Balance and Imbalance
_I: The issue of Mission and Purpose generates much confusion in certain cases, because not everyone fully understands the duality of these two concepts. It is deeply ingrained in us the fact that a Mission is a mandate, something that is told to us and we must fulfill, not something intrinsically natural to our being. And that purpose is almost a duty, for which the limit is death.
_AM: As I have told you, it's the view of every living being. It's nobody's fault, it's organic. Your lives have been ordered from birth to death, both in biology and in culture, which is based on biology. That's why you've built based on a starting and an ending point. This gives the impression that mission and purpose determine a specific life. But in reality, both are the same life. We could say that living is the mission, and death is the purpose. However, from the universal point of view, there is no birth or death, because they are simply curves of ascent or descent of a continuous wave of vibration and energy. Life, then, is not what you are seeing, but what you are experiencing now is only a fraction of real life. Thus, what you call a mission in one life is nothing more than the consequence of your unfinished actions in other moments and places. No one has imposed any purpose or mission on you, you have only done it yourself, in different facets of your existence, and that's why you call them "others," "past lives," "guides," "teachers," "God." That's why what you must fulfill and feel as an external mandate is nothing more than yourself solving the same things you've created for yourself, your own actions and consequences. In your own existence is where the mission and purpose exist, because in an eternal universe there is no end, and you will always return to yourself as the center of things, but not to yourself as an individual, but to yourself as an entity, as the essence behind all your bodies and forms.
_I: I think it's clear. Forgetting makes us feel that the mandates come from outside, seeing ourselves disconnected makes us see ourselves as separate. Forgetting is what makes us lose sight of what we are doing and why we are doing it.
_AM: Forgetting is losing the axis.
_I: And that's the key to all of this this month. How to regain the axis again. Returning to balance. Perhaps that will help us remember, return to the center and start saying "live my mission" instead of "fulfill the mission," and no longer say "realize my purpose," to be able to say "become the purpose."
_AM: Balance will help you remember and forget with grace.
_I: What would that be like?
_AM: Like dancing. Do you know how to dance?
_I: You know very well that _I: No...
_AM: Why?
_I: Because I'm too clumsy to dance, I'm like a stick that moves without grace... Like a buoy in the sea.
_AM: I imagine you know why...
_I: Mmmm, shame... I suppose. First, I was ashamed to be the tallest and biggest in school, my movements were clumsy and visible. Then I was ashamed to have a man's body with hairs sprouting, and I denied the body. Then I was ashamed to be human, when I saw others dancing I felt like they were apes, hominids still in the process of evolution, around a bonfire; I didn't want to be like them. All that conditioned my relationship with my body quite a bit...
_AM: You wanted to continue being a spiritual being, with a straight back, in balance, connected between Heaven and Earth, right?
_I: I felt that when they twisted their bodies the axis broke and absorbed any kind of information, out of balance.
_AM: From a linear view it makes sense...
_I: But...?
_AM: From an organic view it doesn't. Tell me, speaking of mission and purpose: do you think life is a straight line?
_I: No... It's more like a sphere being created by millions of turns upon itself.
_AM: Then why should balance be a straight line, an axis?
_I: I interpret that the axis is the vertical movement, which goes from the core of the sphere outward, and does not move horizontally.
_AM: Like the trunk of a tree.
_I: Exactly.
_AM: But the trunk doesn't extend all the way to the core. The roots spread out looking for nutrients to the sides, and its branches spread out to the sides seeking more light. Creating another sphere...
_I: Yes... Of course... so?
_AM: Basically, the axis, by itself, does nothing. It's the roots and branches that do all the work of absorbing minerals and bringing light, the trunk there fulfills the function of communication between the two.
_I: Its function, that of the center, then, wouldn't be to accumulate in the center but to redistribute, to be a channel of exchange...
_AM: The sphere is composed of different geometric solids...
_I: 5 Platonic and 13 Archimedean.
_AM: And many more figures born from the 18. Each figure, then, is composed of edges, channels of energy, and vertices, nodes of information.
_I: Which in turn are more axes pointing towards the center, towards the heart...
_AM: That's right. They all create the Sphere around you, each edge is a branch, each node is a fruit and a flower. Below, the roots connect to other trees, cling to rocks, and search for the flowing water that changes its course according to the season.
_I: So the tree has to move all the time to maintain the axis...
_AM: Now you're starting to understand...
_I: And dancing, what would that be?
_AM: It's the way a human caresses its branches, flowers, and energetic fruits, seeking the flows of water under its feet. Dances emerged as a way of seeking information. The position of the body, the postures you assume, will imitate certain energetic patterns, which can descend to you if they find similarity and resonance. When you place yourself in a meditation position, Indian, Hindu, your body is ordered like a Tetrahedron, the basic figure of creation, and therefore, this allows you to reach divinity. But when you must touch the divinity of the Earth, of all the heavens, their constellations, of humanity, of living beings, the geometries become more complex, and you cannot reach all the points at the same time, so you must move, you must...
_I: ...Dance.
_AM: Balance doesn't imply being static on an Axis, it implies having the ability to nurture the Axis through movement. A person enters into imbalance when their movement is constant and they have forgotten their center. That is, it's not the fact of moving, of changing, of rotating, of displacing and changing shapes in your life that makes you live in imbalance, but having forgotten why you do it. Doubt and imbalance are keys to development, they are movement, searching, investigating what else can be done or exist outside of me. Life, as we have said, is a constant ocean of waves moving in 3 different consciousnesses, but all have their positives and negatives. Oscillating movement is incessant, the ups and downs inevitable. Therefore, the Universe made oscillation, imbalance, its own form of balance.
_I: Using your weaknesses to make yourself stronger...
_AM: Exactly. That's the key to Evolution. The Universe, the more it distorted, the more imbalance it found, but it saw that with greater imbalance, there was more creation. Entropy: the concept that the expanding universe is chaotic. Entropy is the way the universe saw that it could continue manifesting, creating without stopping.
_I: And syntropy?
_AM: It is Balance, what makes everything, sooner or later, remember the axis of things again, the origin, the order. It is the concept that the universe manifests itself in an ordered way although we cannot understand what that form is. And the truth is that it is neither one nor the other, but in the entropic development is where the universe discovers its syntropic potential. Like in a dance, mistakes become choreography, emotion, a story that goes from being a simple dance with friends to a classical ballet. Where you see that ancestral cultures, through dances, changed the climate and spoke with nature. It's where you understand that in the diversity of dances of each culture you find their way of relating to the codes of the universe. Chaos and diversity are the key to balance in an eternal ocean.
_I: So, if I seek balance, it's not that I must sit with a straight and firm back stabilizing myself for my whole life, but rather I must allow myself to fall, slip, confuse, doubt, get lost, but at the same time, I must never forget the center of all that movement, why I do it, what the axis of it all is...
_AM: And that axis is the I Am. It's neither a mission nor a purpose, nor heaven nor earth, nor positive nor negative. All mentioned are just tools, indicators, expressions of the center, but the axis, the true axis that maintains the balance of all things is to remember who you are, to know that you are, that you exist, that even if your body fades away and your personality changes as well as your ideas, all of that are just aspects of your being, because it's your being that changes, but it's always there, inside, at the center. When you experience imbalance, you must ask yourself the question again: "who am I?" And the oscillating path towards the Axis will begin. Balance comes from the word "aequus" (equal) and "libra" (balance). "Aequilibrium" is the ability to ensure that there is an equal weight of two objects on both sides of a scale. This ability implies that no matter what you possess in both hands, you can afford to have different things, even concepts that are opposed to each other, but you must ensure that both have logic in your center, in your I Am, because if they don't have logic, if there is no coherence between them, you will lose balance. Therefore, the process of seeking balance is an imbalanced process in which you experiment with objects, their quantities, their weights; but if you always remember that what you are doing is not playing with the objects but finding a coherence of them in your center, in your I Am, then you will have understood that the two processes have been useful to each other. Imbalance and Balance are the keys to transforming your being in a coherent way.
_I: Understood. So, today, in the formation of the Torus of my being, I must dance, allow myself to move and feel everything that I have considered unbalanced in my life, and bring it to the center to understand that what I had to do with it was to understand what it brings to my balance to be who I am now and what I can be tomorrow.
_AM: Dance in life, play, and once you have done that, you will know what you are capable of doing, and there you will find coherence. There you will be in balance with yourself.