

_I: Every day there is less left until this path ends, and a path that costs me and hurts me begins... And, as it had to be... It has already started to get complicated. There are certain restrictions on the places I have to go that prevent me from doing it correctly, and I get that feeling of desperation, of failing again.

_AM: Why would you fail?

_I: Because I won't get to the places I need to, the world is becoming more and more complicated, and in some cases it even feels like everything is becoming a kind of dictatorship. In order to take care of some, they are prohibiting the freedom of others, closing borders, and preventing entry to countries if you do not have the vaccine, something that should be unconstitutional, since it goes against the human rights of the choice to take care of one's own body. And of course, they are creating the idea that those who do not get vaccinated not only cannot lead a normal life, but are also treated like a murderer. What catches my attention is the misinformation, the manipulation that exists, in relation to the fact that if you don't get vaccinated you put others at risk, when that is a lie. A vaccine does not prevent you from getting infected, it only helps to ensure that the symptoms of those who have it are not worse. I am not against vaccines, but I am against being forced to get vaccinated under the false propaganda of “you put others at risk.” Everyone knows that the vaccine is not synonymous with preventing contagion.

_AM: There is fear in the world. When a living being is afraid, he will do whatever it takes to survive, even if it is illogical. Human society was designed to relegate power to a few in times of crisis, to decide for others, since it is difficult to agree among many. This is why governments make decisions of this type, for fear of not knowing how to control their populations. Fear is a useful tool for power, which makes citizens limit each other.

_I: But where will all this lead to?

_AM: There are still years to regularize it.

_I: Years!?

_AM: That's right... Until the north settles back where it belongs, we will remain lost.

_I: We lost the North…

_AM: It's been a while. And that's what you shouldn't lose.

_I: How do I do it?

_AM: The North Magnetic Pole moves towards Russia, the axis of the world is rearranged. It is inevitable that the world will lose its axis and enter chaos during this reordering process. Fear, Senselessness, Confusion, Uncertainty, are the bases of a loss of direction, because one does not know where to go.

_I: This is how I feel... I don't know where to go...

_AM: When the Earth's magnetism changes, everyone's magnetism changes, and when the northern focus moves without being clear about where it will stay, a person's mental focus also loses track of where it is going. Sudden, unexpected changes are inevitable. And the great test is adaptability.

_I: Yesterday, during the alignment, two beings came to tell me two things: one, that I should rethink my next steps, because things were not good (something I noticed after the alignment, that messages began to reach me about the complications of the path Dragon), and on the other hand they said that many demanded more responsibility from those who are in the Network. “This is not a game,” they said.

_AM: That's right... It's not. Beyond the fact that at a certain level of consciousness, we can understand it as a game, when you are involved in the process of experience, the game becomes a truth that must be faced fully and coherently.

_I: Yes… I know. But well... I don't know what to do.

_AM: Well, you've lost your way.

_I: My north?

_AM: The great dilemma of all this is being able to reach the North Pole, and every day it gets complicated in a different way. Obviously, the conflict is having lost one's way.

_I: How did I lose it?

_AM: Tell me... You said it frustrates you, that you feel like you're a failure. Before whom?

_I: I don't know... I feel like I can't keep my word.

_AM: Your word with whom?

_I: Well, it's obvious, the people, everyone I've informed about this path. First of all, since 2017 I said that I was going to do the Dragon's path starting from Antarctica until reaching the north of the world, and I failed even halfway. Then in 2018 I created a super project to go to the nodes of the planet, I shared it, we put together the entire proposal, I moved many people to make it possible, and it came to nothing. I failed. I ended up doing it differently in 2019, coordinating it to pay for it myself, and do it my way. And when I had everything ready, and everyone knew what I would do... Planetary Quarantine, Pandemic, everything failed again. And in less than a week I had to put together a new idea of ​​the Camino, this one, in which day by day we were connected. Of course it was greater and external forces that prevented me from doing what I should do, and that what I did this year could not be more perfect and adequate, but still, I felt that I failed by not being able to do what I had been trying to do. achieve and proposed. And now this... The Dragon gets complicated again... It stresses me out to think that I have to announce again that in the end it will not be done one way and it will be done another... You know? It gives me the feeling of deception, that I do anything. It doesn't seem serious to me.

_AM: Do you get the feeling that it's not serious about changing things?

_I: Yeah… Like I can't keep a promise.

_AM: Did you promise this to anyone?

_I: No.

_AM: So, I don't understand.

_I: It's more something, mine, I don't know... A personal promise... Or I don't know. I promised my people, 12,000 years ago, that I would do everything to achieve it this time, and I feel like I am failing them like that time. I feel like all eyes are looking at me with expectations, and I will still fail.

_AM: Oh, I see... It's a memory of a mother failing her children.

_I: Huh?

_AM: You were a mother with many children, to whom you promised something as a mother, and you are not being able to fulfill it. It makes you angry, then, that you can't be the mother who solves the problem. It makes you angry that you don't have the power to solve it in your hands. But, Matías, you are no longer a mother, and the only Mother you have to observe here is the Earth. You are a child of the Earth, and you cannot fulfill her place. Whatever you do, you no longer do it for your children, you no longer do it for a people, you do it with the Earth. As the son that you are, let yourself be sheltered by it. Remember, the most powerful Axis in the World is a mother's lullaby, she is a maternal lullaby. She is the one who is dancing right now, looking for a new north, a new goal. And you can't do anything but dance with it. The problem you have is believing that you are failing a people because of a promise, and this phrase is not from this life.

_I: It's from Shiw... It's a phrase I used to say to Sobek. “I'm afraid of failing my people, my family.” I made a promise to my people...

_AM: …12,000 years ago. And you continue to carry that responsibility. The world has changed, the ways have changed. The Earth is the only one that remains, and yet it has changed too. But his heart is the longest of all. Its heart is the world that remains on its axis for millions of years, and that protects the only responsibility for you, memory.

_I: Who?

_AM: The Minerals. The Mineral Kingdom. The Mineral Consciousness. The Earth is the largest living being you know, and its body is made up of minerals, which protect its memory. The Mineral Family is what maintains the North.

_I: Magnetism…

_AM: The telluric force, the heart of the Mother, generates the outside of an enormous electromagnetic field that moves the energy from south to north, arranging the subatomic particles according to this axis. The crystals, the minerals, follow north and build their memories based on it. You have lost your way because you pay attention to a changing and erratic species like humans. You carry the weight of a responsibility towards people with whom you have never made a promise. Your only promise was for memory...

_I: “Emmesdah”… (For Memory), the motto of my Atlantean people…

_AM: Humans lose their memory, die, disperse. But not minerals. They always remember, they record. They know which is north. All this year, despite your loneliness, you have been giving your life to humans, every day, informing them, connecting a network of consciousness, awakening their inner wisdom. But this stage ends in a few days. Now, it's time to stop talking to the Human Family...

_I: …And talk to the Mineral Family…

_AM: They are the guardians of the North. Do not forget that the offerings of this path are quartz crystals and volcanic glass, delivered to lakes and mountains. You have lost your way by believing that you can evaluate your failure in the face of a promise that you never made to people scattered around the world, when the real north is Mother Earth.

_I: Oh, I see it now. I thought I was failing in front of others, in front of people, as if I owed them my path, when in reality, I don't owe them anything, because they are companions on my path, something that we do together, and that if it fails or changes, it affects us all, It's no one's fault... My focus stopped being the Earth, to be the Internet.

_AM: You took the focus away from your Mother.

_I: I distanced myself from my mother, both from the World and from my Body.

_AM: Therefore, you must regain focus... Mother Earth, and her Mineral heart. Minerals are natural substances with a strong chemical structure, solid and inorganic. Unlike rocks, minerals have a specific chemical composition, and do not mix with other components. Minerals are also divided into species, of which there are today about 5,100 recognized species, to which around 60 more are added every year, new crystals that arise due to the different variations of the earth. 75% of the Earth's crust is made up of silicon and oxygen, which makes silicate predominate. Due to different pressures, atmospheres, temperatures or atomic nuclei, the silicate structure can generate different types of crystals with different shapes and colors. The crystalline quality, hardness, habit, luster, clarity, color, scratching, density, flavor, radiation, magnetism, fracture, partitioning, tenacity and exfoliation of a mineral allow us to distinguish the various species, that is, the variety depends on its chemical and physical qualities. All silicates have a tetrahedron-shaped molecular structure, which gives them the rigid stability of a mineral.

_I: Silica is the basis for memory, right?

_AM: Silicon is a metalloid chemical component, which represents almost 30% of the Earth's crust, and, because it is a metalloid, it has the capacity to be a semiconductor, but because it is not a metal, electrical conduction can be regulated. It is found in every organic body, in the cellular, muscular and bone structure, being key for the conduction of information through electrical pulses. Because of this, the presence of silicon improves memory, as it allows greater transit of information. All silicate minerals are semiconductors and store information, therefore, each crystal has memory, a memory that is difficult to eliminate and is preserved for millions of years.

_I: How can I activate that memory? That is, do I need to consume silicon?

_AM: Whole grains (rice, oats, barley, rye, wheat), green beans, cucumber (with skin), celery, radish, banana, mushrooms, red lentils, nuts, carrots , spinach, grapes (with skin), mango, pineapple, seeds and spices such as cilantro, brown mujo and also beer.

_I: Wow… I was also once recommended to drink Horsetail tea, a plant that is very rich in silicon.

_AM: That's right, although you don't have to let it boil or it may lose its properties. The consumption of minerals is necessary for organic life, the most important being calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chlorine and sulfur. And to a lesser extent, iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluorine and selenium. The spirit, energy, of these minerals are what give life to organic beings, supporting the basic structures of DNA, a cell, and tissues.

_I: So we are made up of minerals... We sustain ourselves thanks to the fact that we have minerals inside.

_AM: They are the support that not only represents the foundations, but also the connectivity. Your body's electrical pulses are only possible thanks to ion-semiconductor metals and minerals. Your mind, your emotion, every thought and feeling, moves through you because of the minerals. They are the fundamental Network of Information and Planetary Consciousness.

_I: Therefore, I must find my north in them…

_AM: Let go of the idea that you do things for people, and go back to looking at the world the way you did. Talk again with the stones, with the crystals, with the minerals, with the mountains, with the lakes... They will guide you on this path. On this path, you must speak again with the Mother... With your mother, and with Your Mother. This time remembering the fundamental thing: it is her lullaby that supports your Axis towards the North.

_I: Mother Earth, with her mineral interior, maintains the union of all things... The Connection with all beings. I must look again at the Earth... At the earth itself.

_AM: Discover what the memory of each precious mineral has to give you. Agate, Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Amethyst, Amber, Quartz, Diamond, Emerald, Fluorite, Garnet, Hematite, Jade, Kunzite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Tiger's Eye, Gold, Pyrite, Ruby, Topaz, Turquoise, Tourmaline, Unakite, Sapphire, Zircon... to name some of the most important, although other volcanic minerals such as obsidian should be very present in your life. Both through mineralogy (the study of minerals) and through crystal therapy (crystal therapies), you can discover which ones, depending on your conflicts, can organize your interior and guide your direction.

_I: I reconnect to the Earth's memory network, well...

_AM: The memory of the Being of the Earth lies in the roots of your world…

_I: In the crystals, in the minerals.

_AM: The Great Family that guides your path of the Dragon. Remember that it, the Kundalini of the world, is guided by the tectonic plates that collapse creating a path of mountains.

_I: Scandinavia… Urals… Anatolia… Zagros… Tien… Altai… Yabionovi… Verkhoiansk… Alaskan… Rocky… Sierra Madre… Andes…

_AM: They build the Path of the Dragon that lives in the memory of the minerals of the World, since Kundalini is nothing more than the largest silicate conductivity on Earth.

_I: I connect, then, to the roots of being, to the memory of the world, to the Silicate Dragon. I speak again with the Minerals, to whom I owe my North.

_AM: The Voice and Memory of Mother Earth.



