you haven't done, the things you blame yourself for. Look at the ugly parts of yourself, and ask yourself why you haven't taken care of yourself, look inside your soul and ask yourself why you keep hiding your truths, why you keep hurting yourself and others, look at your mind and ask yourself why you need to criticize. to others to feel like someone or better. Think carefully, every time you try to defend yourself by saying nice things about yourself, you do nothing more than cover yourself with colorful mirrors.
_I: Where is self-esteem after this?
_AM: Are we in Taurus?
_I: No… In Aries.
_AM: Then don't complain. Do not look for the beauty that lives in you, because you will not find it if you do not first see the garbage that covers it. You are full of garbage. To truly awaken the value of the Aries Ego, the one that initiates life and the strength of being, you must dare to uncover it from its own defenses, and take it out of its egomaniacal misery. This is the only way you have today to discover what you are, to cleanse yourself. And you can only do it yourself. When someone else tells you, he is no good. Maybe it is an impulse to change, but it will not come from one's own consciousness. To make the true change towards the Self, you must find the strength to carry out that battle with yourself and your disguises. Criticize yourself, to reach the crisis, and remember that criticizing and crisis come from “krinein” which means to discern. This way you will be able to know what really belongs to you and what you do, and what doesn't. Step out of your illuminated fairy tale for a moment, and face the very shadows that have decorated your non-existent mental paradise.
_I: …
_AM: So, the next time you have to let go and act again with impetus, you will do so from coherence, pressing from the real search, without blaming anyone else for what only your brain has interpreted.
_I: How can I set limits or teach others between what is right and what is wrong if in the end everything is an interpreted projection of my mind? Where is it discerned if I do it from the ego, satisfying myself, or if I do it from the being?
_AM: Once you do the task with yourself, with putting yourself in your place, you remember that the external world is part of you, and that setting limits and teaching others is part of recognizing your own limits. Don't be afraid to set limits and say yes or no to others, but always remember to first search within yourself, always direct the question to yourself, ask for what is missing inside, and that is the first move you should make in situations. that the world confronts you, that is the true meaning of momentum.
_I: The impulse to direct the battle towards myself, to find my weak points... And thus be able to identify and work on them.
_AM: Observe yourself, and impetuously confront yourself. Unmask your ego, and when it is unprotected, freed from all its armor, recognized and naked before consciousness, only then, extend your hands towards it, and embrace it as you have never embraced anyone. Kiss him with the greatest love and affection you can give him.
_I: Giving him love…
_AM: Only then will you be truly giving love from your wisdom.
_I: May the crisis of my ego be the great opportunity for my being.
_AM: So be it. Ready for the first hit?
_I: Ready to beat.