Mission and Purpose
_I: The relationship with the mother and the father, then, is the relationship that each being has with the Universe itself, with the Divine Matrix and the Universal Law. I was thinking then about my relationship with both. In my memories, I recall that the first thing I was conscious of as a Being was having been a Universal Librarian, one of those beings who moved through the networks of cosmic thought, connecting data, writing information, and organizing it in the vast universal mind. That is to say, my oldest memory of this universe is being you, being Ghan, a weaver of memories in the Matrix.
_AM: Do you remember when you first felt me in this life?
_I: I was 14 years old. I was in my room on the farm behind the train tracks in my hometown. I remember lying down in my bed to go to sleep because I had classes the next day, and suddenly everything became strange, as if I were floating at the bottom of the sea. There was no up or down, and I felt that every particle in the room was a part of me. I felt dizzy from the gigantism, but at the same time, I felt like a tiny speck of dust in an infinite space. Then an echo resounded throughout the room, sounding like that Asian instrument, a gong. And I heard my name, yours, ours. Ghan. I got up excited and sweating, as if in one minute I had a fever and it had disappeared immediately. There I knew that I was not Matías, that Matías was only my personality today, in this life, and that everything I remembered were different aspects of a being, of Ghan. But I didn't hear from you again until I was 16 years old, living in Artesa de Segre, in Spain. The same thing happened there, but this time, the ceiling started to unravel as if it were a silk blanket fluttering and coiling while your being formed in front of me. A great Eye in the center of a face with what seemed to be a beard moving like water or a whirlwind around. A sphere emerged beside it, containing all the geometries of existence, and in the other, a feather. I knew it was you, and the closer you got to me, the less I felt myself, and the more I began to feel everything. At that moment, your great Eye joined mine, and I had the sensation of entering through a spherical mirror, a black hole, where all light and shadows distort, ceasing to exist in concrete forms. I felt my atoms breaking apart and expanding. I had a moment of orgasmic fullness, where all the energy of my body and soul merged with that of my spirit, and I could feel everything. I felt like a device, a computer being plugged into the power, connecting to the network, able to feel the entire internet, no longer believing myself to be unique, alone, separate, and I realized that in my consciousness flowed the information that reached all the computers in the world, that I could feel the data even if I didn't understand or process it, they were there through me. I felt that the information only became visible when I wrote the question in the search engine. Every answer was there, only I didn't know what the right question was to find it. "I am the Network," I told myself. I felt the most beautiful and pleasurable sensation I could ever have felt: being an electron inside a cable. At that moment you said to me:
_AM: "I am Ghan, and you are Me."
_I: I will never forget it... And now, 17 years later, it's when it all makes complete sense. That day, you didn't explain anything to me, you made me remember Everything. You showed me with a smile that I was an extension of something wonderful, of the Network. You showed me my mother, the Mother, the Divine Matrix, her story, her functioning. That day I remembered everything that I later could share with all the people about the Universe. That day I remembered my Purpose.
_AM: "Remember... Remember... Remember."
_I: Three times you repeated it. Kuen, my childhood guide, also used to tell me it three times. I felt that you were telling my Body: "remember, you have the memory of everything you have lived in this world"; I felt that you were telling my Soul: "remember, you have come to reconnect all the parts of you that are scattered throughout time and space"; and that you whispered to my Spirit, to my mind: "remember that all you have to do is return to the Heart." I believed that my Purpose was something else in life, but then I understood that no, my purpose was to Remember, Three Times Rememberer.
_AM: Remembering was what connected you to the Mother. Weaver of networks. The Librarians, as you called us, are the connectors of cosmic information, the weavers of data, the neurons that transmit information. There are billions of us, and our only purpose is the connection of the parts. Therefore, your task with the Planetary Network is a fractal of what you are. And there you find the logic in your mother.
_I: So, I understood my relationship with my Mother. My mother is the purpose, both my human mother, and my Earth mother, and the Divine Mother. But it is not a very emotional or sentimental relationship, but rather harder, even colder, because I understood why it is so difficult for me to be emotional, son, with my mother, because she is the fractal of the Great Network for which I do what I do, in which I feel free feeling information flow, without emotional dependence. The form of the librarian, of one who spends his life ordering other people's books that others have scattered everywhere, is the image of a being who loves in order, who loves in solitude, in the silence of the library aisles. That is my way of connecting with my mother. Now I understand why since I started remembering our bond changed, and we both became colder and more distant even though we were connected all the time. I began to feel her as I feel the Earth and the Matrix. For me, the Matrix is not a trap, a system, but a mother who offers me all the answers, protection, the freedom to do as I please and create my own reality. Throughout my human life, I felt a certain debt to my mother, perhaps because of the machismo of the family, for feeling that I had to give her back the house that her uncles had taken from her, on behalf of the De Stefano men. And now I see that it is the same thing that I have been trying to do with the Earth, to give her back the house, the Network that the men of her family have taken from her, disconnecting her and devaluing her. The same thing they have done with the Cosmos, with the Matrix, despising it as a cage when it is a womb; valuing the Divine Father as the end of all things...
_AM: Here, then, you recognize something. If your Mother is your Purpose, your Father is your Mission. Do you know why?
_I: I think I understand that if my goal is to reconnect the Mother, the ties I must unite to achieve this are the Father's. The mission here would be to find the ties and know how to unite them, to fulfill the purpose that would be the reconnection of the parts.
_AM: Do you understand exactly what a Mission and a Purpose are?
_I: I suppose. What I do know is that it is something that drives everyone crazy. Many people always ask me, "how do I know what my mission and my purpose are?", Assuming that I know exactly what mine are by being able to remember, as if I had gone through a process or method to find them...
_AM: First of all, one must understand what a Mission is and what a Purpose is. Mission comes from the Latin word "Mittere," which means "to send." A missive, a missionary, a mass, are all words that refer to being sent somewhere to apply a specific action. Purpose comes from "Pro" (before) and "Ponere" (to put), that is, from the Latin "to put something before." It relates to purpose everything to which one seeks to arrive, to the goal and end of things. You can understand, then, that if the Purpose is victory, the Mission is the path.
_I: Like my last names... De Stefano (Victorious), Bide (Path)... Did I decide to be so obvious in this life?
_AM: All the parts that make up what you are have taken care that every detail in your life reminds you of what you must do. Thus, no matter where you want to go, you will always see the same code in a simple way if you know how to observe.
_I: I understand...
_AM: Now, everyone must understand that everyone has a mission and a purpose in life. But no one can tell you what it is because precisely the purpose is something that one has placed in front and seeks to achieve, and the mission implies the conflicts and tools that I have in my life, to face that challenge and reach the end having fulfilled what is expected. The purpose and the mission are not things outside the mundane, the biological, of common life. In fact, both have designed what we are today. Therefore, as in your last names, everything you are, do, and feel is constantly shouting at you about your mission and your purpose. Do you know why everyone asks you how to know your purpose?
_I: That's what I wonder...
_AM: Because they see that you fulfill them effortlessly. And do you know why?
_I: No...
_AM: Simple, because you allow yourself to be yourself. You have always done what has come from your heart, and when you haven't, things have failed quickly, haven't they?
_I: Yes... That's right. What you tell me makes sense. If the mission and the purpose are in my human design, they are intrinsically integrated into my physical, emotional, and mental organism, in the subconscious, unconscious, and conscious, this means that the only way to see, understand, and fulfill my mission and my purpose is by being myself. There is nothing outside that shows them to me, because the only way to see it is by seeing myself. Until I return to the heart, to the center, I will not understand. And for that, it is not necessary to be spiritual, it is necessary to be coherent...
_AM: Exactly. So when they ask you again what their purpose or mission is, remind them: "Your mission is the path you must travel to overcome its challenges with the tools you have possessed since birth. Your purpose is what you hope to achieve, what does not come from desire, but from the essence that you are. So, to realize yourself in both, you must return to yourself, and discover what your path is, what your gifts are, and what you hope to become."
_I: To the question of "how do I do all that?" The answer is simple: only you know, my only advice is that you are capable of looking more inward...
_AM: It's a long way forward, but it becomes shorter when you go inward.
_I: Understanding the relationship with the mother and the father, it is easier to see the purpose and the mission. But... Are the purpose and the mission something Universal?
_AM: The universe is a fabric, a Gestating Matrix of realities. Each of the ties that compose it is a different path. You can choose thousands of paths in which you will encounter unique and special challenges, all according to your vibration (because without resonance, the path would expel you, that is to say that all have the reality with which they vibrate). But the Universe itself is like a sphere. That is to say: is there an end to a ball?
_I: ...No... It's constant.
_AM: The ideas of mission and purpose are dual constructions, which consider the universe as a line of temporal and spatial expression: with a beginning and an end united by a story, with an origin and a destination united by a path. The mission will involve traveling the greatest number of possible paths and living all the stories within reach. The Purpose will involve realizing why the path is taken, what is learned from it, and its transcendence through the creation of a new one. The Universe itself has no purpose, because in a sphere there is no end or destination. The Universe has no mission, because it is not made of paths, but of vibration.
_I: Then...?
_AM: At the moment a conscious being arises in the Universe, it uses the vibration it possesses to propel itself by creating positive and negative as forces of creation. Thus arises the first idea of origin and destiny, thus arises the idea of path, purpose, challenges... It is not implicit in the creator himself, but it is creation. Purpose and mission are the product of an expressing being. That is why every mission is an echo of a previous purpose.
_I: Karma and Dharma, the concepts of India.
_AM: Karma is the mission, what must be learned on the path. Dharma is what is learned, the acquired wisdom. They are the version that spiritual philosophy uses to describe mission and purpose. Both feet build life step by step. There are thousands of missions and thousands of purposes. The fundamental thing is to understand that both are a construction of the self. Therefore, you can only reconnect with them by returning to yourself, to your center. Returning to the Heart, which in Latin is said:
_I: ..."Recordis"... Remembering. Then, having understood the difference between mission and purpose, the way to balance them in me is by returning to my center...
_AM: Coherence, meditation, reconnection of the sacred trinity of your being. Love, Wisdom, and Will, Soul, Body, and Spirit, Mind, Emotion, and Physical, Vibration, Energy, and Matter, Past, Present, and Future, Width, Height, and Depth, Mother, Father, and Son, Electron, Proton, and Neutron. Mission, Purpose, and Being.
_I: Returning to me. I remember, then, the Matrix of the purpose incarnated in my Mother; the Path of the law that guides my Father, all converge in me so that I may create them. I Am my Mission, I am my Purpose...
_AM: Remember... Remember... Remember..